Duval Charter School at Mandarin
5209 Shad Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32257, United States
Duval Charter School at Mandarin

Review №1

For an actual review-We had a great teacher who just moved on to a better job opportunity. She was one of the best teachers there was, I actually enjoyed her sense of humor, and teaching style.Another teacher who was amazing also left, she was one of the best P.E coaches Ive ever had.The teachers are decent at the school, but theres some I would hate to have. These teachers dont help me learn, and so I get discouraged from learning (Or they dont know how to teach).I wish they try to hire more qualified teachers who have the energy and power to make us want to actually do our work.-Rant about teachers (This applies to some teachers in the school)I understand that you think strictness is good but it isnt always. I never want to be stuck in a room doing tons of worksheets and being quiet (Sure talking can cause people to not do their work but theres other ways you can fix it) all the time. Doing group projects, work can cause a more healthy working environment! Also it isnt a good idea to just put a bunch of work sheets and hand them out for everyone to do. A lot of people will just look at it and throw it always because no body wants to do huge amounts of work. Instead hand out one worksheet telling them to do it independently, saying it should be done in 15 minutes, than for the next worksheet, tell them they can work with a partner. After said time, the last worksheet should be done for homework. (I wouldnt go overload with worksheets, maybe 2 or 3 a day, or probably even less.)

Review №2

Been here since the school start. Honestly matters if you’re Best or not. Everything is based on Bestity. Standing at a grade of C- overall and a health grade of D-. Honestly lied to the district about code red drills. Year 2 and 3 we had no drills. Don’t send your child here.

Review №3

Love this school! My daughter started coming here the very first year it opened. I was struggling to get my daughter tested for gifted at her previous school as she was flying through assignments and very bored in class. Within two months of being at DCSM she was tested and placed into gifted classes. Shes an AB honor roll student. The teachers openly communicate about everything in class. The principal does as well. Love this school!

Review №4

I’m telling you if I could vote this school a 0 star rating I would this school is literally so horrible the staff is the worst part. The staff cares more about your shirts tucked in than you actually understanding and passing the work. The worst grade you can go in is the 7th grade the civics teacher made a student cry for making her feel uncomfortable and he doesn’t even teach he’s sits at his desk drinking coffee while the student have to watch a power point and write the whole thing down and when it comes time for a a test for assessment he will give you the paper and say do it.

Review №5

I HATE this school. It’s very bad and doesn’t help me learn at all. The 7th grade civic teacher is horrible. How am I supposed learn from watching video of another civics teacher? Our principal doesn’t have any concerns about what goes on in our school. The 2016-2017 school year was bad as well. The middle school Spanish teacher was abusive. One kid left the school because the Spanish teacher dragged him by his ear out of the class. The principal knew about this situation but decided to keep the teacher because they had already lost so many teachers. Me as a student at this school suggest not to send your child to this school.

Review №6

THIS SCHOOL IS LITERALLY TRASH.if your child or you are going to 7th grade please dont go.DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ABOUT THE CIVICS TEACHER, this guy sits in his chair all day, and teaches us nothing and then out of nowhere he gives us this thick packet that he expects us to do when he sits there with his laptop and you dont even know what he is doing.We take Cornell notes one day and then the next day he expects us to do 4 tests in one day.Then he even stated by his own words that if you dont like my teaching skills then you should know that I am the best civics teacher in the whole Duval county district, and if you dont believe that then you can tell your mom or dad that if you have a problem make you and your mom come and talk to me about what your problem is with my teaching.and if you want to ask a question about we are learning about he just yells across the room and tells you to wright it on a sticky note and give it to him at the end of class because it is a disruption to the class.Basically this class is stressful . like the heck.also, this school HAS NO ACTIVITIES TO DO and if they do host 1 activity NO ONE will join because its so boring.If you do not believe me about the civics teacher you can read the rest of the reviews that other 7th graders complain about.ALSO when you are switching classes they only make you go one way and if you try to go backwards they will literally scream at you, thats how tiny the hallways are. So to summarize I wouldnt go to this school if were a 7th grader.Although Im still stuck in this school.There was also this girl thats also in 7th grade that brought alcohol to school and started sharing it to other girls and started getting drunk, so she expelled the girl that was sharing the alcohol out of the school.

Review №7

I am currently in the 6th grade ans also in the Cambridge program that the school offers. What confuses me is that the only teacher that treats us like Cambridge students is Ms.Denihan . She gives us extra work, has us do power points, and really challenges us. The rest of the teachers do not challenge us as much as they should. Which defeats the whole point of being in the program.

Review №8

It just great, everything is very well organized,the staff is very prepared and they take it very seriously every step in an ordinary day.Love for my kids being in the school with uniforms so they are focus on the learning where everyone is the same.

Review №9

Nice and very clean elementary school! Great teacher and excelent management !

Review №10

WELLLLLL..............this school deserves less then one star my child gets bullied everyday and hates it. the teachers are so rude and make fun of my kid. if you want your kid to commit suicide come here jk .

Review №11

This is the worst school experience i have ever had. the teachers are plain rude and unfair, the deans seem like they do not care about anything their staff does. last year in 7th grade (i am in 8th now thank god im leaving), the civics teacher did NOTHING just showed us videos of another teachers assignments and work. this year and last year this school cannot keep teachers, either the teachers are fired or leave this horrible school (wow i wonder why). a teacher i love even cried because mr. profit was being stressful to get refferals for the dumbest things, and suspended for the dumbest things. they dont do anything about bullying or kids making threats to the school and the deans and teachers are unqualified to even work here because of how butt hurt they get when you prove them wrong. dean profit did a bag check and took out peoples phones and turned them off, when he got to my phone he gave a weird look like, 1.) dont touch my phone ASK me and other students to turn it off sir 2.)ask me to turn off my phone instead please.please dont send your child to this school if you want them to have a good middle school experience

Review №12

I recommend you read this. It’s worth it. Where do I begin, this school is awful! The teachers threaten kids with referrals like it’s going to solve problems. This school is run very poorly and they act like they care about the kids but don’t. I’m not sure why they try to have clubs and sports here if no one even joins, it’s just wasting their time. They only care abt kids who’s parents work for the school, they baby them and worship them just because their soccer mom brings cookies to staff meetings. Every other grade gets to go outside EVERYDAY yet they can’t let middle school go out at least once a week. If we’re loud in the cafeteria we get in trouble HOW DOES THAT MAKE SENSE ALL DAY WERE TOLD WAIT TILL LUNCH TO TALK ALL YOU WANT BUT WHEN WE GET TO LUNCH WERE TOLD TO BE QUIET?? LUNCH IS OUR ONLY FREE TIME AND NOW THEY ACT LIKE LUNCH PERIOD IS A PRIVILEGE. I’m going into 8th grade now and I’m actually a little bit happy only because I do not have to deal with the 7th grade civics teacher. Oh my gosh he is a horrible horrible teacher. He sits on his butt doing god knows what on his laptop and puts a slide show up with about two paragraphs on each slide and expects us to write it all in 1 minute. I know this isn’t as important but my handwriting is fairly neat but writing those stupid “cornell notes” was so hard my handwriting was so sloppy and I could barely read any of it to study. That class gave me so much stress and I feel bad for the new 7th graders going to his class.In that class I felt like I was working in a sweatshop. He has forever made civics boring to me and I can’t stand the thought of it. Everyday I dreaded going to that class. It was like a pain I couldn’t get rid of until June 1st (last day of school). Moving on, this school does not know how to properly handle fights and arguments between students. One day everyone was minding their business at lunch and I guess some sixth graders were arguing. The vice principal jumped over a table and fell face first into the ground just to stop they from arguing. He caused a whole scene which didn’t have to happen. He could’ve just walked around a couple of tables and stopped them. Afterwards he yelled at us for watching it all go down and laughing. HOW COULD WE NOT LAUGH AT THAT. Anyways Last but not least the teachers are very childish here. One teacher made one of my favorite teachers quit her job because she was jealous that kids liked her more. That was the only good teacher at this school that made kids actually learn and be successful in her class. But now I’m happy to say she is now living her best life and is very happy with her new job! Anyways that’s all I have to say for now, have a lovely day.

Review №13

Love everything and everyone on this school !! everybody very friendly, wonderful principal, a lot of good energy, a great environment for teachers, staff and students

Review №14

Mrs. lenhart is the only good teacherand ms.gainous

Review №15

Worst school ever due to the fact that they try to cover up what is truly happening to our children. We trust and leave our children with them for 8 hours days and they cant even protect them. My daughter was getting bullied for almost 3 months and no one did anything. Jerry Hulshut the principal was aware, Dean Profit was aware as well along with teachers. I filed a bullying report, contacted the school board, contacted the Regional Director of the school, sent numerous emails to the school and talked with JSO. Of course the school chose to not address the issue until my bullying report was filed which is ridiculous. Satanic things are going on in this school that they condone. Children are being made fun of and teased because they have a handicap. They are very unprofessional, communication is horrible and I dont even see how these people were licensed to oversee our children. Such a pure shame but if it were there child/children I bet they would be concerned or maybe not. Parents truly need to open there eyes and see this school for exactly what it is. My child was failed by the school and myself. Very disappointed in this school and what it stands for, thank God my child will not be returning after two school years she attended there. This has been the worst school year ever!!! #IamaparentwhostandsforherchildIn Regards,A Concerned Parent

Review №16

I was one of the first students that graduated from when the school opened. Im a freshman going to sophmore. Its true what they say about teachers trying to cover up for what was happening. I used to get picked on by a administrator (not going to say name) We were in the cafeteria,she let 2 other girls before me to the bathroom, but when i asked she said no. When i say no its no. But even tho they came back she said when i say no its no. I was in the bathroom with 6 other girls, they were talking and screaming.. but i just wanted to use the bathroom for its purpose...she walked in saying Corina come out. And started yelling at me. But i wasnt the one that did it...i said ...i even insisted for her to check the cameras. Of course she didnt.It was FSA day and she was testing us. The girl next to me didnt know how to log in and she (like many others were scared of the administrator) so i was helping her...The woman said Yo... Do you want your test to be invalidated. Then be quiet. I dont Need your help dude. Yo?? dude?? Um i dont think thats how a profesional should talk. Everyone else was helping eachother....this one girl was helping a boy and The woman said. Ur done...thanks. lets get started. I finally decided to tell my mom and dad. My mom went and talked to the principal (before mr.hulshult) and with the administrativas ...guess what. She lied and when i tried to speak up she would have something to say! When my mom mentioned the bathroom incident.....the woman said I have no authority to give permision to students to use the bathroom.Come on....I wasnt one of the Best kids so the teachers didnt want to do much with me. I was an average student...but with some failing Best student...a whole complete aspect....good friends i made here. Ms.Lenhart, Mrs. Bendickson, Ms.Holder, and Ms.Singleton were good teachers.Good luck to all you future students. Parents your going to need patience to deal with these people...always believe your kid...even if the teacher, principal, or whatever person seems honest or nice. No sports...oh wellGoodluck

Review №17

I love it :Ddont go to san jose prep in mandarin o.o just no F graded school

Review №18

I am currently in 6th grade and the teachers constantly lecture but take no action then when the students call them out they are then angered by being wrong then be have a teacher ms. Hawkins she overworks us 1 packet a week she then she points out our flaws and she fails to see her hypocrisy she cares more about not offending other cultures than teaching most of the staff is great but recently i had to go to technology from PE then i was stopped by a teacher saying i was going the wrong way then i proceeded to be in a argument missing about the first 2 minutes of class and she allowed my friends to pass this only shows the staff are total hypocrites and have double standards-PsI slipped and fell and got a concussion then tried to cover it up and they laughed at me for it

Review №19

Its. a good school. when it comes to academic, cleaniest, security,grade portal, etc.... but when it comes regading teachers it could be better. some teacher are great, but some of it is just there i have no idea why? theyre stress out, lots of pressure on them, they pass it on to the kids. they respond in a rude tone to the kids, and they expect the kids to respond in a soft voice. i just dont think thats right. but i guess its the way the school system run this days. no idea. I can imaging is not easy teaching today world, but why became a teacher?

Review №20

This school is poorly run!!! My child has been attending since 5th grade, it is their 8th grade year now and I wish I NEVER sent my child here!!! They are very opinionated, especially politically, and they force their views onto their students and their curriculum. I wish this school would shut down.

Review №21

This school is ok, I’m tired of some of of the teachers, and the principal, ooh he’s makes me mad. But everything else is fine

Review №22

I hate it...! Its jail and I want to escape it 😭😒😐 and honestly wanna kms because of reading plus and holder not understanding many situations she’s failing us for reading plus and it’s stupid... I really wanna kms just for it

Review №23

Worst school ever the teachers are rash and unqualified. The teachers give referrals for everything literally everything. Ms Rosie is always up in everyone business and she is really strict. Her clothes are way too tight for it to be allowed to be worn. She gives referrals for everything. The school cant keep teachers we had three ela teachers this year for eighth grade. Our science teacher was gone for half the year. Last year in seventh grade there was four teachers. This year in seventh grade there was three teachers. The PE teacher coach brown makes no sense and is unqualified. The school is dirty and unorganized. The cafeteria is dirty and nasty. You get suspended for anything

Review №24

It a this is a great school for children to learn about more stuff

Review №25

Principal is unresponsive and not concerned about the parents concerns

Review №26

I think this school is very unorganize when planning for middle school. Also very small.

Review №27

After School program is awful and disorganized, it definitely needs better staff who are more compassionate, and adult like to manage all the kids who attend the program.

Review №28

Ig i love the school but i hate the uniform

Review №29

I would rather die than be here.

Review №30

I hate that school of the teachers and all is trash

Review №31

I hate this school very bad

Review №32

A great school

Review №33 did i get here...

Review №34

I 💘 it

14 Photos
2.4 Rating
  • Address:5209 Shad Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32257, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 904-440-2901
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Working hours
  • Monday:6AM–8PM
  • Tuesday:6AM–8PM
  • Wednesday:6AM–8PM
  • Thursday:6AM–8PM
  • Friday:Closed
  • Saturday:Closed
  • Sunday:6AM–8PM
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