Cimarron Middle School 6th to 8th
12130 Canterberry Pkwy, Parker, CO 80138, United States
Cimarron Middle School 6th to 8th

Review №1

Cimarron Middle School is okay overall. Sometimes you cant get the lunch or electives you want. If you even give a mildly foul look at a jock, their best friend will most likely yell at you and might get you in trouble. The counselors arent too helpful and will tattle on your parents. Cross Country is very horrible, and is the primary reason I am giving this only two stars. They force you to run and also convince your P.E. teacher to give you bad grades. Luckily, due to my P.E. teacher not caring, and me excelling in the non-gym weeks, my grades were fine.

Review №2

So Ive been going to Cimarron since sixth grade. I find that most of the teachers focus more on grades than anything else. Most of the staff are very nice but some of them take their job WAY to serious. One example is someone flicked a uncooked noodle and a principle saw it then proceeded to send them to the office. Not even a warning, and didnt even pick it up after. Just straight to the office. Cimarron offers extra curricular activities after school. I have done most of them throughout my years and they are fine. The dress code is sexist, basically the only thing for guys is to not sag or wear tank tops. The girls have a bunch of things they need to look out for. Another bad thing about Cimarron is for example they would take away a fundraiser for bad behavior at our recess. The fundraiser Im talking about goes towards heart health. To sum all of this up Cimarron has good intentions, but tries too hard.

Review №3

I enjoy this school very thoroughly. The teachers are exceptionally nice and teach very well, and the content we learn and how we learn it is rigorous but very educating. This school is amazing, to be put in simpler words. Quite frankly, its painful to see all of those awful reviews from other students when they dont even know the proper usage of to, too, and two or how to correctly spell mayonnaise. Overall, this school is a wonderful place. If you are thinking about sending your child there I highly suggest you do.

Review №4

I absolutely love this school. It is an amazing and astounding place to be educated and the mix of clubs they have make it even more fun. The food tastes great, they have pizza every day, they have a after school snack shack, and if I had to recommend this school for the county, this is the place to be!

Review №5

This school needs to be condemned. The students will bully you, then if you tell the staff, they will bully you and threaten to suspend you, because they dont want the word to get out about how bad the school is.

Review №6

School lunch is trash. I filled out an incident report because a kid body slammed me and nothing ever happened the principal never talked to me or the kid. Tbh id rather be forced to listen to BTS for 7 hours a day then go there I would rate 0 stars if possible

Review №7

I really think that this school is really cool. The teachers show you your mistakes and help you to learn from them. The lunch is not 5 star rated, but it is not supposed to be. The food is meant to fill you up and get ready for the day. I was bullied once and the teachers and counselors put a stop to it almost immediately once I told the teachers. I am a type 1 diabetic and the office takes really good care of me. I love this school!

Review №8

Once there was a boy named Tony. Tony was a very nice person one day Tony went to a school and got attacked for being different then went to Cimarron and bought a cookie the cookie was very good and Tony liked it. At the end of the school year he had one C thats better than me good job Tony! :)

Review №9

I am in this school right now and it stinks. There are only some good classes, the teachers can be really mean, and I learn more at home then here. I will not let my kids come here.

Review №10

I like this school, I know most dont but this place helped me a lot! I loved the reading program. I found so many amazing friends here and I was happy I went to a school like this.

Review №11

As a student at this school I would say that it is an ok school. But every year and in every pod you will get at least two teachers that are horrible and its makes you wonder how they even got there teaching degree. Overall I liked the school and most of the teachers. It is a great atmosphere and I would recommend that your child goes here.

Review №12

Its fine. Not great, not horrible. The teachers are basic and stereotypical. They are teaching you barely anything, and its easy to get in trouble. There are quite a few problems at the school including but not limited to, bullying, drugs, bad food, etc. This school is not a decent school. It is plain out basic. Nothing to make it stand out besides its flaws. I have nothing to compare to other schools, but overall, 2/5. I would rate lower, but there are a few teachers who stand and made my experience here a lot better than it couldve been.

Review №13

This school is so great.The food may not be the best, however the environment is amazing. The teachers are understanding, caring, helpful and can be there when you need help or even when you dont get something. The disciplinary action is fair to those who violate it. Dress code may be on the strict side but its best for the learning environment. The elective choices are chosen by you so you can be in some what of the control of what you want to do. There are options for everybodys interests.While most people do not love the DDL(digital drivers license) it does give us more freedom with it and it helps with not distracting others. The office is very welcoming as well as the counselors office with any needs of yours. If you have any issues there is always someone there to help. The teachers take time to get to know you and also takes time so you can can get to know them and their teaching styles. They take pride in their jobs and you can tell that they want to be there and that overall they deserve their jobs. They work hard for their jobs and teaching us what we need to know to be successful in the future. The homework is not horrible, if you pay attention in class and know what your doing then you can get it done at the pace you want. We all make mistakes and sometimes others favorite teachers are not some other peoples favorite teachers but we all have those 1 or 2 teachers that we love and can rely on if we need something. Our teachers all have different teaching styles.

Review №14

All the people who put a 4 and 5 on this are sixth graders. Thats the only good grade in this school, the rest suck like the digestive system.

Review №15

I like Cimarron a lot but Ill admit that it isnt perfect. The teachers I have had have been kind and want to see you do well. Sometimes they do give to much work to do in one night. I think the food is good and my friends like the food too. I havent witnessed any bullying and have gone here for 2 years so far almost in 3rd year. In my opinion this is a good school and I have changed a lot since I came here. I cant say Cimarron is better then Sagewood or Sierra but sending your child here would be worth while.

Review №16

First of all the school wont help with a lot of problems.. My friend told a counsler someone was dealing with depression and you know what they said in return... Talk to them about figure it out.. Is what my friend told me. Also someone there got stabbed in the throat with a fork so watch out for that

Review №17

Great school I started my 6th grade year when the school first open. And the teachers were amazing and it was a very fun experience.

Review №18

Why does this school suck? Well first off I dont go here anymore Im in high school/ thank god. couldnt even order a pizza to the school because it was a threat? Anyways we have a bullying problem, yes its pretty bad! I havent actually been bullied but I know lots of kids who have. Dress code is super sexiest... I mean I am a dude but why cant the girls have a choice to wear what they want? Makes zero sense to me! The subs are sometimes insane... We had a tempery sub who would freak out- it was pretty funny- because a kid would get up to throw something away? FREE COUNTRY!! how do we get graded parents may ask? Well 1-2-3-4, miss 3 on a 15 questions test? You get a 1. Maybe next time they say... but I mean all middle school is hell right? No this one is worse. EAT ME MR.WHITE HURSt!!! Your school sucks

Review №19

To put it blatantly, this school has changed my life... my grades went up and i made much more friends I love(d) it, life was amazing at this school. Then, I graduated sixth grade, things got worse most of the time I got in HUGE trouble over petty things like talking during class (no warnings either) to shorten the dress code policy, it is SEXIST the day i see a GUY get a dress code warning (or whatever they call it) will be the day my heart stops beating. teachers are very biased towards kids that dont upset them. i could bring a loaded gun to school and the teachers wouldnt think twice about it, but when a normally disruptive kid breaths irregularly 20 days of suspension and a mark on their permanent record. I remember when i was doing great in a class (two As) until i missed ONE homework assignment when my teacher told me to stay behind so he could THREATEN me with two MONTHS of saturday school and sending me to summer school at the end of the year. over 3 years of attending this school i can say Ive had probably five supportive teachers out of 22 teachers Ive had. Why would a school teach you the importance of staying healthy and then serve lettuce flavoured CARDBOARD in their salads? i dont want to go in depth on lunch items. In short, teachers should be watched a little closer and make a few adjustment on the dress code. I take comfort knowing i only have 3 months left here, This school has potential and I know it.

Review №20

This is about my experiences and my teachers are awesome, my friends are nice, and my education is okay. What is bad about it though is a serious issue, sometimes I feel like were robots who they force to be happy about the school. The dress code is horrible and too strict, the lunch is the worst in all of Douglas county, and the punishment system is severely flawed. Whats worse is that I have to wake up at 5:00 AM. 5:00 AM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. If you get in trouble its huge trouble. The dress code makes us look too bland. Tell me if Im wrong but I rate it 2 stars.

Review №21

I like this school because so nice and even though they might homework, they could make it fun (sometimes).

Review №22

Cimarron is a school filled with kids who will make your day a living nightmare. Parents who read this beware your kid once they step into the school they are set to be bullied their entire school year. Take advice to someone who has witnessed and experienced this

Review №23

This school is okay but.... some of the teachers pick favorites a lot. The lunch tastes terrible and some teachers yell at students because there not doing the right thing. This school makes me want to pukeJK I love this school! there are amazing teachers and a lot of great learning. some math teachers make it easy for math and other teachers Etc. the food tho um mm ........ tastes like um mm ok But the school is really fun! :)

Review №24

The school inst that bad, okay the lunch is not that good but sometimes the snacks can be okay. i like the teachers, some can be rude but there are some good ones. the friends you have their are really supportive and they can just be their for you in a way your parents cant . okay counselors do suck like they wont actually help you unless you are dying inside,people are giving you bruises, and thats mostly it.

Review №25

Good teaching and sports options, but dont get the burgers; they figured out how to microwave them

Review №26

My experience here over the pat three years has been less than impressive. Waking up at 6 in the morning is the worst part. If we were able to get up later than my opinion would be better and I probably wouldnt drone on to the next class waiting for the best time of every weekday 2:45 pm. Some of the teachers are hatted by most and some are loved by all. The dress code also violates our rights that are stated in the bill of rights such as the freedom of speech and expression and the right to assembly. Some of the teachers are also biased and say that their gender is more mature than the other when it really isnt true.The worst part though is the punishment system here my parents say that when they where in school you could do things that here will get you a week of detention, and get only a referral or even nothing like telling a joke and getting in trouble for sexual harassment when you harassed no one.

Review №27

I believe that this is a great school, I dont really care what people say this is a privileged school and dont take it for granted

Review №28

Ive seen this school get a lot of hate on this site and Ive been at Cimarron for three years and I just want to give it a good review. Yeah CIMS has a few problems to work out but we dont need other students complaining and calling out the rare amount of kids that put a good review. So, in the end CIMS is a great school going through hard times (we have all been there!) I recommend that your child goes here. (one last tip, if youre thinking about putting a hateful review try looking at the positives and if youre still going to put a bad review just say helpful things.) Thank you for reading and have a great day or not the choice is always YOURS.

Review №29

The only reason i come here is to be with my friends the teachers make fun of people and barge into every ones business its really anoying

Review №30

Ok so I go to this school like many of the other reviewers. I Feel that I get in trouble for the stupidest stuff. Like flicking a noodle. Might I add it wasnt cooked. Also I feel that some people on the school board take there job to seriously. *Wink wink* I would also like if people were less salty. Also some people are are willing to cancel an event for people with cancer.

Review №31

Its ok, I was only there for 1 year and I wouldnt say it was the best year, it honestly depends on the teachers you get, and theyre firing all the good teachers so RIP

Review №32

Much better than sierra middle school because of it isnt sierra

Review №33

This school is complete trash. My reasoning, the dress code is sexist, some teachers are mildly sexist and will constantly go on the female side, some teachers will hate you for one bad thing you did throughout the entire year and you will get in more trouble because of it. I use there because you can do nothing wrong and still get in trouble for instance once me and my friend finished our work and we used chrome books we didnt want to be bored af so we were just looking at some stuff like old school websites. We than got tech violations the next day for no actual reason other than it wasnt an appropriate time for this. Also to me the food sucks and the pizza gave me food poisoning. And back onto teachers they teach you nothing except a few like 1-2 every year. Some teachers also stay on one subject for a month until each person gets it it could be one special needs kid keeping us on a subject for weeks more

Review №34

Change my mind not a good eniorment, to many misbehaving kids and to much vaping. This needs to stop. But othereise its a good school.

Review №35

This school was the best I’ve ever been through I learned a lot and I’m so sad I had to leave 8th grade. I was on team Palomino and the teachers are so nice they explain everything so well, but the hardest subject for me was math I felt like my math teacher needed to maybe explain more better and not just say how to do it. Let me be honest the food is really bad I always got raw chicken, and I don’t like how they give cheeseburgers every single day. They have veggies and fruit and they even have frozen yogurt I mean at least there is something good about the food. I also attended ESL with Mrs. Kalmon she is a very nice person who makes you smile everyday and help you with pretty much everything. Finally I also did consumer and family with Mrs. Avery she teaches you how to bake and cook but mostly bake, she is very kind and also kind of strict but don’t get on her bad side she will scream at you and it’s pretty scary. I loved this school so much and I’m going to miss it. ❤️😁

Review №36

Sorry if u get on appaloosa Mr Cramer is nice though

Review №37

Every day I dread coming to this school, I always have to wake up at 5 AM or else I’ll be late. Yes, the food taste like DEAD BIRD. The 6th and 7th graders are immature and have really bad “I am rich, respect me” attitude. If you miss a day or two (I missed two weeks) you will fail and have I’s and U’s. Some of the teachers are aggressive, I’m in Team Palomino. The teachers put their political views on you and say things that are sexist. An example:If me and a girl get in a fight, the girl would win because the teachers will always be kind to the females at this school and not us boys. We can’t use the restroom because some kids were ‘vaping’ and ‘playing on their phone.’ I will still use the restroom without having regrets of leaving the classroom. I wish I would move back to Oklahoma already and be done with this nightmare.

Review №38

I give it 5 stars because of the times that cow was a cow tree. The cowcode is cow and even moira would admit that professor winston cares not about anyone. My name is reinhardt and I have been upsetted

Review №39

Alright lets get something straight this school is ok but some of the teachers feel like its ok to be rude to the students and can often make the child not want to go to there class. Second of all there is a huge problem with drugs at cimarron to the point where the security has to stay around the restrooms. And lastly our bus driver is just plain rude and often pulling over making evryone late because kids have there feet in the walk way on the bus honestly its not the kids falt that our bus is to small and everyone has to sit with three people. this school sucks

Review №40

Well, I dont know where to start. There is too much cancer to cover. First of all, they wont let us do anything. They give us no freedom. They monitor our every move and flat out hate us. Its actually like Auswitz V2. I feel like one day Ill be brought out of the school and transported to a gas chamber. Most of the teachers are pure cancer, with favorites and some of them not knowing how to teach. And the cancerous gimmicks this school has. Every single word has to be reinvented like homework into home learning or dice into number cubes because its associated with gambling for some odd reason. Also, they try to drill into our head that everything is always positive by making the announcements all happy-go-lucky, filling our head with constant quotes from people who accomplished actually great things in their lives. I dont understand how they could make me hate them so much then. Next topic: students. Most of the student body is pure whit trash, ready to buy the latest Best item on the market. Ive even seen a kid complain that she only had the IPhone 6+, not the IPhone 6s+. Mind you that this was the day the IPhone 6s+ came out. Well, the next day she had the phone, and I was disgusted. And then there are the staff. Outright rude, you would think that they were just there because they yelled at the people who were hiring them the most. Recently, the balls at recess had been taken away. Do you want to know the reason behind this? A ball was found on the roof. A ball. One single ball in all of the years that this school had been around. Thats ten years of this school being open, and one little ball angered them to take away the only fun thing we have at lunch. Now we just sit around all day hoping that administration has a change of heart. But they wont. Dont be fooled into thinking that this place is a nice place to put your kid for the few years hell be there. Ive been to six different schools, and this one is by far, the worst Ive been to. Please, Im begging you, dont send your kid here. Hell/Shell hate you for it.

Review №41

This is a great school and they have great teachers

Review №42

Yo, Big Shaq, the one and onlyMans not hot, never hotSkrrat, skidi-kat-katBoomTwo plus two is four, minus one thats three, quick mathsEveryday mans on the block, smoke treesSee your girl in the park, that girl is a uckersWhen the ting went quack-quack-quack, you man were ducking (you man ducked)Hold tight, Asznee (my brudda), hes got the pumpy (big ting)Hold tight, my man (my guy), hes got the frisbeeI trap, trap, trap on the phone, movin that cornflakesRice Krispies, hold tight my girl Whitney (my G)On the road doin ten toes, like my toes (like my toes)You man thought I froze, I see a peng girl, then I pose (chilin)If she aint on it, I ghost, hah, look at your nose (check your nose, fam)You donut, nose long like garden hoseI tell her mans not hot, I tell her mans not hotThe girl told me, Take off your jacketI said, Babes, mans not hot (never hot)I tell her mans not hot (never hot)I tell her mans not hot (never hot)The girl told me, Take off your jacketI said, Babes, mans not hot (never hot)Hop out the four-door with the .44, it was one, two, three and four (us man)Chillin in the corridor (yo), your dad is forty-fourAnd hes still callin man for a draw (look at him), let him knowWhen I see him, Im gonna spin his jaw (finished)Take mans Twix by force (take it), send mans shop by force (send him)Your girl knows Ive got the sauce (flexin), no ketchup (none)Just sauce (saucy), raw sauceAh, yo, boom, ahThe ting goes skrrrahh, pap, pap, ka-ka-kaSkidiki-pap-pap, and a pu-pu-pudrrrr-boomSkya, du-du-ku-ku-dun-dunPoom, poom, you don knowI tell her mans not hot (mans not), I tell her mans not hot (never hot)The girl told me, Take off your jacketI said, Babes, mans not hot (never hot)I tell her mans not hotI tell her mans not hot (never hot)The girl told me, Take off your jacketI said, Babes, mans not hotMan can never be hot (never hot), perspiration ting (spray dat)Lynx Effect (come on), you didnt hear me, did you? (nah)Use roll-on (use that), or sprayBut either way, A-B-C-D (alphabet ting)The ting goes skrrrahh, pap, pap, ka-ka-kaSkidiki-pap-pap, and a pu-pu-pudrrrr-boomSkya, du-du-ku-ku-dun-dunPoom, poom, you don knowBig Shaq, mans not hotI tell her mans not hot (never hot)40 degrees and mans not hot (come on)Yo, in the sauna, mans not hot (never hot)Yeah, skidika-pap-pap

Review №43

Yo, Big Shaq, the one and onlyMans not hot, never hotSkrrat, skidi-kat-katBoomTwo plus two is four, minus one thats three, quick mathsEveryday mans on the block, smoke treesSee your girl in the park, that girl is a uckersWhen the ting went quack-quack-quack, you man were ducking (you man ducked)Hold tight, Asnee (my brotha), hes got the pumpy (big ting)Hold tight, my man (my guy), hes got the frisbeeI trap, trap, trap on the phone, movin that cornflakesRice Krispies, hold tight my girl, Whitney (my G)On the road doin ten toes, like my toes (like my toes)You man thought I froze, I see a peng girl, then I pose (chilin)If she aint on it, I ghost, hah, look at your nose (check your nose fam)You donut, nose long like garden hoseI tell her mans not hot, I tell her mans not hotThe girl told me, Take off your jacketI said, Babes, mans not hot (never hot)I tell her mans not hot (never hot)I tell her mans not hot (never hot)The girl told me, Take off your jacketI said, Babes, mans not hot (never hot)Hop out the four-door with the .44, it was one, two, three and four (us man)Chillin in the corridor (yo), your dad is forty-fourAnd hes still callin man for a draw (look at him), let him knowWhen I see him, Im gonna spin his jaw (finished)Take mans Twix by force (take it), send man shop by force (send him)Your girl knows Ive got the sauce (flexin), no ketchup (none)Just sauce (saucy), raw sauceAh, yo, boom, ahThe ting goes skrrrahh, pap, pap, ka-ka-kaSkidiki-pap-pap, and a pu-pu-pudrrrr-boomSkya, du-du-ku-ku-dun-dunPoom, poom, you dun knowI tell her mans not hot (mans not), I tell her mans not hot (never hot)The girl told me, Take off your jacketI said, Babes, mans not hot (never hot)I tell her mans not hot (never hot)I tell her mans not hot (never hot)The girl told me, Take off your jacketI said, Babes, mans not hotMan can never be hot (never hot), perspiration ting (spray dat)Lynx Effect (come on), you didnt hear me did you? (nah)Use roll-on (use that), or sprayBut either way, A-B-C-D (alphabet ting)The ting goes skrrrahh, pap, pap, ka-ka-kaSkidiki-pap-pap, and a pu-pu-pudrrrr-boomSkya, du-du-ku-ku-dun-dunPoom, poomYou dun know, Big ShaqMans not hotI tell her mans not hot (never hot)Forty degrees and mans not hot (come on)Yo, in the sauna, mans not hot (never hot)Yeah, skidika-pap-pap

Review №44

Lol this place bad..... Teachers need to teach preschool. Food trash bad people

Review №45


Review №46

I love this school so much the boys here are super cute

Review №47

This school is not that bad but the food is really gross it tastes like dead bird

Review №48

This school has brought my nightmares alive . the teachers suck and they pick favirotes and there food sucks they always pick kids to get in trouble there is always stuff happing and i get blamed this school makes me wana die lucky this is my last year and i can leave the princibals suck and i hate them with a burning passion i wish i could move schools but i cant i hope thepribals see this cus they cant do anything about it freedom of speech sorry buds hope u like my eview dont go here its like a juvinal detanton center

Review №49

I was at first so excited to join Cimarron but then I realized how terrible the actual environment was, the students arent at all welcoming and the teachers are very rude. I completely regret going here

Review №50

Most of the teachers are rude to the students and can sometimes make kids feel uncomfortable. They dont respect us as much as they should.Almost all my teachers have favorites and some kids get way more respect and carness then others.

Review №51

I mean sierra and sagewood are trash but there is nothing worse than cimarron

Review №52

Tony pt 2Now tony is in 8th grade yay tony!!!!!! But tony got a missing and all his teachers now hated him for this missing tony was sad. :( Tony decided to try and find it he went to talk to his teacher but he yelled at tony and said WELL THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE IT. tony explained he was studying for a test the teacher stared at her m and told him how important math was. Thanks to that teacher tony got held back. HELD BACK SOOOOO FAR. He is back preschool. Good job tony :)

Review №53

I attended cimarron middle school last school year and I DO NOT recommend you send your child here. First off they make you pay to ride the school bus and dont provide transportation to schools for sports, also teachers ALWAYS have favorites which are usually the stuck up rich kids who have straight As (not saying all rich people are stuck up). Oh and if you so much as struggle or have trouble on an assignment your a bad student in their eyes. A couple other things about cimarron are they require you to have an app on your phone in order to use it at school so they can monitor what your doing at all times, and about half of the staff at cimarron are sexist. If I were you as a parent I would not send your child (children) here because they have a 99.9% chance of getting bullied or put down because most of the kids at this school are self obsessed, mean, and judgemental. So in conclusion if you dont want your child to go through hell almost every day at cimarron I suggest you dont put them in this school, and dont let the videos on their website fool you. It might look like a nice school but its not.

Review №54

This is the worst school ever I don’t recommend taking ur kids here or going here . The teachers are plain old rude and there all bully’s all around you and when you let a teacher know they bully you my phone got stolen in the locker room and they didn’t do anything about it they suspend you for the stupidest reasons I DONT RECOMENT COMING HERE

Review №55

Mrs.Busik is the greatest, Mrs.Busik is the best. LIT SICK KACHOW DAB FAM

Review №56

Im a student there and i love it the are so many nice teachers there and u have so much freedom

Review №57

Im a 8th grade student at Cimarron Middle school. For the 3 years and it has been there were the worst years of my life. Its not only the education its the kind of people that are in the building. Let me start off with the education first. The Parks,M.A.P ex. test that we have to do they dont teach us at all the questions that are on there. They make us sit there for 4+ hours siting there taking the test. And the teacher say that this school is ranked so bad because we all do bad on the test and its our fault and we should actually try. And really all of us work our butts off to do good on test they just dont teach us anything that on that test. And half of the teacher there they give us a packet. And so then we have to read a packet and then just a bunch of question ones your done reading the packet. And the next day the just have a test expecting for you to know all this stuff. And now and days kids dont learn like that they like to do hands on stuff. And thats why everyone has bad grades at that school. And now lets get on to the people that are there. Ones you walk into those Cimarron doors its like walking into hell. And im not a kid that gets bullied and trying to get its anger out it the opposite actually. You could consider me a Best kid there but its not as good as you think. If your not on that one person good side thats like the head of the Best it seems like the whole school hates you. They get everyone to hate you and they just ignore you. And they get all the teachers to love them then soon as you know it all the teachers hate you. now if you are not Best i feel so so so vary bad because once you walk in those doors its going to be hell. I have seen it the bullying at Cimarron is outrages. PLZ DONT SEND YOUR CHILD TO CIMARRON MIDDLE SCHOOL. take it from someone that has seen it all.

Review №58

I always remember the sweet embrace of Mr. tendergrasp as he made me go to the closet and help him find his missing pencils and other fun toys. my good friend bilbo swaggins always said that he was always there for him after school. thats why im rating this 4 stars, sadly he was fired before he could show me where the gold was.

Review №59

This school sucks. I have dealt with more bs then I can handle at this point. The teachers all walk around and think that they always know whats up. They dont: if I were to actually do my homework I would be up all night.. Students are being suspended for stupid stuff. The punishment system in the school has some serious issues. For example. I said a bad word(shi)t and my choices were 10 push ups or a refurral? All in all this school sucks. Dont go here!!!!

Review №60

Ive been to about 6 schools in my life. this was the worst. the dress code is sexist and suggests that a males education is more important by sending a girl home for her SHOULDERS distracting the learning environment. the teachers spend little time getting to know you and do not very well explain things. last year in social studies, i didnt learn a single thing because of our awful teacher. the kids there are filled with peer pressure. the punishment system seems to blame the person who ha caused most past trouble for the incident. this school believes that grades are more important than mental health. i would NOT reccomend this school. -a fed up eighth grader.

Review №61

Thank you for all reviewing this school as a 1. It makes my day :)

Review №62

The 3 years I was at Cimmaron were the best in my life. The teachers are so supportive and helpful. The staff is also really friendly and can be funny too. I loved it and I wish I can come back.special shout out to:Mrs. Alexander, Mr. Salazar, Mr. Bunton, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Ereth, Mrs. McWilliams, Mrs. Townsend, Mrs. Saunders, Mrs. McCann, Mrs. Martin, and the staff. Thanks a bunch.

Review №63

OK, let me just start off by saying that I had to switch schools after two years in the school. I was mentally drained every single day the second I stepped foot in that school. They have an anti-bullying program and they say they are big on no bullying policies but I was severely bullied there and they didnt do anything about it. I always went to the counselors office to tell her that I was depressed and she would just send me back to class. Now with a butt load of therapy and a new school with new friends things are starting to look a little brighter. But if youre looking to send your child to the school turn around and go straight to another school like Sierra or Sagewood. Cimmaron tries to glorify being an honor student, but its hard to do that when the teachers dont help you with anything and there arent just favorited students, there are celebrities. everyone there is entitled and rude including staff. kids get in trouble for the stupidest stuff too. A guy I didnt even know tried to throw something away and got gum stuck on the handle because he tried to make it in the trashcan but he cleaned it up afterwards but then they made him clean every door handle in the school. child labor? So overall Cimarron, if I could give it half a star I would.

Review №64

The school is not good when I was in sixth grade in the aztec pod. The science teacher called me gay and the language arts teacher would just rip paper out of my hands. The social studies teacher would just take the computer out of your hands and when you are working in your group. NOT A GOOD SCHOOL!!!! -Carson

Review №65

Mr anson is the goat

Review №66

Boiz ar cute and amazin school

Review №67

This school is terrible. In P.E all the boys had to run 1 more lap than the girls who do nothing and the boys actually play the games/participate in workouts. I will never send my kids to this school because it doesnt serve Haagen Das

Review №68

When I went to six grade 2 years ago, I thought this would Be an awesome adventure, But It wasnt AT ALL!! For starters, The teachers are Meh, some are cool, But most are ether They Are SUPER strict or They really dont care if you succeed. PLUS they give you a Lot of homework, They literally give you so much homework, It takes me 2 freaken hours to finish. The students, well they are the worst. They Never stop talking, They cuss, and never help you when its a group project, I go on the bus and The kids are like 10000x worse. One time I asked them if I can borrow a PENCIL so i can finish my homework, One person said GET YOUR OWN PENCIL MOTHERF*CKER!! I just wanted a pencil not to be my slave. plus the bus is not a good ride for me, It takes 20 minutes to go to my house to the school, mind you, It takes 8 minutes in a car. The hall ways are JAM PACKED, Theres too many students in one aisle, And theres always a traffic, like ALWAYS!!! Lunch, Not to be mean (I do like the lunch ladies, There ACUALLY nice) But The food is kinda nasty, Theres some things good like the orange chicken but thats usually it.Its Usually a Nightmare to go there EVERYSINGLE DAY. If you are a Parent and your deciding which school you want to go (sierra or Cimarron) go to Sierra, I went there and Its SOO MUCH BETTER. Not to be mean to mean to the principal(hes REALLY COOL) But You should change stuff a bit, make sure people do not say bad words, and other stuff I said.

Review №69

First of all I was very disappointed that this one didnt have a drive thru. Service was okay, when I didnt get my side of ranch I would have to wait about 5 minutes to get some. Tables were sometimes dirty and very cold in winter months. I would recommend getting the bacon cheeseburger and not getting the fish basket. The fish is actually half fish-half chicken and is misleading. Lack of playset was disappointing. I hope they improve their order times, but overall a good experience.

Review №70

Damn Cimarronian soliders! They declared war on Asrapé! And for what? Land, thats what! Cimarronia used to be a beautiful nation, until the Corlett Empire rose into power! Ever since then, she has commanded Cimarronia soliders to drive by our border and watch us to make sure we obey! If they werent the most powerful nation, wed wipe out the entire army!

Review №71

It is good except for the food and some aka most teachers will give you referrals and get you in trouble for anything and they target bad kids aka kids who talk I recommend not going here.

Review №72

Dont even think about going here teachers give you terrible grades on things you actually try hard on and they are putting girls down on what they can wear we have freedom. They act like its the greatest school ever just to try to cover up how terrible they are so 6th grades next year Im wishing u good luck because you are heading right into the death zone LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL also you have to carry your backpacks around everywhere and take this stupid drivers license test just to be on your phone and we get a LIGIT 20 min at lunch and 2 min between classes. If you are moving to Colorado or switching to come here Im just wishing you the best of luck THE TEAHCERS DONT TEACH YOU ANYTHIG

Review №73

Considering that most citizens either have lollygagged or will lollygag at some point, there is really no such thing as a false accusation of lollygagging. If a citizen hasnt lollygagged yet, having it brought to their attention in a way that illustrates the seriousness of the offense may prevent them from lollygagging in the future, and if they have lollygagged in the past and gotten away with it, then its totally justifiable to accuse them of lollygagging.I think society needs to understand that lollygagging can be anything that violates a building. Its dignity, its pride, its self esteem, these can all be lollygagged about, and its a very serious crime. I think an anonymous lollygag reporting tool should be required by law to be used in all institutions and workplaces, not just in a few colleges. Its important that citizens become aware of what they are doing to men with all their unwanted thoughts and actions.For all of you saying guardsmen could abuse this, you should know that a VICTIM cannot be an ABUSER. Shame on you for victim persecuting.

Review №74

It’s funny that the poster named “student Pierce Posey” is calling other students expressing their frustration “idiots”. Especially when poster then goes on to state that “the teachers at this school appreciate *there* jobs”. I believe he/she was grasping for the word *their*, it might be wise to make sure not to call other people names such as idiots when you don’t even know the difference and usage between there, their, and ( probably) they’re. Yay You!!The student that was given a choice between admitting something and push ups needs to know that corporal punishment is illegal in Colorado. Further proof that the teachers and administration are just as big of bullies as some of the students. Corporal punishment, confinement, and such should not be offered as an alternative to admitting what they want you to and should not be tolerated. They should contact the district or an attorney - students rights!! Question authority, especially authority that seems to favor cookie cutter students that are only on their best behavior when staff is around!The dried spaghetti incident. This is a joke ...assault with deadly pasta! Eating the pasta at lunch would have been more dangerous!! Unless Cimarron wants to be the laughing stock of the internet they need to stop being so silly. They need to google the kid that got suspended for throwing a single baby carrot, as an example. So, it’s okay for a student to bully a kid (one poster said the bullying was so bad that a sibling had to switch schools!!!!!!!!) and they do nothing about it, but don’t dare throw a kilogram of dried pasta at staff because you will get into trouble. Cimarron protects bullies. Period. They love the Best students. Some teachers and admin (and parents) need to grow up and stop trying to be in a Best clique as the old person and be adults and leaders, there are enough kids here.Dress code. They pick and choose who they enforce it on. If you look like some Taylor Swift wanna- be with your super short shorts or are wearing Victoria Secret Pink clothes (old people / adult underwear stores are so cool, seriously its underwear people!! Advertising brain washing works. Eeewww, Barf) then the administration does not seem to mind. Wear a strap shirt a millimeter short of the codeand you will be harassed. Inconsistency is confusing.Grading is weird. Two grades for the same class. One for content knowledge and one for work habits. Some classes count homework that you spend hours and hours on every night ONLY as work habits and it is not graded for content so you only know if you are off track when a major test comes and by then it’s too late to catch up on concepts that were unclear and your content knowledge grade is sunk - homework should be GRADED and counted towards content knowledge, otherwise why even assign it?!?! The classes are so crowded anyway that people roll their eyes and sigh when you have a question and the teachers don’t even correct the people who discourage questions or any real learning and actual understanding. Many of the teachers are over worked, tired, and cranky. The teachers definitely have favorites and have no problem showing it, way to make the other students feel like crap. This school tries to make it look like it is something that it isn’t. Below the perfect surface is something quite different. If they put as much energy into true learning rather than looking good then every student would be getting a great education. Sadly, this is not the case.

Review №75

The Security Guards are nice. But the dress code is extremely sexist and shoulders are apparently sexy.

Review №76

This school on my opinion likes to blame students on there past experiance at the school. Such as my self I have been suspended a couple times and sense then the school would like to blame me on things that i have not done. (this is my opinion). Some people that I know (not telling names) have told me that the school has told them they will go down the wrong path if they talk to me.In conclusion to the story, the school likes to blame other children, in my words they also bully other students. This school is not a good school at all. The teachers are just judgemental and they like to choose favourites between students. Put you into classes because you have one bad grade then you have to stay in that class for a long time. The dress code is very unusual to some other schools and the pricipal is just mean haha by that i mean he persae roasted me and my friend a couple days because I laughed a little during lunch. This is not a good school to go to and do not send your child beuno.

Review №77

Love it and knew my math teacher scene i was a little tike

Review №78

As a student who has been here for a two years I can easliy say that my whole world has just colapsed I mean the teachers are mean and have no respect for the students or parents I would say stay away from the school your child will learn somthing but have a awful time and have a bad imprestion for high school and collage

Review №79

Teachers are ok and the students are ok. People saying that the teachers are mean need to grow some balls and get on with life.

Review №80

Bill Hubris bathes in his own urine

Review №81

Lol Sierra is better.

Review №82

Mr. Prendergast did things that scared me I crie everynight since But other wise this school can suck my butt

Review №83

Im fed up. Thats all

Review №84

This is a terrible school I suggest that you shouldnt send you kid here! You get harassed and if you tell the teacher then he just gives a warning. Ohhh but when I do something I would get a referral...

Review №85

Chris Pratt=Crispy Rat

Review №86

Can not even give this school a star. The teachers are worse than the children when it comes to bullying. They not only bully each other but they bully the kids. Not a friendly school to say the least and my child will not be caught dead going to this school!

Review №87

I am in 8th grade and this school sucks I got in trouble for standing and I went to the office for standing the food sucks go to Sierra go Eagles the teachers loose your work then you redo and they put it in as a missing and then u do it three times and they give all three of them back and its still a missing

Review №88

Hot girls bad school the teacher are losers oh and it swallows

Review №89

School sucks. this place literally sucks. no. just no.

Review №90

Cimarron middle school doesnt have the best organization and I mean all the kids push and its so hard to get to your clasees

Review №91

This school is good i like it ignore all the haters they are students with no life

Review №92

Better than sierra .

Review №93

Best school in parker

Review №94

This is the best school eeeeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeetrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Review №95

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm screw life:)

Review №96

Most one stars may be from students who do not like school in general.

Review №97

This school sucks I dont recommend to go here and I am even a student here.At lunch if we throw away our trash we would get yelled at,The lunch food sucks its RAW.Some of the teachers here pick favorites and down care about the students.They say this school is a bully free school but its not the dont care and bullying still happens.We get so much homework its not even cool.They honestly dont care about us and stuff.And dress code is SO STUPID

Review №98

Worst school ever the teacher pick favorites and the food taste like dead fish and i want to go to sagewood so bad please

Review №99

Cimarron is trash and way too strict

Review №100

Teachers dont make it a fun learning experience

3 Photos
2.5 Rating
  • Address:12130 Canterberry Pkwy, Parker, CO 80138, United States
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  • Phone:+1 720-433-0120
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