Twin Peaks Charter Academy Longmont Charter School Longmont, Co
340 S Sunset St, Longmont, CO 80501, United States
Twin Peaks Charter Academy Longmont Charter School Longmont, Co

Review №1

This has been a wonderful school for our 2nd grader!!!She has really thrived academically with the direction of the teaching staff... Even attending school in person throughout the pandemic.My advice - Ignore the google 1 ratings.They do not reflect the quality of the school and education received here.Looking at the ratings bar chart and you will see bifurcation of 1 and 5 with a few other ratings in between.Initially, we were apprehensive about the school considering the large number of google ratings of 1, but I have determined that this can be attributed to a single event in 2015. It almost seems like there was a google ratings campaign from outsiders against the school at this time.If you take the time to research the people providing the 1 ratings you will see that a large number of them (possibly a majority) were from people who were not associated with the school or even from Colorado.There were even google local guides from Australia and the UK giving their input.I am so glad that we ignored the 1 ratings...We are definitely returning to this school! :-)

Review №2

I used to go to this school it was good because it’s a small community so everyone knows everyone

Review №3

My daughter currently attends preschool at Twin Peaks Charter Academy and we are having such a wonderful experience. Her teacher is so welcoming and warm and my normally reserved daughter is making friends and learning about the social aspects of school. I am impressed with the quality of work she is bringing home too! We are beyond thrilled to be in a school that we can call home for years to come!

Review №4

An amazing school! My son, 3 years old, goes to preschool at Twin Peaks Charter Academy and we are so pleased with the curriculum and how much his teacher truly cares about him and his classmates. We couldnt have asked for a better school to start our son in for his education!I highly recommend Twin Peaks Charter Academy!

Review №5

I have a 3rd and 6th grader at Twin Peaks and both have been at the school for 4 years now. Ive always been happy with the school, but lately Im especially impressed. The teachers are engaged and passionate about their jobs. They challenge our children academically and I appreciate that. If youre considering this school, I encourage you to go in for a tour and talk to some of the staff. I wouldnt have my girls anywhere else.

Review №6

I have a 6th and 2nd grader at Twin Peaks, and both have attended the school since Kindergarten. We love the sense of community in a PK-12 environment, and how we are able to build long term relationships with teachers and staff. The class sizes are small and we have been very impressed with the quality of teachers that our kids have had. There is a focus on character education and development, which rounds out a really great curriculum. We are very happy with the schools decision to focus on teacher-led learning and discussion vs. becoming a 1:1 device school. Many positive changes have happened at this school over the past few years, and we are excited about the direction it is on.

Review №7

I have four kids at Twin Peaks. We have been here for more than 6 years. The education is fantastic and I LOVE having my kids in the same school. Because it is a K-12 school, we get to establish long-term relationships with other students, teachers, and administration. I am loving the new Latin program.

Review №8

Not sure why there are so many poor reviews about Twin Peaks. Ive had nothing but the most extreme professionalism from the entire staff. My daughter has had the privilege of attending the Charter school for many years and the educational benefits are amazing. If you want your children to get an outstanding education that will prepare them for the future, then I HIGHLY recommend Twin Peaks to be your school of choice!

Review №9

Its a great school! Good academics, good students, good teachers, its only the lunch thats on the edge. Me and multiple other friends have gotten food poisoning.

Review №10

We are new to the school and we love it. I have kids in 1st, 5th and 8th grade. Twin Peaks is committed to providing each child with great education. The school has an effective approach to homework and it teaches the kids accountability.I love the pillars of character that this school represents.

Review №11

For all who are researching schools for their child. My son has attended Twin Peaks since Kindergarten, now going into 5th. His brother will be starting Kinder in the fall. Honestly, the publicity on the graduation speech was out of control. Twin Peaks is NOT the only school in history where a student has disagreed with administration about freedom of speech... I am proud of Evan (who has also posted a review below), and I am more proud to have my children attend this school. My children deserve the best in academic opportunity, incredibly caring teachers AND staff, challenging curriculum, and individual support in the classroom. Twin Peaks as a complete entity is far beyond a school that just shepherds children through stages of young educational life. For at least 4 years Twin Peaks was planning and building the High School, they were excited and proud. I cannot speak for the High School side, as of yet, but I plan to have my children attend through grade 12. Do not let a public incident dissuade you from having your child attend this awesome school. They do care.

Review №12

I can speak from personal experience that the teachers care about their students. They want to see their students succeed and truly learn.

Review №13

To be honest k though 5th is amazing but 6th through 9th is not that great the teachers expect us to do so much stuff in such little time even though the teachers are very bad on time management, the staff does not even notice that there is bullying happening within their school grounds, and staff think they can control us mentally and physically. Basicly they dont treat education as serious as disiplin. Also school should be ashamed about declining evan youngs graduation speech

Review №14

Im an elementary teacher here as well as a parent of three children, two of whom attend TPCA. The third will join us for preschool in two years. I love the Core Knowledge content I get to teach and my sons get to learn. Our teachers care tremendously about students academic and personal growth. Go Timberwolves!

Review №15

I was furious over the decision to pull our 2015 valedictorians speech and was happy to see the principal go because of it, but this school is excellent and one nasty episode does not reflect the school as a whole. My entire family supports equality and our kids love this school. Twin Peaks has fantastic teachers, an excellent curriculum, a great learning environment, and hopefully (moving forward) a more progressive and forward-thinking board and principal.

Review №16

I love this school so, so, so much. I dont always agree with it, but I have made so many wonderful friends and have fantastic teachers. I wouldnt leave this school for the world.

Review №17

This is our first year at Twin Peak Charter and we have LOVED this school! The entire staff is incredible. One of my sons first days we were running late and he was scared to walk into class late. The elementary principal happened to walk by and saw him crying. She quickly gave him the biggest smile and let him spend a few minutes with her then took him into class. After being at this school longer, I realize this is the entire culture of the staff! I would highly recommend Twin Peaks Charter to everyone.

Review №18

Being Gay is not ALL about sex, although it seems that sex is the only thing this principal can think of when he thinks about Gay people. Im sure there are many more LGBT students attending this school. It would be in the best interest of the school to fire this principal and spend the summer finding a principal who realizes that its 2015.

Review №19

Our oldest daughter is attending Twin Peaks for pre-school and we couldnt have imagined a better experience. Our daughter is so excited on MWF that its school day! Her teacher is fantastic. Our daughter comes home every day willing and able to share something new that she learned!

Review №20

I would not give it a one star but I think that this is a horrible school and you should not bring your children here!!!!!!

Review №21

Parent of 3 students here, currently 8th, 6th and 4th.We are in our 9th year here and I am so pleased to call this my school.Amazing teachers, spectacular support staff and a stellar academic curriculum.When we find areas for improvement, we improve!Keep up the good work!!!

Review №22

Does the administration realize what they have done? Im 56 years old and I have been outed, lost a career, had a broken family, all from what others did behind my back. I survived and grew, as I pray will Mr. Young. This is hard to comprehend that this mistake came from an educational administration. I hope they learn what they did and that they apologize and never let this happen again.

Review №23

Twin Peaks is a great school. Small classes, caring staff, good environment.

Review №24

My son attends the high school at TPCA. We love it. The teachers and staff really care about the students. He finds the curriculum challenging and interesting. Also,the school just seems to have a great group of students in the high school. There areless than 200 students in the high school so it feels like a private school - without the monthly payments.

Review №25

I have just read about your censorship of Evan Youngs graduation speech. I find it incredible that the school administration would not allow him to come out as part of a talk about diversity and acceptance. As a retired Dean of a small liberal arts college, I saw incoming students struggle with their emerging sexual orientation. Sexual identity is a major component of being Human. For him not to be able to state in no uncertain terms, his sense of self in his graduation address is a black mark against the administration of this educational institution.Dr. Charles G. HitchcockEast Hampton, New York

Review №26

I have three children attending this school currently, and one that graduated with the very first senior class, we love our school. We too were shocked by the events last year, glad to see the principal go as his handling was appalling. However dont be fooled, even through all of this, there is wonderful diversity, more so than most other schools around I found during my research and the character and integrity that is taught at this school has been exemplary. I feel that my kids are all safe to be who they are, whatever that is and be accepted and embraced at this school. We wouldnt go anywhere else. The education is like a private school without the tuition. No comparison! Dont be turned off by a bad event a year ago, admin is completely different and the board has new blood, this school is a gem:)

Review №27

I go to this school and the overall community is great, really excepting, and lenient. I have no intention of leaving.

Review №28

Great place with even better people! Highly recommend for anyone looking for a wonderful place for their children!

Review №29

I have three children that attend Twin Peaks and Im jealous of the education they are getting. Although the school is not perfect (no school is), this has been a wonderful choice for our family and my children are thriving as a result. The things I like about Twin Peaks are the Core Knowledge Curriculum, the character education, the committed teachers and staff, and the wonderful cultural diversity of the families/students attending the school. For those of you who might be considering sending your children to Twin Peaks, please take the time to visit the school, have your child shadow a class, visit with the teachers and administration, attend a board meeting, read the external investigator report related to the graduation speech and decide for yourself!

Review №30

I am former teacher of the year in my state, now retired. I was shocked and saddened to hear of Evans story. We have enough bigotry and attacks on ones dignity. Clearly, Valedictorian Evan, deserved his moment. Its unfortunate a public school charged with respecting and educating our sons and daughters instead modeled intolerance and homophobia.

Review №31

Eighteen-year-old Evan Young was supposed to be the 2015 class valedictorian of Twin Peaks Charter Academy High School in Longmont, Colorado. But his principal prevented him from giving his graduation speech after learning he would announce he is gay. He told him 5 minutes before he was supposed to deliver his speech that he was not allowed to. What a sad excuse for a school.However the good news is, two weeks later, Young got to give his speech at an Out Boulder fundraiser before an audience of hundreds, a number of them politicians who congratulated him for his bravery. And now thanks to Democracy Now which aired his speech, everyone knows about Twin Peaks Charter Academy and its rampant homophobia.

Review №32

What is most appalling about the situation at this so-called academy is not only did they censor this young mans speech, but they have doubled-down on their decision claiming that he is pushing a personal agenda and talking about matters of a sexual nature. First of all, if he had instead decided to thank God or discuss the role of his his religion or faith, would this have also been censored due to pushing an agenda? And if he had instead of mentioning that he was gay, mentioned a girlfriend in the speech, would this have also been considered talking about matters of a sexual nature? I wonder what this principals personal position on homosexuality is... Talk about pushing an agenda.And now the school is putting out a smear campaign on the student claiming that his speech was full of denigration to the school, its teachers, and other students. I have read the transcript of the speech and it does none of the above. Sure there are some attempts at humor that poke fun at various teachers but it is quite obvious that the issue here is a school principal who has a moral objection to homosexuality and since society has moved on from criminalizing and demonizing LGBT people, he wants to push the subject out of public discourse wherever he can. This man should not be an educator and I certainly would never send my kids to a school like this.

Review №33

Twin peaks should be renamed Twin Backstabbers, because not only did they tell this kid he couldnt be the valedictorian for being gay, they told his PARENTS! I pray that his parents arent as bigoted as Twin Peaks. Welcome to 2015, folks. A time where gays are STILL discriminated against. God, when are we gonna leave the dark ages behind?

Review №34

Fantastic school administration and teachers that truly care about their students. I have four children attending and they all love Twin Peaks!

Review №35

Amazing I would rate 10 star if I could.

Review №36

Excluding a student from a speech he will only get once in his life because he built up the courage to admit that he is gay? It was only a brief moment from over 50 minutes of talking! Also excluding him from being the Valedictorian is just discriminating.. I used to go to a school that was once ranked worst school in the US. Norte Vista High School and they have not ever discriminated a person, because of his or her sexual preference. To add insult to injury. HE COULDNT EVEN TELL HIS OWN PARENTS FIRST. Someone just had to take this away from him.. So much for schools teaching kids to love and respect one another. The message to children isnt supposed accept everyone, except for the LGBT community.

Review №37

This school deserves less than a star. Twin Peaks school has terriable teachers especially one teacher the first grade one. Not only do they not pay enough attention to all students in class they said to my face I dont have enough time for all students. And instead left the ones who strugle to continue struggling and gave the most help to the one who where doing better. I would not suggest this school for many resons including these.

Review №38

I think it is appalling that they censored this young man because he wanted to address his peers and come out. This cannot be a personal agenda, when bullying and teen-aged suicides continue to occur throughout schools because youth have to deal with bigotry like this from there school peers and school administration (people who are supposed to protect and nurture). The leadership at this school is part of the problem and not the solution, when it comes to developing and preparing our youth to be leaders, successful and mentally and emotionally healthy citizens.I applaud gofundme for removing this schools funding campaign and all of those who speak out against homophobia, and other discrimination and speak up for human decency.Because he was going to say a sentence or two about being gay, they silenced all of his hard-work, success and accomplishments for his four years of high school. This didnt just affect him and his family, but anyone at the ceremony who could have took anything positive away from his journey and what he had to say. Unacceptable .! .! .!

Review №39

Oldest started in Kindergarten, now have 11th, 7th and 4th graders. Love this schools balance of rigor and conscientious progress. Highly recommend this school.

Review №40

This school prevented their true valedictorian, a young man with a 4.5 grade point average to be the valedictorian or to address his classmates on the occasion of their graduation because he is gay and was going to take advantage of the opportunity his speech gave him to make some really funny jokes, thank the Coca Cola company for supplying him with a steady stream of caffeine, and - oh! Horror of horrors - to come out as homosexual. This is a blow to the very heart and soul of a liberal arts education. This failure to stand by their most successful student and to ignore the American axiom that all men are created equal completely over-shadows and neutralizes any possible positive attribute(s) they may have as a learning institution. I am unable to express the depths of my loss of respect for this school as an educational institution. If you send your children here, they will be taught that different is equivalent to lesser. They will lose any opportunity to learn to co-exist with those who are unlike themselves. They will be encouraged in self-righteousness, and discouraged from seeking out opposing points of view. In other words, they will miss out on any opportunity for a true education, an unspeakable and indefensible loss.

Review №41

Outing a promising young man and canceling his speech? This place disgusts me and the faculty are TOO concerned with their students sexuality on an almost CREEPY level.

Review №42

Terrible people. Hassle their kids. Have no idea how to maintain safety; re outing gay kids.

Review №43

The case of Evan Youngs valedictory gagging is extremely disturbing. It is almost impossible to imagine how an academys principal in the United States in 2015 can believe it is acceptable to treat a students declared gayness like an evil disease that must be covered up. Outing a student to his family reveals a level of callous disregard for his feelings that reveals a spirit of vindictiveness. No blame is ascribed to gayness. It is not some kind of chosen wickedness. B. J. Buchmann has revealed, in his judgmental denial of his students wish to be open and honest with his school, not a shred of the core values necessary in a senior teacher who would lead young people into their futures fearlessly. The schools charter boasts a commitment to character development that includes the quality of compassion - yet Evan Young was shown neither compassion nor understanding by the principal. Declaring his own gayness has been described by the schools attorney as pushing an agenda. Only someone manifestly ignorant of the true nature of human sexuality could make such a perverse statement. Instead of apologising, the school has reinforced its apparent policy of discrimination towards gay people. Such a policy ripples out to the wider world, allowing cruel acts to be justified as normative, as in the case of Matthew Shepard.In censoring Evan, the principal exhibited a level of bigotry, censure, malevolence and dismissive rejection of the nature of personhood in his uber-compliance to traditional values - the same gay-denying, gay-rejecting Establishment values that drove the persecuted war hero Alan Turing to suicide. This disqualifies him from fulfilling the requirements of his leadership role. As long as the principal is convinced that discriminating in this way is justifiable, his academy will be tainted, seen as unfit for the full expression of a students personality, a place which would better suit those who choose to be cowed and crushed by conformity, compliance and the denial of their personhood.

Review №44

As someone who moved to CO 2 years ago, and a parent of a teenager who had to live through the Arapahoe high school shooting : I am disgusted with Mr Buchman and any other people who defend this homophobia. My son and I have experienced more bigotry ( racism, sexism, anti semitism and just plain old bullying) by both students and the admin at AHS and the state in general. This is not just a condemnation of the school but the state as well. And I have lived in 10 states. This is not about insulting liberals like some of the actual haters on this site have stated. Its about TOLERANCE. Because of the SAME kind of HATEFUL attitudes shown by the school AND the homophobic posters here, My son, who is STRAIGHT and was not willing to tolerate the hate he encountered at Arapahoe, left that horrible school and went to a local high school with kids who are out as gay, and VERY diverse.. Its a much better environment and has less kids who are depressed and are acting out because of intolerance. Shame on all you people in this state who push these hateful attitudes.

Review №45

Its cool but uniform is not cool

Review №46

This school punishes students who are gay! They canceled the 4.5 GPA student Evan Young - the valedictorian - from giving a planned speech in which he was going to reveal he was gay. His principal, B.J. Buchmann (note the irony of his first two initials), denied him from giving the speech and outed him to his parents.This school needs to get rid of the bigoted staff, starting with Principal B.J.!

Review №47

They are violating the terms of their charter as a public school if they are unwilling to demonstrate the exact same non-discriminatory policies required of the public schools.

Review №48

Excellent teachers who care about students/teaching. Spring 2015 decisions were wrong-board members continue to make destructive decisions instead of getting school back on track.

Review №49

Theyve been great to work with!

Review №50

Evans story is truly sad, I hope this school gets shut down because what happened is unacceptable. This is a violation of the first amendment and those involved in making decisions here should be tried at court. Shame!

Review №51

Gay-shaming Principle BJ Buchmann refused to let valedictorian speak and outed him to his parents!Astonishingly awful.

Review №52

Its great go hear if your in the age to go ...................................................

Review №53

Its a cool place

Review №54

This is a pretty cool school.

Review №55

If they care about their students, then why keep a valedictorian from his speech just because hes gay? Not a school Id send my kids to.

Review №56

Great sports facility for a track meet.

Review №57

It’s big sucks

Review №58

I love it here 😊😀👨

Review №59

School leaders are irresponsible and foolish, promoting a backwards, openly hostile environment for young people.

Review №60

Administration is a complete joke. Whoever is in charge of the school district needs to fire the entire administration.

Review №61

Disgusting that a facility claiming to promote virtue and character would be so steadfastly anti LGBT. Shame on this organization and its governing body.

Review №62

Obviously no cultural literacy here-what a shameful action of the principal--the man should NOT be able to interact with developing teens at all-

Review №63

This is an amazing school

Review №64

Its a school. What more can I say?

Review №65

Bigots shouldnt be in the position of authority over our youth.

Review №66

Homophobic admin chooses to censure the class valedictorian based on their myopic narrow beliefs, not only infringing on his first amendment rights but also creating a implied hatred and a culture of its Ok to bully people who are not the same or have the same belief system as you .. shame on you !!! Hitler felt the same about the JEWS ..

Review №67

I go to this school and all around just awful

Review №68

Very disappointing leadership

Review №69

Out the principal...oh, out with the principal!

Review №70

I go to this school

Review №71

Shame on you!

Review №72

Just a quick shout out about this school and staff. Our child is in 1st grade and they really have been excellent so far. The pandemic made everything pretty tough last year and this was one of the few schools open almost completely full time through it all. I know it was a lot of hard work and challenges to accomplish that.Communication was great as well. We had weekly video updates from the superintendent last year regarding the pandemic and the teachers were easy to reach and speak to. Staff really seem to care about the kids and families and it shows in their dedication.Curriculum has been great. Love some of the choices such as Latin and classic math. Love that they still teach cursive. Love that kids get to make regular trips to the library.Only downside is there are no morning programs and no longer after school either starting this year. Also, kids cannot be dropped off until 7:50 a.m. now, creating unnecessary traffic to and from in the mornings.

100 Photos
3 Rating
  • Address:340 S Sunset St, Longmont, CO 80501, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 303-772-7286
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Working hours
  • Monday:7AM–3:30PM
  • Tuesday:7AM–3:30PM
  • Wednesday:7AM–3:30PM
  • Thursday:7AM–3:30PM
  • Friday:Closed
  • Saturday:Closed
  • Sunday:7AM–3:30PM
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