Modern Rhythms Dance Academy
1040 S Broadway, Hicksville, NY 11801, United States
Modern Rhythms Dance Academy

Review №1

The most kind, friendly, educational dance studio I know. Everyone who works there cares about the students more then anything else.

Review №2

My daughter Lauren started dancing at Modern Rhythms when she was 6. Her love for dance has been nurtured and enhanced by the amazing staff and friends she has made. We truly cherish the experience, and beautiful friendships she/we have made along this journey. Whether your child is a recreational or competition dancer- you will find a home at MRDA.-Christine Andruzzi

Review №3

Not only has my daughter been dancing at this dance school for the past 6 years, the owners of this dance studio taught her for 5 years before then. Both of my daughters came to this studio because of how wonderful these owners are. Not only are they professional and fair, they are kind and positive. When your child spends countless hours a week in dance, and still looks forward to it every day, you know they are doing something right! The beautiful friendships that are formed here are a result of the positive atmosphere that is fostered here. Carrie and Amanda have taught my girls so much more than dance. They taught them that dedication, hard work, and motivation pay off. They also taught them that, above all things, fairness and kindness matter. Both Carrie and Amanda are approachable and willing to listen and would take any measures to ensure that students are treating each other with respect. Anything else would not be tolerated. We travel many days a week to attend class, and we would go to the end of the earth for the owners of this dance studio. They are so much more than directors, teachers, and owners, they are our family.

Review №4

My daughter has been dancing at this studio for the past six years. The move here was the best decision I ever made for her. She is not just a team member of the dance company but a member of the Modern Rhythms Dance family. They truly are a family giving their all to mold these young children into confident beautiful dancers whether recreational or competitive. Here the children are inspired and motivated by the most compassionate teachers I have ever come across. The skills and values they learn here will be applied to the rest of their life. We are honored to be a part of this wonderful family.

Review №5

I danced at Modern Rhythms since it opened, and was there for 5 years before I graduated. The studio and all of the teachers and dancers there were like my second family. I have known Carrie and Amanda since I was about five years old and they are two of the greatest people I know and I am so grateful to have them in my life. Each choreographer is so talented and works to showcase each individual dancers strengths whether they were part of the competition teams or not. I would not have wanted to spend my last five years of competitive dance anywhere but Modern Rhythms and would do anything to go back and continue dancing!

Review №6

Being a part of this wonderful dance school means you are part of a family. Your daughter will form friendships that will last a lifetime and if you are lucky enough so will you. My daughter not only has motivators, teachers, life coaches, but also constructive critique. Dance is about loosing yourself in the moment you perform on that stage whether it is at a recital or at a competition. Dance is not about being the best, but about trying your best. Dance is about having fun and hearing the music through your body and letting everyone see that in your dance. Dance is not about winning, it is about never quitting. My daughter is lucky enough to have learned this from the loving environment at Modern Rhythms Dance Academy. The teachers instill in the children that you have to work hard to see results. If you have the drive and a passion for dancing than no matter what your child will succeed here whether she be in recreational or competitive dance. I am forever grateful to my daughters dance school.

Review №7

We have been with Modern Rhythms for 4 years. You can see the improvement month by month. The costumes are amazing and the choreography is beautiful. Last year my daughter went through a very difficult time and the owners and instructors went above and beyond to help her. The love and support we received was so touching. They REALLY CARE about their students.

Review №8

When I sit back and think about my dance studio, I am proud to call Modern Rhythms Dance Academy my second home. Not only is this a dance studio, it is a place to me that provides safety for me, my sister, my family, and my dance sisters. When I look back at recital tapes from my first year to the recital tape just from my last year, it is amazing to me how far I have grown not only as a dancer, but as a person. I always rave to my friends how amazing my dance studio is and how close everyone is, to the point where everyone is probably sick of how much I talk about it. When I go to dance class, everything leaves my head at once because of all the positivity, happiness, and love that is in their air for every single person there. There is not one person in the dance company that I do not consider my dance sister for life. As I sit back now in my first year of college, it makes me depressed that I am not there because that was the one true place that I was able to go and just be free from life.Everything is handled so well and organized so well. I know how hard Amanda and Carrie work, and if you saw the work that they put into their dance studio, you would never believe it. I also love how everything is so fair. We go into competitions fair game, we are in the advanced level and in the right age category for every dance competition. We dont try to cheat ourselves out of any dance competition, because what would be the point of getting excited when we won? We always have a fair win and I have been to many different dance competitions throughout my years. Ever since 6th grade, when the dance studio first opened, I have been dancing in the advanced category at every dance competition.I have never been apart of something more inviting and friendly and I am proud to call Modern Rhythms Dance Academy my second home. Carrie and Amanda are the most amazing people I have ever met in my life, and continue to amaze me with the amount of dedication they have to their dance studio no matter what is going on in their personal life. Joanne, their mom, also dedicates her life to this dance studio. Im not much of a bragger, but bragging about my dance studio and how much everyone loves each other is my favorite thing to do. Whenever we all sit together at dance competitions, we just laugh and are always having a good time. Even the moms are so largely apart of my lives that they are all my second moms. Many dads dont even want to be apart of dance but my dad is always the obnoxious person in the audience cheering my name when i go on stage. It is the best feeling in the world to know you belong to the most amazing dance studio in the world. I will forever be apart of my dance studio no matter where I am in life. I actually have been in college for 2 weeks and already went home last weekend just to go to the dance studio to watch the solo showcase. As I always say, the best feeling in the world is to go do what you love on stage with the people you love standing right next to you. My senior year of dance I definitely felt this the most, and it was the most amazing feeling. To see how much we have grown as a dance studio in just 7 years, I cannot wait to see how far we go in another 7 years.

Review №9

This dance studio truly showed me the true meaning of dance and creativity. I have made some of my closest friendships here, a place i like to come to when i am having a bad day, it really lifts my spirits. They also challenge my abilities, so i have the opportunity to become a stronger dancer. All amongst a loving and caring environment. I feel confident and honored to be part of the mrda dance family❤

Review №10

I am proud to call the studio, modern rhythms dance academy my second home. My dance is teachers and sisters make me feel safe and sound. This studio taught me what dance really about, not just working hard and trying your best it is about having fun and making as many friends as you can. I love my teachers and dance sisters to the moon and back. I have been dancing here for six years and I love this studio. This is where my MRDA family is. And I am proud to be apart of it. 💙💚💙💚💙💚💙

Review №11

I am happy to call modern rhythms dance academy my dance studio. The teachers and students were all very welcoming when I switched from my previous studio. I am now on my 3rd year at the studio and I am more than happy, I met all my best friends there and modern rhythms dance academy is my second family

Review №12

My daughter has been dancing at Modern Rhythms for the last 4 years !!! She is a non competitive dancer but feels like part of their family. We are always greeted with warm smiles and respect. I LOVe that it is a family run business. My daughter looks forward to going to dance every week !

Review №13

Modern Rythms is a fantastic studio with talented teachers and exciting dance program. My daughter joined last year after leaving a nearby studio and loves it here. Amanda and Carrie are great studio owners that do not tolerate any bullying or bad behavior that we have seen at other studios. The proof of that is in the 100 great reviews that you will get from talking to the families currently enrolled at the studio rather then one or two random anonymous posts.

Review №14

In my opinion and from my experiences, the instructors Carrie and Amanda run this dance studio terribly with extreme favoritism, unprofessionalism and allow their personal feelings to interfere with the childrens dance progress. On many occasions, they have turned their back on abusive behaviors and bullying among dancers just to avoid confrontation and to ensure certain favorite dancers spots was secured! Children have been purposely held back from advancing with their dancing skills and neglected solely out of spite and personal feelings.Being such a large studio their dancers are placed into various categories/levels. The non Elite dancers definitely take a back seat to learning yet not a back seat on price. These women have zero communication skills and are definitely not mentally nor physically able to run an unbiased business. Their Elite competitive dancers who have been dancing for several years at the Elite Level, continue to be placed in the beginner category just to ensure a WIN. They also only attend competitions where they are friends with the judges and owners.I feel based on my experiences as well as others I have observed, this studio promotes negativity false sense of security, favoritism and is an extremely unfair, unhealthy dance environment. These owners/instructors have a lot of maturing to do and should be embarrassed at how awful they run their studio. In my opinion, I would NOT recommend this studio as it clearly promotes unhealthy competition and does not allow the dancers to achieve their fullest potential.

Review №15

Can only say wonderful things about Modern Rhythms Dance Academy!!Every child is treated as a special person. They go above and beyond for the kids and their families. Every aspect of dance is covered either by the teachers at the studio or the amazing guest teachers they bring in WEEKLY!!!

Review №16

From my personal experience at this studio everyone is very positive and supportive. Everyone supports each other and many friendships come about. It is very fun and the teachers are very nice and help us become better dancers each and every day. There is no favoritism and everyone is treated equally, everyone is friends and it is a very fun and comforting environment. I have been dancing with carrie and amanda at modern rhythms for years and feel very comfortable around everyone and able to express myself through dancing and talking to the staff and the friends I have made. Dance is my passion and modern rhythms dance academy is a family whose goal is to love and support every single member no matter what age or level.

Review №17

The directors of this Studio are amazing! The classes are incredible and the girls learn so much. Just watch the videos and be prepared to be impressed!

Review №18

This place is a great place to send dancers at any level. Nurturing, positive place! Carrie and Amandas passion for dance is inspiring.

Review №19

My daughter developed a passion for dance at 2 &1/2 years old..after her first class I knew it was meant to be..when she ran out with a beaming smile and full of excitement and love of her new teacher..that was 11 &1/2 years ago now..the studio may have changed but the teachers remain the same..those teachers..those mentors..were none other than Carrie and Amanda Wasserman.For last six years the studio we call home (away from home) is MRDA..Those teachers Carrie and Amanda..we call family!!I have watched my daughter grow in so many ways under their wings..its not only about dance..its about confidence building..its about encouragement..These girls always have each others backs whether to cheer one another on or hold their hands and offer a hug from the wings after a competition!!I would not have my daughter dance somewhere that didnt offer a strong nurturing environment..

Review №20

Carrie, Amanda and the rest of the MRDA family are truly incredible. All teachers are extremely talented and passionate about sharing their experiences with the students they inspire each day!

Review №21

I nor my family have ever been to this dance studio but I would like to share this unfortunate encounter with this studio and their staff...While at a dance competition I overheard 3 women laughing and disgracing a beautiful young dancer while she was on stage performing. The things they were saying were disgusting and I overheard the tallest member of the 3 say... something similar to, glad she is not with this studio anymore and commented negatively about her technique. I was so taken back by these comments and could not believe they were wearing modern rhythms attire.I do not personally know these people but will tell you this, people are listening and if this reflects anything close to who you are and what your about I feel very sad for you! This was my true honest experience and my opinion from my direct experience.

Review №22

I am a current dancer at Modern Rhythms Dance Academy, and based on my past experiences, and the times I have to look forward to, this studio is a second home to all of the dancers that go here. The atmosphere in the studio is one of a kind, and I can not tell you one time I was not genuinely excited to go to dance. When I am there, I feel as if I am safe, and the directors, Carrie, and Amanda Wasserman make all of their dancers feel comfortable. One of the many outstanding features this studio has to offer is the fact that there are many levels, and dancers get put into the level/group that suits them the best. For competitions, the groups get put into various categories based on their level. The studio does not cheat to make their way to the top. They play the game fairly and when we do win, we feel accomplished and as if we deserve it because we know that we were in a category that we belonged in and sometimes, even a more difficult one. Carrie, and Amanda Wasserman are very professional directors that make sure to provide for all of their students. They treat everyone with respect, and in their eyes, there is no one who is better than anyone else. No one is treated differently, no matter what kind of dancer you are and what talents you hold. No student walks out of the studio feeling as if they learned nothing. The directors provide the best staff for us dancers and make sure we are taken care of appropriately. I could not be more grateful, and proud to be a part of such an amazing team and to attend a studio that I can call my second home.

Review №23

Best dance studio around. The staff is fantastic, their love and creativeness show in every way possible.

Review №24

What an amazing place... Modern Rythyms Dance Academy, where dancers are treated like family. My daughter has been part of one of the Rising Stars competition teams for the past 3 years. Its just perfect for her. She loves competing, but has other personal interests as well. This team has allowed my daughter to have the best of both worlds- a fun, nurturing environment where she thrives and is able to use her skills in dance competitions, yet her schedule is freed up for her to persue other interests as well.I cant say enough great things about the entire staff at MRDA. My daughter loves taking classes with the owners, Miss Amanda and Miss Carrie, as well as the other teachers. They continue to push my daughter to her full potential and definitely contribute to her positive self image.I look forward to many more years of dance at Modern Rhythms Dance Academy and would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a professional, positive, and stress free dance experience. 💙💚

Review №25

Wonderful skilled instructors, warm encouraging atmosphere. love this studio!

Review №26

My daughter has been dancing with MRDA since their opening 6 years ago, and was taught by Amanda and Carrie 2 years prior. My daughters level of improvement grows with each year. The comradery among all the dancers and their teachers is beyond amazing. We were very blessed 2 years ago when the studio donated award winning proceeds in honor of mother who had passed away of adrenal cancer to the University of Michigan. Tuition and fees and more than reasonable. Their time, patience, costumes and choreography reflects in each and every beautiful heart felt dance. We are so excited for their 6th season and await for all the wonderful talented dancers and their routines. We are very proud to be a part of the MRDA Family!

Review №27

I am a current student at Modern Rhythems Dance Academy. This is my 5th year at MRDA! It feels like I have been here for years. Everybodys passion and commitment to this dance studio is amazing. This studio is a second home to me. From when I step into the studio I feel such a positive vibe from everyone there. Amanda and Carrie care for each and everyone of us like we are their own kids. I love it here, the experience has created so many memories and friendships for me and im looking forward for to many more!!

Review №28

It’s lit and the dancing is awesome and so good!!!

Review №29

Amazing Directors, Amazing School!!

2 Photos
4.9 Rating
  • Address:1040 S Broadway, Hicksville, NY 11801, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 516-605-1212
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  • Wheelchair accessible entrance:Yes
  • Good for kids:Yes
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