Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health - Colorado
8405 Church Ranch Blvd, Westminster, CO 80021, United States
Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health - Colorado

Review №1

This is a horrible place to work! There are no systems in place to protect employees! As if there was not enough on an employees plate with the duties here alone. Employees are exposed to any potential threat or allegations from clients! Human resources refuses to answer calls or call back regarding appeals! In short you put your name on the line in attempts to make a difference, however if something negative happens you are thrown to the wolves!!

Review №2

It’s hard to make an honest review when your life is in turmoil. The very fact that any of us has a child here means that things are not well. We have gotten to know several group homes/treatment centers over the years and this is the best encounter we have had. The staff truly cares. They pour their lives into these kids and they do it with joy. No, the rooms are not clean and yes, the kids are aggressive. This is because these are kids that have emotional trauma and they cause this environment. This has to be one of the hardest jobs to do in the world. I thank God for the incredible staff here and for all their hard and usually thankless work. This facility is a treasure in my book.

Review №3

My niece has horror stories about her 5 day stay here. No hugging. Told her she couldn’t cry. She was forced to sleep on the floor for two nights. You can chip paint off the wall and use it to cut yourself... the list goes on. Can’t we do better for our kids when it comes to mental health crises?

Review №4

I was physically abused in the restraints i was there four a year and it was hell staff had bad communication there was a staff that was in jail and somehow got a job there as a nurse do not send your kids there

Review №5

When i was 13 or 14. I just be out there originals from Arizona they send me out there because it kept running away. When i was a kid.. one of those out there I liked it out there when I first went out there I didnt want to be there but I got used to live out there

Review №6

I hated it here. A kid got killed a few days before my admission. We didn’t do anything other than sit there. The rooms were disgusting. Kids were being bullied and staff did nothing about it. I was pulled two days of being there.

Review №7

My Daughter got assaulted here by another kid even after reporting to staff that a kid was getting aggressive with her. My daughter then went to her room and the staff member watched the kid being aggressive follow my daughter to her room. They didnt do anything until the kid started punching my daughter repeatedly, then it took them 1 - 2 minutes to stop it as the staff member was not strong enough to pull her off and had to request help. The staff should have prevented the aggressor from following my daughter to her room. The staff does not follow all state regulations or seem to care that much about the kids.

Review №8

Working here can be really stressful, at the same time, it can be extremely rewarding. When you see the children making a progress, there goes the sense of achievement. The staff who works here, is probably the most genuine people in the world. I guess like anywhere else, work can be divided into good days and bad days. The good ones can be chill, the bad ones can also be overwhelming. This is a great organization.

Review №9

Awesome place to work. Training was fun but a challenge at times. Awesome managers there to support you in every way and help you to succeed.

Review №10

My partner has been here for 8 months, I havent been able to visit him once because of covid, and with school starting ive rarely been able to pick up his calls, i miss him dearly, and i hope hes getting the help he needs, I want him out so bad, please, let my baby go

Review №11

After reading several reviews I can understand how people were frustrated. The mental health field is a tough industry to manage. Working with other companies before and after I have come to appreciate the changes Devereux has undergone to provide the best care possible. Devereux changed its entire identity to adjust to the needs of the clients they serve. I have not seen any other agency see where the industry is going, anticipate what changes are on the horizon, and adapt the way the folks at Devereux Colorado did.Situations are challenging day in and day out, residential treatment is no different. I often faced situations that were unsafe and intimidating. I found the support I needed to provide quality care to individuals who needed it for 8 years. It does take a special person to work there. Not everyone is built for challenging work. Unlike most people who found Devereux to be a hard place to work, I enjoyed the challenge and know my contributions made Devereux a better place to work at. I enjoyed being a piece of the solution than waiting for someone to solve my problems. From my experience, training, and acquisition of skill, I am a much better person, husband and father for my experiences at Devereux.

Review №12

95 I was warden of the state and lived here. School was cool but residential was brutal. The facility is amazing .... The q.r still gives me nightmares ... No kid should be locked in a closet at anytime for any reason..there were no pads when I was a kid. Being tackled and restrained by 4 or more adults at one time was not good for a 6 yr old. I always had bruises and it sucked. I started going there for school during the day in kindergarten. They figured out I was being abused and admitted me under protective services. I was later adopted and I am forever thankful for that. ... But the things that happened at that place, I will never forget. Some good but 85% was not. Wish it couldve been different.

Review №13

I was kicked out of alot of places they siad i was too difficult and they couldnt keep me under control but when i got to cleo they never gave up on me even though the worst times and the good i can honestly say they saved my life and for that ill be forever grateful

Review №14

I was placed here very young in 1993.I was brought in because they seemed to think I had a drug problem. Which I did no 13 kid should be using anything. This place tho ruined my life. The min I got there they were trying to convince my mom to put me on all kinds of drugs. Yes drugs.....well they put me in the f unit with the transitioning kids. I was place in a room with a 17 year old kid. I was repeatedly raped by this kid. This went on tell I escaped from there. If you care about your loved ones try and find something else. I know as a kid really just someone being around would have did better.

Review №15

Ok first things first, my dear family member was on the spruce unit.he often complained to me directly about his mistreatment. in 2017 he murdered his caregiver yes it is on the Arapahoe news.he often told me how the system had failed him. I never believed him until I found out what he did and got 48 years for that behavior is unaccusable but it makes you wonder what we are actually putting our kids through?

Review №16

I came to Devereux close to three years ago. Three years ago I was cutting close to everyday and I was taken to Swedish Medical Center. I had been taken to the hospital for cutting my thighs and wrists several hundred times. I spent the night at the hospital and was later transferred to Devereux Cleo Wallace. Within my 72 hour hold at Devereux I came to meet many people, who I still talk to three years later. Devereux gave me the opportunity to better myself, they gave me a new aspect on life and helped me in my type of need. I was able to release all of my stress, anxiety, and depression within my three day hold. I have read the other reviews from concerned parents but I completely disagree. I came here in a time of crisis and they offered me a learning experience that I came to enjoy and grow from. I personally think if I had not come to Devereux I would have killed myself after being released from Swedish.

Review №17

I was nervous based on some of the other reviews, but my experience was very positive. The staff were professional and very attentive. My daughter was not placed there due to legal issues, and that may have an impact, but the stabilization unit was 1st class and helped my daughter immensely.

Review №18

I was sent here at 14 years old.the staff was somewhere between awful and appethetic. The “therapists” were very quick to tell me my problems rather than listen to me. I’ve read many reviews about this place and if you read mine you’ll hear pretty much the same thing. I was housed in unit A which at the time was where the “worst” kids were.yeah I had anger issues, a lot of kids who were abused turn to violence. I was housed with sex offenders and you knew they were because they had to wear orange jumpsuits. Many of the kids I was housed with had severe mental illnesses but a handful of us were just troubled kids. But somehow we were housed together though it felt more like being jailed. I was told that I was a bad person.treated like I was crazy. So funny thing, I thought OK I’ll show you crazy. I had my opportunity when a sex offender stuck his hands in my food. I try to block a lot of what happened to me in that awful place. My life after Cleo Wallace was horrible. I used and sold drugs, stole, fought and got arrested several times. Now I don’t blame the institution for what I did after I left, that’s on me 100%. But to send your child here, might as well send them to social services. Might not be better but I doubt it could be worse. This place should be leveled to the ground!

Review №19

I was here for a short time in 2001. It’s just as bad as everyone says. Still haunts me to today, it’s the stuff of horror stories. I’d rather not say what I saw on here but the reviews on here are just a small part of it. Looking back on it, It was a very dangerous environment to be in.

Review №20

I was placed here for 10 months youth corrections its in the contract if your threatening yourself or others its a hands on facility. This place was awesome I made so much money working in the program started college finished my GED. Wrongfully placed initially its been almost 10 years since Ive struggled with mental health issues or drugs and alcohol. This program saved my life Im getting ready to buy my first home had it not been for the work experience program and therapeutic staff my alcohol addiction would have caused cirrhosis before I was 25 I had the chance to live my life I have a 4 year old son and because of the relapse prevention plan I made in 2009 I made it to 2018... Thx

Review №21

I was here over 2 years ago, I am still dealing with some of the complete and utter mistreatment, misdiagnoses and borderline Malpractice. If you are looking for a solution to help your kid do not send them here, it is unsanitary and disgusting. And I overheard a supervisor say to a staff, You arent here to listen, Youre here to babysit the staff are also extremely aggressive and unnecessarily physical in restraints. They also ignore medical needs.

Review №22

I cannot warn people strongly enough, do not send your child here. Unless youd like to deal with rotating staff, incompetent supervisors, getting more phone calls pushing medications for your child than actual updates on their progress and your child wasting their time while they should be getting the help they needed.Bonus Round: Finding out that one of the staff was having an inappropriate relationship with your child, and then finding out that this staff member had been previously reported for the same thing but continued to work there. Just despicable.Awful place, terrible staff and unless you are looking for your child to regress I wouldnt send them here.

Review №23

If you want your child to run away as easy as possible, send them here. How do I know? Well, I was there 3 times and on my last stay I ran away 4 times and they barely even cared/hardly payed attention.

Review №24

My child spent around two months here. The practicioner was able to pinpoint the diagnosis and treat a part that no one here at home could. She was spot on with the change in medication. Its 2 months since discharge and the meds have only increased not changed. The therapist was great. She understood I wanted resources for home and she followed through with it. My child enjoyed her and she helped lthem understand themself and gain coping skills as well. Also the staff on Oak unit. They are key to treatment and behavior. Finally the communication received by our case manager was and continues to be AMAZING. Anything I needed from incidents happening, to questions, to paperwork. I never had to wait to hear from him. That is so important to a parent at that time and he has always followed through. Sending your child away is hard, having your child realize they are still in control of their mental health is harder, and Devereux helped us with these things. They made this stay a positive point and a change in my familys life. The food, activities, day trips, group and individual therapy all happened and in a positive manner. I would recommend this place to any parent needing help.

Review №25

I love a lot of my staff there. the staff that love and care about me was emile. everyday she was there for me and i want to thank my team there thay were alaways surrport and never gave up on me or my treament. my res team was always short and it was hard on my school team i miss all the girls on the unit THANKS FOR ALL THE SUUPORT.I HAD THE BEST DIS CHAREGE EVER IT WAS MY SCHOOL STAFFF NOT THE RES BECOUSE THEY WERE ALWAYS DHORT STAFF IT WAS HARD ON EVERYBOBY I WAN TO GIVE A SHOUT OUT TO EMILE WAS MY STAFF IN SCHOOL SHE AND THE WHOLE SCHOOL STAFF WAS AWESOME. I WAS LONG TIME . i known when it was payday i miss you all

Review №26

I came here for help with my mental help, and the staff didn’t provide that. Us teenagers sat around all day coloring and making bracelets and really just doing whatever. I wouldn’t reccomend bringing your child here if they’re suicidal, even as a last resort.

Review №27

I worked here tirelessly for over 8 years and feel I made a positive impact, HOWEVER;This is a private juvenile detention center that disguisess itself as a mental health facility to cheat insurance companies for a paycheck. Period. The travesty of Big Pharma masquerading as treatment/ therapy runs deep here. Peace

Review №28

I stayed on the short term unit, Ponderosa, from May 24th (1am) to June 10th (7pm) 2019 and this is my thank you. Ms. Hania, thank you for always being there for me, making me your famous noodles. Thank you for playing volleyball with me. Thank you for being there for me to talk to you. Thank you for showing me what a good adult in my life is. Thank you for tucking me in my bed. Thank you for trying to give me and Winky (nickname) a chance to get a walk even though we ran and not being mad at me for running. Thank you for when I ran, you talked some sense into me. Thank you for giving me extra food because I am always hungry. Ms. Jade, thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for doing jumping jacks with me that one night I was struggling, I really needed that good laugh. Thank you for playing Gaga ball with us, hopefully you will be the champion now that winky gave you the tips. Thank you for those really good walks on my last day. Thank you for giving me tips. Thank you for showing me that all the staff has their own problems and then the work there, and it can be really stressful. It showed me that it is okay to need a break. Thank you for the good laughs in general. Ms. Tiffany, thank you for the good talks we had even though you werent on that unit very much. Ms. Lauren, thank you so much for calming me down when I was crisising. Thank you for the talks. Thank you for the support. Thank you for showing me positive when it seemed like there wasnt any. Ms. Grace, thanks for being there for me when I walked out of the PAC, and for simply listening. Mr. Christian, thank you for playing the games with us, even though you get really really sweaty. Mr. Frankie, even though you left us to go to Childrens on a sad Friday, you will do really well from it and I hope for the best for you. Thank you for reminding me how clumsy I am. Okay to the real stuff again, thank you for always giving funny looks and comments. Thank you for playing games with us. Thank you for the wise things you said. Devereux in general, thank you for the good and bad, learning experiences. Thank you for showing me that I am not alone. Thank you for everything you gave and taught me. Thank you for the laughs, cries, anger, happiness, care, support, understandings and everything more. I would not take back to there.If you are going to go to Devereux, please just try your best on getting better. Try and make the time worth it. All these bad reviews, you cant base how it will go on them. Make your experience the best you can. Ignore that annoying kid who makes you made. Find the good in the bad. There is a balance in this world, with everything bad in it, there has to be good. Just be patient for it. I promise it will come. Do the packets, obey the rules (most of them, no lie, some are stupid, but try.) Do yourself a favor, dont get too attached to everyone. They come and go. But still make friends. Dont put up this front, be yourself. Thanks for giving me a reason to care. If you are still reading this, I dont care what you have done and how bad you think you are, you ARE worth it. And if you think you are bad, change that, try and change your ways to be better. Okie I am done, goodbye.~CP (CASSEROLE)

Review №29

IF I could give no stars I would! Do not send anyone here for care! They do not follow through on any services they say they provide. They have teen-age boys and girls sharing the same rooms! Which led a boy to masterbate to my neice while she slept. The police was not even notified of this incident! And hours later for her mother to be notified. This facility does not care about anybody but the medicaid money coming in! Currently trying to get this place shut down!!!!

Review №30

Okay im a 14 year old kid in the state of wyoming i had a suicide attempt and then i got sent here, THIS IS NOT A MENTAL HEALTH HELPING PLACE THIS IS A JUVY/SPECIAL NEEDS CENTER. So i did not need to even be there. i also got in a fight with a kid while doing a slip and slide so thats just dandy it never helped i helped myselfMiss you Mac Jona Adam you guys were the best -Maximo NThe food suckedThe floors were sticky and oldthe walls were covered with moldthere was big old concrete rooms for holding people

Review №31

It wasnt the best place I admit, but that was probably due to the stupidity of getting myself sent there in the first place a few years ago. But they tried to help me the best they could, it was my fault for not letting them in. But anyways I really do thank them for trying to help me, it has really helped me throat the years and Ive finally gotten a better grasp on my anger.

Review №32

I went there years ago, however I know that my experience there saved my life. I was never abused and never mis treated. Yes there is a lot of kids that were in there that were worse then me, but it was definitely the perfect place for me.

Review №33

I used to go there spent 2yrs in there back in 96 and i made alot of good friends there i wish they would do a reunion because i would love to see my old friends and staff that used to work there who do i need to talk to about a reunion i wanna see my old teachers and old friends and staff

Review №34

Hello! Dont mind my not-professional name, but here goes.I was a patient at Devereux Westminster for about a month in the Ponderosa unit. To start off, I was in the short term unit for about a month, where the wackiest stuff happened. I wont say names because I dont think thats good to do that, but I watched one of the other patients swallow a battery, I was threatened by another patient because I didnt clean their doorknob, and so much more. Please, for the love of god, dont send your kid here. I did like some of the staff though. When I say some, I mean one. The rest of them were people who didnt know the kids rights. I had one of them say If you dont stop arguing, were not bringing you your dinner. because the kids in the unit were acting up. I had another staff member wake me up and turn on the lights, and made me take my meds (I need to mention about the medications, they dope you up on stuff you dont need. I was on a seizure medication and 500 mgs of something that made my heart beat wrong, and Ill leave it at that.) when I had told the staff that I wasnt going to take them. He proceeded to turn on the lights and take my blanket and then made me take them.And, must I mention, the things they do to help you... help you. You needed to do a packet before you got your snack, and the packet was to help you? I admit, the normal group therapy was nice because it was calm, but other then that, the whole unit was a clown show.Anyway, onto another topic. The running away and restraints. I was a pretty bad kid there, and thats totally my fault, but the staff dont care unless youre doing something to get on their nerves. I ran away multiple times there, one of the times I went with two other kids all the way to the Westin! And when I got back they took my sweater and put me in those horrid cement quiet rooms back at the unit for about an hour, and then I had to sleep in the day-room for the rest of the night. Now the restraints, I did get restrained when I was trying to run away, and it was horrible. I know I did that to myself but holy hell. They put so much pressure onto you, it took about four people to hold me down when I was by the road screaming and kicking. And then they brought me back into the unit when I calmed down and then was made to stay in my room for the rest of the next few hours.Theres much more that Ill probably think about later on, but please, just dont send your kid here. I cant speak for the other units but please. Dont make your kid go through this.

Review №35

Hello I was patient of this place a while ago. I was housed there in oak unit for 9 months. Its an interesting place to live but i learned alot from being there.

Review №36

I applied and had a phone interview, then came in for a in person interview. Everything went well they invited me back to observe and meet the kids. When I got there it was very chaotic and I was very confused. So I got there and they didnt give me in direction. I was suppose to leave at 4:30 (mind you in not getting paid for this) nobody came until I made it know I was suppose to leave. Then I was just sent on my way with no further instructions on how to follow up. Then I get a call saying me Refrences werent right. I gave new ones and I kept getting emails regarding my Refrences. Then I email them back asking if I had the job or not. I get an email saying she cant tell me that and to ask my recruiter which I never onew I had. I like the staff I just wish the hiring process could be better.

Review №37

From 94 to early 99 I was a resident of cleo wallace I had my arm broken by a staff member who didnt want a 9 year old telling him no I had my nose broken being slammed into a wall by another staff I drove by it two years ago leaving elich gardens and almost died from a panic attack.....this place is hell on earth for any kid and shoulda been shut down before 2000 how is it still open

Review №38

Learned so much! I have been a direct care staff for almost a year. I have learned so much about helping kids with behavioral health issues. Its not always easy work, the kids have serious needs, but it is so rewarding to see their progress. My team and management is supportive and I continue to learn each day. I love my job and wish the other happy staff and clients with success stories (which there are many of both) would write positive reviews instead of just the unhappy people, so a true picture is presented. I am so happy I didnt let the negative comments steer me away from joining this organization.

Review №39

The only connection I have to this place is living in the buildings behind this facility and all I hear is screaming and at least twice a week I see kids running away from this place . Last night their was this girl screaming for her life I heard her say please stop Im bleeding for at least 10 minutes screaming at the top of her lungs. The staff doesnt make an effort to catch the kids that run away I often hear them say just let them go its horrible

Review №40

If looking to work here I really would not. I had a buddy of mine work here and he was overworked and definitely not treated with dignity or respect. I tried to work here three times and am greatful I was turned down for being too soft of a person since I am now in teaching. He was not respected in the way of how he was treated or monetarily compensated for his time. He had told me horror stories about the management and about the unfortunate residents living here. If looking to work with children please work somewhere else.

Review №41

Worse placment for children. Yes the kids that go there have some serious issues, yet staff is not there to help. Maybe one or two at the most. My child was there for around 5 months and nothing but problems, the horror stories you read are true. Since i transfered my child she has excelled in every area and will soon be coming home. This place should be shut down. Talking to staff is like talking to a wall in one ear and out the other.... look elsewhere

Review №42

Before sending your precious child here, make sure to see all the places your child will be, including the tiny room they use to isolate mentally ill kids and make them feel like caged animals. We did not consent to restraint and isolation for any reason, only in dire emergencies. At Devereux almost anything gets a child locked up, parents are not promptly notified and theres scant documentation. Take lots of time to observe the staff and how they interact with the kids. We wish we had done this and avoided the ordeal that followed. In our experience, Devereux Cleo Wallace was harmful to our son and made him hopeless, angry, and more depressed. Be careful lest you inadvertently allow your child to be abused and traumatized by the very people responsible for their safety and well-being. Our son suffered and could not learn anything because he was constantly frustrated, needlessly antagonized, restrained and locked up by certain key staff in this crowded and hostile environment. If you want to punish your child for having a mental illness, send him here. It was a house of horrors for our poor kid and well forever feel guilty that we ever sent him there, believing in the elaborate Devereux Cleo Wallace facade. They flat-out lie to prospective families. They lie to the school district your child returns home to. CYA mode kicks in if they figure out youre documenting and holding them accountable. Note that there are no trips to the pool on the website. No therapy dog visits. Employees do NOT all hold bachelors degrees- an online search reveals that a GED is fine and they prefer experience with children and adolescents. Classes and milieu are crowded with kids. There are no cameras so abusive staff can get away with abuse and make the child look like the criminal. Staff threaten to retaliate if kids complain. No wonder our childs mental health workers were more like prison guards. Do your research! The reasons behind the two violent deaths (Orlena Parker and Casey Collier) that occurred here in the past are indicative of the same brutal culture that still exists among some staff and their managers who defend the abusive and disgraceful treatment as therapeutic and medically necessary. Our kid has emotional and even physical scars that are permanent. When we called CPS, we were horrified to discover that ours wasnt the first call reporting abuse to our son. In one month he got experience in what is essentially a jail dressed up to look like a therapeutic school. Trust us: Protect your child and stay far away from this place.

Review №43

Jacob Cambra! where did you send youre child for bettter help? i dont know where else to turn for my 11 year old grandson

Review №44

A a double survivor of Cleo Walace, and now a adult with children of my own and a major in serveral social degrees, I would absolutely never send anyone here! It is not therapeutic. It is a private juvenile detention center that disguisess itself as a mental health facility to cheat insurance companies for a paycheck. I was traumatized here. It was not a place you go to get better. It was a place your guardians put you when they dont know how to parent.The staff abuse you here, if not physically mentally. The therapists absolutely do nothing to help the children, but only please the parents. Even when there are no beds, they cram you in and make you sleep with the lights on. This is so they can continue collecting money from the insurance companies. (As a matter if fact, they were sued in 2003 or 4 for doing this). Unless, your child is a criminal, they do not belong here.Listen to these reviews, as they are from patients. These children will be negatively impacted for the rest of their lives by their stays at Cleo, and you as the parents will be at the cause of that. Do the right thing: individual counseling, family counseling, Ala-non and Ala-teen, and parenting classes.Be mindful. Many parents dont know want to do at times, especially when you have mental illness as well. But extra hormones and emotions to the mix does not mean you have logical reason to send you child to a mental institution.

Review №45

Dear Cleo WallacePeople failed me once againThey decided I was too muchThrew me to the wolves in their dark miserable denA place where misery breeds in every cornerA place where dispare seeps from the floor and wallsA place the unwanted are given for experimentationThe forgotten unloved stumble around in their drug induced statesFor not one soul escapes that tortureNo one is allowed in or out if that hell except in a experimental non-FDA approved state of mindUnfortunately that is not the only key required to escape their inhumane handsYou must be obident drugged up creaturesYou must become miserys breeding groundYou must allow despair to seep into your soulYou must become numb to the anguish surrounding youYou must become hollow to your own self worthYou must put the best dishonest appearance forwardThe nights here are long but not dark and silentYou are not allowed a bedroom unless it is earnedSee above guidelines for that troubled friendsAs for the darkness for sleep purpose that my tormented friends is a privalage many are deniedYou hope (in vain) at least for silence while you sleepYou learn that is never a possibilityLaughed at for even desiring the silenceNo rest for the weary troubled mind hereHow ironicThe treatment they see fitISOLATIONSee no friendships allowed hereThey claim they dont want troubled minds falling in loveFunny love isnt found hereThe truth...for they say it sets you freeIts not allowed because then the people trapped there will rise up and fight their inhumane actionsIf you refuse the no privacy rule you are forced to fester and waste away in your own filth and wasteYou have no rights to themYou arent even human when you are thrown into that sadistic hellYou will wish for human comfortsBut it comes with a priceYou must be obidentYou know you must watch any dignity you may have left to slip down the drain as they watch with sick ammusment in their eyesYou fight to hold any sanity you may have leftYou will loseThey ensure that with drugs, terrifying treatments most wont believe and isolationGood luck they say as you leave the hollow shell of the person you once where

Review №46

Dont even bother sending your kids there!! Others clients will be rude to your child. I know cause I was on Maple unit. Every kid was mean to me. The food makes you sick, and if you work the Vocational Training Program, your child WONT get all the money they worked hard for. I worked enough to earn sixty dollars, and they only gave me twenty of it. My therapist wont even answer his phone when we try contacting him about this, he ignores our phone calls. And they never sent my Devereux School transcript to my school.

Review №47

NEGITAVE a million stars. I hated this place both times I went there when I was in C [changed to spruce] the staff were really messed up except the one that let me smoke. later I was in maple and I really liked most of the staff until they messed up and twisted the story up to cover their own behinds regardless of how it affected my treatment. They also prevented me from contacting my extended care team of external care providers I had 12 care providers outside of the devereux team and they blocked them all. I had to force a cop to arrest me in order to talk to my counselor. I felt like the second time i was there in 2011 staff were still holding a grudge and punishing me for a riot I started on C in 2006, were a lot of staff got locked in a Quiet Room. notice all the single star reviews from x clients and the only 3 reviews with five stars that are old and from potential clients and or the center itself trying to boost its rating? Pathetic place if the kids werent there I would love to watch it burn staff and all.

Review №48

Its become our mission in life to warn parents, school districts, and SELPAs about this expensive and unethical prison.Our experience and opinion: We sent our kid here because we thought hed finally get the education he needed in a facility staffed by what we thought were mental health professionals who could support his special needs 24/7. Our local school district couldnt offer that, and we, as his parents, couldnt either. Our child wasnt a criminal; he was deeply in need of loving, therapeutic care. Instead, at Devereux, he was constantly punished for having his disability and he had to witness that travesty perpetrated on other unfortunate youth too, many of whom have no one on the outside to advocate for them. Devereux Cleo Wallace was a living hell for our child who was abused repeatedly for trying to advocate for himself and others. He knew his IEP, and demanded that it be followed; they decided to teach this cheeky kid a lesson. At first he was too scared to tell anyone what was happening, but later he confessed to us and then to his therapist - and the retaliation only got worse. It was heartbreaking. When your kid is too afraid of speaking via phone above a whisper lest staff hear his experiences and retaliate against him for telling, when CPS informs you that someone from within the school ALREADY has reported that he has been abused, when your kid is put on time-out refocus time in his room day after day for 6 1/2 hours at a time in a therapeutic school that charges $550/day, when he receives a permanent scar on his arm, and STILL the party line from management is that your child was safe is absolutely unconscionable. To admit that kids are unsafe opens them up to too much liability and they know it. Furthermore, it would risk their ability to bilk $16,500/month tuition per child out of school districts and other public agencies who fund what is marketed as being a safe and positive residential school that caters to mentally ill kids.Any Devereux staff with integrity would have to quit rather than continue to pretend that the mentally ill kids here are getting treatment. Maybe that is why turnover is so high; only the cruel, correctional types stay on because they appear to get off on tormenting fragile kids. In the month our son was here, they went through two classroom teachers. The supervisor of our sons overcrowded unit had a prior record with CPS and was counseled regularly for inappropriate behavior with children, yet Devereux kept this abuser in her position of authority. Her own supervisor told us this.Despicable and inhumane actions take place at Devereux Cleo Wallace regularly. Do an internet search for what former employees say. Realize that your kid will be violently restrained and isolated in a tiny, locked cell for almost any reason, and in complete violation of Devereuxs own danger to themselves and others and only upon doctors orders policy. Dont bother asking for records, and you wont get notified when it happens because they claim Colorado law doesnt require documenting any seclusion under 31 minutes. Basically they can do whatever they want to kids because theres no camera surveillance and scant documentation. Two children have died here in the past and some staff within the institution seem intent on maintaining the sick, punitive culture that led to those deaths. Our son never swam in their beautiful pool, never encountered the therapy dog, and never once saw a horse. Devereux Cleo Wallace in Colorado is a sham.Yet, interestingly, Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health is supposed to offer the creme de la creme of treatment centers. At this site that would be nothing short of a big fat LIE. Licensing should shut it down but they probably wont, because there is currently a frantic well-funded CYA underway to make sure Devereux emerges unscathed from the investigation prompted by the permanent damage done to our child.You wouldnt want your dog treated the way they will treat your own flesh and blood. Keep your child away.

Review №49

I used to be a resident of Cleo Wallace years ago to get treated for my mental issues.. my experience was far from pleasant.... I was placed in a room and was forced to piss myself and stand in my own filth. Was only allowed to interact with other kids for small amounts oftome a day... was placed in there padded cell multiple times a day.. there school sucks and there therapists arent any much better... I was sent here cuz my dad sexually molested me and i tried doing that to other kids i loved cuz thats how i was taught how to show i love someone... I am forever scarred from this institution.. they did not help me at all... I now suffer from Depression and Anxiety and PTSD.... still looking for the right help.... do not send ur kids here... this place is the worst to ever exist....

Review №50

I was there for some time and it positively affected me.

Review №51

I left a lot better than when I went in.

Review №52

I wish I could give this place 0 stars. I came here during a really hard time and the therapists and psychiatrists didnt listen to me or take my input into consideration at all. The other girls on the unit were extremely rude and very clique-y. The other kids also got into physical fights a lot, pulling each others hair and tackling each other to the ground. This is something that occurred at least 3 times a day while I was there, and the staff made no effort to trying to get the kids to get along, they would just break them up then move along. Devereux made no effort to work with my insurance company and discharged me after a month even though I was still in a really bad place. The school was a complete joke, as a junior in high school I was doing 6th grade math problems and there was no room for growth. Despite their effort to keep the patients safe, countless girls I know while there were harming themselves and the staff had no idea. All I can say is, thank God I got out of there and went to a treatment center that actually helped me.

Review №53

It was the worst treatment i ever experienced i was on Douglas and was there for 1 and a half months and while i was there they diddnt treat you with any respect and diddnt care about your treatment or getting you out either one of the kids on my unit was there for two years! dont ever sent your kids there its not a place anyone wants to go there are restraints and fights daily they dont try to help kids with behavior they whould rather sit on their phones and check their facebook trust me i was a client

Review №54

This facility offers very little support for parents. Would NOT send my child here if I had to do it over.

Review №55

Staff is very abusive and mean they violate laws and do lots of illegal things like vialating ieps and illegal physical restraints against rights of the clients kids were killed by staff that were restraining them

Review №56


7 Photos
2.5 Rating
  • Address:8405 Church Ranch Blvd, Westminster, CO 80021, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 800-456-2536
Schools near me:
dater montessori
sunshine house greensboro
preschool ellisville
  • Non-profit organization
  • Mental health clinic
  • Mental health service
  • School
Working hours
  • Monday:8:30AM–5PM
  • Tuesday:8:30AM–5PM
  • Wednesday:8:30AM–5PM
  • Thursday:8:30AM–5PM
  • Friday:8:30AM–5PM
  • Saturday:Closed
  • Sunday:Closed
  • LGBTQ friendly:Yes
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