Pioneer Career & Technology Center
27 Ryan Rd, Shelby, OH 44875, United States
Review №1

Despite what other reviews are (seems all negative ones are from past students) so I never go by that. I personally love this place. They have went beyond my expectations on helping my son get ready for next yr. . My daughter graduated from here last year. Her teachers was amazing! Her culinary teacher one of the best! Highly recommended

Review №2

Great place to go to school at.

Review №3

It was a very welcoming school and gave alot of information and was very useful.

Review №4

Very excellent idea of different school systems and tuning skills. However, my student attended Graphic Arts where she was mostly self-taught out of a book and videos that went with the book. Very little teacher interaction with the class book during non-lab time. The lab was great though! She and her class made some really neat things including posters, yearbook covers, flyers for other teachers in different departments, shirts, buttons, holiday greeting cards just to name a few. One thing I learned is every student has their own style. I thought art was art. I encouraged my student to go to Pioneer because I wanted her to have graphic art skills to start off in life after high school. However, her skills are in fine arts. I wish I would have understood the differences between styles of art.

Review №5

I go to school there and its pretty awesome.

Review №6

The school is a freaking joke. Most Students in my child class are disrespectful. Even to the teacher. Destroyed my child project and still dont know who it is. So my child had to start over. Only reason for one star bc I give it to the teachers! I would say more but its pointless like trying to get a teenager to clean their room.

Review №7

Working closely with many Pioneer students I am constantly impressed by the students maturity, professionalism and drive. Equally, the school is a fantastic partner with the community offering their programs as learning experiences for the students and a wonderful way for organizations to support and encourage the school. Very proud to have Pioneer in Richland County.

Review №8

Excellent school with a great variety of programs.

Review №9

I enjoyed it and miss it. A good resume builder, it pushes you in front of other applicants with no experience in the field you choose. They also offer college level classes if you want to further your education.You get out of it what you put into it.

Review №10

Everyone was very helpful

Review №11

I just began going to it and all I can say is that it is the best schooling I have ever experienced. You get to go into something that you love to do ( for me thats Web Page Design / Game Programming ), and they offer a /LOT/ of flexibility and choices. If you dont like one class, you can try out another as long as there are slots. Of course, this is during the beginning of the school year, but there is such a large variety of things that chances are youll find something you will enjoy.

Review №12

Worst school ever. I failed chemistry with a D and F throughout the quarters. (always got good grades in school) tried to get out of the class MULTIPLE times and they wouldnt let me even though everyone else was dropping bc the teacher is absolutely worthless. I took chemistry IN COLLEGE AT COLLEGE LEVEL and passed with a 98%. But Pioneer tried to say I was the problem? Teachers here are more worried if your talking in class and writing petty comments on progress book then actually teaching. I never recommend this school.

Review №13

If I could give a 0 star rating I most definitely would. I attended Pioneer during the 2018-2019 school year. Countless issues need to be fixed before I recommend this “school” to anyone. Some of these issues include class curriculums, administration, and rules/regulations. First off, I have been a straight A and B student all of the years leading up to this point. The class curriculum at this school based your grade solely off of how quickly you could finish a “word find” or a “color by number” by the end of the class period. We spent 98% of the time doing busy work while the teachers caught up on grading. I learned nearly nothing the entire year, excluding Chemistry, which would have been an “okay” class if not for the teacher. This leads me to my next point, the administration has to be the most arrogant and ill-mannered group of individuals I have ever encountered, for example, meddling in student drama and even spreading rumors among other administrators about various students including myself. I expected this school to be professional and teach myself and classmates skills that would help us in the workforce, however they were much too concerned with a student wearing their facial hair too long, a nose stud, or the wrong t- shirt on Friday. The parking lot rules are also very excessive, which is enforced by, once again, a very unprofessional set of administrators, on occasions coming up to my car and raising their voice or mocking me if I accidentally violated one of their many unnecessary guidelines. In mine and many other of my classmates opinions, this school is quite frankly, a joke. As a warning to incoming juniors, I would 100% recommend staying at your homeschool and reaching out to professionals in your field of choice!

Review №14

Get new administration that arent full of themselves and act more superior than their pay grade and it might just be the school my mother loved and enjoyed. Glad Im graduated now, oh also, nothing they taught (as far as in the work force you cant....) Is totally and completely misleading. If youre looking into Pioneer go for it! You learn valuable hands on skills, just not so valuable people skills since everything is now frowned upon and your opinion is always wrong. Good Luck! #2016Graduate.

Review №15

This school is alright I suppose. Better than my home school based on doing things physically. I just hate how boys cant have long hair unless its pulled back. Color of hair is ridiculous. Uniforms are outrageous, and teachers are just plain idiotic. Some are fine, others are morons. Id choose it over my home school, but wouldnt be my first choice. #kissmyass

Review №16

My experience at the Pioneer Career & Technology Center was rather shabby and nothing to brag about....the school seemed to be an easier alternative to public school for individuals who favored being bullied by administration. The teachers at pioneer are above their higher ups in respect and care for the students and faculty of the building...Administration is what ruins this school and its reputation. I wouldnt recommend coming to this school as it doesnt really help You get that startup you need and doesnt look great on a resume. Just stay at your home school.

Review №17

Pioneer is a lie. They tell you that the teachers try to understand the students but that is a lie. The administrators treat people differently, based on what your appearance is. Mostly if you seem to have more money or play sports, they will pay less attention to you, giving you more leeway to get away with things. Some, but not few, of the Administrators are rude and inconsiderate.

Review №18

When I was in 11th grade and 12th grade, I went to Pioneer. My program was Environmental Services. I remembered that Mrs. Shaum taught me how to clean windows, use a mop and bucket, use a dust mop, and everything. I also got all As because Im so smart. As a senior, I taught any juniors how to use a vacuum cleaner. Like my classmates, I took OSHA 10 and completed it. And thats why I became OSHA certified. And remember, God will be with you, always.

Review №19

Commander is a good guy and the classes are neat you will learn a lot and it was really a good two years

Review №20

My GPA has dropped from a 3.2 to a 2.8 in the 2 years I have been here. All because the math teachers here are not very good teachers, I asked to get tutored and my math teacher told me I was not allowed. Also the rules are so strict and with the reasoning that they are simulating a work like environment is a false statement. This school is not about treating you like an adult and readying you for the work force, but from what I can see it is about making money and showing students that they are not superior to their teachers. Teachers can bend the rules however they wish to. Male students are not permitted to have facial hair but male teachers are allowed to have full grown beards. Girls can have as long of hair as they would like, but male students that have hair the touches their shoulders has to be in a pony tail. Very sexist in my opinion. Also this school is obsessed with making themselves look good, to the point of focusing about a week on what to tell sophomores to make them want to come here. If I ever have children, this is the last place I would want them.

Review №21

Terrible school. I should have left my junior year but many promises were made to my Criminal Justice class so the majority of us wanting to leave would stay.. I could write a book to list the reasons for hating this school, like these other reviews, but I’ll just leave three mains reasons.-Pioneer is not what it cracks up to be when you visit. I would say roughly 35%-40% of lab was spent doing homework or watching movies due to our instructor behind on grading assignments. Before any visitors, administration, or guests/kids would show up we were made to play the lab up as something great but was far from actually being. (Also Criminal Justice students are forced to give tours to 8th graders from surrounding schools for 1-2 weeks making students absent from classes.) (Additional side note, found it quite creepy how Juniors and Seniors were allowed to make innapropriate comments, flirt, and even going to the extent of asking 8th graders for their numbers. Even more disturbing this continued after instructors had been notified and quickly blew it off)- I was personally chosen out of the whole Criminal Justice lab for our Skills USA competition and would have moved on to State competitions but did not get enough points due to Pioneer being too cheap to buy the lab Class A uniforms which docked me enough points to let others with lower senerio scores to beat me.-Will not be listing names but our English teacher was overconfident and cocky due to thinking she was the real deal for working in a prison environment. Funny thing is she was given the choice to quit or to be fired while working at the prison. This individual also would not follow school rules and guidelines when it came to grading even when told to by administrators which became quite annoying. The administration all have a cocky attitude and act as if they are superior but with our English teacher it was most prominent.

Review №22

This review is for the Criminal Justice and Homeland Security classes. Eric Winbigler is one of the instructors you will be dealing with, but prefers to be called Commander so respect that. Every time I hear it I think of the word commando and it makes me think he isnt wearing underwear which ruins my brain for 48-72 hours. Being forced to call someone that when it has the reaction in their brain that it does is unfair, and I refuse to call someone that ever again. The classes are crooked, and they will twist laws on suspects just to complete a lesson or fulfill a certification. For example, I saw an unarmed man who was not hostile get tazed, tackled on the concrete, and arrested over child support just to fulfill a tazer certification! These classes teach you to be dirty and I highly disagree with how things are done here. Waste of time, waste of money, and I think I have brain damage from the squeeky voice. In my opinion, the classes are geared more toward the female population who strive to fulfill their lifelong goal of becoming a meter maid in a city such as Bellville, the famous breeding ground for commanders.

Review №23

I share this anonymously for my safety and the want of not wanting to be contacted. I graduated the year of 2015 and attended for criminal justice. Note our teacher was brand new, because the last instructor was sleeping with a student, however that does not excuse the countless things wrong with this school. I will break it down in categories of what is all bad about this school.The lab itself.. My lab instructor during my two years at pioneer gave police and correctional officers a bad name and gave me a negative outlook on how I view them after getting to know them personally. They truly view other police as superior and not what they are here for, which is to protect and serve. They could tell us countless horrendous stories and making jokes about every one desensitizing the class. One that will always stick with me is about how a correctional officer walked in a found a guys b*tt h*le slit open from other inmates slitting it to make it wider to fit everyones d*cks in it.. with a witty joke joke after it the whole class was laughing which has stuck with me since.Safety of the class being another thing.. we had a few people junior year that had health issues and were required to do extensive PT even when they said they couldnt. In the end we had the ambulance called for our class multiple times. Our instructor also wanted a airsoft gun war in the auditorium and KNEW it was against school policies, and not only that, he met up with a student before school to take the students airsoft guns to use for the class. He got as far as to pass everyones guns out and for us to walk to the auditorium till someone in the office noticed on camera that our whole class had guns. On top of that no waivers or anything were signed or passed out along with no safety such as vests or even safety glasses..Learning in our lab. Our teacher had no support or it may have been that he did not have the proper education to teach our class. By any means Senior year was to much for him to handle . With him going from one class to teach to two since the previous teacher was fired we had 1 if not 2 days every week where we did not do anything for the whole period of lab while he could ketch up so I feel our class really missed out on what we came to pioneer for..Guidance and Teachers. For the most part academics were below average in comparison to where I came from prior. Guidance was the first cringiest thing I noticed at pioneer. They have favoritism with students and are really only good for sending people to the office to shave. To back this up so I do not sound like a whinny person who attended pioneer, senior year two individuals were caught having sex in the bathrooms, but since they were favored they got away with no disciplinary action.This review is just to let you know if you are truly wanting a higher education in one of these fields or good academics it is not here. Personal recemmendation would be to attend your homeschool and pick up a class or shadow someone on your own time because you will learn more and appreciate what you learn much more. If you are wanting a somewhat easy way through your last two years of schooling with the headache of the administration Pioneer is the place for you.

Review №24

Trash school. All they do is complain about how you look and they dont really dont teach you anything. You can literally get in trouble for breathing. The food is so disgusting and we have chicken every day.Not really worth coming. #classof2017 #addastroke #labfam

Review №25

Pioneer CTC is one of the worst things I have ever done with my life. They promise you an education that you cant beat, A fantastic future ahead of you, Certifications towards your future career, and teachers who genuinely care, but really all of this is a lie.The biggest problem I have with this place is that they say students will be professional and learn professionalism towards their career. But in all honesty they dont care if you are professional because theyre going to treat you like children either way. If they think that a Job Employer is going to baby you and watch everything you do then they have a bad idea of what a career center, and a career are.The teachers at this school really do not care if youre falling behind or do not understand something. They are more worried about impressing their supervisors with a fake act of an educator. They do not teach their students at all. Take for example in my Lab IT Support we have been reviewing what we learned last year for the past half of the year instead of learning anything new. The whole reason behind a second year is not to waste it with reviewing what you learned last year, it is to proceed with the stuff you did not learn so you can learn everything that you can in the 2 years that you are at this school.In my general courses we do what we are suppose to be doing except they move so fast that they dont care if people are behind. Not every teacher is like this but a good majority of them are. They feel that if everyone fails the test well so be it then, it must have been the students fault because theyre the teacher and they taught it to us, so its the whole classes fault that we failed not the teacher.The certifications that you are suppose to take you never do. We havent even started to look at any of them. Instead they tell you yeah we will get there eventually but never talk about it again. In our school fees we pay $100+ to go towards taking the exam but if we never take it then they dont give the money back instead they keep it and dont tell you that we never took it.In the end this school isnt worried about how well their students do at this place. Instead they are more worried about making the superintendent and the supervisors happy just so they can keep a job where they dont do anything. If I had my choice I would have never left my home school to come to a place where we never learn and are treated like children.

Review №26

I was served spoiled milk and I havent learned anything in two years

Review №27

Best school ive ever been too

Review №28

Its a good school

Review №29

Awesome technical school graduating this may 2015!!!

Review №30

Sucks,, i wish I wouldve stayed at my home school

Review №31

Not so great teachers

Review №32

Can you even call this a school?

Review №33

Not what you think it is

Review №34


Review №35

#Pioneer is jail

Review №36

.......... hgjjjbbbjunhbbbbhkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Review №37


3 Rating
  • Address:27 Ryan Rd, Shelby, OH 44875, United States
  • Site:http://pctc.k12.oh.us/
  • Phone:+1 419-347-7744
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