A Step Ahead Child Care and Learning Center
8019 Beulah Church Rd, Louisville, KY 40291, United States
A Step Ahead Child Care and Learning Center

Review №1

My youngest was here from 8 weeks until the day she graduated to go off to Kindergarten. I cant say enough good things about Mrs. Becky and her staff. They have loved, taught and raised my daughter like she was their own. Their teaching curriculum is top notch and they also allow for tons of play and experiences. She is now more than thriving in Kindergarten!! If I had 20 more kids, they would all go to A Step Ahead!

Review №2

Today my daughter graduated pre-k. She is ready for kindergarten. We had a great experience with this childcare.

Review №3

Great place for my child. Teachers are awesome. During the pandemic, Ms Beckie stayed in touch with us, keeping the parents informed of what was going on and when we would be reopening. Looking forward to starting back soon.

Review №4

I have to say that Becky and the entire staff at A Step Ahead are fantastic. My ex-wife and I have had our 4 year old son in this daycare since day one. We have both appreciated the guidance and care that is given to the children. It is self-evident. They have a curriculum and are very structured. You can tell that Becky runs a tight ship with a no nonsense approach that is needed in a daycare, yet you can tell that she genuinely cares for each and every one of her kids. The owner of this daycare knows all of her students, what their hobbies are outside of daycare and what their parents have going on in their lives. I also really appreciate that they do a great job of keeping both of us in the loop on things regardless of who is picking our child up that day. The occasional times that we have had our child act up in class, Becky has always taken the time to converse with us and discuss solutions to correct the behavior. If you are looking for a daycare that has organization and the ability to challenge your child to grow and stay engaged, I highly recommend that you check out A Step Ahead Childcare.

Review №5

All I can say is wow! My friend told me about her child attending this place literally trying to hold back tears because of this place! And NO I am not a parent of a child that goes here and never will be!! And then coming on here and seeing bad reviews and the negative comments the owner is saying back is SICKENING!! She has an excuse for every bad review and definitely cannot handle any criticism thrown at her which shows she’s only about her money and not the children! And for her to come to parents about their child’s behavior and their 1, 2, 3 yrs of age... shows that you can’t fully handle owning a child care facility! As a child studies major I see everything wrong and will seek to get this place under investigation and shut down! Day in and out this is ridiculous! I will speak with the board tommorow so save your negative comments Becky!!!

Review №6

Love this place! My child has attended this daycare since he was a baby. Great staff all around. He has learned so much from them, love their curriculum, it is all about learning, but making it fun for the children. Everyone there is super friendly and we have always been treated great! I would recommend this daycare to anyone wanting their child to be ready for Kindergarten. Thanks for taking such good care of him!

Review №7

Love this daycare! My son attends this daycare and my wife and I are very happy with the staff, the owner and the director. Thank you for taking such good care of our son and teaching him so much, he will definitely be ready for Kindergarten when the time comes.

Review №8

My children attend A Step Ahead and unlike what the recent comments by several people who DO NOT even attend the daycare said, we are VERY Happy with our experience. Our children have learned so much and the staff is great, including the Owner and Director. Unlike our first daycare, theyre not simply a babysitting service. They really emphasize teaching my children and preparing them for school. Too bad that one negative experience by one parent escalated to having them tell their friends to go on google and post negative comments. I am sure they will realize what they missed out on.... Anyway we love it here, you need to go and check it out for yourself!!

Review №9

I use to work at this daycare and i would like to say that this place has a very good curriculum and they always try and switch things up to make it more enjoyable & educating for the children, the children are always their first priority, when it comes to children sitting down & things like that they have rules just like anybody else and have most of the rules for safety of the kids. I worked there for around 2 years and just left this past may i believe and my niece currently attends and they always tell honest reports about the kids days, they will gladly put positive notes about the kids but if they are having troubles with certain things they will tell you to inform you to help so you know what to work on at home, this daycare has a very caring staff including the director and owner, all of them seriously care for all of the children in their classes and even for the kids whom arent in their classes anymore and discuss how the child transition into the next room. There were even meetings to tell the owner (so she could discuss with the parent) if any of the teachers had any concerns about any of the children in their classroom. I would definitely recommend this daycare and im even thinking of enrolling my future children!

Review №10

Sit in the parking lot the other day waiting for a friend and all I witness is a grown woman screaming at toddlers for not behaving perfectly. This prompts my interest so I read the reviews of this place and all I can is wow. Run far far away from this horrible place. I dont have children this age but if I did I would never EVER bring them here. The owner is very immature, she cannot handle criticism. She spams google until they remove the so called fake reviews. Why would anyone take the time out of their day to post a fake review about a childcare facility? The answer is they dont. This is real and if you care about your child, take them elsewhere. This place needs to be under investigation asap.

Review №11

Great place for children. Behavior is taken seriously to ensure children grow up with an understanding of right and wrong. My 3 year old has loved it here for over 2 years and has grown and learned so many things.

Review №12

A Step Ahead was absolutley the best daycare in the area. The staff was amazing easy to get a long with - never once did i have to worry were my kids safe or not learning something. Every week there is a different theme,color, letter,shape etc with activities and projects that focus around the particular theme. I wish my boys didnt graduate and have to move on. I cant say enough positive things about Beckie and ASA.....thank you for everything

Review №13

*** PLEASE read previous reviews before bringing your child here. Why is this place still providing childcare ?????The owner/director Becky is aggressive and unprofessional. I am a social worker and this is my insight on this disgraceful daycare.My mother went to check on her granddaughters and witnessed at child( a little boy) being grabbed by the arm and pushed into corner. Becky stormed up to my mother and told her “never to approach staff and interrupt their jobs and if my mother had questions,” she needed to ask her- not the teachers. As a social worker and advocate, it is through my experience that childcare teacher / parent communication is a positive interaction and is encouraged in any educational environment. It is not allowed at this daycare! My mother was not asked for an ID when she picked the girls up and was not even asked for a name. When she was about to leave, Becky yelled at my mother about coming through the door without signing in. My mother told the worker on the way out that Becky will never speak to her again like And mentioned what she witnessed with the little boy . After my mother left, Becky called my mother repeated. My mother did not answer. So after my mother did not answer, she called my sister and told her “ if you don’t like it here, take your children somewhere else.” Please do not put your child in this daycare if you care about the well- being of your child. The director is unprofessional, and does not have any business running a childcare facility. I am in the process of turning them into BBB.******Also, if everyone reads the previous reviews it appears that many parents have the same outlook and experience with Beckie. And other parent witnessed a child being grabbed. Another child tormented by wearing a sign all day that said “ no crying allowed.” This is considered emotional abuse if CPS were involved.“ children strongly disciplined “ owner very unprofessional “ the owner seems drunk ““ the owner yells at staff.”

Review №14

Awful experience with the staff and owner. Similar story to the majority of the other parents reviews and experiences. Both my daughters attended this facility for less than two weeks and I regret it terribly. I wish they never spent an hour in there, but I was in the middle of a really hard semester, didn’t do my research of this place beforehand and couldn’t afford their previous daycare anymore. They were previously in a amazing/nurturing environment for daycare For 2 years so I had high expectations coming here. A step ahead childcare does not attempt to build relationships with the children before branding them incompatible with their outrageous rules. Becky thinks she’s running a military school of children the age of 5 and under. My youngest daughter who just turned 3 wasn’t feeling well one day Of her SECOND WEEK (not terribly sick) just emotional and wanting her mother as most children do instead of strangers. The workers (Strangers to my daughter still at this point) didn’t make my daughter feel welcome or encourage her she was safe in a positive way; instead they said her “behavior” (Crying for me) was disruptive. They have a unusual policy of not allowing parents to walk them into the classroom to comfort them to display they are in a safe place so I stood at the door way holding her and trying to tell her it would be a good day. Hindsight 20/20 undoubtedly know why she didn’t want to stay there. The workers rushed to take her from me then tried to force me to sign a paper saying that was my first warning. I would like to add that policy is extremely unusual and doesn’t affect the safety of other children because my daughters have been in 3 daycares that do allow that method and I have also worked in a daycare which was way better than this one and all the children were a lot safer and the children had a better drop off experience . The real concern is protecting the children from Becky. She reminds me of the trunchbull from Matilda. I can’t make this up. They also lost one of my daughters winter jackets in the middle of February on a very cold day then expected to send her home with nothing but a long sleeve shirt and acted like it was a burden to let her wear one of their extra flimsy jackets after I refused to take her out in that weather with nothing. Other reviews From parents say she has a no crying policy and goes as far as pushing emotional abuse on the children and makes them carry a sign that reads “no crying allowed”. Several other review say parents witness her being aggressive with children by grabbing their arms and yelling at them. I seem to be one of many parents she had a disrespectful verbal altercation with. She would rather publicly humiliate/shame children than help them. Please please please be careful with your children and read all these reviews before committing another child to this type of care. There is a tab at the stop of this that says “crying” “abuse” “yelling” “anger” “well being” etc click on those and read numerous other parents complaints about the abuse that occurs here!!!!! Some have video and audio recordings. Several people have report her. Some are social service workers that reporter her. It’s unbelievable this place is still open. Most of the problems seem to originate from the owner Becky. Maybe they should get a new owner. But until then please don’t send anymore innocent kids here. It’s hard to recover from childhood experiences. A child is the product of their environment.

Review №15

My son is 4 years old and has been there for a little over 2 years. The daycare is wonderful, he has learned so much during his time there, sometimes we cannot believe the things he comes home knowing. They really emphasize the Learning Center aspect, and try to have them ready for Kindergarten. The teachers are great and everyone is so caring and helpful at the daycare.He really looks forward to going everyday.

Review №16

We had our child here for TWO days. He’s 3 years old and has been in daycare previously. We had to potty train him prior to him starting so for the past three weeks we have worked with him to be able to get him back into daycare since I started a new job. With that being said on his first day of daycare 4 hours into it Becky calls and basically belittles me because my son “took his shoes off inside the classroom” and called him “immature” for doing so and was very aggressive towards the fact he can’t put his shoes on and tie them. Well Becky I’m sorry my child was taught to take there shoes off when coming inside and please show me a child who just turned 3 in September that can take there shoes off and put them back on and tie them properly. I’ll wait... Anyways, she proceeds to say that he should know how to pull his pants up and down by himself when going to the potty. Yea I can agree with that to a certain extent. He’s only been potty trained for about three weeks so it’s still a new thing to him. But you knew that prior to us signing up and you said it’s okay as long as he gets the gist of it we’ll help him and we take bathroom breaks every hour. So after lunch time Becky calls and informs me that my child has SERIOUS discipline issues that we need to work on. That during lunch and after lunch during quiet time he wouldn’t be quiet and it was a disturbance to the classroom. Well once again I understand that but it’s his first day and obviously he doesn’t know any better. I guess that’s a shame on me as a parent at the fact we don’t have quiet time. So I pick him up from his first day and something just didn’t seem right. Like I said he’s been to daycare previously and normally he’s very talkative wants to go eat Chick-fil-A. I proceed to try and push for him to talk and he’s just very grumpy, not talkative, didn’t want to eat. I just found it weird. So moving onto day number 2. We eat breakfast prior to showing up. Walk in the building and the back door with the keypad was held open with a door stop, I take him to the classroom talk to the teacher and told her that he had already ate she said okay he can color and sits him down with crayons and paper. I’m getting ready to leave and I hear a voice say “NO WERE COLORING SIT DOWN” and about that time I turned around and watched Becky snatch my child’s arm and sit him down as he started to ball his eyes out and then Becky says “NO CRYING BIG KIDS DONT CRY”. I should have took him right then and there but unfortunately I don’t have any other child care. I called a few hours later to see how he was doing and Becky says hold on let me check. She’s comes back on the phone and states that my child is a cry baby and that he’s pooped his pants and is uncontrollable. Well at this point I’ve already found a different daycare to enroll him in and head to pick him up at 4 and let me just tell you the moment I walked In the door there was confrontation immediately. Was trying to talk to the teacher with all the NEGATIVE THINGS my child did that day. Not a single positive thing. Becky kept interrupting Which I found very rude after the fact she called my child uncontrollable and she’s basically doing the same thing. No more then two minutes into the conversation Becky says your child is not welcome back and I’ll refund your money and proceeds to slam the door in my face. But in the handbook it states that they’ll give your child a two week period to adjust. That was not the case obviously. I wish I could say something good about this facility but honestly I can’t. Come to find out I know someone who has worked here previously for 7 years and they said it was never like that before. I left a review yesterday when all this happened but Becky got it deleted and I’m sure this will be deleted as well. But at the end of the day I have filed a complaint with the division of child care services, and with social services. I don’t know how this lady still has a business when I know we’re not the only one to have issues as you can read in other comments it truly amazes me. 0 stars for me!

Review №17

My son has gone to this daycare since he was 10 months old and he is now 3 and still attending there. I absolutely love how my son has learned so much at such an early age. Every room and every teacher is focused on learning everyday. My friends, family and even strangers are always making comments to me about how smart he is when they hear him counting to 20 or saying his ABCs. They even assist in the potty training process in the toddler room, he was potty trained right after he turned 2! The staff is also very friendly and it makes me happy when my son talks about his teachers that become his friends. It makes it so much easier knowing your child is in a loving and caring environment with people who love children. I love this place and recommend it all the time and will continue to send my future babies there.

Review №18

I had my son here for over a year! We never had an issue in the 2 year old room. Ms. Latoya is wonderful with the children and they respect her classroom rules. After my son turned 3 and moved rooms we started having issues with the owner. It seemed she was always in the room undermining what the teachers did and how they conducted the room. I witnessed her more than once screaming at the teacher in front of children and other parents. I witnessed her walk up to a little boy in time out and just started yelling at him, the child was doing nothing wrong.She Then started calling me at work about my sons behavior telling me I needed to speak with him, how he refused to listen. All typical behaviors of a average 3 year old. On three different occasions I had to leave work to go get my son from the daycare because she said they will not take the time out to deal with one child. (We have now come to find out we are not the only family with this issue) When I tried to talk to the 3 year teacher about what can be done to work on things the owner jumped in and wouldnt let the teacher get a word in unless it was to agree with whatever she was saying. She told me She wasnt going to tell me how to parent but I needed to change what I was doing at home to fit how she runs her daycare. She goes on to tell me that this is not how her 3 years old act.Although I am impressed with the learning aspect of this daycare, the well being of my child always comes FIRST! This is not an environment any parent would want their child to be apart of.

Review №19

I have been here to pick up my Grandson, who thankfully no longer attends this place. I know this owner monitors her reviews very closely so its surprising so many are similar, even one from a couple of years ago sounds almost identical to my daughters experience, obviously nothing has changed. This daycare works as Beckys way or else. She wasnt happy with my Grandsons behavior and made my daughter feel like something was wrong with her parenting or her son. Becky has absolutely no child behavior experience at all. She could have easily used Google to learn about hair pulling or biting in 1 year old children. I hate that my daughter had to learn about people like Becky, with her sweet boy in the middle of it, so I hope that you heed this warning and stay away. This is a cheaper daycare and she does pay her employees more than average however I can only imagine what they must put up with. I feel very sad for anyone that feels like they have to stay here for cheaper care or a paycheck. There is no way it could be worth it! Becky is very manipulative, negative and probably should be diagnosed by a professional. She should not be taking care of anyones child! She pretended to help my daughter with her son as long as she complied with Becky and made her feel like she was right about everything she said. Its interesting that my sweet Grandson has no issues with behavior at his new daycare. Maybe Becky should use Google to research aggressive behavior in her own aggressive environment. That is, only if she didnt already think she knew everything. I am sure these complaints, the audio recordings my daughter has and the video taken by the previous reviewer would be interesting to someone.

Review №20

My daughter has been there for the past 6 months and everyone is very nice. My daughter comes home singing a new song every week and the learning aspect is awesome! Great teachers!

Review №21

This place seemed nice on the outside but the inside is awful, dirty, the owner/director she seemed drunk when we spoke with her. How do you came to work drunk around kids? glade didnt sign up for anything. Some of the stuff were nice. She also yells at her employees like if they are salves. treat them bad. No manners. Right in front of kids and I wont be surprise if also yell at children, I feel sorry for the people who got their kids there. If you looking at this place i suggest you go somewhere else. and if your kids there. GO SAVE THEM. 1 star is to much for this place.

Review №22

Owner is not loyal at all. Been there almost 2 years with my three kids and was threatened they would not get my two school aged girls off the bus while I was at work until they received payment for the current week on Wed. of that week at 12:30pm. She also yells at her employees in front of parents and children and I have also seen her yell at children, including mine. The teachers there are great but she is not. When I approached her about the threat I received on that day she said she had a right to threaten to not to get my girls off the bus that very day because she is running a business and if you go to the grocery store do you walk out with groceries without paying??? how do you compare groceries to children?? and it was the current weeks payment on Wed., which is the last day they receive payment for the week. I was NOT behind, I was current and I had a relationship with her, a loyal one I thought. But then she proved that wasnt the truth. It just hurts, you think you develop relationships with people and then they do this all because of a measely $137...what has this world come to? If you want to trust the owner of the childcare facility you send your child to I would not recommend this place...just very very disappointing and I hate that it has to be this way.

Review №23

Horrible experience!!! Would not recommend this daycare at all. Without warning or notice kicked my special needs child out of the daycare.

Review №24

My Son used to attend this daycare from when he was 8 weeks old. The girl at his room was sweet and I thought he was at the best daycare ever. Everything changed when Becky become the new owner and my sonwas about 2. I had I few not so nice conversations with Becky about my 2 year olds behavior and not listening to the teachers”. She even make my husband and I to meet with her and have a meeting before my son was allowed back at daycare. Every day I picked up my son she needed to talk to me about my 2 year old not seating on special area, playing, not following directions etc. One day I got there and she told me “something he did” I said ok and grab my son, however this was later 5ish and I always had some snacks for him to eat to help him wait until we get home for dinner, she notice I gave this to my child and had the nerves to said, how come I’m giving my son snacks when she’s telling me how his behavior was etc. I did not kept quiet and we had a little “altercation” where she followed me outside and told me not to come back in. My son was giving a 2 weeks notice which I took him out before then.

Review №25

They let unauthorized people work here without doing background checks or tb checks just thought I’d let y’all know. My friend used to work here she was 17 and they put her around the kids without doing any checks to see who she was and no tb test

Review №26

Our son only attended this daycare for less than 2 months before we switched due to some serious problems with the owner Becky and the safety of the facility.1st problem regarding safety, my father was able to walk in without being IDd or questioned and picked up our son without anyone saying anything. No one was at the front desk, he just waited until another parent came out. There is only one other hallway to the classrooms. Small building. Granted, he was on an approved list to pick up but no one asked his name, for his ID, or contacted us for approval. He just walked to the classroom and told the teacher who he was there for.2nd problem was while my son was there less then 2 months. He was bitten multiple times. Now I understand children bite, my son at the time was about 18 months old. But the very first time it happened Becky and his teacher, tried to convince me that he had bitten himself so hard that when I picked him up 8 hrs later, there were still a full set of teethmarks on his arm. By the way he didnt even have a full set a teeth yet. So when it happened again, they still stuck with the same story that he bit himself the first time but 2 days later it was another kid. So ok, that makes more sense obviously. But then when Becky went on to tell me how she would solve the problem, which was the isolate this little boy in a room by himself everyday. This women doesnt understand the first thing about teaching or raising children. I also witnessed her grabbing other childrens arms or pushing them against walls and most definitely yelling at children. All of which is child abuse. The only time I caught her yelling at our son over wanting to play with a toy instead of sitting down to watch a TV. There is absolutely no need for a TV in a daycare. We PAY you to play and educate our children not so your teachers who are instructed to FORCE them to sit down and watch TV so they can clean up and get out as early as possible. I have worked in daycares as a teenager and never was there a TV, or If there was it was used on a very special occasion NOT to use it as an everyday babysitter. And we would have never forced a child who would rather play with a puzzle to watch a TV show everyday so we could clean. Cleaning was and should be done after children leave the room. Im not taking about picking up toys, Im talking about using chemicals to clean off surfaces and floors.3rd problem which made us remove our son was again regarding Becky and safety. After our son was diagnosed with some food allergies to dairy and cows milk, we informed Becky and his teachers. She had us complete some paperwork and get a dr note as well as an epi pen for the daycare, which is completely understandable. But then we found out they were still feeding him cheese because they notated it on his daily sheet. I informed Becky and she then instead of apologizing and trying to make sure it didnt happen again (which it did), she tried to argue with me that cheese was different then cows milk and his dr note didnt list cheese or dairy just cows milk. We then proceed to have a ridiculous conversation about cheese, dairy and cows milk. I then had her pull out the dr note when she realized it did state both cows milk and dairy, she still never apologized for feeding my child something he has an allergy too. Had she done that with peanut butter he is allergic to as well, who knows what would have happened.She then went on to inform me that she wasnt RESPONSIBLE for what happened in the rooms when she wasnt there. She also called us to a meeting were only my husband could attend due to my work schedule and she had her husband come to basically try to intimidate us, which didnt work. My husband told him to leave the room since he wasnt an owner, teacher or had anything to do with the daycare.This women is dangerous and has no fear or remorse for her actions. She doesnt care about these children she just wants the money. She needs to have her license revoked and at the very least investigated.

Review №27

We have sent both of our children here for the last 6 yrs and since the new ownership has taken over the quality of staff and facilities have declined greatly. My 2 yo son was having a hard time adapting to the teacher turnover, about 4 new teachers in 6 months. He was made to carry a sign for the entire day that said no crying allowed. The final straw was when I saw the worker, without her knowing I was there, through the door grab his arm and yank him over to get his pull up changed and then picked him up and shook him while yelling at him. I made the owner aware of the situation and after talking with her teacher she informed me no action would be taken. Please be very cautious before choosing this daycare.

Review №28

My story is almost identical to the poor woman below me and many others after hers.Becky is a very aggressive woman. Except I saw first hand what she did to my child.She called me to pick up my son because he was playing ruff with another child. So I rush to the daycare and see her with my son behind her counter. She was sitting in her computer chair waving her fingers in his face. He was crying, so he rushed over to me, so happy to feel safe again. She looked at me and said No do not pick him up after what he just did. Mind you he was barely over one years old and its Definetly not Beckys place to discipline any child the way she does. God only knows what she did to my son. And absolutely no video surveillance in her daycare. She has severe anger and DOES NOT CARE ABOUT THE PARENTS FEELINGS OR EMOTIONS AS WELL AS THE CHILDS. I also have two seperate recordings of the true Becky. Her anger is undeniable. All she cares about is the money, she has no regards for the parents or the children. If you truly care about your childs well-being, do not send them to this daycare.DO NOT BRING YOUR PRECIOUS CHILDREN IN THE HANDS OF THIS EVIL WOMAN

Review №29

To elaborate or my previous review this women has never met me ; that is true, but she allowed me to walk off with my 2 nieces without question. If she is suppose to protect and provide a safe environment for the children in her care, she would have never let me take them. I am not on the pick-up list. I was a stranger and she demanded the child leave and allowed me to walk out the door with them. I could have been anyone...There was not a scene created at all. My mother and I were there to pick the kids up because she kicked them out due to her anger over the review I left based on facts my mother told me. She was the only one with the temper and it is clear in the video I recorded. The only person who harassed was Beckie when she yelled at my sister.My mother did not get a word in with Beckie over grabbing the child’s arm Bc Beckie would not speak to my mother. It is clear that this women is always right and gets extremely angry if she doesn’t feel she is in control. Because of the review I had posted, Beckie called my sister yelling at her to come get the kids because she was kicking them out. When we first arrived to pick the girls up Beckie made the suggestion to speak with my mother and i in a private room- which never happened. When my mother went to say “ yes would would like that” Beckie cut her off before she could finish her sentence. She stormed off to get my nieces pushed them out the door with her words.The reason my mother was not able to elaborate on her experience on witnessing the child being grabbed is because Beakie would not allow my mother to speak and walked off. She never took us to a private room as she suggested in the beginning of the video that I recorded. Everything my mother said she witnessed is true. My mother is also a business owner and would never lie about what she saw and would definitely not handle her own business in such a unprofessional manner. Please read previous reviews and all the stories are the same !!This women is a nasty unprofessional human being that has no idea how to run a childcare facility and I have it on video to prove. I would never want such an miserable person looking over my children. The right thing to do would have been discussing this in a professional manner with my sister, BUT no; she called my sister screaming at her to come get her kids! How professional is that? As a social worker, I’m a mandated reporter if I sense any kind of abuse and that is what I’m doing. I also spoke to aparent in the parking lot and they claimed they wanted to leave also based on the reviews they saw recently. Also, one would think if they received a bad review, they would try to fix the problem in a professional manner- Only guilt reacts defensive like what we witnessed today. If anyone is interested in seeing women’s actions, you can be the judge on who is harrasssing. I recorded a video of the entire encounter and there is no lying about what is on my phone. It is clear she is the one with anger issues and is attacking my mother and I.

Review №30

This is an awful business. My father was able to walk strait in, pick up my son, and leave with no one asking who he was. He had never been there before. They have locked doors but they remain propped open all day.ALso, the way they discipline children I would consider borderline psychological abuse.

Review №31

I witnessed who I believe was the owner, Becky, raise her voice and act inappropriately towards someone outside while I saw a child run out there with her. I will no longer keep my child here. She seems like she has anger problems and should not be allowed to run a child care center.

Review №32

Warning do not bring your children here!!

1 Photos
2.7 Rating
  • Address:8019 Beulah Church Rd, Louisville, KY 40291, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 502-762-9000
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  • Child care agency
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Working hours
  • Monday:Closed
  • Tuesday:Closed
  • Wednesday:6:30AM–6PM
  • Thursday:6:30AM–6PM
  • Friday:6:30AM–6PM
  • Saturday:6:30AM–6PM
  • Sunday:6:30AM–6PM
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