Hunters Creek Middle School
4040 Hunters Trail, Jacksonville, NC 28546, United States
Hunters Creek Middle School

Review №1

I get home from a long day at work just learn that my daughter says a teacher tells her that she will end up in jail. Im upset that our educators are bullying our children; informing them that they will never amount to much in life because of bad behavior displayed at 12 years of age. Arent you being paid to educate; positively influence and mold the minds of our future: to make them believe that they can do better; be better and achieve better in life? And this school wonders why the youth are so lost, its a direct reflection of the example being shown.

Review №2

I dont go to this school but I can tell that there are a couple hatas just by reading by the reviews like come on now. If you go to Jacksonville Commons Middle there are even more bugs and old textbooks from since the school was made, there are some teachers who only puts 5 grades in one 9 week. Also some of my teachers dont even like me. So yeah your school is better than ours.

Review №3

I like this school! The people here are sometimes bad but thats not the schools problem. The food they serve is kinda gross but they teach good stuff.

Review №4

My child loves it. Best school ever. The avid program is sooo organized. I love it. So does my child.

Review №5

I love this but there are some flaws and the teachers could be better but over all everyone is nice most of the time.

Review №6

It is better than the school i went to before but there are a lot of bugs rats and stuff like that the computers brake a lot and some of the grammar teachers dont know correct grammar so yeah

Review №7

This school I kind of good but there are a lot of bugs and last year there was a mouse but other than that its kind of good.

Review №8

Downright disgusted. I’m in 7th grade and I’ve been here since 6th and I do not like the behavior of the teachers nor the students. The students discriminate against teachers and the teachers give them constant warnings, but they don’t do anything which allows the student to continue. I understand that most of it is the students fault for acting like a kindergartener but I thought school was supposed to teach us how to be respectful and learn how to do productive stuff, not learn how to hate and suffer from bullying. Our principal does barley anything. When they try to get involved they don’t speak to the students, but they need to. I want the best for myself and others and the buses are extremely carefree, which angers me. I get pushed, shoved, yelled at, by everyone in this school but I want people to learn how to act. This school tries too hard, just simply teach people and teach them how to act like real humans and not like the inhuman acts they are pulling.

Review №9

Greetings, this school is so wonderful the teachers are just fabulous and taught me how to spell and tie my shoe :)))) i am so thankful for them :))))

Review №10

Its a spectacular learning environment and I have really enjoyed my stay at this school :)))

Review №11

THIS School is amazing and the teachers to but my favorite teacher is Mrs.Habersham

Review №12

I am a student at this school and I agree with some of these comments.. but there arent rats and mice in the school. There is the occasional dead/alive roach or bug here and there. The food is kinda gross though. Sometimes they serve good stuff but that`s only sometimes. Most of the teachers are pretty nice. Judging by these comments, either the school has changed A LOT since then or maybe these comments werent true in the first place. The bus ride to and from school is a different story... its really crazy. Yelling, screaming, music played to full volume, kids attacking other kids - what I meant by that is someone tried to choke another kid - bus driver that can be really loud... there are DEFINITELY some positive changes that could be added to bus rides. And someone got of the bus who wasnt supposed too and punched my friend! But the bus driver did NOTHING except lecture us about getting off on the right stop! Did absolutely nothing to help my friend... Also when I try to catch my bus in the morning the people said the bus would come at 6:22. Well, it comes at a range of 6:10 to 6:22. And even when I come at 6:10 I miss it by a minute... The way they let you choose classes is nice though. I liked was classes I got. The color system though. That is really dumb to me. In fifth grade, me and my classmates had a strike punishment. If you got in trouble, you got a strike and had to miss recess and have silent lunch. That wasnt babyish at all. It was actually a good way to discipline us. However the COLOR CODE system with green, blue, yellow and red was a bad idea- it makes most of us feel dumb and younger than we should feel! It makes me feel like a kindergartner! And sometimes kids get accused for something they didnt even do! Some teachers will only hear one side of the story. But the issue with the computers is downright awful! Currently we have a virus going around and my computer got infected for about two weeks and my grade dropped in a lot of classes due to me not being able to get work done. I tried to finish the late work but couldnt because one day wasnt enough! They have like forty computers and one computer specialist that works for two schools- hunters creek elementary and middle. However there is only two desktop computers in the back of the room and tons of students with no computers. I think that they should either( A ) Not do so classwork on computer( B ) Get more computer tech to this school. And also what happened to recess or outside time where you get to let lose and run around for awhile? We dont even go outside anymore. Just for P.E. They dont give us any time at all to stretch our legs and get rid of pent up energy that might get us in trouble. They expect us not to be fidgety?! Also the lockers sit around doing nothing at all while we should be using them so we dont strain ourselves carrying all of the school stuff. My book bag is about 3 times the width of my body and about 10-12 pounds at least with everything we are required to take in it! My friend accidentally stepped on the back of my shoe and I almost tripped but the teacher saw it and said if he tripped me again she would put him on blue! Why though? Even I said it wasnt on purpose but did she believe me? Nope... We have to have a hallway pass for everywhere we go and since kids started ripping the hall passes we have to carry our planners around EVERYWHERE even to go to the bathroom or to grab a quick drink of water! All of the kids - even the good behaved kids that put up with this - get it taken away when its one kids fault! How is this fair to the rest of us who constantly get punished but we are actually the GOOD KIDS? Overall this school could have some changes but it is a somewhat decent school. I dont mean to hate on this school and sound like a mean person but the things that happen there could be dealt with a more better way. - Anonymous Student Who Does Not Wish To Give Her Name

Review №13


Review №14

This place is disgusting the teachers do not know how to teach, there is bugs crawling up and down the walls and the teachers will not kill them the just let them go. they put us on red for no reason.when we laugh.RED when we smileRED. we can not do anything without getting on RED. they treat us like two year olds . The teachers at hunters creek are racist,perverts, critizers,and idiots .They think they know everything about everyone when they really dont know jacksquat.I will never go back to this jail ever no more in my life.I really hope this schools gets better not only for me but for other black children.The teachers act like they dont know how to HELP kids out with anything. And this school is supposed to be a NO BULLYING ZONE? they see kids getting bullied all the time. THE KIDS TELL THEM ABOUT IT AND DONT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. they need to get an exterminator. also they were painting the walls while school was still in that could of got us high.and the school lunches are horrible just disgusting ... they need to get new lunch ladies they are rude as mess.and aslo they took away our p.a time that is not fair any other grades get it but us... its such an unfair school. theres alot more wrong with this school i just dont have time to tell... now have a great day/night

Review №15

They will not allow the students to use the lockers, they have to carry all thier books, folders, notebooks, computers, winter coats and lunch boxes, ect all day. However, they do allow the county to use the yard for soccer and baseball.

Review №16

I came here from new bridge and i Hate this School The teachers are Rude and disrespectful i wish i could go back to new bridge. They have colors like were children like what grade are we in kindergarten. They also taught me how to brush my teeth it was flabbergasting. Dont come to this school go to new bridge:)

Review №17

If I could rate zero stars, I would. I went to this school only for one year; but it was one of the worst experiences I have ever had. Usually most schools will try to help make sure the new kids adjust well, but not this one. I myself, and many other classmates I have are shy, or have social anxiety, and the teachers should respect that; but they dont. If you have a mental illness/disorder, it is extremely important that you feel you are in a safe environment at all times. This school doesnt make you feel safe, or even welcomed for that matter. I had one teacher last year who really showed true initiative and caring in her teaching. I didnt have friends almost the entire school year, and the teachers thought it was hilarious to make comments over the fact. The 8th grade teachers are extremely disrespectful and flat out rude. And all these people are defending the school for stupid decisions they make? Why? Like do you all enjoy getting treated like 5 and 6 year olds? Theyre literally taking you back all the way to kindergarten. If you dont know how to act as 11-14 year olds; then you should just get ASD or ISS. Maybe a small exception for 6th graders, but seriously, you should know how to act as youre preparing for high school; and a color chart, is just ridiculous. Also, the teams thing limits new students to being able to expand their amount of friends. Especially since they get a lot of new students, considering this is a military town. People move in and out of here monthly. Luckily, I had at least 9 or 10 friends in my class, but thats literally because the class was divided into cliques. There were about 3-4 cliques of people in my class. I go to White Oak now, and can say it is a huge change. The teachers are nicer, and are trying to set you up for college, or whatever it is you want to do for your future. They give you a lot more freedom, the teachers will have actual conversations with you, you dont get treated like youre 5, and its just a better experience all together.

Review №18

This school is the worst and they treat us like we are babys color system really and the lunch is horrible but the bugs and rats, the principle and mrs murdock needs to get fired for what she does

Review №19

I struggle to give even one star, it deserves negative stars. I went here a few years ago, 6th was okay, still bad but not as bad as 7th grade. Teachers joined in on the bullying and didnt care or offer help to students one teacher that stood out slightly to me was Mr.Bera, he was nice and helpful. Anyways I left this school and failed that grade, moved to Vermont and joined a brilliant middle school that allowed me to skip 7th if I did some worksheets over the summer, If I compare the two, the new school in Vermont is so wonderful and clean and nice Im sending my own children there. Hunters creek is so bad I swore Id never live in north Carolina again. I left that school insecure, afraid, bullied, and depressed. I have a story for the last few days of 7th grade before I moved. The math teacher at the time came up to me as I was cleaning my locker out, everyone else was watching a movie.(I had written my name in the locker in pencil and they got mad at me so thats why I was taking longer.) He told me it would be funny if I wrote it again and encouraged me to go grab a whiteboard marker. being the oblivious person i sometimes am I grabbed the permanent marker and wrote it again, he then approached me again, looked in and called the teacher who had originally got mad at me. He told Her I had done it again and she yelled at me, they sent me to the offices with my things and unsigned yearbook(Which nobody but my only two friends would sign.) where I sobbed and sobbed, the staff that passed and parents, including the receptionist just stared at me, no one offered any comfort, no one listened, they took what the teacher said and went with it. My mother came to pick me up an hour later, they suspended me for three days, which covered the last three days of school and wouldnt let me say goodbye to anyone. Recess was walking in a circle around the teachers in the bus parking lot, you cant run, go backwards, stop, kick rocks, play, write, draw, jump, or sit. If you kicked rocks teachers got mad, my 8th grade teachers tore a paper of a story i was writing and kept both halves. This school gives your child no support and is by far the worst Ive known. The principle is an imbecile! Also get a real freaking orchestra room, you shouldnt have them playing in a trailer.

Review №20

Terrible, made some great friends but the 8th grade teachers are really disrespectful and really make it seem as though they dont care about our education. There was only one good teacher that really strived to make herself a better teacher and help us learn more efficiently. I have never had so many problems with teachers in my whole school experiences. The principle doesnt do anything to stop it though, it seems as the teachers rule the 8th graders. We had so many things taken from us, our tutorial; used for students who needed help on the homework and/or didnt do it, was taken and turned into an extra class, they would teach us things we already know and waste a hour of our time that we couldve been using wisely. Also PA, our recess, consists of walking around a sad black top for 5 minutes like prisoners then going inside to each lunch. Most ridiculous school Ive been to by far. Im so glad Im moving off to high school.

Review №21

We have to wait on the bus stop for a long pereodiclyyyyy time and the school is nasty and there are rats and roaches everywhere. if 0 stars was a option.

Review №22

Hunter Creek Middle school is super disgusting they have mice spiders and roaches they have bad lunch and the water at water fountains does not taste good it taste like salt water and the bathrooms smell like a porta potty at a beach and they always mess with your grade if they dont like you and they say dont eat in my class because i have bugs but yet he/she is eating a whole meal this unfair something needs to be done and I mite switch schools

Review №23

Unblock Little big snake that was the schools game .

Review №24

This school has mice roaches and the teachers blaim you for stuff you dont even do they dot help with bulling and this school sucks

Review №25

Bullies!!! Bullying by the students and teachers! I spoke to the teachers and principal several times and nothing was done. Hateful place and bad experience for my child!

Review №26

I go there now nobody cares to help the students they discipline you for no resion

Review №27

Horrible I was bullied by students and teachers they said bulling wasnt allowed but obviously no one cared people would pick on me and talk about my flaws and made me insecure and they dont deserve anything good dont let ur kids go u will regret it they will be messed with or not understand what the teachers are teaching them

Review №28

This school isnt the best school. I dont like this school at all. Some of the staff members dont seem to care about the students. I wouldnt recommend this school or anyone.

Review №29

Unblock Little Big Snake

Review №30

This school has roaches and the cafeteria food is crusty

Review №31

I heard this school sucks I hear there are roaches crawling in the food Im glad I dont go hear my sister said the elementary school and middle School share the same janaters

Review №32

Went here as kid thought it was okay, but i cant say what goes on now

Review №33

I never been to hunters creek but my friend goes and he says it sucks i am going to be in new bridge so i am lucky

Review №34

Some one stole me bottle o coke

Review №35

Do not like the school as a student

Review №36

Its horrible and i got bribed

Review №37

This school suck try again

Review №38

There are cockroaches everywhere

Review №39

Dont track me

Review №40

Alot of bias

Review №41

Food is grossssssssssssssssss

Review №42

Roaches and Rats and mice and bugs and nasty nasty nasty

Review №43

Its ight

Review №44

It was the best

Review №45

This school sucks

Review №46

No, just no

Review №47

Bugs that is nasty

Review №48


Review №49


Review №50


Review №51


1 Photos
2.2 Rating
  • Address:4040 Hunters Trail, Jacksonville, NC 28546, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 910-353-2147
Schools near me:
northcoast medical training kent oh
kumon rowlett
shawnee early childhood
  • Middle school
  • Public school
Working hours
  • Monday:Closed
  • Tuesday:Closed
  • Wednesday:6AM–2:30PM
  • Thursday:6AM–2:30PM
  • Friday:6AM–2:30PM
  • Saturday:6AM–2:30PM
  • Sunday:6AM–2:30PM
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