Hyde Park Middle School
900 Hinson St, Las Vegas, NV 89107, United States
Hyde Park Middle School

Review №1

My experiences at Hyde Park have been splendid. Its my second year attending this middle school and wont be my last. I am in the academy and it it sometimes stressful but worth it. Your child will have to be willing to work and study hard. The math and science programs are especially wonderful (considering the fact that it is a math and science academy) and the performance arts programs are amazing. The school isnt the cleanest there is but all of the education you get out of it weighs that out. If you are looking for a good middle school for your child, choose this one. You wont regret it!

Review №2

Its not the best school in the world, but its AMAZING!!! The teachers are really nice and the students are very friendly! Im in choir and its SO cool. You learn a lot a this school! Honestly, this like the best school Ive ever been to!! Consider sending youre child here! You WONT regret it.

Review №3

The staff at Hyde Park is amazing! I strongly recommend this school to anybody! Also, not a lot of people recognize how talented and success the band at Hyde Park is, no matter what level. I am in Symphonic Band this year as a flutist, and we are going to New York! Sure, it requires dedication, but what school doesnt?

Review №4

I currently attend this school as a 6th grader, and I enjoy it. The education is great here! However, the school is very run down, due to it have lasting a long time, and I believe renovations would make it better. This includes the messed-up air conditioning, the bug problem... etc. My overall score is a 4/5, this is school has great education!

Review №5

I would recommend this school to anyone who is going into 6th grade. The first time i heard about this school, i really did not know how many wonderful things that I will do, or how many people I meet. The school is 60 years old, but the school dose not look like it. It is beautiful, and the environment is amazing. This school changed my life in so many ways, and I love it so much. The teachers that teach here are the best, and I will never want to leave this school. I cant wait to see what is in store for me in the next three years at Hyde Park.

Review №6

Its a great school. The teachers are awesome and so is the atmosphere. Its a super challenging school but insanely fun as well. Would recommend to any 5th grader. Granted the school is 60 years old and sometimes isnt in the best condition. Disclaimer there are no lockers and you have to carry all of your stuff all day. Despite the building it is an AMAZING school and a must go to.

Review №7

Right now, I am currently a freshman in high school(I will be a freshman from 2014-2015, for future reference. My sixth grade year was from 2011-2012, and my eighth grade year was from 2013-2014). I loved my three years at Hyde Park so much, and I miss Hyde Park a lot right now.. It truly is the best middle school in Nevada. The teachers are amazing. The music department is amazing as well.

Review №8

Without a doubt the best school in Las Vegas. Great teachers, great students, and a fantastic math and science program that has produced nationally-recognized competition teams year after year. Im in college now, but I havent forgotten the foundation that I got at this school.

Review №9

Best school, but nothing has been fixed since it was built. I am not exaggerating. Really boss program, CCSD is holding the school back.Award winning famous orchestra.Choir is also pretty good.Oh, I guess there is a band here.

Review №10

This school may be old but its a really good school. I love it and all the staff are nice. I am in the magnet program and its great its challenging and Ive learned so much. I recommend this school to anyone. Im glad they take bullying seriously my friend was bullied and went through stuff, and we had told a staff member and they really listen and report it immediately and my friend isnt bullied anymore. They also have great sportsmanship unlike Becker Middle School.

Review №11

Hyde Park is an AMAZING school. Being a kid who always thought school was easy, HPMS made school much more challenging and fun. Not only do you become part of a class where everyone has similar interests as you but you also receive amazing opportunities that even private schools dont offer.

Review №12

Best school ever! I am a student in the magnet program and I am loving it. The teachers are amazing and so is the staff. Cant wait to spend 3 years here!

Review №13

Hyde Park so far for me is very awesome. I am in the advanced part of the school and I am currently working on advanced programs. This school focuses on math and science and more and the teachers here do help you to master these subjects. Hyde Park gives you many privileges to participate in fun activities and clubs. This school also helps you in subjects other then math and science too, such as English, Reading, Computer Literacy and Gym. The teachers in this school are awesome. They all have different characteristics but at the end of the day they are all great teachers. I recommend this school to people who like to be challenged. In my opinion this school is THE BEST!!! GOOOOO PANTHERS!!!!!! :-)

Review №14

I am currently a 6th grader at Hyde park and IM LOVING IT!!!!! My teachers are amazing and help a lot in class. I’m in the magnet program and 99 percent of the other magnet kids are well behaved. It’s just the zoned kids who you have to worry about. My orchestra class is awesome and I’m getting better at playing the violin. The only sad fact about this school is that you’re not allowed to use the lockers even though there’s enough for the whole school. However, I suppose it’s the amount of bugs and mice that’s why. I highly recommend this school. Trust me, your child will enjoy here!

Review №15

I cant wait to spend 3 years at Hyde Park Middle School. Im in the magnet (advance) with wonderful friends and teachers. Each teacher has a different warm welcome to Hyde Park which is great to get to know more about them. I currently have robotics; having a great time working with legos and a drone company along with other subjects like math, science, reading, english, and computers. I love this school and I think it is the best school in town, state, or even the whole country. If you are up for a challenge, come to Hyde Park. You will get all the support needed to have success. Go Panthers!!!

Review №16

I attended this school for my 6th grade year and it was probably the hardest and most stressful year of my life, but it was worth it. It shaped me into a better person and student. I moved to a different school and I have straight As with all accelerated classes(except for history).

Review №17

I had a pretty good experience. But, i get that the school is old and all, but i would really like to have a cant carry so much stuff all day and most of the lockers are old. But other then that, the teachers are decent and i would reccemend it.

Review №18

Amazing school. It is my first year here and WOW, it is amazing. They take bullying very seriously. One time I got scratched with a pencil and for a week they were interviewing me, asking if I was ok. The school nurse doesn’t just give you an ice pack, they measure your temperature and see if you have any diseases. Overall a great school 10/10 would school again.

Review №19

Great school. Does well to prepare you for high school and beyond. Has some great teachers especially in the magnet program.

Review №20

Hyde Park Middle school is the best school ever. my 3 years at Hyde parks been the best 3 school years of my life. I would suggest Hyde park to any new coming 6th grader. the best teachers ever. Lets go panthers!!!

Review №21

Hyde Park is an awesome school. I am in the magnet and it is a fun school I say if your like science and math you should come here. All you future 6th graders should try out for the school.

Review №22

I cannot say enough wonderful things about Hyde Park Magnet. I was hesitant to have my daughter go here due to area. This place us run like a well oiled machine! I am so glad we chose this magnet. The magnet Director is wonderful. Mrs. Wagoner. Is running a amazing program. Simply phenomenal. My only complaint is the air ducts need to be cleaned of dust. My daughters asthma started showing when she first started 2 years ago. I simply put her on allegra and life is awesome!

Review №23

This school is okay. The only problem is how they handle bullies. This is my first year, I have had a clean record till this school. Also, the support the teachers give to people who are just in 6th grade and new is not provided. Though the academic curriculum is great!

Review №24

I might go to this school and they all the ratings are about this school being all nice and decent but a bit too nice for me but you never know everyone likes it so I might like it too.....Imma miss Garside^_^💗😥

Review №25

Well, what can I say. Im a student here, and I LOVE it. Although, yeah the school is old. But the education and teachers make up for it. Its sooo cool. We do fun activities such as Da Vinci day, Pi day, other fun stuff (but be prepared for homework).Go Panthers!

Review №26

I came here to this school because someone introduced me to this school. So I moved from a state far away to get better education. I studied a lot, prepare myself, and also looked at the Hyde Park website. I thought that since this school has better education, people would be more polite. I know that the people in Las Vegas is a bit rough on others, but I though that Hyde Park was nice. I knew that this place has a few mice and bugs, I was fine with that....When I arrived, I took a test and the magnet school coordinator, gave me a schedule. I used to be in the top class (Kraus), but I ended up in the class below that because it was too much for me.(Wetjen) Thats not the horrible part.Just because I moved down a level doesnt mean Im invisible. People just ignore me and thinks that I dont exist. The people in my class currently are horrible too. They steal and break your school supplies, talk about really inappropriate things, and they dont care about other peoples thoughts. The students and teachers are way worse than the ones that I had before at my old school.Especially at lunch, everyone goes crazy. The students throws food at others, call each other mean names, push and hit others, and mess with other peoples lunches. Not only the students are bad, the condition in the cafeteria is also bad. The cafeteria is too small, everyone has to sit so closely to each other or stand up. The floors are full with dirty messes. Once, I saw one of the table cleaners clean the lunch tables with the mops they used on the filthy floor. Who would want to eat at a table with floor germs?Another thing that is disappointing at this school is that everything is trash. The chip bags, bananas, apples, salad containers, or the plastic water bottles. All trash. Does anyone in Las Vegas even care about the environment we are living in right now? Even though this place is a desert, it can still grow things. This school, no compost, no recycle, no reuse. One of my teachers trashed a blank piece of paper, just because it was a bit wrinkled. Wow, does she really have to do that in front of students? Trees are not killed for that.The teachers also say to sit next to or talk to someone whos sitting alone. Guess what? No one does. Even I try to sit next to someone new, I try to start a conversation so that I can have at least one friend. But all they say is Hi. and conversation ends. They are only attached to their friends and not care about others. Not even the teachers do anything to help the people who are alone, they just say to help others. What is the whole point of the Be Kind, Kind Like Josh posters when no one here is actually kind?! They brag about how expensive and fancy their supplies are, make fun of others with differences, and they dont feel grateful about the main point in Hyde Park.Some of the teachers here dont reply to emails after 2:00 PM, Friday. Some are too lazy to grade papers and tests and does after about a week or a month. Some dont appreciate what you do and expects you to do more. Some have favorite students and only does good to them. Isnt that more frustrating to a student?I dont recommend this school for people who dont have friends or who are sensitive. The students are very rude, the teachers are somewhat rude too. But, I do recommend this school for people who want better education and can stand the annoying people at this school.Thank you for reading my post.

Review №27

I am just starting middle school in the 6th grade here. The teachers and staff are wonderful, nice, and makes sure youre okay!

Review №28

First of all this school is trashy, I can almost call it a trash can.Theres so much things all over the floor. I cant even go to the bathrooms because I see pee or something on the floor. Not to mention Theres a sewage problem, Literally most rooms smell like eggs and windex together. Theres also problems with the drinking fountain, They dont work :) have fun drinking pee and bugs if you go here.Second of all,the dress code is Idiotic, If youre a girl you cant even go anywhere without getting stopped by a teacher.Also I got in trouble (Detention) because my Bra Strap was showing, Im a girl how am I supposed to not let it be there? Also we should be allowed to wear pants with holes, Whats the worst a guy can do? Say their legs are sexy? No.. No one says that.The teachers are probably perverted too if you think its inappropriate to wear holes or accidentally have a bra strap showing. Ridiculous!Third of all, We should change the food... I mean the food smells like canned food from a dollar store, its kind of a mystery to eat the food, The food literally is so gross, My friend found a spider in her lunch, No joke.Thank you :)

Review №29

I went here for 3 years and I had unbelievable experiences here. I would recommend it to everyone! I am a 9th grader now, but I would give anything to go back to middle school for just one day.

Review №30

Best school ever i went there for 6th grade but now i go to cashman but might go back for 8th I love that school and hope u guys go to that school

Review №31

If theres even 1 word to describe this school,if it even deserves one word -.-,i would say that this house of misery is horrendous!! the teachers are so perverted recently a student was being loud and a female student told him to shut up then the loud male student said to her suck my co** then the teacher said hey im suppose to be doing just wow -.- this school not only has disgusting raw food and high rank of violent fights now this school has some teachers being perverted to little kids! i have you know that i saw something on the news about a African american female teacher having a relationship with her male student and she got banned off the district,to be honest i rather be in a mental institution then this junkyard i mean whats the difference between a mental facility and this 5 star school you call this a five star school! yall heifers cant even name FIVE STAR RESTURANTS!!! ok bye bye stupeeeds.

Review №32

Um a student in therw magnet program and teachers are the best and they handle bullies very good and does bullies get in big troble i staretd going to this school this uear i have had the best time in my life

Review №33

One word for this school would beHorrible....There is too many ugly and ratchet people it this school, some girls in this school need a brick thrown at their face for being too perky and annoying.I saw a girl with expensive brand clothes and complaining about how sad and pathetic her life is... Shut up.Theres too many Homophobic people here, A kid in a class was being homophobic to the LGBTQ+. I wanted to tell him to be quiet, Because why would you be racist, Homophobic when you can be quiet? UghHorrible

Review №34

I love this school, great people to meet with, great teachers to know, the best thing I love about the school is Davinci hour. This is also my first year of Hyde park.

Review №35

It is an amazing school there are so many great people,students,teachers,and staff i love it here

Review №36

FOOTBALL FOR AGES 11-12CHEER 10-13 CONTACTHyde Park Middle School(5 Star School)

Review №37

Went to 7th grade here alot of Vegas bigshots went here also

Review №38

Dont go to this school! The lunch is terrible, its a very old school, and barely use of the students using technology.Ha JK!I think this school is good.

Review №39

He best omg every one should come if you want to be challenged

Review №40

This is my last year at hyde park and its been very cool

Review №41

I love it there sweet people and cute boys cx

Review №42

Hyde is Cool But One thing that is not cool a spanic women attendens lady as many other there dont give as much info- as needed but after all it is a great school and there r lots of fights around there,no res-pect from student as well as parent teacher and many othersthats

Review №43

The principal there is the worst we asked to get another students information and she gave it to us.Thats a no no be careful parents also she dresses very inappropriate but shes worried about the students dress code like really go first put some clothes then come and say something. Shes the worst.Parents your students wont be safe here

Review №44

Would not greatly recommend, basically your normal middle school with a little bit more in terms of science, but my math experinces were not that great. Lessons were often not very explained and seemed rushed at times. And, seeing that some middle schools around the valley have geometry for 8th grade, I see no point in it. If ahead of this, then I would suggest it, but only because they send those kids to clark to learn it.

Review №45

Pretty dank if you ask me.

Review №46

Sup dudes, this school is amazing!!! Love the magnet program!!!! Way better than Faiss.

Review №47

I am currently an 8th grader here at hyde park and been there for 3 years and it has been the best three years there. I would tell any coming 6th graders to join band im in the symphonic band and we recently came from washington dc and won first place i highly reccomend it to new comers to band under the direction of mr.tyler.

Review №48

I go to this school now and it has amazing academic learning skills.The way the teacher teach are confusing but helpful because we dont always talk about school we talk about what will happen and can happen in the future to be successful.

Review №49

3 years in this school is the best of all Middle Schools in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Review №50

The classrooms in this school smell like puke and poop or its moist and musty and smelling like morning breath ew thats very disgusting and repulsive >x

Review №51

Great school! I never wanted to leave 😭

Review №52

Just found out that Hyde Park is not a park. Very disappointed.

Review №53

Very horrible school. I went here and it sucks

Review №54

Great middle School! caring staff!

Review №55

Lllolololololl jk

Review №56

Best middle school in vegas

Review №57

The teachers are racist and it is in a very ghetto area and my son got jumped and the teachers suspended him

Review №58

This school is trash, i would rather go to a trash hole then this hell hole.

Review №59

Kids best years at this school

Review №60

It’s okay except that everyday feels like hell.

Review №61

Hyde Park Academy of Math and Science is the BEST!!! Go Panthers!!!!

Review №62

There has been some ups and downs, and its pros and cons, but there are more pros, then cons.

Review №63

Thanks for the softball field use!!! #NWGS

Review №64

It is a good school

Review №65

This is my fav middle school

Review №66

Best school

Review №67

This school is awesome

Review №68


Review №69

Terrible place

Review №70

Best school

Review №71


Review №72


Review №73

Bad bad bad

Review №74

My. school

7 Photos
4.1 Rating
  • Address:900 Hinson St, Las Vegas, NV 89107, United States
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  • Phone:+1 702-799-4260
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  • Monday:7:30AM–4AM
  • Tuesday:Closed
  • Wednesday:Closed
  • Thursday:7:30AM–4AM
  • Friday:7:30AM–4AM
  • Saturday:7:30AM–4AM
  • Sunday:7:30AM–4AM
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