Calvary Chapel Christian School
7175 W Oquendo Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89113, United States
Calvary Chapel Christian School

Review №1

This school is terrible. Everyone who goes here literally hates it and the staff have no care for students and their mental health. I’ve never met a student who enjoys it and all the reviews on here are only from teachers who work there. This school is incredibly controlling and is the reason for all their students poor mental health. Bring your kids anywhere else if you want them to be happy.I wish i could give this school 0 stars.

Review №2

Great Christian School. Wonderful school in wholesome Environment.

Review №3

Horrific school. Horrendous experiences. I fell into a deep depression at this school.

Review №4

Attending this school was a horrible experience.The students were incredibly rude. I was in a very bad mental state during my time at this school. Im so glad I ditched this joint.

Review №5

Hi Im a new parent here, i want sent my son to this school, is anyone know how much per school yrar?

Review №6

I have a daughter in 3rd grade and a daughter in Kindergarten at Calvary. We have truly enjoyed our experience here! Calvary genuinely cares for the children and families. The Biblical and Spiritual aspect of the school can not be matched. The teachers and staff have hearts on fire for the Lord! They welcome families with open arms and truly create a family environment at the school. This is a great place if you want your children to be given a true biblical foundation along with a loving environment and academic growth!

Review №7

I went to this school for 12 years and I am so incredibly grateful for my time spent there. The education i received was so much more than the standard education. And I would not be where I am in my faith without the education I received here. It changed my life in the best possible way. The time I spent here is priceless to me and i would not trade it for the world. I want to thank Calvary for genuinely being invested in my education and spiritual growth.

Review №8

I’ve attended the church since I was born, played on the football team as a teenager and now am blessed with the opportunity to be on staff at the school as a graphic designer and media teacher. I couldn’t ask for a better place to work. All of my coworkers are sincerely focused on loving the students, equipping them with the word of God and preparing them for a meaningful future.

Review №9

I prayed for direction before placing my kids in a new elementary school and the Lord led me here, 2 years ago. We have been so blessed because of this! The staff encourages and prays with my kids. The curriculum is up to standard and there are continuous fun events to engage in. The teachers know me and my family and are always communicative with me. It is a small school and that is such a blessing, in terms of always knowing whats happening. Because of this and more, we are planning on staying here through middle school as well.

Review №10

The love that the teachers and staff have for the students is so wonderful to see. They truly do pray for the students and want to help them not only be successful in school, but in life, and lead them to a closer relationship with Jesus. Both of my sons attend high school here and I have the privilege of teaching at this school and seeing the positive impact it is having in the lives of our students. I wouldnt have my sons in any other school!

Review №11

My son has grown a lot at this school. He loves all his teachers and school staff. I like that the scripture is used in addressing behavior issues as it reinforce what we try to do at home. His younger brother cannot wait to be at the same school.

Review №12

I attended Calvary for 8 years and it was an amazing experience. They taught me Christian values and help mold me into the woman I am today. The teachers loved and blessed me daily. I pray that someday I can put my children into this fantastic school.

Review №13

The summer school program really helped my child succeed. He became much more interested in learning and I owe that all to Ms. Stuhr, a young woman that started the program. She is an excellent teacher/friend/counselor to the children at this school and has brought enthusiasm and encouragement into their lives. I am absolutely appalled that the administration would refuse to bring her back next year. I am considering finding another school that actually appreciates making a difference in childrens lives instead of forcing their own agenda.

Review №14

As a parent who homeschooled their children years ago using online homeschool programs (like K-12), I can absolutely tell you that what Calvary Chapel Christian School is doing to teach our kids and prepare them for the next year is above and beyond anything that other online programs can offer. The teachers know, love and care about their students. Even online, there is contact with the students. The guidance and direction is personal which I believe is a key part of helping our students be successful. Thank you CCCS and all the teachers that are doing an amazing job educating our students during a difficult time.

Review №15

This school is great

Review №16

Wonderful experience with all the of the experiences I have had here. The teachers are passionate and dedicated to excellent student teaching and focus on coming along families to provide quality education. Wonderful school and place to send your kids to.

Review №17

Great school. Dedicated Christian teachers who love kids and desire to see them learn and grow to their fullest potential.

Review №18

My experience is that all of us are always “striving” to become the best we can be but none of us, save Jesus, ever arrives at perfection. I love the family atmosphere from the pre-school on up. I love that the students are nurtured in a safe, wholesome, Christian environment. The church and the school is growing rapidly so obviously many things are being done right. In an organization this large there are bound to be some mistakes made and hurt feelings. Christian schools are like ripe fruit for the enemy, who loves to destroy. It is up to those of us who can to stand firmly in love and faith, trying to make each day a little better than the one before. We will each live or die by our tongue. Think carefully about what you say and decide whether your opinion and words help or hurt the church and school. I’m so happy to be here on holy ground, in Gods presence, and to be able to share love with each of you.

Review №19


Review №20

My daughter and my nephew have been attending Calvary Chapel Christian School since Kindergarten and PreSchool, respectively, they are now in 5th grade and we love it there! It’s an affordable option if you want your child in a Christ centered environment where the teachers and faculty love your child and prays for them! The teachers truly have a heart for the children to not only teach them academically, but foremost instill biblical values! I would highly recommend googling “private school reviews” there are so many more informative reviews on Calvary than what on here, it will help you make a more informative decision, and number one, pray for God to give your guidance in selecting the right school for your child!

Review №21

As the mother of a golden graduate who attended Calvary for 13 years, as well as a member of the staff, I can honestly say that this school strives for academic excellence and the creation of a well rounded, God fearing, successful leader of the future. I have worked there for 13 years, and can honestly say that this is my dream job!

Review №22

As a parent and a teacher, there is no place I would rather be than Calvary Chapel Christian School. They strive for excellence in academics and make Christ the center of everything they do. Students who graduate from Calvary Chapel Christian School are well-equipped spiritually, academically, and relationally.

Review №23

Three siblings graduated from here, and now I’m a teacher here! I have to say that we as a staff really pray for our students. I love what I do!

Review №24

This school is completely trash. They have no idea how to run a school, the administration is sloppy. This school is not organized at all. Now they do have some pretty nice teachers but they just get rid of them afterwards. This school only wants your money. The summer school program is awful, they make you pay hundreds just so your kid can sit on a computer all day, summer school is supposed to teach your kid so that they can understand it. Now if you want your kid to go to a good Christian school then look elsewhere cause this is not where its at.

Review №25

If I could I would give this school a 0/5 stars so this is generous.There are students here discussing witch craft (keep in mind that this is a “Christian School”) they have students bringing in weapons.They tried to cover it up but that got out.Kids have been harmed and harassed here as well. John Traveno has been no help at all to any of this he chose to ignore it all.You might as well send your kids to public this school is just like it. Hope this helps you parents out there..

Review №26

Great school for elementary. High school goes through principals, superintendents and athletic directors CONSTANTLY. Budgeting has always been a problem with this school and they constantly have to raise tuition (which they did in the middle of the school year in 2016!) or have the church bail them out. Curriculum at high school level is limited. School parents are “clicky” and judgemental. School needs to focus on God and education and not worry about recruiting shady athletic directors, coaches and kids from other countries to play on sports teams.

Review №27

Loving Christ centered teachers that really love on your children. Teaching your children not only the basics of education but critical thinking skills to get them ready for the world and college!

Review №28

Our Christian Sunday schools are like car shops. In car shops you will find cars that are in pieces because car accidents, in fires and in thefts etc. Sunday school is the same. You will see more dirty souls. That’s why the souls are gathered to be cleansed of sin just like the automobiles are gathered to be fixed. Besides we should not gather and look around us, we need to focus straight ahead to perfection which is our goal. May JesusChrist our guide you and bless your heart. Amen.

Review №29

This school is the absolute worst, the teachers and students are comply bias and are not christian the entire academy is a scam. Now not every single teacher is horrible, but i must say that the good ones are gone, most likely because as both they and i know this school isnt what it seems like. The students are always in cliques and are extremely judgeful.

Review №30

The music and art program have much to be desired for elementary students however other aspects are great and we knew they love our son.

Review №31

The teachers are all amazing and the really care about the future of the students.

Review №32

Mistreats students and puts students in toxic environments that make them feel lost and hopeless. The only place where I felt happy was at the library and in the office with the school counselor.

Review №33

This school is a joke they have hired people who are only concerned about winning and making money. they only care about the athletes and they made it clear and they have dismiss great people like their dean of students Kathy Yohner who was escorted off campus and has been there since day one of the school. she would always take time to talk to students and parents a great teacher and Dean. They have also dismissed athletic director Martha Okelly and who has replaced her man name Dave Bliss who has no place in education what so ever who has only been hired so they can have winning teams and have ‘recruited six boys who aren’t even from this country. now church and school will claim he is forgiven and has every right to teach there but this parent begs to differ yes he is forgiven but that doesn’t mean he should be put in a position of authority and the fact that there being so sneaky at it had to be the review Journal who broke story and when and called as a parent asking for expiation and refused to give one and the fact that the new superintendent/principle got to school and met his staff one on one officially was this Monday show that this school is up to no good also why did Paul gracery who is lawyer and doesn’t have any experience as a pastor or educator do teacher orientation and tell the teachers what they can and can’t teach also their man alan who is repeatedly done illegal things to get money and if you don’t believe me then go there yourself and ask see if their open and will tell you whats going

Review №34

I have a child enrolled in this school. We just returned from orientation. Among the staff and teachers, we saw a lot of familiar faces. Some will be missed (Mr. Ruiz and Ms. Reed). Others will not! There were a handful of staff and teachers on the elementary side who were like gangsters. I did not see them at the orientation. I am assuming they are gone. If this is so, then thank you, CCCS, for cleaning house! Pastor Derek seems more involved with the school than in past years. This is extremely positive. I do not know whether Mr. Gracey posted the bad review that has his name on it. According to his LinkedIn profile, Mr. Gracey held a position of responsibility at the church. He sounds like an upset former employee. If the church and school were suffering, then I am inclined to believe it could have been because he was not doing his job right. The reviewer makes a lot of general accusations, but does not offer any support for the same. If you have actual evidence, Mr. Gracey, then bring it. Another thing alleged is that standards for enrollment have dropped. All I can say to that is this: CCCS accepted my imperfect kid and the teachers there are are willing to work with him and me to get him to learn what he needs to learn. He actually had Ms. Miller as a teacher a few years back. She is the principal now. He loved having her as a teacher. I thought she did a great job and really cared about the students. I have total confidence in her as a principal. I also met Mr. Robinson tonight. He is very likeable. We should give him a chance. Finally, CCCS hired a former NCAA Division 1 coach for the varsity basketball team. Maybe Mr. Robinson hand a hand in this. In any event, I think it was a great move. The entire school will benefit from an improved sports program. Even non athletic children will benefit. I am looking forward to the new school year. On balance, the changes at CCCS are positive.

Review №35

This church and school have been a part of my familys life for over 23 years. Weve had several foster children and an adopted child enrolled at the school, and my wife has worked for the church and school for the past 5 years. Up until 4 months ago I would have defended this church to the bitter end, but in the last two weeks we have left the church, pulled our son from the school and my wife has resigned her position.The person who reviewed under the name Paul Gracey was accurate on all points. In the last few months weve seen employees treated in a manner that is absolutely despicable. A long time female employee was escorted off the property by security, crying. Another female teacher was given 30 minutes to clear out her classroom after giving her notice. The stories about the disgusting way the staff has been treated go on and on. Some people are saying that change is good, and thats true. But there is no way anyone can defend the way people are being treated in the name of change.The transparency that the church and school have had in the past is completely gone. Some, not all of the new administration in the church and school are misleading and being dishonest. They are not being upfront with parents about why people are being fired and trying to make the disaster that the school has become seem better than it is. The whole Dave Bliss cover-up proves that the new administration is at the very least, deceitful. Dave Bliss was hired in June and started in July. The parents who entrust their children with these people were never notified. The only reason this is public now is because the Review Journal broke the story. When were they going to tell the parents they hired a man with such a shady background? THIS SCHOOL IS NOW THE LAUGHING STOCK OF THE ENTIRE COUNTRY BECAUSE OF THE DECISIONS MADE BY THIS ADMINISTRATION.Ive known the head pastor Derek Neider for over 20 years. I am shocked at how he has turned an incredible church and school founded by the late John Michaels, and turned it into a place where the employees fear going to work. He has been approached by many people expressing their concern about the direction he is leading this ministry. He believes that he is being led to turn CCLV into a mega-church and no one seems to be able to reason with him. Church and school board members have resigned due to his leadership. Close to 40 percent of the church and school staff have resigned or been fired. Ive spoken to one former church elder who resigned due to Derek Neider making decisions without consulting with them. At this point, Derek Neider has surrounded himself with yes men and anyone who has a differing opinion is dismissed. To anyone who says that he is still preaching the gospel, I would agree. But how many corrupt pastors have preached wonderful sermons? Our God can use anyone to spread the Gospel and speak the truth. Derek Neider is teaching the love of Jesus but ruling his church with an iron fist and fear. As much as it pains me to say it, this makes him a fraud. I pray for him and the school and church every day, and I hope the Lord shows him what many people are seeing before it is too late.Please dont take my word on any of this. Call the school and ask why they didnt tell anyone about the Dave Bliss hiring. Ask former employees how they were treated by the church/school when they resigned or were fired. Ask the many familys who have left the church or have pulled their kids from the school why they did it. Be cautious about what the administration tells you. Take what they tell you to God and he will give you discernment.

Review №36

I am pleased and blessed by this school. My three children attend, 9th grade, 8th grade, and 4th grade. We have been a part of the Calvary Christian School family for a couple of years. We are so thankful for the small class sizes since it gives the teachers an excellent ability to truly teach each student. They also pray for the kids daily and are sincerely caring and thoughtful in their actions. My daughter in 9th grade and my son in 8th grade are enrolled in accelerated honors classes. This year especially has been a year of new things and decisions made by the school staff which will create an even better approach to the best education possible for our children. Great things are in store in the future!

Review №37

This is the worst school ever

Review №38

I have to give the school an overall score of OK, because the rating is balanced with the fair score received for my children at the elementary level. My older child had a very good experience with most teachers. I say most even though, many teachers were not qualified to teach specific subjects. Many teachers were given more than one subject to teach, even thought the credentials were not there. For example, having your PE teacher also fill in for History, or Science! I didnt realize this was taking place, until we were half into the school year. When you want your child to go to a top rated college, I dont believe this school is qualified to prepare students for the Stamfords of the world, but our local community colleges.The majority of the teachers were biased with their classroom grading/penalizing system, aka henpecking techniques. If children were from families who were very active with their fund raising, volunteer work, etc...children received excellent grading in the classroom and no demerits (affected their grades do to infractions such as talking in a study hall period, not bringing materials to class, not doing the HW, etc.). In addition, many of these selective group of children, were often chosen for plays, competitions, etc. because of their family connection, not their truly earned talent. A lot of favoritism at play here, and that is hypocricy at play if you ask me. There is no consistency with many of the teachers and when you have the title of Christian attached to your name, you need to follow the rules of consistency with all children, even if they are related to pastors, faculty, etc. You cant turn the other cheek because of who these children are, because you teach hypocricy to the remainder student body. When we act one way, and teach another, children get the wrong message of what a Christian is. We teach children hypocricy and that is not a quality coming from God at all. How do you expect their character to shape when their classroom leaders and faculty staff are walking their Christian walk like this?If the school were to build a solid foundation on the true principles of Christianity and truly follow the walk, then you would be having educational leaders showing students how to walk in the light, not deception. I noticed a lot of gossip among staff and faculty as well, and that is not again a Christian quality. Dont grumble about each other, brothers and sisters, or you will be judged. For look--the Judge is standing at the door! James 5:9. My children were also exposed to many racial epithets coming from the students, with no repercussions during the incidents.Save your money and take your children somplace else, where the true walk with Christ is being taught in all ways, not just picking what to follow in the Bible. We dont choose what to follow in the Bible when we accept Christ...we simply walk accordingly down the narrow, straight path. We are guided by the Word, and follow what it says, so leaders can later teach younger generations what it is to be a Christian. I was disappointed overall to tell you the truth. I had higher expectations and I was let down.

Review №39

SUNDAY 4:50AM !!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? play music in 4:50AM on SUNDAY Morning... What Noise regulation law you are following?? Have You ever care about your neighbors here?? Noice Maker.

Review №40

The fact the administration would place Dave Bliss around children speaks volumes...

Review №41

What a fantastic place to work

Review №42

Honestly most kids there are rude and irresponsible

Review №43


14 Photos
3.4 Rating
  • Address:7175 W Oquendo Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89113, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 702-248-8879
Schools near me:
perrine elementary twin falls
1574 linden ave long beach ca 90813
harrisburg christian academy
  • Elementary school
  • Day care center
  • Religious school
  • High school
  • Kindergarten
  • Middle school
  • Preschool
  • Private school
  • Senior high school
Working hours
  • Monday:7:30AM–3:30PM
  • Tuesday:7:30AM–3:30PM
  • Wednesday:7:30AM–3:30PM
  • Thursday:Closed
  • Friday:Closed
  • Saturday:7:30AM–3:30PM
  • Sunday:7:30AM–3:30PM
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