Montessori Childrens Academy
14340 Harrison St, Omaha, NE 68138, United States
Montessori Childrens Academy

Review №1

Fantastic childcare! Truly a Montessori environment where your child can thrive. The owner has over 25+ years of Montessori experience, and it is noticeable in the quality of care my children received. Could not more highly recommend this school!

Review №2

This school is in disrepair. Weeds running rampant in both the front and backyards. Deck in the backyard/playground is quite literally falling apart with broken stairs and nails sticking out which is clear hazard to both the children and teachers. Trash along the inside and outside of the fence in both the front yard and playground. Broken playground equipment. Drainage hose thats sticking out of the ground. This facility has obviously not been maintained properly over the last several years. Owners should be embarrassed of the state of this property.

Review №3

I have high expectations for teaching my children and MCA does not disappoint. They love going to school where they are learning so much each day. Different cultures, cool art projects, team work, educational field trips, excellent progress on reading and the kids were even allowed to go to the Josyln because MCA teachers are good at encouraging the children to have manners so the Josyln let them come. I dont think thats true for all preschools. My kids love this school. I love that they are AMS certified and have an AMS teacher because I have liked the Montessori philosophy of learn at your ability and pace for a long time. I also like that the teachers expect the kids to do their best and because of that the children are more likely to do just that. I really enjoy the teachers and staff for their straight-forward attitude. They keep me informed of how my kids are doing and what the expectations are. They answer my questions and are clearly putting the childrens long-term interests at heart.

Review №4

The people that work here truly care about my child’s well being and development. I am thankful to have these people in my child’s life. It truly takes a village. I would HIGHLY recommend MCA!

Review №5

I can say without a doubt choosing this Montessori for our toddler was the best parenting decision my husband and I have made. She was born several months premature, and I am certain that the individual attention and care she has been given here has played a huge role in catching her up completely from a developmental standpoint. She is a polite little girl who loves to go to school and is learning new things every day from staff who truly care about her. We highly recommend them!

Review №6

I am a proud parent of 2 children who attend this establishment. Weve been sending both there for the last 2.5 years. I take exception and am offended that someone would take second hand information from a friend who worked in the facility for less than 8 hours total and leave such a disgusting review. Its easy to be an internet troll and take to social media to tear people down. It far harder to disagree with someone in a mature professional manner and speak face to face about issues or misunderstandings.Ive been an observer in the rooms countless times in addition to being a parent chaperone for field trips in the 3-6 room. You have never seen a better behaved group of young children. We feel like we hit the daycare jackpot! We are so glad we found this school and drive quite a distance every day to make sure our kids get the best possible education. This is not your average daycare. The curriculum keeps them engaged, and the expectations of the children foster independence and confidence. Our children regularly receive compliments from others on how self-sufficient, polite, and well-behaved they are-largely due to the teaching of this school. I receive regular feedback from the teachers regrading the progress of our children.Rules, independence, expectations, and accountability are not abuse. If someone doesnt agree with the Montessori method, thats OK, but its not OK to make serious public allegations without evidence or sound information.We love this school as do our children. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for high quality education for young children.

Review №7

We have had our son going here since he was about 8 months old. We really love it.

Review №8

The programs offered at this academy are taught by highly qualified teachers who have been involved in Montessori for years. The teachers care about your child and give them the proper tools to learn and grow. Our daughter thrived at this facility and was happy to go everyday! The facility is clean and safe and they have an awesome outdoor play area for the children to play in. Your child will not be another number, they will be their own individual person!

Review №9

My son did his entire per-school in Montessori Childrens Academy. We love the school very much and way they help to build our kid. My son never had to struggle in his kindergarten as most of the academic as part of kindergarten curricula were part of his per-school. MCA made sure he is independent on all aspects. All together I am super happy with Montessori Childrens Academy and we are planing to have our second sons also enrolled in Montessori Childrens Academy.

Review №10

When looking for a place for our infant it was important that we find somewhere in which teacher/parent collaboration is top priority. Montessori has definitely exceeded my expectations in this area. Communication is important to us about our daughter and with daily verbal updates from the teaching staff, written weekly updates, and parent teacher conferences I definitely feel that I am a part of our daughters day to day life even while I am at work. I am excited to continue to watch her learn and grow in this environment.

Review №11

My children have been attending this school for more than 6 years now – first my daughter and then my son. I have nothing but great words to say about the school and its staff. We have very high expectations of how our children should be cared for and the teachers and the supporting staff have met them all. The children grow in a very positive and calm atmosphere, constantly learning. One can really see the principles of Montessori at work. It is amazing how much the kids learn, not only educationally but also behaviorally. They learn key traits that will help them succeed in life – how to concentrate on the work they perform, to finish what they have started, to be respectful to things and people and how to motivate themselves. Our daughter is now in elementary school, after finishing up kindergarten at MCA. She was significantly ahead of her first grade peers, putting her on a path to success. We have had really successful experience with this school and highly recommend it to friends and family.

Review №12

Our experience with this Millard Children’s Montessori was not a good one. We do not get enjoyment from writing bad reviews, however we feel that we need to warn other parents of our experiences so they can make an informed decision on who and where is taking care of their children.We will start at the end, which was the worst experience. Life circumstances changed for our family and we decided to withdraw our daughter to stay at home with mom. This is where our experience with the directors went from average to horrible. We found out the hard way and it was deeply disappointing for us. We were informed we need to turn in a 60 day notice. On 8/2/18 we put in writing our final day would be 9/30/18 but would be ok if it’s 8/31/18 if they can get another kid in for Sept. We then received a very direct email stating that our daughter’s last day will be 8/10/18 but we still needed their services for the rest of the month. They did not care and we were kicked out almost immediately. They charged us for the whole month even though we were not allowed to use their services the final 3 weeks. They got a new kid in on the 13th and this way they could double dip payments with no remorse. They have a poorly written and contradicting handbook, contracts, and verbal instructions that is basically written in a way to say that they can do whatever they want and they take full advantage of that. We had rude emails and refusals to return calls even when promised. We also had to scramble to get someone to look after our daughter for 3 weeks. Our mistake for not being more wary of what we were getting into, don’t make the same mistake we did. If you do go with them, do not put in a termination of service notice until you know you have back up day care immediately. Friends/coworkers experienced the same thing this summer as well and were kicked out immediately.The level of care was overall alright. The two main teachers in the rooms seem to care enough for children, but don’t expect to get any daily updates or pictures of your child throughout the day. Communication is very poor and is our other big complaint. You get handed a hand written sheet at the end of the week detailing only when they ate, slept and had a diaper changed. They do not actively communicate what they are working on with your child and at the end of the day when they pile all the infants in one room, it is hardly the time to stop the room leaders and ask them a bunch of questions. The point of going to a Montessori is their way of learning. But we were hardly ever communicated what to do and not to do. So we were doing things at home that contradicted what they were working on at the Montessori.It is very regrettable that we have to write a review like this for a place we were so excited to have our daughter go to. We get daycare is a business, but if things like ethics of a business, communication, and a passion for children are important to you, we would recommend looking somewhere else.

Review №13

We are impressed with the learning track our kids have been put on. We have seen amazing improvements in all three children. Montessori Childrens Academy has help us established our kids acedemic foundation and compassion for learning. We are so grateful for their staff.

Review №14

My daughter is always happy to go to school, loves her friends and her teacher. Her teacher always greets my daughter with a smile on her face. She was reading at 4 years old and ready for kindergarten.

Review №15

My daughter started here almost 1 year ago and it has been wonderful! Im so happy we found this school. My daughter has made a lot of friends and each teacher has something unique and great to offer children.

Review №16

Both of our children attend MCA, one for almost 5 years and the other for over 1 year, and both absolutely love it! The staff is always looking out for our children’s best interests in all aspects of there lives. It is with great confidence I recommend MCA to anyone looking for high quality childcare and preschool.

Review №17

I have never written a review online previously, but I had the worst experience with this school, that I would hate others to go through what I did. There are so many red flags with this school. As a reviewer stated below. The leader of the school happens to be one of the 3-6 years old class teacher. No one is available at the desk from 8:30-12, rarely someone will answer the phone and you need to leave a voice message if you need anything. They communicate via emails that they wont answer if its after 3 pm. I enrolled my 3.5 year old daughter who was in a prior preschool that she loved hoping for a good experience. She was Ok with the transition first few days, since it was a new thing to her and she is very social and liked the idea of meeting new friends, but by the second week, she started saying that she doesnt want to go to school and when I wanted to drop her off one day she cried non stop and didnt want to get in the class. The teachers didnt come to help at all. They dont allow parents to go in the class with the kids so that the parents wont disturb the kids, even if the kid was just starting. So when I asked the teacher: how long do the kids need to adjust to the school and when do we decide if the school philosophy doesnt work for them? She replied: all kids should adjust with the school eventually and the only ones who dont are the emotionally disturbed!!! I asked for a private meeting with the teacher the following day and she refused and they told me that there is no big conversation to be taken, I should either trust them and do what they ask for or take my kid out!In my experience, I found the administrations polices inflexible and the school did not address our concerns satisfactorily. We removed our daughter from this school and enrolled her in a different preschool where she integrated without difficulty.Based on our familys experience, I cannot recommend this particular Montessori school.

Review №18

My daughter went there for 3.5 years and she learned so so much!!! She went from a little potty trained and barely to talking to a bright, talkative little girl! I am grateful for the care and knowledge she received at Montessori!

Review №19

This is a great school. My daughter is currently attending school here. All of the teachers are great. The care about the future of the students. I highly recommend this school.

Review №20

We love MCA. Its clear that the teachers genuinely care for the kids -- all the teachers know the names of all the children, no matter what class theyre in. Our kids teachers were always in tune to the specific strengths and challenges of our children and communicated with us about things to work on and talk about with our kids at home. They expect good behavior and use the Montessori philosophy to foster skills of independence starting during infancy. MCA prepared our daughter well -- academically and socially -- to begin Kindergarten in the fall. I would definitely recommend them.

Review №21

I cant say enough about how great the teachers and staff are! They are constantly working to help our child grow. Everyday when we drop off our son is so happy and smiles immediately when he sees his teacher and the other kids.

Review №22

My daughter goes to school here. The teacher are fabulous, my daughter is not even a year old yet and she has learned so much already. I know that as she gets older she will learn so much more.

Review №23

The Montessori teaching philosophy is wonderful. I had two children that attended here for about 2 years in the toddler and primary rooms. While they grew intellectually over this time, this was not the school for us long term for the well being of our children.Over the course of enrollment, the turn over rate of staff was EXTREMELY high. Certain staff members were wonderful, where others play favorites with select families and assistants, and we ran into issues with teachers making judgement calls not in the best interest in the children. I originally thought the structure was great for my children but the harsh verbal approach taken with the children at such a young age at times was not for us. After switching to another Southwest Omaha Montessori, we know the MCA approach isnt the only way of Montessori teaching. The director should not be in a teaching role and run the school. Reason I say this is, she collects the checks but is rarely there in the summers and only works part of the day during the year. She isnt there to be a leader to her staff at the school and it seemed that she pushed issues off on to other staff to deal with and doesnt take charge with all situations as a business owner should. THIS REVIEW IS MY PERSONAL OPINION ONLY.

Review №24

I have had a wonderful experience with the Montessori Children’s Academy. Currently, I have three children enrolled at this school. My oldest child is five years old and has attended since she was an infant. Our time here has included an education not only for my children, but for me as a parent. The staff has been great in helping me navigate the crazy ups, downs, and sometimes terrifying turns of parenthood. The Montessori approach was something completely new to me when we started at MCA. In the beginning, it was perhaps a little intimidating, but I feel the staff has been incredibly supportive, always willing to answer my questions and discuss any concerns.Throughout our time here, I cannot recall my daughter ever being upset or nervous about going to school. Her levels of confidence and independence continue to grow. I’ve watched her learn how to solve problems, communicate with her peers and adults, and handle difficult situations. She’s learned how to be respectful of other people, as well as the environment. All of these life skills are in addition to the outstanding academic education she has received.As she wraps up her final months at MCA, it’s a relief that my biggest concern about her going to kindergarten is that she will forget to raise her hand to use the restroom. “Why wouldn’t I just be able to get up and go, Mom?” While MCA might not be a perfect fit for everyone’s family, it is above and beyond what I had originally hoped to find for my children’s care and education.

Review №25

My daughter has been attending MCA for almost 2 1/2 years, and I couldnt be happier with her growth and development. She has learned so much, and I owe it all to the teachers and staff who constantly exceed my expectations. Thank you!

Review №26

Absolutely wonderful world-class education. The impact of the program on our three children has put them at the head of the class in elementary school and has signifantly impacted selfcare and discipline at home. MCA is the best decision we have made as parents. We could not have found a better, more loving, empowering environment for our children.

Review №27

This is a very good Montessori program. We are glad that our children attended it. Thanks to all teachers.

Review №28

We absolutely love MCA!! We couldnt imagine a better place for our child. If you are looking for a world-class preschool in Omaha, MCA is the place. The curriculum is exceptional, the facility is the cleanest Ive ever seen and the food and snack options are well-balanced and healthy!! The director and staff are always willing to answer any questions and discuss any concerns. We feel very fortunate to have found MCA.

Review №29

I couldnt be happier with Montessori Childrens Academy! When I moved back to Omaha in 2012, I toured over 20 daycares/montessori centers for my two daughters. Montessori Childrens Academy was the ONLY place I toured where I felt I could feel completely comfortable with leaving my girls there daily to grow and learn.The teachers there are very professional and sweet to all of the children. Every day I drop my daughters off and pick them up, they have a smile on their face, which means the world to me. The multi-age classrooms give children the opportunity to learn from their older peers and to teach their younger peers. The hands on learning is incredible. The children dont learn through memorization, but rather truly understand what they are learning through the montessori materials. My children often come home excited to share a new mathematical discovery or artistic endeavor. The teachers passion for teaching and their care for the students is unprecedented.I now live across town from the school, but I continue to make the drive every day (40 minutes, twice a day!) because I cant imagine taking them anywhere else. Thank you Montessori Childrens Academy for loving, teaching, and caring for our children!

Review №30

Do not send your children to this school the director is abusive to the children, she belittles, harrases, and screams in their faces this has been reported !

Review №31

When we decided on MCA, we were looking for somewhere in which our boys would learn in a positive environment with experienced and dedicated teachers. During our tour, we were impressed by the classrooms. Now we are blown away by the team of teachers. Our expectations (which are high) are exceeded every day. MCA staff are skilled teachers that that balance our childrens emotional and academic needs. The director, teachers and assistants really make you feel like partners in your childs education. When you walk in the door every teacher (infant to preschool) welcomes your child by name with a smile and many times a hug. Placing our boys at MCA has been one of the best decisions we have made as parents.

Review №32

Without hesitation, my wife and I highly recommend the Montessori Children’s Academy. Both of our children attend MCA, the oldest for the last four years. We could not be more pleased with our experience. One of the things we love most is, the strong sense of community at MCA. We really feel like our children belong. Every staff member, whether they work directly with our kids or not, knows our kids by name. This is an extremely comforting feeling. Our kids absolutely love attending MCA. In fact, many times when we pick them up, we are greeted with our daughter saying, “You picked me up too early!” The instruction and learning activities our kids are engaged in are excellent. It has been amazing to see the growth in our children and we know the staff at MCA has played a huge role in this. The communication, concern, and care from the staff have been of the highest quality. We are very thankful for all they have done for our kids.

Review №33

As a mother of 3 young kids only a year a part I can definitely say that MCA is the best decision we have made as parents.When beginning our quest for preschool we came across MCA. I had always heard about Montessori but had no opinion. I had heard others say Montessori teaches independence.. the children do what they feel is best.... they believe in redirection not discipline. Well my first thought was....hippies.I found myself going out on interviews to preschools thinking OMG how am I going to afford this? What do my kids need from a preschool? My curiosity got the best of me. I called MCA to schedule an appointment to see what this hippie stuff was all about. The next day came around, busy as usual and I wanted to cancel. With 5 minutes before needing leave I made the decision that I made the appointment, I was going to do the diligence of visiting yet one more. I dont remember what was said in the conversation, my mind equates it to Charlie Browns teacher these days, but I remember being struck by the kindness of the directress Mrs. Weland. While she is absolute amazing (and gives great parenting advice and takes time for you), that isnt want struck me. What struck me was 20 toddlers quietly sitting at a table having a delightful conversation and eating their lunch. My only thought was, I dont know what kind of cult or parallel universe this is but I want in!Flash forward to 3 years later and 3 kids with MCA. Like you, all three children of mine are EXTREMELY different. Here is what we have experienced with the heroics of MCA.Oldest Child- Son- TYPE A!!! (Just like dad). He thrived at MCA. Within the first month of attending his behavior had already adjusted to be more helpful, respectful and caring. He was only there a year and left already knowing how to read and add. He was unable to get into a Montessori kindergarten and had to move to a traditional route. As a contrast when he entered kindergarten the kids were learning abcs, and the numbers 1-10(he knew through 200). Additionally, his reading level was at a C when the year end goal for kindergartners is a D. Child prodigy? Maybe. My only regret is he only got one year there.Middle Child- Daughter- Hippie (yep the one I referenced above). She is our one that loves to sing, dance and draw. Imagine my surprise when I was told her favorite subject is math??? (hmmm). She is a full year away from kindergarten and is working on addition and preparing to bring home reading work. (yes my 4 year old can read). MCA does an amazing job with teaching world cultures and geography. Imagine my surprise when my husband and I were sitting at the dinner table and she matter-of -factly interrupts (yes she still does that) and blurts out New South Wales. My husband and I slowly turned and looked at each other and said, did you really just say New South Wales? She said, Yes, Its a territory in Australia.... Our mouths dropped. She also knows crazy amounts of Spanish from Mrs. Crowder and sings in Spanish all the time!Youngest Child- Son- Who knows how this one will turn out. Bull in a China shop thus far. He just started this fall. He had a bit of a rougher start as apparently I wasnt sending enough food and he was trying to get more (through stealing it from his friends). He was a bit behind where we wanted him in speech (his sister speaks for him).This little guy has made some serious progress in the speech and behavior avenue over the last 2 months. His old daycare provider came over for a dinner party the other night and said that is not the same kid, he speaks so well. If he is having a bad moment his amazing teacher Mrs. Coleman gives him big hug once he calms down. This had led to hugging upon hugging at school and home, and requires an extra 5 minutes to leave. He absolutely adores her.You cant go wrong here, all of the primary and core teachers have been there for sometime and are REAL teachers not college kids. MCA is the perfect balance of discipline, direction, education and love. I only wish I could be more like them at home!

69 Photos
4.6 Rating
  • Address:14340 Harrison St, Omaha, NE 68138, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 402-502-9118
Schools near me:
mount olympus presbyterian church
comtec institute
tony thomas family karate
  • Preschool
  • Day care center
  • Kindergarten
  • Montessori school
Working hours
  • Monday:Closed
  • Tuesday:Closed
  • Wednesday:7AM–6PM
  • Thursday:7AM–6PM
  • Friday:7AM–6PM
  • Saturday:7AM–6PM
  • Sunday:7AM–6PM
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