Arizona Conservatory for Arts and Academics (ACAA Middle & High School)
2820 W Kelton Ln, Phoenix, AZ 85053, United States
Arizona Conservatory for Arts and Academics (ACAA Middle & High School)

Review №1

I went to this school from grade 3 to grade 9.I Personally had a pretty great experience. I see a lot of reviews talking about how mean and rude the teachers are. Yes they have had there teaching issues as it is such a small school but overall all the teachers were pretty amazing. They will care and help you if you care. Teachers here have no time to overly take care of students who do not care for their education. That was my biggest problem around 2017 and 2018 we had a wave of students who did not care. They came from not caring at a public school to thinking at an art/college preparatory school would be easy. This is were all the problems started and the school did not have the best time fixing it. Mainly because of leadership roles. This school is not meant for lazy people who just want to mess around and not care. This school runs best when it is full of creative and eager to learn students. I left this school because of this issue.95% of the problem was the students not the teachers.

Review №2

Great school, I have two kids one in K and one on 7th grade and is a really good school with great teachers and staff

Review №3

The school is full of bully’s and the teachers r bully’s. The school is draining u never want to go everyone is fake this school is terrible and i never had one good time there

Review №4

I went from 2nd grade to 8th and am now going to 10th grade. i got held back twice and the school did no testing on me to try to help me with my learning. in elementary school some of the teachers were very mean to me like my 2nd grade teacher and the art teacher i do have trauma from those teachers and that’s why i have trouble talking to teachers about my problems. most of the teachers were nice but i still definitely don’t like this school and how they treat most of the students :)

Review №5

I have 5 children. Twins who attend the junior high and triplets who attend the elementary school. We drive 32 miles one way/64 miles round trip to attend this wonderful school. I have one daughter who needs much help as she has a processing delay. I hired a child developmental therapist to come in and observe her in the classroom and she could not say enough wonderful things about the education and personalized attention my daughter was receiving. Her teachers have worked tirelessly to help her improve. They dont dumb the curriculum down for her they try to lift her up to the other class members. The school days are only Mon-Thur allowing students to come in on Fridays for a few hours for extra tutoring. They even allow students to retake tests they struggled with. The arts program is amazing! The principal knows my children by name and meets with me personally if I have concerns about the education of my children. I cant say enough good things about this college prep, A+ school.

Review №6

My 3 children have attended this school of music and arts for the past 3 years. I would like to start by saying that when they first attended this institution for higher learning in 2015, it was great. They had an excellent music program. The teachers and staff were very pleasant and professional. Going in to the second year the school had issues with teachers and staff leaving and had to start the year with a shortage of teachers which made it difficult to keep providing the students with a good education. The school assured us they would fix all the kinks after having 60 percent of the staff replaced at the beginning of 2016 school year. By the end of the year they had lost many students because of the lack of training the replacement teachers had. So unfortunately the 2017 and 2018 school year was no better, it was actually and we made the decision to withdraw our children from ACAA before the new year had come. This once great charter school of conservatory for arts and academics is no longer the school that took pride in the higher learning they provided which made them unique from any other public school.

Review №7

It is so upsetting to see posts on here that dont accurately show what this school is about. This school is different than most in a good way and what the students produce out of the arts classrooms is amazing! Simply take a walk through the halls and you can see from the murals and artwork on the walls to the music coming from the dance, band, piano, guitar, and voice rooms and see how good these teachers are. The students are encouraged to be themselves and express their individuality as they see fit. You wont find any cliques or bullying and everyone is inviting and helpful. Of course im not saying that this school is perfect and there is always room for improvement but for what it is, its a pretty amazing school.

Review №8

I have been extremely pleased with ACAA for my elementary and secondary students. The guitar and dance programs are phenomenal!! My kids do receive homework, but it seems to be just the right amount. I have had very good experiences in all of my communications with teachers, staff and administration. I look forward to my children continuing their educations here through their senior years.

Review №9

Highly DONT recommend coming here if youre looking forward to a visual arts program. The teacher was HIGHLY condescending and just flat out snobbish and rude. I did not enjoy my time in that school, considering I went ALL the way out there for a spectacular visual arts program. The front office staff was quite rude and they never really acknowledged their strict dress code. I would see the front office staff walk right past girls wearing booty shorts without saying anything! Other than that, if youre here for the performing arts program, go for it! The academic team is wonderful and the performing arts teachers were really cool. The performing arts program is amazing. The visual arts program-- not so much. So, please dont waste your time here if you plan on becoming an visual artist.

Review №10

The arts program is incredible. If not for this school, I never wouldve had the bravery to try out for choir in high school. However, I only stayed for a year because the academic program was a mess. Tests were frequently lost and mixed up (sending the wrong students to different levels). Most of the teachers seemed to have given up on teaching or taught years below our appropriate grade level. I felt like I lost a year of schooling. But I did have incredible voice and drama teachers. Theres potential, but I wasnt willing to risk losing another year of schooling to find out whether they improved.

Review №11

This school is absolutely amazing. All the students are unique and different and theyre all accepted. The academics and art departments are outstanding. The teachers there are great at doing their jobs and will help students if needed.

Review №12

This is my daughters 1st year going to this school, the office staff is wonderful as well as her teachers. I drive her 16 miles each day to get her to and from school and find it worth every bit of it. So to the teachers and staff thank you....

Review №13

I would rate zero if I could. WORST school ever and unfortunately there are a handful of awesome teachers over shadowed by rude and disrespectful ones. Their STARS program has several rules that contraindicate each other so they can use it to their advantage. Students are not allowed to attend the field trips if they have a NO stamp in the agenda or if they are missing one stamp. If you need a Nazi camp this is the school for you. The high school side is ridiculous. My child goes to school for eight hours then sits at the table doing another eight hours of homework. Dont try to talk to the teacher or principal because you will get no where and the teacher that wrote the rules for the STARS program is also a joke. The elementary side is a great school and we absolutely LOVED it but the high school side is a joke!

Review №14

I went there for one year and I had to get out. Most of the teachers were very rude or expected us to do unacceptable amounts of work. The teachers expected us to do our homework online which is not reasonable because some kids may not have a computer or phone. The teachers were very sarcastic and rude I did not enjoy their comments. When we were writing goals on a sheet of paper I asked the teacher what was my grade and he said trust me you dont want to see them . I dont think there was a reasonable explanation for him to say it out loud in front of the class. He leaked most of my private information and it was not good. Overall I genuinely genuinely hated my experience at the school I would not recommend it to anybody who was looking for a art school please go find another school unless youre fine with The teachers being rude and sarcastic to you child. The arts were amazing but the academics were horrible they taught me things that I already knew. The art teachers were very helpful and they definitely connected with the student but I thought that the teachers were not making an effort to try and connect with the students. My homeroom teacher was Mr. Stark and he was the most rude out of all of them. My other teacher was Miss Mishel and she was OK but she was still kind of rude

Review №15

Good school. My one problem is that they feel the need to put the pepperoni in a straight line at lunch. What kind of sicko does thatBut good school

Review №16

In 6th grade only been in the school for a month and I dont like it here at all. My English teacher and Piano teacher is the best but thats it. I dont like the art teacher at all. This morning she called on me to turn something I didnt turn in but then said never mind she doesnt listen And my friend said that once the art teacher did something similar but instead said she isnt a good student Those werent her exact words but its something. I like my old school better because they actually taught you stuff Im glad when I finish this year Im going back. I havent learned anything so Im afraid when I go back to my old school Im gonna have to get a tutor.

Review №17

Looking for a new school now. This school is PERFECT FOR LAZY PARENTS. No real homework assigned, teacher quality is spotty at best. Its a BIG front...smoke in mirrors. Ive been here for 3 years. It is a jOKE AND SHAM

Review №18

To people like Ellie plant and others this school is great bullying rarely ever happens I highly recommend this school to visual learners the teachers on the secondary side are fantastic I truly love this school I enjoy going every morning making friends is so easy the work load might be high but it is a college prep school if u cant handle it then so be it public school for you

Review №19

Sequoia Schools Superintendent Curt Cardine says the goals of the school are to know every child and exist to meet their needs, respect and be kind and courteous to all people, at all times and in all communications and continually strive for excellence. He and his principals and staff must be exceptional in their jobs as this is a wonderful school and we are extremely grateful that my daughter is able to attend. As parents, we hear constant rhetoric proclaiming that a school respects and cares for students, but in truth, the teachers are often so poorly supported or accomplished, that only the worst teachers can endure. At ACAA, the rhetoric is actually a fact. The teachers are exceptional and an exceptional learning environmental culture has been developed that fosters learning and self-acceptance for students. This environment is the direct result of highly educated, caring teachers who work with dedication and a goal toward excellence in education every day. I am impressed, amazed and very grateful, since this school has changed my daughters life for the better.

Review №20

I went to ACAA and learned so much from the educators. I tried going to a public school and ended up coming back because I felt I got more one on one attention here. Also the environment is healthy because youre going to school with like minded individuals. At the public school I went to everyone slacked off in class and made it hard for me to learn anything. The teachers also barely noticed I was there due to the hundreds of other kids. At ACAA the teachers expect discipline and allows the space to be a true learning environment. There are not hundreds and hundreds of kids so teachers can focus on individual students and can help more readily. It is easier for teachers to see individual students for who they are and what they need to work on or what their strengths are. I owe a lot of my knowledge and confidence in performing to my art teachers. When I had problems at home the teachers and faculty helped me and made me feel like I was not alone and had at least one or more adults I could talk to. Maybe not all teachers but as a student you can find at least one adult who you can confide in.

Review №21

I went there for 8th grade the first day i got there the teachers gave me no help and it sucked it really did so i had to learn everything myself and in almost every class since i was new nothing was an excuse to not know how to fill out the agenda and getting used to all the homework they give out in a daily basis. The schools teachers sucked as well, the science teacher was rude when i had a panic attack and yelled at me for it, the math teacher called out my friend for having anxiety issues, the english teacher gave me tons of detentions for wearing arm length shorts and im just surprised she never gave a detention to the girl who wore booty shorts and crop tops, my social studies teach was actually me favorite he was the best teacher ever, my piano teacher was amazing as well and same for the extra math teacher. I was kicked out during the first half of 8th grade because of my grades and honestly i wish i stayed at DVMS getting bullied cause i would be in the correct grade but because of ACAA i am not doing online and majorly behind. Thank you ACAA for truly ruining my life

Review №22

This place is not what i thought it would be. I came here for the theater program, which turned out to be a huge letdown. The stage was not in good condition at all, the curtains had tears in them, and a huge air bubble on the stage floor. The food is absolutely terrible, all they have is one thing each day plus a small salad bar. There are way too many rules, you get detention for being late to class, you get zeroes on your homework if you turn it in 2 days late, you also get punished harshly for being absent and forgetting to call in to the school before 8am. Also, they have you do 3 hours straight, and then lunch is only half an hour, and then 4 hours straight of class after class. This place is not doing what is advertised. I would not reccomend this school to anyone unless they like tons of rules, long hard days, and a heavy load of homework after that.

Review №23

My son attended some of K-5 and all of 1st grade here. We chose this school because of the arts emphasis, but the extent of his arts focus was most often coloring pages being sent home from art class, where he reportedly watched movies most of the time.The K-5 teacher he had for a short while seemed to handle the classroom well. The two 1st grade teachers who co-taught his classroom of 50 kids were withholding food and bathroom privileges as a form of punishment. One of them reportedly yelled at my son to sit down and shut up when he got up to ask them a question. The schools coach threw my sons entire lunch away because he playing in the lunch room, as a form of punishment. Two separate times, I was not aware our school bill hadnt been paid, so they withheld food from my son all day, without calling or notifying me. When I picked him up at 3:30 p.m. he was feeling sick, because he was so hungry.The older grades classrooms put on a Halloween school event, and played music with curse words and lewd references in them.. I felt like this was extremely inappropriate, given that the event was for families and children. Very distasteful. Especially for an arts school, which should have a much broader scope than club music.I felt that I could not trust the teachers or staff at this school with my child, and would never send him here again.

Review №24

This is my daughters 4th year at acaa and we are very happy. She did have a very lazy teacher in first grade but she didnt come back for a second year and mrs. Dickinson more than made up for it in 2nd grade and really helped my daughter strengthen her communication and organization skills as well rebuild her confidence in math. As another reviewer said teachers are human and the days dont go exactly as planned Im sure but all of the ones we have worked with have been available to meet and talk and answer questions many times responding to emails late at night. The arts programs are amazing especially the dance program, Ms Erin and Ms barb are wonderful. My daughter loves her art class and telling me all about the new art forms she is learning about. The academics are not forgotten and my daughters grades continue to improve. She is an average student who would rather play than study hence the need for the arts they really help keep her engaged all day.

Review №25

I dont recommend this school for their academics. The elementary and middle school teachers seem to have a challenging time executing the vision of the school. Their STARS program is archaic and the teachers do not seem to have any flexibility when it comes to grading their students. Several of the teachers continually lost my daughters completed assignments and gave her zeroes. Each time I questioned them on the assignment, they would locate it and change the grade. My daughter earned mostly As during her time at the school (5th grade & 6th grade). Yet, however, I felt she wasnt really learning anything other than Arts, PE, and Piano. I recently withdrew her from 6th grade and she has started an online learning program through K12. She is having to catch-up on the things she didnt learn in 5th & 6th grade: Math, English, History, Writing. This school is not doing what is advertised.

Review №26

We are well into our first year at ACAA and are extremely pleased with the education our children are receiving and of the runnings of the school. I have two children enrolled, one on each campus: elementary & secondary. Both sides have an incredibly professional staff and communicate well with the parents/caregivers/staff on upcoming events & school news. I love that this school allows the elementary children opportunity to practice autonomy by issuing weekly projects rather than your standard nightly homework. After an almost 8 hour day of school, I feel like my son can actually think about the school days activities rather than just do, do, do; allowing school nights a chance for us as parents to develop a sense of family and solidify virtues & values.My 6th grade daughter started ballet this year and is stunningly beautiful when she dances often bringing tears to my eyes. The ballet instruction is second to none; to receive proper instruction and include ballets history and word origin every school day is a dream! I dont want to burst anyones bubble but...this school is run by humans...thank goodness! There are classes on the secondary campus for my 6th grader that probably dont run as efficiently as the teacher had planned, but these are pre-teens and there are a lot of moral and social issues in addition to academics that take time to discuss & resolve if there are to be better days. Kudos to discussion! ACAA is a school that allows our growing children a place to express themselves through art, music, dance or leadership! Mr. Andeen is the most amazing social studies teacher that my daughter could ever have! The man is a genius wanting to spend his days teaching 6th graders! Kudos to you! I believe the principals, the teachers, PTSA, & the students all go over & beyond to create an incredible experience for our children, and yours. P.S. Our children have been exposed to many types of schooling: Core Knowledge, Technology, Montessori & home. There is a time in every childs education where expression through the arts will come screaming out; if that time has come for you, enroll in ACAA, you will not be disappointed.

Review №27

This is he worst school ever !!!!the teachers are mean and they dont care if you fer bullied

Review №28

The best school I have been to.

Review №29

Daughter loves the school doing very well there very good teachers

Review №30

I find it highly inappropriate for a gym teacher to tell my granddaughters 3rd grade class that they are they worst class he has ever had.. Very Unprofessional, if you cannot handle it,, LEAVE

Review №31

I go to this school and it is great👌

Review №32

I don’t like this school AT ALL

Review №33

Why is everyone here gay

12 Photos
3.4 Rating
  • Address:2820 W Kelton Ln, Phoenix, AZ 85053, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 602-266-4278
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Working hours
  • Monday:7:30AM–4:30PM
  • Tuesday:7:30AM–4:30PM
  • Wednesday:7:30AM–4:30PM
  • Thursday:8AM–12PM
  • Friday:Closed
  • Saturday:Closed
  • Sunday:7:30AM–4:30PM
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