Leadership Prep School Secondary Campus
8100 Teel Pkwy, Frisco, TX 75034, United States
Leadership Prep School Secondary Campus

Review №1

The school is fine for the most part. I will mention that the coloring coding (the color paw prints the kids get in their folder daily) is weird. My daughter is in Mrs. Requilmans class this year, and I dont quite agree with the colors that my daughter keeps getting. My daughter is a well behaved child. I have started wondering what Mrs. Requilman is doing to put in place better protocols to avoid misbehavior from happening again. And to teach kids to behave better. I dont even understand her reasoning of giving my daughter any less than green color paw prints, and I dont quite like the way she talks to parents. I have had better experience with teachers at LPS. LPS needs to put in place a survey system where parents can give their honest feedback without worrying about the teachers negative reaction towards their child.

Review №2

People are mean,staff doesn’t do anything about it except when the problem has already over flowed and staff try’s to tame and manipulate the students to think that there big problem does matter,as well as the discipline is a huge issue in the school they give out detention and ISS 24/7 but ignores them the rest of the time as well as I have heard on multiple occasions people saying that they were going to physical harm them selfs and staff ignored it on multiple occasions this school has multiple things that need to be fixed and they claimed to have “fixed” there discipline rules but I just am ready to move schools already

Review №3

Most complaints are over dress code, lockers, cafeteria and gym but we receive so much more here than a facility. Teachers are instilling character, integrity and leadership skills not provided at prior school. The smaller classes have helped my kids build relationships with teachers and coaches who care about them. 4 kids enrolled and a great decision we made to place them here. All my kids like it better than prior school. ❤️ LPS!

Review №4

I have been going here for two years now (going into 10th grade) and the school has many issues. For one how a few select staff members are extremely rude and unhelpful in serious situations. However, there are some teachers who really care for their students but a few members of the staff are ignorant towards important issues. Also the fact there is only 100 maximum kids in each grade extremely limits the amount of “clicks” or “friend groups” you can be in. Not to mention any drama or gossip and the whole grade knows in less than an hour. There is little opportunity here for high school students compared to public schools, it feels like being in middle school still due to the fact nothing changes except you can use your phone occasionally in 10th grade or with certain teachers. They don’t offer a lot of extracurricular activities and the sports teams are kind of expensive to participate in. It has been a great school for my younger brother in elementary school because he has autism so they can really help him with the smaller classes but it’s not so great for older kids in middle or high school. It just depends on what kind of future your kid wants. I want to graduate early but I was told just to do duel credits and the guidance counselor was not very supportive. The leadership classes teach you close to nothing it wastes an elective in my opinion and takes up pointless time we could be learning more important things such as taxes, how to manage finances, investing, or things we will actually need once we graduate. As for dress code or is quite strict and honestly stupid at some times but you sign up for that in a school like this. Overall, every kid is different this is definitely not the place for me and I hope to leave this year and to be in a school that better fits my ambitions goals and supports me to achieve them.

Review №5

The best sadly I had to leave but I would recommend I miss you Mrs.Sdao!

Review №6

I teach Robotics at LPS. It is the best school I have ever personally experienced. The staff is very nurturing and supportive. They truly care. We have about 1000 students K-12, not too big, not too small. We are much better able to keep an eye on the students than the big schools. Many have said its like a private school education without the burden of paying tuition. We are a tuition-free public charter school. We teach using the PBL model (Project Based Learning), so the students learn to solve problems, not just memorize facts. Its a great place to be.

Review №7

This place is wonderful. I have a student who has been there for 3 years. I feel that the staff truly cares about how the student becomes as a person. I could not have asked for a better experience.

Review №8

After many issues with public schooling, I was fortunate enough to have my kids attend LPS. My kids have never been happier, they are learning real life information that they will need as adults, many hands on projects really helps them understand what they are learning, and the teachers are communicative and helpful to make sure the child succeeds. If you can get your kids in, you won’t regret it!

Review №9

We are really thankful to be a part of LPS. We decided to try this charter as an alternative to our assigned school and we are very pleased. No school is perfect, but we find the small environment, focus on community, anti-bullying efforts, and uniforms are all real positives for us. We recommend LPS!

Review №10

My daughter has been a LPS for 4 years now and I think very highly of the school and staff. No school is perfect but the willingness to listen and involve parents is very valuable. I believe that their foundation in Stephen Coveys 7 habits really creates an environment for students to become leaders. During the COVID pandemic there were multiple opportunities for families to give their feedback on how they wanted to school to operate and in the end I feel that LPS gave options that accommodating many different situations. Hopefully next year we rely less on online programs to teach in person students but the last year and a half hasnt looked normal for any school.

Review №11

LPS works for some people but it doesnt work for everyone. I feel like they did not have a good approach with online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a student I felt like some teachers and administration did not care about students. If you want to try out LPS for maybe 1 or 2 years and see if it works for you. LPS also has very few opportunities compared to public schools.

Review №12

Hello, i have been in this school til 1st grade in 2016. the teachers were nice but not all, in 2nd grade, i always got in trouble for getting a wrong answer, and in 3rd grade, the teachers just gave me a failing grade when i just got +As, i dont recommend this school

Review №13

My daughter struggled with school until she started at LPS the middle of her 8th grade year. She agreed to try out LPS because I thought it may be just what she needed based on some of the reviews I read. She needed a smaller environment where most of the teachers and staff know her personally. LPS was a life saver. The first semester was definitely an adjustment period, but she has since thrived. Initially, she told me she wanted to graduate from the same public school her brother graduated from (not LPS), but she has since changed her mind. My daughter is learning to be a leader, and, as a parent, I believe my voice is heard if ever I have a concern.

Review №14

Hi,I am a student here and I have been a Leadership Prep student for three years. I am just here to share parts of my experience here and hope it will help you make a decision on whether or not to send your child here. I will be completely honest; I am the one who wanted to go to this school. I am a big fan of quailty education, and I thought LPS would offer just that. When I started school I got a totally different experience. The experience wasnt exactly a great one. The first year here I was bullied by some of the boys in the grade. They were calling me and my friends different names for something we didnt do, nor something that was intentional. I was let down by mean behavior. It got so bad that I decided to skip recess that day and I ended up going into my science teachers room, Mrs. Kennedy. I ended up crying about it for days, and I really did want to leave the school at that point. My mom wanted to figure out what was really going on. She organized a parent teacher meeting with all my teachers. They talked about the bullying sitution and said the solution was for me ignore it because boys are boys. They apparently are suppose to act like that. I didnt even know me ignoring the sitution and just put up with their bullying was a solution. That day what I learned was I was suppose to stand down and let the bullying happen. The year went on and on, and I put up with teasing and bullying.Next year at Lps was slightly better but still not great. This was the year I discovered the favoritism and nepotism in the school. I noticed that the smallest rules like dress code, tardiness, S.L.A.N.T., etc when not follwed by admin, PTO, school board, and staffs kids; they were let off the hook. For the rest of the students doing the same thing, punishment would await us. We might be some of the nicest kids in school, but would have to end up in detention the ranges from 15mins. to 60mins; all because we were the kids who were not afiliated with the school deeply. This doesnt just go for punishments, but it also goes with teachers and their behavior towards you. There was this one P.E. coach would be the nicest to all of the kids that fell in the catagories above, but than when it came to kids like me she was one of rudest and meanest. What can I say that is just how it was been here. It is like the kids included in the catagories above was the schools priority, and the rest of us were just neglected. This is a leadership school, but somehow the smarter kids were always taken advantage of in front of the teachers faces for higher scores on homework, assignments, quizes, and tests. We were never thanked, acknowledged, and we were sometimes called stupid as well. I eventually noticed this and caught the pattern. I have been careful about this, but there are still plenty of people who still get taken advantage of today. If this school really believed in producing true leaders, maybe just maybe, it would also teach its students that true leader would never take advantage of people or cheat.This year by far was definately the worst year I have had here. I think the biggest issue was that honestly with the teachers. There is this Best saying that goes around, There are no bad students, but just bad teachers.I think that definately showed this year for sure. This year Ive had teachers who are huge vendors of nepotism, use students as their scream person a person who is the only one screamed at and shown grumpy attitudes toward teaching, make students feel afraid to ask clarafying questions, who are lazy, and teachers who are unqualified. With all that is going on in the world school should be a safe heavan, a place where you can leave personal problems and axiety at home, I just feel that I cant do that when the people who are suppose to be our guardian at school, infact they add to our stress and anxiety. This should be the place to do your best, but end up with unpleasant results, due to some teachers. I have had good times here, as well, but the positive doesnt really outweigh the negative.

Review №15

We have been so pleased with leadership and the staff!

Review №16

I have gone to this school. No cafeteria and my math teacher did not explain things well. I left it last year and it was not a good experience. The playground was the pickup place for the kid. A kid almost bust his head on the concrete. Lastly,the pickup was not managed well and the teacher would have to yell in order to have a kid go to their car.

Review №17

Teachers dont follow dress code, and echo is hard to navigate so uh my last school was worse so yeah ig its coo

Review №18

I really love Leadership Prep, theyve made me feel included and Ive learned so much about growing as a leader there. I enjoy going to school here, and I would definitely recommend anybody else to go here.

Review №19

Love this school!! will there ever be a bus added in the future? I think that would be a good option.(I know we have a bus for sports,but will we have a bus that picks up and drops off students like other schools?)

Review №20

This school would be a lot better if the following things where changed-lockers!!they have hooks but I feel lockers would be better for students.Cafeteria is also definitely needed I know it is probably to late to find space to build a cafeteria but it is very inconvenient for students having to eat in the would probably also be easier for staff so they don’t have to take out the tables and stuff.The phone policy.I don’t understand why only tenth grade and up can have phones.Part of leadership is trust,they should trust there students to carry phones to each class. This could also be beneficial when it comes to lockdown drills and other drills.At least 6th and up should be able to bring phones if they have trust cards.All in all this school is mediocre I would have given a higher rating if they at least changed phone policy.

Review №21

LPS is a really great school, our children are so much happier here than at their previous school, so glad we won the lottery so both of our daughters can attend. Highly recommend.

Review №22

I’m not one who really leaves a lot of reviews, but we love our school so much that we think everyone should know how great LPS is. If you live in frisco, get on the list as soon as you can, there are so many kids wanting in that they have a lottery to see who gets in. One secret, unless it’s changed, if one child gets in, then your other children do too.

Review №23

As a long time paremt at LPS, I feel like I need to recognize the assistant principal, Angela Stewart, I know she gets a lot of bad attention because she hands out much of the discipline, but having interacted with her many times, I can tell you, she is very fair and cares deeply for the children, as a mother of two, you can tell she understands that kids will be kids but still enforces the rules. Staff members like her are why we will never leave the Leadership Lions!

Review №24

If we do half of the year online and the other half of the year at school please life the uniform. Parents are terrified of going out to buy clothing for their children for the new school years and would much rather just have them wear home clothes to school if its half of the year or even just at school with the virus lingering around and fears of going out in public.

Review №25

There are many positive things I can say about the Leadership school in Frisco, but one particular staff member has really made an impact on our family this year,Tracy Kennedy, the school’s Counselor. She is so great!!! She took time to walk me and my child through all our questions, has done so much to help my child through some very difficult times this year. I know that she used to be a teacher before she got into counseling, I think this makes her really effective at helping students and understanding school type problems. She has been a real blessing for us.

Review №26

Love this place! I tell everyone I know to get their kids in here if they can.

Review №27

Why does Leadership Prep pay Elevate Life over $67,000 a month for rent and maintenance? Thats an absurd amount. Members/executive staff of Elevate Life serve on the board of the school. Sounds like a great way to funnel tax payer dollars into the church.

Review №28

As Frisco residents, we have tried the public schools, a private school, and LPS, we prefer LPS by far, the academics are wonderful and the campus has a real small town kind of feeling to it. Thank you

Review №29

Ive been at LPS for many years now,and I just came to the secondary building and I do not enjoy it at all.I am being dresscoded all the time.Were supposed to feel like we have freedom and that we can be ourselves at this school,but really you cant.The teachers want us to all be perfect,but thats not who we are.It makes me so sad every time I have to go to school.The phone policy isnt very good either.

Review №30

I love this school so much! amazing teachers.

Review №31

I have two daughters who attend Leadership Prep School, both of them have excelled academically, socially, and in sports. My girls absolutely LOVE the small town feel at LPS, they feel very supported, while being challenged at the same time. The ONLY downside that I can see to LPS would be if your child needs to play a sport that they dont offer like Football, otherwise, going to LPS is like getting a private school education for free! and btw, they DO offer pretty much every other sport and MANY other types of clubs/organizations to help grow your child.

Review №32

Before we chose LPS, we did a ton of research, and we found that the common sentiment is that going to LPS is like gettign a private school experience for free...we agree 100%

Review №33

My child is being dress coded 24 7 for no reason 🙄. All I am saying the teachers are not on the same page to what the dress code is. Every time its something different depending who the teacher is.

Review №34

This school should have free dress.Uniforms are way to expensive,and why buy clothes when we have them at home?They always dresscode students so maybe with someone dress policies but students should be able to wear what they’d like.

Review №35

I do not recommend enrolling your child to this school if you do not work there or attend the Elevate Life that owns the school. I have a child that attends this school and its been overall horrible experience. Although his teachers are nice, they are genuinely invested in my child. They arent reliable or consistent with responding to my emails, or even attending tutoring sessions that they offer for the children who may need extra help. They seem to get frustrated very easily if the child present them with any challenges. The front desk staff are really nice, but Ive had experiences with teachers arent my childs teacher who are very rude, disrespectful and unprofessional when working the carpool line. Teachers at the school including my childs teachers dedicate their energies to nitpicking a child about their uniform as oppose to using that same energy to provide a learning environment conducive for my child and modeling mature behavior. The teachers do not practice accountability for their actions and the principals do not hold them accountable for being on time, being professional and courteous to parents of the children at the school and the teachers are unorganized.

Review №36

My daughter is NOT a fan of the dress code, but other than that, she and we both love Leadership School, the teachers seem to really care and the curriculum is challenging in a good way, she wasn’t being challenged at the public school, even taking ap classes.

Review №37

Great choice if you live in frisco, highest recommendation.

Review №38

This school isnt even bad, Its actually one of the more above-average considering the way the students act and the way the teachers act. All of the students giving this school an unreasonably bad review is because they are uneducated and unwilling to learn which results in them getting frustrated and having irrational thoughts about this school. The teachers are great for the most part, and most of the students are great. Literally the only really bad thing about this school is the nit-picky stuff, which is what everyone mindlessly complains about. And yes, obviously the students swear, its a school. What school doesnt have students who swear? I seriously dont get how dumb these reviews are. Pretty good school, dont listen to the parent reviews, they are just salty their kid god kicked out because they were making diss raps about other students with profane content. It doesnt matter if they have any sort of handicap, its still wrong.

Review №39

We chose the Leadership prep school because we really believe that leaders are made, nit born. Our son has grown so much since he started, he was barely able to raise his hand to answer questions, now he is comfortable talking in front of the whole school, he may even try out for a part in the next play.

Review №40

I really don’t understand the negative reviews, we love LPS, especially the project based way they teach, and the focus on Leadership is nice too.

Review №41

I like this school but the phone policy should really be changed,phones should be allowed when walking in the hallway and they should be allowed in classes for all grades.One way to monitor this rule is only letting students have there phones if they show trust cards.I also feel as if 6th graders should have more electives to choose from as in languages like “German” “French” “Spanish” etc.

Review №42

I have seen a couple of bad reviews on here, which look to me like students or former students, what kid likes school? Lol…as a parent I can say that without a doubt, Leadership Prep School is the best environment and curriculum our child has ever been a part of. Our son actually enjoys going to school! Thank you LPS teachers and staff for creating such a wonderful nurturing environment for Frisco students.

Review №43

Awesome school with a caring and experienced staff.

Review №44

Great school, glad we attend LPS!

Review №45

I see several comments here about the dress code, I really dont understand what the issue is, when you join the school you agree to follow the standards, all of them, not just the dress code; my children have never had an issue with this, if your child is getting dress coded constantly, then stop sending them to school with dress code violations...seems fairly simple to me...

Review №46

This is a fantastic school! My daughters favorite teacher is Karon Andrews, she teaches - 9th grade Algebra - my child has learned so much from her. She used to hate math, now she is all As.

Review №47

My family attends Elevate Life Church, when we found out that Leadership Prep school was being formed to teach not only the essentials, likek math and English, but also leadership qualities based on the 7 habits, we immediately signed up, we are so happy that we did, caring teachers, and a great leadership team as well, with Ms. Floyd at the helm.

Review №48

This is a good school but there is no cafeteria and they want the gym to stay clean because it is gym and cafeteria.There is no food catering, you can only Bring your lunch.They do teach you about leadership.Btw if your child doesnt want to change in front of other students(for gym) so not go here.The uniform is very strict you get in trouble for not tucking in your shirt, wearing the wrong shoes or belt.The teacher are great and the student are better than in normal schools.A bad thing is you have to haul around a heavy backpack and stuff doesnt fitEdit:I looking back on this, I realized that the public schools in the area are rated way higher than this and they give students more freedom. In public school the dress code is relaxed, the teachers arent very picky about things, the teachers care more, they arent strict about phones, the schools have more money, and the environment in way better in general. With this school, their practices are unconventional. They dont even have a cafeteria and then they got upset at us for the gym being dirty. In public schools this doesnt happen. From other reviews I see that the teachers seem to nitpick and be lazy. Teachers should be there to help and not call you out and be particular about everything, that causes distrust and rebellion. I dont see why teachers should be caught up on dress code either. Students go there to learn, not to be called out because theyre belts the wrong color. In public schools you can wear whatever, teachers never dress code anyone either (in high school atleast) because they know that theyd be taking away from the students learning time and they know its not a big deal. When I decided to leave the school I honestly felt like I was only going to make my mom happy. There was no value in it, but going here is made to sound like a privilege. You may have one a lottery to get in but its not worth it. This school is overly stressful, unconventional, and limiting.Overall Id say youd be better off letting your kid go to public school.

Review №49

Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t the “worst school ever” like some make it out to be; but it is the most frustrating school experience I’ve ever been apart of as a student. The school seems to do whatever it possibly can to mask it’s problems and it’s shortcomings from outsiders in the community; but this facade is the main reason why most of the grades in this school fail to get near its 100 kid maximum. For the most part, the students who attend this school are great kids and are the only reasons why I’m able to get out of bed in the morning. This is definitely the best school to build social confidence and good relationships. I definitely feel more valued as a friend and fellow peer compared to FISD schools. The only problem with students is the large number of students who leave the school. I’ve had multiple close friends leave for their own personal grievances against the school, and had to hit the reset button on my social situations countless amount of times because of this. The staff a mixed bag. Some are great teachers who treat their jobs like they care. Most are passable teachers who either get lazy with their teaching style, their grading, or both. And then there are the group of teachers who don’t really teach their class but rather give them busy work to fill up their grade book, and overreact when you use a pencil instead of a pen, or get on to you because you’re doing work for another class even when you’ve finished all of the work in their class. (Excuse me for projecting my presonal problems, I just wanted to give specific examples) The worst part of LPS though, is the administration by far. I’m not someone who gets in trouble that often and I’ve never gotten anything like ISS or OSS so I haven’t really had bad interactions with the administration but from what I’ve seen they use their power in a very biased and unfair way. Many admin members play favorites and let certain people get away with things that other people would get yelled at for (i.e. dress code and leaving class). But outside of that, the administration doesn’t really do much. There have been countless times when teachers and administrators have preached that LPS is a “growing school” that “listens to their students and is constantly changing”, but anyone who’s gone there for longer the a few months knows that’s nothing but empty words to save face. Their constant resistance to change is main the reason why LPS is on a steady decline. Our student council has zero involvement in the school (especially since the student council president left the school), the administration hears our complaints and does little to nothing about them. It pains me to know there are so many issues surrounding this school and so few of them actually get fixed. I didn’t write this review as a way to throw shade at the school but rather to air my concerns in hopes for a solution. I know I’m going to have to go to this school until I graduate so I want to work to make these next few years a bit better as far as school goes. Thank you for reading, let’s do what we can to make the school aware and make a difference.

Review №50

We have been at Leadership Prep since then secondary campus opened. There are so many great teachers here, one particular standout is Paula Shaffer she is a wonderful teacher and puts so much heart into everything.

Review №51

We were SO excited when we won a slot in last years lottery, going to LPS is like going to a private school, but it’s free!!! Go Lions!!!

Review №52

We are long time LPS parents, our children started at the elementary school with Ms. Holland then moved into the brand new secondary campus building, I have to admit that the temporary portables we were in prior to the new building was a little trying, but the quality and standards were always there, even in the trailers. I feel like it’s only fair to give credit where credit is due, the culture and the atmosphere of excellence come from the leadership, the principal, Audra Floyd, should be commended…she isvery committed - always available to meet- has poured into my student this year- she keeps our kids safe- has worked hard this year to maintain and build culture in the school. We hope that Ms. Floyd is with LPS forever or atleast until our children graduate 😉

Review №53

Public school is better.

Review №54

I have been a student here for about four years now and I would not willingly go anywhere else. Though this year at times has been an uphill battle, the staff and students have been flexible in dealing with issues. I would agree with other commentators who have said that many of the problems pointed out on here by other reviews are very applicable to other schools in the frisco area. Despite the fact it may take some time to get used to PBL (among other things i.e. the uniform policy), it in the end is worth it to stick it out and say with LPS.

Review №55

LPS is a really great school with many excellent teachers, one specific teacher that I think deserves an award is Lynda Delsol, she is one of the humanities teachers and is my daughters favorite teacher/class.

Review №56

Long time Frisco residents, we tried Frisco ISD and a private school, neither of them hold a candle to LPS. One issue, they do NOT have football, so if that is important to you, I would suggest one of the Frisco ISD schools.

Review №57

Hands down, the number one school in frisco/little elm

Review №58

I have a question.what grades are students allowed to bring phones to all classes?

Review №59

It is a horrendous school where there is no cafeteria and the only lockers are in the gym for people in sports. The children swear, even the 6th graders.

Review №60

Honestly this is the worst school I have ever seen. There mask of discipline that does not work the education is okay the students know a lot. I think they need lockers and your backpacks can be given away I think that is dumb. If I could I would write a zero star

Review №61

They do not care about the kids.

Review №62

We love LPS, go Lions!

Review №63

Very good school

Review №64

Its okay. Ive seen worse.

Review №65

Kids are really rude

Review №66


Review №67


4 Photos
3.8 Rating
  • Address:8100 Teel Pkwy, Frisco, TX 75034, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 972-370-3650
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Working hours
  • Monday:7:45AM–4PM
  • Tuesday:7:45AM–4PM
  • Wednesday:7:45AM–4PM
  • Thursday:7:45AM–4PM
  • Friday:7:45AM–4PM
  • Saturday:Closed
  • Sunday:Closed
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