We Can Code IT
2645 N High St, Columbus, OH 43202, United States
We Can Code IT

Review №1

I attended the Columbus campus in the Summer of 2019, shortly after deciding to leave a data science Bachelors program at OSU. This turned out to be a great decision. This coding bootcamp delivered on everything it promised, and more. I went in with a previous Bachelors degree in computer science, so I wasnt new to programming. However, Id never programmed professionally before (spending 4 years in the Navy after college as an IT), so there was a ton to learn. What impressed me most about this bootcamp only hit me after the fact, once I was employed. The tools, techniques, and best practices (especially TDD and Agile/Scrum) were exactly what my employer was looking for, and so far the things I learned in bootcamp have had about a 90% overlap with what Ive done on the actual job. Thats pretty amazing when you think about it. What college can make that claim?Im a very result-oriented guy, so thats what I focus on. But the staff were also extremely friendly and helpful, and a pleasure to learn from. The career services they offered were invaluable, and it was through the school that I was an offered an interview that landed me a job. If youre willing to put in the effort, We Can Code IT will teach you everything you need to know and help you find good work. Im sure experiences will vary depending on the person, but at least in my case I can say that this was worth every penny and then some. Even though its their job, I feel a debt of gratitude to all the WCCI staff. Its obvious they actually care beyond getting paid, so if you can roll up your sleeves and push through the challenges, you can rest assured that theyll fully come through on their end and guide you to the finish line.

Review №2

The course was every bit as challenging as I expected. But the instructors and staff worked hard to make themselves and the curriculum as accessible as possible. As someone who is on the spectrum, I cant tell you how much their patience was appreciated. They really do believe in their mission of launching everyone who walks through their doors into a rewarding career in coding.

Review №3

It was an amazing experience. I had a lot of fun and I met great people. The instructors are knowledgeable and really friendly too. It helped me get into the software development industry.

Review №4

I attended the Fall 2020 face-to-face course which was delivered online due to COVID. The instructor was amazing and I learned a lot. They helped me with my resume and interviewing skills. They do not have a direct line to employers but I was hired at my job only two months after finishing the boot camp. I loved working together on group projects. Students need to be aggressive and persistent about applying for jobs but the learning in this boot camp is a great foundation.

Review №5

I recently graduated from We Can Code it in September of this year (2021) and had a great experience. Before We Can Code It, I had relatively zero coding experience. I tried learning myself on Free Code Camp before thinking there had to be an accelerated way. Thats when I discovered boot camps.The magic of WCCI, and what set WCCI apart for me, was the diversity within the program. The diversity of cultures and work experiences and the diversity of thought here is just so rich. I really wish I could replicate it in all areas of my life.I also cant say enough about the instructors. Our cohort had individuals working day shifts, night shifts, weekend shifts, you name it. And still, it felt like our instructors were always available. In addition to our classroom sessions that ran four days out of the week, instructors made time during the days and evenings each week for study sessions, and they had daily office hours for 1 on 1 meetings. It really was above and beyond.In terms of career readiness, We Can Code It had us create things you would expect, like a resume, a cover letter, a LinkedIn profile, but other things go much beyond that. We also created a list of our non-negotiables, in terms of things that we want in our next job, a list of questions important to us individually to ask in a job interview, and we even did some mock interviews to practice our skills and interviews with people in the tech industry already.Overall, I really couldnt have asked for more out of a boot camp. My experience was great.

Review №6

I took this bootcamp in summer of 2020 during covid. It went very smoothly, career services helped tremendously and we had an amazing instructor. The staff was very friendly and knowledgeable and maintains communication after graduation. Highly recommended for anyone interesting in going into technology.

Review №7

I attended the bootcamp in person from May-Aug 2019. I learned a vast amount about concepts concerning coding, best practices such as Agile development and actual languages as well as working with databases.The career coaching with Melissa was useful- each step was laid out for us to best market ourselves and get our feet off the ground in a new field.I also met a lot of fantastically smart, kind and interesting classmates and faculty while going through the bootcamp, and am grateful for the experience.In my case, I went back to my former career as a musician (though not paying as well as a coding job, in my case it pays the bills, and I realized how much I missed it)That said, I have nothing but good things to say about the program itself. If you are the type of personality that truly gets a rush from logic puzzles, working with computers or something else that can relate well with a coding mindset, WCCI will plunge you head first into the depths of that world!

Review №8

One of the best decisions I have made. I went to WCCI (fall 2019) and graduated December 2019. I was working as a software developer by February 2020 for an amazing startup in Columbus Ohio. I am so glad I made the change when I did. My previous industry was closed a majority of 2020 while, I was continuing to grow in my current role. I was able to work full time, during a pandemic, and have my children home with me. The education I received at WCCI was well rounded and gave me an amazing variety of real life tools. The career support was perfect, well advised, and prepared me fully for the job search and interview process. I decided to go to WCCI based on their mission and what they want to achieve in the technology industry.

Review №9

WCCI gave me the foundation I needed to start my career in technology.

Review №10

The instructors are extremely knowledgeable, helpful, and funny and they will teach you the right way to write code. The career services people are absolutely amazing and will do whatever it takes to help you succeed in interviewing and finding a job after graduation. I highly recommend to anyone looking to get into the tech industry.

Review №11

The initial entrance to this academy is a personality test. Afterward, youre emailed whether or not youre a good fit for the academy based on the results of the personality test. Apparently, I wasnt a good enough fit. Whats fishy to me is that I wasnt a good enough fit for this academy yet I have my Masters degree in Business Administration, graduated with a 3.5 GPA. I also recall being asked if I was employed. I guess my employment didnt make me an acceptable candidate for the academy.

Review №12

WCCI greatly exceeded my expectations. The instructors are clearly passionate about clean code and helping us learn. They are very, very good at what they do, always nudging us towards a clearer understanding of concepts rather than just giving us the answers.Ben taught test-driven design (TDD), which is not only a valuable body of skills but a rare one. Since graduation I’ve observed that TDD is often little more than a buzzword at many companies. But I came out of the program with a solid grasp of unit testing and integration testing. (TDD just happened to tip the scales in my favor when I got my first job out of boot camp, as the onsite technical evaluation was literally two hours of Jest testing as I solved a kata for the proctor. Two hours!) The career guidance is priceless—you just can’t find that kind of local information on the internet, and working with Lacey to polish my resume and prepare for interviews was an absolute joy.The environment at WCCI is supportive, and the expert curation and guidance make this place worth every penny. I also made friends with my classmates, which was especially important since I had moved to Ohio two months before taking the course.

Review №13

I attended We Can Code flexcode program while working a part time job and taking care of my fam. The teacher and career services counselor were amazing and supportive. Even after I graduated they provided help and advice. I got a great job about a month after graduation. We Can Code IT is awesome!

Review №14

I attended We Can Code Flexcode program in 2019. I had been trying to get into an IT program for a while but with a family to support, I could not afford to quit employment. This program allowed me to remain employed and take care of my family while going to school. This made it even more intense and I basically had no life outside or school and work for 16 weeks. I have to say however that this was the best decision i could have ever made for the sake of my career growth and while the coursework was intense, I was very fortunate to have been a part of an amazing cohort with brilliant and hardworking team members, dedicated instructors and career coach. I love that even after graduation, I remain a member of WCCI and they are always willing to provide extra coaching and mentorship. I got a great job right after graduation and have nothing but great recommendations for this program.

Review №15

Bit of a late review, but it comes with the benefit of longer-term hindsight, so here you go.I graduated from WCCI with the 2018 spring cohort on April 20th last year, which was a Friday. I interviewed at Nationwide the following Monday, got a job offer on Tuesday, and started on May 7th. Ive been successfully employed there for almost a year and a half now and am very happy with where I ended up, in part because I now make more than double my salary at my old job and in part because Nationwide is a nice place to work. Sure, there was a learning curve, but I was able to get up to speed faster than someone straight out of undergrad, due to having spent more practical time coding during the bootcamp. I have this on good word from multiple people on my team, and theyve been in the industry for a while.I can honestly say that my time at WCCI was easily my favorite classroom experience that Ive ever had, and with both a BA and an MA that I dont use, Ive had plenty. That includes two years of traditional computer science during my first two years in undergrad, after which I burned out and changed majors to a non-tech major. Turns out the traditional academic model was simply a bad fit for me, and what I needed all along was the bootcamp model, instead. There was a sense of camaraderie there that I never got so much as a whiff of in a traditional classroom.Everything that my undergrad comp sci program did wrong, WCCI did right. We regularly worked in groups, we learned by just plain writing (and thoroughly testing) a whole bunch of code, we only covered topics that are actually used in the field, and we got to experience making an app from scratch in the same Agile project management format that I currently use every day at Nationwide. There was essentially no useless theory or fluff, only substantive content. It did help that I read half the textbook before starting the course, and Id highly recommend that any future students do the same. Being prepared can only work to your benefit, and the book we used (Head First Java) is excellent in its own right.All the instructors and staff at WCCI are skilled, friendly, and eager to help you, and the availability of the instructors for questions during and after class was a particular improvement over my undergrad comp sci program. If I have to complain about anything, its that the job search component of the program was a bit light at the time I was there, and I got my job by just applying to eight different openings at Nationwide (along with many other applications elsewhere). A little more direct contact with potential employers wouldve been nice, given what the program costs.I think its also worth addressing the viewpoint that WCCI allows stragglers to keep attending class, rather than pushing them to drop out. I dont know if I just happened to get lucky and stumble into an excellent cohort, but my specific group of classmates embodied the fact that you get out of this course what you put into it. The staff tells you as much right upfront. Ill admit that I happen to be naturally smart enough to pick up the material faster and with less effort than most, and there were times when I had to wait for other people to catch up even though I was ready to move ahead. That didnt hinder my long-term success, though, and when some of my classmates did struggle, they buckled down and worked extra hard to stay on track. The instructors encouraged us to help each other out, and those of us who were further ahead did, because we wanted each other to succeed. You can also reinforce something you know by teaching it, so theres that, too. Same goes for applying for jobs - you get out of it what you put into it. If someone doesnt want to put in the work, they wont get anywhere regardless of the program theyre in.Bottom line is, WCCI worked for me. I walked in not having studied any programming since 2003, and walked out with enough skills to get a good dev job right away. Cant argue with success.

Review №16

Attending We Can Code IT was one of the best decisions I have made in professional life. I have spent 15 years in restaurant management and i was ready for a change. I had gone to college for a IT based business degree, but after graduating in 2005 with a Bachelors in Business Administration I went into restaurant management. I wanted to pursue a career in IT, but my knowledge was 15 years out of date.There are two competing coding bootcamps in Columbus, this one and TechElevator. I cannot comment much on them as I am not completely aware of their program because I have not personally attended it. But what I can tell you is that TechElevator is more classroom focused and it’s where Huntington and Chase send their employees to get training. That’s why it’s harder to get in. Also, at WCCI you work in groups similar those in most software development teams at organizations you might work for upon graduation. WCCI does a great job at teaching the basics of Object Oriented Programming, Java and other basic principles within the tech stack and then teaching you how to dig deeper on your own to solve the problems you encounter... just like when you actually get a job and encounter problems on a project while on the job!At We Can Code IT, you will likely interact with people who just cruise their way through the program. But who cares? They are the ones wasting $14,000+ to not learn anything. I enjoyed being in groups where there were weaker/less knowledgeable students as it forced me to step up my game and learn more to complete a project. Some of my fellow students were bitter about this, but I am not, I am employed in the field and I learned more and improved because I put the work in.The instructors and staff were all top notch and were all very helpful. I think more structure in regards to what materials/resources to utilize for extra course work would be beneficial.Overall it was a great experience, you cannot go wrong with either bootcamp in Columbus as the outcome will be more on how much effort you put in, but if I will always recommend people to We Can Code IT as the first option. The people who are not successful are the ones who don’t contribute or put in the work before bootcamp or when they go home at night after class.

Review №17

When I came to WeCanCodeIT, I was at a crossroads in my life.Id been working in a low-level tech job for a couple years, but knew I wanted to get into development at some point. I started looking around at local bootcamps and really connected with WCCIs mission to help diversify tech. I went to one of their information sessions and met some of their staff and was struck immediately by how much they cared for their students (both present, and past).I seriously cant say enough to fully encapsulate how incredible the staff of this bootcamp is. They are smart, empathetic and care deeply about their jobs and the success of their students.I enrolled in the hybrid-bootcamp course, so I could continue working full-time. The curriculum was excellent and engaging and I was always excited to get to work on the weekly projects and learn something new. The instructor encouraged us to be as creative as we wanted, which kept the work interesting and led to vastly different-looking results among classmates, which was so fun to see.In addition to the development piece of the curriculum, we had sessions with a success advisor. These sessions were incredibly helpful in crafting a good developer resume, preparing for technical interviews and generally growing confidence. It was clear from the beginning of these sessions that they wanted each of us to figure out what we wanted from a job and make sure we landed at a company where wed be happy. It was refreshing to never be pushed to interview at an enterprise company just to get the job placement numbers.I started my first developer job roughly a month and a half after graduating from the bootcamp and have never been happier at work. I wouldnt have gotten to where I am without WCCI, and I would urge anyone looking to get into development to seek them out. My experience with them is by far the best educational experience Ive ever had and Ill never stop being grateful for it.

Review №18

Excellent program with seasoned instructors. Got a great job quickly.

27 Photos
4.1 Rating
  • Address:2645 N High St, Columbus, OH 43202, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 844-932-2626
Schools near me:
kumon suwanee
osceola elementary ormond beach
east kentwood freshman campus
  • Computer training school
  • Boot camp
Working hours
  • Monday:9AM–5PM
  • Tuesday:9AM–5PM
  • Wednesday:9AM–5PM
  • Thursday:9AM–5PM
  • Friday:Closed
  • Saturday:Closed
  • Sunday:9AM–5PM
Service options
  • Online classes:Yes
  • Onsite services:Yes
  • Black-owned:Yes
  • Women-Led:Yes
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