Victoria Fertitta Middle School
9905 W Mesa Vista Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89148, United States
Victoria Fertitta Middle School

Review №1

This school is okay. Because of this school, my son is VERY fast at math. When a teacher write down a math quiz, he just BOOM......... out goes the answer, faster than the teacher! This school is good, but the students are misbehaving. Some are good. The teachers or principal doesnt care if students say bad words or fight each other! Im very concerned about that! Thank you for being a good mathematics school!

Review №2

School was fine on 2 years ago but now these school makes more rules... This is why you shouldnt let our parents decide or a guardian. and this school just ruins peoples lives because they keep getting detention after a 3x missing lanyards. and also cool or great clothes and jackets or sweater nothing is allowed now this reminds me of my old kindergarten school in my Asia country. my offense but to get yourself more improvement never make more strict rules even thought if its for safety.

Review №3

Fertitta is an amazing school. I just started middle school this year. I love all of the 6th grade academy teachers. It has strict rules that make a great learning environment. School uniforms take away your uniqueness, but they help to minimize problems of choosing outfits in the morning. Lanyards are so that the staff can identify you and your house so that if you do something good your house gets rewarded. If you forget to wear your lanyard your consequence is a detention. Overall the school has a good learning environment, and amazing stared and rules.

Review №4

While I wouldnt give it 5 complete stars I would give it 4. This school has tightened its rules and for the kids it is a better place to be than most of the other school here in Las Vegas. As with any school there are bullies but that is where YOUR PARENT comes in to play providing you have one that will actually go to bat for you. The dean was very very helpful in this situation and took care of it like she said she would. My daughter didnt have any other problems after that!! There are always going to be good and bad teachers but for the most part over the 3 years we have been with this school the teachers have been great. They are caring and seem to really pay attention and teach the kids. The email system I will say is very poor though, teachers dont for the most part respond to emails until you call and corner them :). Also the putting of the grades into the computer could be done better. This year the school has gone to uniforms and I am so so excited to see how this goes because I personally think it is the best way to go.

Review №5

A lot of these reviews (not all) are petty complaints about things that do not take many things into consideration. Students complain about administration- but the Vice principal and dean have to maintain order among 1,500 children that often fight, swear, and make incredibly crude jokes. This is a lot of pressure for the admin, and sometimes they punish kids who dont deserve it all that much. But they can be sued if something really bad happens, and they work at low wages. If you use respect and try not to break the rules, you will not get into trouble. Note that Ms. Hathy and Woolery and no longer at Fertitta.Dr. Ellis is a good principal. People doubt her worth because she is not seen as much as teachers and deans, but she does work, just not out in the open to students. She is looser about dress code and has taken away lanyards.The academy is a good program for learning, and all of the teachers do well to teach here.The biggest negative here are the kids: the boys make profane jokes, fights are somewhat common, and gossip spreads like wildfire. Bullying occurs but counselors are quick to end it, depending on if you tell them.

Review №6

This place is horrible they treat females as if it is okay for a guy to harass them and thats not okay. They also treat the guys as if its okay to do all of this stuff to women and have no consequences which is unbelievable. Also the teachers dont seem to care very much whether you pass or fall they just dont want the blame on them. They also are constantly being rude and disrespecting students. Lastly, I would not recommend this school because they are constantly letting issues go on until they get out of hand and police are called or parents are involved and the guys are out of hand with their constant rape jokes or harassing girls when everyone has the right to feel safe at school but most do not because of how out of hand the males are at Fertitta.

Review №7

My kids love Fertitta and their teachers. They are very polite and helpful. Great energy and enthusiasm. Love the Fertitta 15.

Review №8

This is a very nice school with well mannered students (for the most part). Being in 8th grade, I have had plenty of time to voice an opinion. Being a part of the first generation of academy students since 2014 is really an honor. I must say, good job. The house system is very clever, it creates a friendly competition and motivates students to go out of their way to show kindness and respect towards others. However, I personally dont care for how strict the lanyard policy has become since 6th grade. You used to just get lunch last, now you are moved to a different table and face additional penalties. Pertaining to the academy, some of the first generation academy teachers werent the best pick-just ask the students. Overall, a great school and I understand no school is perfect, but there are certainly areas to improve on.

Review №9

This is a great school! I love the friendly environment and everyone is pretty nice. The lunch is great too. #1 recommended school for 6th grade and up.

Review №10

I was there for all 3 years and they were great. I dont like the idea of uniforms for my little sister though.. I never had to wear one so why should they start and waste their money on these? Get rid of them! No one likes them it doesnt make it a better school!

Review №11

MUST READ)** while I was there attending this school one day at lunch the janitor dropped some food that another student gave him and it got on my shoes so I started cleaning my shoes and he tells me to pick up the mess he made (the janitor) so I said Im gonna clean my shoes first and the he got in my face and told me clean up the plate so I said no and he told me to go to the deans so I wrote a statement and the deans suspended me so obviously they didnt even read the statement then when I got back and had to sign back in school the janitor was in the office and he told me did you enjoy getting suspended? And I said yes only because he was being rude to me so he got in my face again and in front of the deans said are you mocking me? And I looked at the deans and they did nothing and I got IN HOUSE SUSPENSION for talking to him... if you have the choice dont go to this school.

Review №12

Oh Believe Me Students That Currently Attend Here Parents Whoever Lol I Graduated From This School In May Of 2018 And I Can Tell You Right Now That ITS AMAZING For Middle School Kids That Are Just Starting Sure Theyll Have A Strange Glance At How Things Are But Its A Great School My Teachers Built Up My School Careers To High School And Im So Grateful For The Love And Support That My Teachers Gave Me Enjoy Your Year Here At Fertitta Firebirds - Enamyzz

Review №13

This school is amazing. All of my friends are there.The teachers are great because the teachers are trying to go far and beyond with their students.The lunch is spectaular.My favorite teacher is Mrs.Pattison but shh dont tell the other teachers.The staff is great to because if there is a problem it gets fixed right away so this school is really good.Also i have only been at this school for seven weeks

Review №14

This school is basically the worse school Ive ever been to. Im so glad that the three years that I spent at this school is over. The school uniforms, the IDs and lanyards werent that bad, and most of my teachers were stars and taught us to the best of their abilities. The only things that are bad about this school are the administrators and the students. First off, the administrators are, truthfully, the worst. The assistant principal, Ms. Hathy, who started off as a dean, was the worst one, she handled the problem students horribly, and she was so focused on the assemblies and the Fertitta 15 that, might I add, she doesnt follow, she ignored all the other problems like they didnt exist. Ms. Woolery had a need to get a kid in trouble for the littlest of things, like tapping a pencil in class, or running in the halls to get to class on time. And last of all, Dr. Ellis, in my seventh grade year, Ms. Burkhead, the last principal, got promoted to the principal of a high school, she was horrible, so most of the student body was very happy when she left, but about two months into Dr. Ellis reign (yes, Im calling it a reign, she is basically a dictator) we started to see underneath the surface, the horrible person that she is started to surface. In result of that, many teachers left just one year after her reign, maybe it was the way she treated students, maybe it was the way she treated teachers, or maybe they just couldnt stand her horrid personality anymore. That one star up there is for the wonderful teachers that made my experience there bearable and for the poor teachers that are still there just because they love the students. If you have any choice, dont go here, go to a charter school or apply to out of zone schools, I guarantee you that your experience there will be much better.

Review №15

An amazing school but they care more about what the students are wearing and if they have their lanyard and id more than they care about the quality of their education and how well the teachers are teaching

Review №16

This school is just annoying.... The staff is absolutely horrible, the assistant principal is so rude, you never ever see the principal anywhere on campus and whenever you do she just smiles at you. The deans are soooooo irritating I cant even explain, if anything happens its an immediate Required parent Confrence. They never listen to your side of the story and couldnt care less about us. Then the lanyards and ids piss me off because it has nothing to do with our education and if we dont have it we have to sit at a lunch table all the way in the back and get your lunch after everyone else and youre not allowed to buy anything form the snack shack. There is fights constantly and the deans again dont do anything about it. Also, this school can afford 2 xboxs in the cafeteria but the cant afford a librarian?? All the teacher annoy tf out of me. They put stuff we didnt even learn on a test and expect us to get an A. They are soo disrespect full and you get in trouble for the dumbest things ever. If you want to enroll you child to this school, I HIGHLY SUGGEST YOU DONTsipara❗

Review №17

Im a new 6th grade Academy student. Unlike all of the other student reviewers, I personally hate this school already.First of all, this school is all about promoting respect. But when teachers arent paying attention (all the time), kids are out swearing and doing inappropriate things. They roast people and do lots of mature things that 11-year olds shouldnt even be doing yet.Second, a lot of the teachers here are bias and a bit too harsh. I did my New in the News for reading, but I left the notebook in my locker. I ended up getting a 0 on the New in the News, even though I asked if I could get the notebook!The school is also very unorganized. When the bell rings, the hallway is crowded with people trying to get to their lockers. People push, shove, and even mess with other people when they try to open their lockers. None of the teachers seem to care, either!I recommend you should rather pay for a private school instead. Bullying happens all the time, and it happens to me. The unorganized system is confusing and ridiculous. Plus, you are already spending money on this school by having to buy collared-shirts and khakis. You could spend that money to go to a private school.But this school has some good teachers. Mrs. Pattison is nice and Mr. Reid can teach you anything about band music! Their classes are basically the highlights of my day.

Review №18

Love this school great teachers and great sportsmanship love it and the lunch is not bad like other schools hehe just to say but everything is awsome

Review №19

I hated this school with a passion. Some teachers were nice others were annoying. Specific teachers didnt listen to the students and did everything wrong. As for the school and the staff. Its absolutely terrible. (The cafeteria smells terrible)

Review №20

Im afraid not, this is a decent school but then some friends got fuc*ed over by the deansThe main points or strong points were complete lies what hypocrisy look at rule 13. Be HonestI call BULLSHITBY the way perfection does not exist so if anyone calls anything perfect its shait

Review №21

This school is fun but it would be cool if everybody could go on a field trip or were what ever SSA we want

Review №22

The reviews are so low because students are able to rate it. Its a great school.

Review №23

I hate this school. It’s not the teachers. It’s the administers (Ms. Hathy) and the lanyards and ids. I’m not going to go into detail because you can tell from other reviews how bad this school is. Ms. Hathy is the worst admin a school can hire. She pretends to be happy all the time and the she strikes at unsuspecting kids that did nothing wrong. They have this rule where if someone else starts a fight, you can’t fight back or else you will get in as much trouble as them or more. They want you to stand there and get beat up until someone arrives (if anyone even does) or run away like a p***y and get bullied for it. Ms. Hathy is so caught up with the Fertita 15 and house assemblies that she ignores all the real problems. That brings us to Ms. Woolry who ignores all the big problems and picks on kids for the small ones like pencil tapping and running in the quad. Lanyards and ids are even more pointless than a pencil with no tip. They try to pass it off as security reasons, but they really just want to make money off of kids who lose there lanyards. At on point the lanyards got up to $7.00!!! Even if it was for security, they let kids in the school without a lanyard anyway. And even if the teachers don’t notice they will just get a yellow lanyard and end up passing by as a new kid. By then the damage will be done. The kids here are so bad. We take 5 days to get through one lesson because all these idiots to, put it nicely, can’t shut up. There is a fight almost everyday and half the kids are probably doing drugs and smoking some sort of concoction of smarties and weed behind speedy mart everyday before school. If you have a choice DO NOT enroll in this school🙏🙏🙏. Your life will be much better if you don’t. That one star is for my last bit of hope that the human race is not an idiotic bunch of racist Trump supporters.

Review №24

Ok, listen. This school is ok, BUTI think this school can improve way more if it was more open with no uniforms, and kept the same rules from a couple years ago.Overall the school is not that great in my opinion.

Review №25

Its good but the i asked for hot fries or cheddar fries and they gave me potatoes when I was specific

Review №26

I do not like this school. Anyone can love it if they want but they need to make some improvements starting with that UGLY mascot sure it is fine to have a firebird just anything other than the one they are using. I guess uniforms dont really matter I could wear one but I mean really 6, 7, and 8th graders dont want to wear them. If anything just make a stricter dress code. Dont even get me started with those lanyards they are pointless and ugly. I mean seriously detention for not bring them to school I think thats a little crazy. Heres a GREAT idea give detention to people who deserve it like bullies and people who dont turn in assignments instead they fill up the rooms with people who forgot their landyards its annoying and will get old soon. No offense but I would have given a lower rating but sadly I cant. Please take this advice and fix these things

Review №27

Victoria Fertitta Middle School is the best school in the state! I am not lying. I am a 6th grade Academy student, and this year has flown by. We have learned so many things, our teachers have taught us manners, and there are many creative and exciting things that go on. All the teachers push us to do our best, and support us. They push us to our very limits, and they challenge us. I have learned so much, I myself am blown away. I am telling you the straight up truth- send your children to school here. Move to Las Vegas just to come here! I have become so much more intelligent, mature, and kind. Victoria Fertitta Middle School teaches your children to strive for a better tomorrow, today.

Review №28

@T my goodness thats insane honestly alot of idiotic things can occur in at fertitta and life but fun fact stuff happens so i might have to isolate myself but the acrimony with teachers has been endless at this school which makes it so strict have a good day oh and i agree its not a good school and secondly im constantly edgy about the things that go on at this school something could happen at fertitta you never know i just follow the rules to stay safe stay protected from anything that happens because honestly HONESTLY do what you have to do in life because right now my life is going GREAT have a good day

Review №29

The teachers dont always deal with problems Luke bullying and sometimes when kids lie the texhers dont support the one who is actually telling the truth. To be honest I hate most of the teachers because they dont help out a lot.

Review №30

Took my daughter here for churros, but INSTEAD she got an amazing education. Sidenote- they dont serve churros anymore. Sadly :(

Review №31

Dis skol toughted me gramers and writting

Review №32

This school is the worst school Ive ever been to. The teachers are horrible and they just yell at you. One teacher teaches us like were kindergarteners, she tought us how to use a COMPUTER and HOW TO TURN IT ON. Then the reading and math teachers wont let you go to the bathroom. Also in the lunchroom, it smells like rotten eggs and the wont let you go to the bathroom there. Oh dont get me stared about the lanyerds and IDs. That is the most stupid rule ever. If you forget your lanyard three times, you get a detention.And you have to sit at the no lanyerd table and that means you get food last, get 5 minutes to eat, and you can only eat the horrible food. and this is my first year here.

Review №33

I am gonna attend this school and the ratings seem horrible. so i dont know how i would feel and it seems bad. so i dont know.

Review №34

I was a student all three years. The first two were great. Although the teachers need to reply to emails faster and grade work correctly. Now its a problem. Last year we werent required uniforms just wear our school ID. No one did. The only reason was to get points for the houses and to get food. Im cool with wearing Lanyards but seriously! People with their ID and lanyard get food first. That was just cruel last year. All the food was gone by the time they passed. I have friends that go there and they hate it. We were 5 star. Now theres a reason why it dropped. I expected since the sschol is an academy it will stay 5 stars. Im glad I got out of Ferttita before it became an academy

Review №35

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Review №36

I go to Ferttita I love this school they take really great care of everyone and the food is really good and the teachers are extremely fun my 4th perils of teacher we had a small dace party just for fun we taught here the whip and na na and the quan😍✌🏼️

Review №37

Its very easy as a first time 6th grader

Review №38

This school sucks major dick. I get in trouble all the time for the dumbest things. For god sake i get in trouble for not having my landyard. i get suspended for it too.

Review №39

All the teachers are very nice and they have everything well organized.

Review №40

I came to Fertitta to photograph their participation in the Penny for your thoughts campaign to raise money for brain health. The staff was friendly and seemed heavily invested in the school.

Review №41

I dont like this school,its bad.

Review №42

Its okay I wouldnt fully prefer it IM a previous student

Review №43

The cheeseburgers suck and once i got one with no cheese and i asked for a refund and they said no

Review №44

Terrible rules, like really no gloves allowed, so stupid.

Review №45

I must know the zip code because Im going to join the Academy

Review №46

Pretty bad school my 6th grade year I had Ms.Fitzgerald and she was abusive, she hit kids.

Review №47

I hate this school. It smells like fish.

Review №48

Its a great school.

Review №49

Absolutely HORRENDOUS!!! The churros were trash.

Review №50

Not a bad school I went there for all three years of my Middle School years, I didnt like the fact that most kids I was around didnt want to cooperate and never did their school work and most days I would sit around having the teacher complain that 70% of the kids didnt do their homework.

Review №51

I look at the pictures that come up when a search this school and in the first one I see.......a police car???? What the....

Review №52

This school stole my phone and the teacher is very mean and yells at people for no reason

Review №53

This school is so bad because there is so many unnecessary rules that no one should be forced to follow.

Review №54

The teachers are terrible always blaming you if something goes wrong

Review №55

Thats a wonderful school!

Review №56

I dont know about this school

Review №57

Special friend goes there

Review №58

I am very much dummy, I needs to gos to church.

Review №59

Academy lmaoits trash

Review №60

Why does are our principal LOOK LIKE MS. PIGGY 😂😂😂😂

Review №61

My brother goes to this school and he hates it .

Review №62

This school was absolutely awful.

Review №63

Pretty good school

Review №64

Horrible school

Review №65

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo GHETO

Review №66

I love that school, I do not want to leave the neighborhood

1 Photos
2.8 Rating
  • Address:9905 W Mesa Vista Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89148, United States
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  • Phone:+1 702-799-1900
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