Austin Peay State University
601 College St, Clarksville, TN 37044, United States
Austin Peay State University

Review №1

Its been an awesome experience studying here, so much love and smiles. The school thrives on good culture and tolerates no discrimination. Teaching and non-teaching staff are well coordinated and they put students success first. Ill recommend it at all times.

Review №2

THEY ONLY CARE ABOUT MONEY!!!!!! Not people. I attended a Track Meet for High School students at this sorry excuse of a university and of course they charged money. Thats fine. But it was a rainy day and there is a Club area that is the only area covered. Being that it wasnt a College event no Club members were present so parents and kids were taking shelter there. THEY shut down the Track meet to kick those families out of this area and when asked why THEY stated thats just the decision they made. THEY said this to my face while Im holding my 2 year old girl in my arms. I was visiting from Michigan to see my son run in Tennessee so I didnt want to just miss it. This shows just how they feel about people at this University. Terrible people here. I wish I got the name of the main coach doing the speaking so I could put her heartless self on blast.

Review №3

I came here back in the summer of 2019 for a Gear Up TN trip. Im a highschool student, and that trip was more for fun than to persuade us to go to APSU, but I really want to go to this college when I graduate. We stayed in the apartments, and had loads of fun. The food there is delicious 👌. Highly recommend, even though Im not a student here yet

Review №4

Great school, I recently completed my Bachelor of Science Degree and would recommend Austin Peay State University to everyone that doesnt want a grade given to them but earned. The professors are great giving you the tools you need to pass within your major and the front office is amazing. If you want proper guidance and a great education; give Austin Peay a shot. I give this school my highest and strongest recommendation! GO PEAY!

Review №5

Kind of middle of the road here... I dont know what to make of the college but most students here do seem to be lacking in their affiliated fields of study. Also, dont think you will learn anything here worth your money due to the faculty being overstretched in their apprecticeships and usage of state allotted funds and funding through tuition. You can learn more on your own to be honest.

Review №6

A great school that has inspired me in many ways in my life. Though there are others whom dislike this school, there are many different programs to help you achieve to be what you want in the future. You are able to change your focus if you like a different subject than your original. At first I wanted to go to a art college and only have art 24/7, but Austin Peay helped me see that I could do other things as well. Ive been going there since my years of middle school to learn about art. Now Im in my senior year of high school and the university, as well as the connections Ive made there, has won me over. I hope I can achieve my dream and I hope others are able to do the same.

Review №7

I came to Austin Peay for the Southeastern Journalism Conference in 2016. I loved the campus and just existing in Clarksville. Very beautiful. The school didnt really focus on the conference theme, but I still won 1st place in Op-Ed writing so of course Im happy! Very cool San-Francisco type feel.

Review №8

So Im on the middle of the road with this college. I had gone here for years, but suffered a seizure back in Spring 2019. This caused me to withdraw from all my classes since I had no way to catch up before midterms, which were happening the week of my return. I now cannot return to classes, and finish my last bit of my associates, until I pay back APSU themselves. Now its understandable that they hold my transcripts until its paid, but unreasonable that the payments they make cannot be lower. What made APSU so great, to me, was their art department. I loved all the professors that taught here, and they did care about my well-being when I did have my seizure. Even more core-classed professors did their hardest to work around my recovery. Its just a shame that I cannot return to college until I pay the college themselves back when I am unable to even begin the payment due to my income.

Review №9

I personally would not recommend Austin Peay, especially if you are a commuter. Unfortunately there is not even enough parking to accommodate the commuter students. Most of the professors are decent. It is extremely difficult to get any help from any of the University services, often times I have not received help or answers at all. Overall they just don’t support their students like I feel they should. If you’re looking for a cheap college in montgomery county this is could be an option for you but just remember that you get what you pay for.

Review №10

I’ve attended APSU twice now. Once was back in 2011 and I returned last year. I was considered a transfer student and had transcripts from 5 other colleges. APSU took some of my classes but most of them were Only considered electives. At my last school, I took some extremely difficult classes but they didn’t transfer over because they weren’t considered upper divisions courses there but are at APSU. The course descriptions are almost identical to one another yet APSU is requiring me to retake these courses. I refuse to keep taking classes I’ve already taken because it seems to me that this school is full of greed and all APSU cares about is how to make their money. I’ve now started my search into a new college going into the next semester.

Review №11

Everything is half-assed here. They issue more parking passes than have parking areas and if youre 5 minutes behind then youre just screwed and they will give you a ticket for parking violations. Half of the teachers just tell you be an adult about it and doesnt care about your overall learning, and dont get me started on class registration and the advisors. The year just started and I can already tell it is going to be a struggle to learn anything. If you are coming here, all I can say is good luck to you.

Review №12

Being a local in this town and having been on and around the campus my entire life, it definitely had a small, home-town feel when I began attending. Most of the professors I had were great, there are plenty of campus activities and organizations to get involved in, and they are constantly updating technology. However, the disorganization of the administration (especially the Financial Aid Office) made the start of every semester needlessly stressful. Also, you can pay for a parking pass, but unless you arrive to the campus at 7:30 am or earlier, you will not find a parking spot.

Review №13

Ok first off If I could leave no stars I would all this place is about money if you dont have it you dont go there they have been bugging my son since first off his senior year to come there I called to find out what they was offering they told me 4 year ride ok kool we get there TODAY now everything changed said his GPA not good enough and Sat not good enough but it was WEDNESDAY when I called WHAT HAPPENED AND THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN THEY DONT OFFER 4 YEAR RIDES WTH.I DONT RECOMMEND MY DOG TO GO THERE AND I DONT EVEN HAVE ONE!!!!!!!!!!

Review №14

Ill know for sure now that Ill be be coming back for this 2015-2016 academic school as an readmit freshman student ready to take my education seriously now that Im an older young mature adult........going for the class of 2019 long-term success and ready to be an gov to have lifetime success and accomplish my future goals and achievements so Id have to rest of my lifetime and most of all have an decent living so I can support me and my family for the rest of my lifetime.

Review №15

So far the school, the administration has done nothing but disappoint. I applied for financial aid and two weeks into classes its still not in. They continuously add holds with false dates, they add more and more requirements to prolong dispersement EVEN THOUGH I was already approved and granted TA. The financial aid office, in its entirety, is an absolute joke. The registration office is anything but thorough...Id recommend going to MTSU or basically anywhere else...

Review №16

You all are very unhonest with price, I think its funny how you revolve yourself around the athletes or music people more so than the students themselves, they do not value your learning styles and they could care less about just handing you an F without notice. I was offended by a lady who when I got an academic alert claimed I probably needed medicine for anxiety. Do you all just feel like a drug can help me pass or are you just greedy for and pocket change thrown at the school? Either way you all are embarrassing.

Review №17

The art program is an absolute joke and only exists as the bare minimum of what an art program should be. Due to the nature of the classes, youll end up taking three classes relevant to the area you need to study. After that, youre going to bite the bullet and take a multitude of art classes that have no relevance to you or your work because of Austin Peays own mediocrity. Its a program where animators are forced to take sculpture courses, graphic artists are forced to take ceramics courses, and sculptures are forced to take printmaking courses.Likewise, a good lot of the faculty lacks any drive to discuss pieces on a level of technique or skill and instead view all work only on a conceptual level, with the students explanation of their work acting as hearty apologism and backpedaling.If you want to further your artistic endeavors and grow as an artist, Austin Peay is the antithesis of what you are looking for.

Review №18

Stay away if your a transfer student!!! The classes, the school, the atmosphere, are okay.... But it took me 7 months just to get into the school! They kept losing my paperwork probably 3 times, forcing me to pay over and over again to have my transcripts sent (4 diff. schools). It has taken me almost another 7 months to try and get my credits transferred into my degree program (still hasnt happened)! Good luck finding anyone to go out of their way to help you! Not proud to say I go to APSU.

Review №19

No help on anything. VA rep is never around to answer.i was interested in their new flight program but the school has done nothing but disappoint. I am seeking education else where now and cheaper aswell.

Review №20

As an alumni, I WAS proud of my alma mater. I recommended APSU to two students at Murray State to take an online class. Ellen Smyth fasley accused these two students of cheating because they utilized the same math tutor and failed them from her math class. Dr. Singleton sided with Smyth and told the students not to appeal the decision because it would not end in their favor. Disappointed-Embarrassed-Appalled- is an understatement in my opinion of the university now. I will never recommend the university to anyone again.

Review №21

I went for a track meet and they seem to be pretty organized and just driving around it seemed like a really nice campus

Review №22

Very proud to be part of the APSU Alumni in this community and to also sit on the national Alumni board! APSU has become a nationally known University that we are all proud to support! Its recent accolades are lengthy and well deserved! #GoPeay #APSU #APSUAlumni

Review №23

It is a great campus that is constantly improving its physical appearance, its staff, and the overall experience of college. You will get out of the classes and the campus what you put into them.

Review №24

Parking situation getting worse. They should make a parking ramp for students instead of again starting another year taking away parking spots for another building for classes. Now the overflow is overflowed. Maybe the overweight students need the exercise to walk longer distances? Most of the students are commuters. I dont know what the vacancy situation is in the new dorm buildings that were built recently, but are they trying to change the commuters into non-commuters by taking their parking spots away totally?

Review №25

My god run dont walk from this place. I made the mistake 30 years ago. Tired to get transcripts first they had a hold for money i didnt owe. Once this is corrected and they admited a mistake i have to go all the way back and ask for my transcripts again because they are so fast at resolving problems they create.

Review №26

Ive been going to this school for about 5 years now, and time and time again Ive struggled with dealing with the various financial aid and business departments losing my paperwork so I very nearly couldnt pay for school multiple times. Also there is a huge problem with teachers who either dont care when they teach, or care too much and are so strict no student can pass adequately. The campus itself seems beautiful at first, but things are constantly broken and left that way for months at a time. Their website, both the public one and the one for students, is difficult to navigate and a lot of their information is out of date or useless and it keeps going down without warning. If you are transferring to the school, dont even bother. It is pretty much guaranteed that they will lose your paperwork and many of your credits that you were supposed to be able to keep. Overall, its not very student friendly and I really regret staying here.

Review №27

I graduated more than 25 years ago, one of the most memorable time of my life. Nice people, nice curriculum, learnt a lot.

Review №28

LETS GO PEAY! Future students and student - athletes, This is a great place to thrive. I am a former football player who loved the experience and opportunity to represent APSU as an athlete and student! I still do to this day, I hope you decide to attend Austin Peay State University! A challenge that will make you grow as a student and person. PEAY PRIDE!! -ML-APSUFOOTBALLALUMNI#52

Review №29

To whom it may concern,I moved to Clarksville, TN at the beginning of the year and had applied to Austin Peay State University by late January. I was interested in continuing my pre-nursing major as I was transferring three years of credits from my previous university. I applied to start for the spring II semester at Austin Peay, which was scheduled to start in late March. I did not receive my acceptance letter for the spring II semester until less than a week before the semester was scheduled to start. Unfortunately, due to the late acceptance, I had to put off my start date until the summer term. I was then instructed to re-apply for the summer term, which was relatively easy. I was accepted to start May 31st. And this is where my many problems began. I am in no way shape or form an expert of FAFSA, as many would agree that financial aid is a very stressful and confusing aspect of college, especially when you are transferring from one state to another. I filled out my FAFSA to the best of my knowledge. I was awarded a certain amount for school and accepted my awards on the school website. And still for unknown reasons, I was then asked to provide my moms 2014 IRS tax return, which was a terrible experience in and of itself. I am currently married, so why my moms tax information was needed was never made clear to me after several attempts to understand why. May 30th I was dropped from all of my classes that I was scheduled to start the following day. I contacted the school in regards to why I was dropped. Again, they requested my moms IRS tax information and a few other misc. paper work. I was able to obtain my moms tax information and in order to avoid any more confusion I drove to the school to personally hand in the all the documents they were requiring of me. I went to the financial aid office to talk to drop off the documents and to speak with someone about my classes and why I was dropped. The lady I spoke to then informed me that my moms tax info was not needed, instead they needed mine and my husbands tax info. The lady in the financial aid office gave me a different list of documents they needed from me and said that as long as I turned these documents in by July 4th, I WOULD NOT be dropped from any of my classes. So I made sure to get all the documents together in a timely manner to get back to them to insure I would not be dropped from my classes. Jumping forward to last Wednesday June 15th, I logged on to my student portal to work on homework (since I had been attending classes the last two weeks) only to find out I was dropped from my classes again. At this point I was beyond frustrated. I contacted Austin Peay, again, to ask why I was dropped, again. After speaking to three different people, no one could give me a direct answer. The lady I spoke to on the phone in the financial aid office said she would forward the issue on to her supervisor who would be contacting me. It is now a week later since I was last dropped from my summer classes and I have YET to hear from anyone from the school. I have never had so many issues with a school before. They have terrible customer service. They are of no help to their students what so ever. I am very disappointed in Austin Peay and I will not be attending this school now or in the future.

Review №30

I wouldnt trade my APSU education for anything! Wonderful school, wonderful people. I had a great time there, made some lifelong friends and learned a lot! THANK YOU, AUSTIN PEAY!!!

Review №31

Daughter is starting school here this month. Have had a major issue with the office of the Bursar. Had a lengthy 40 min talk about daughters estimated final costs before selecting this school and turning down many other highly academic institutions. Had my daughter turn down 10s of thousands of academic scholarship dollars based on her minimal final fees if she attended AP. Led to believe she would only owe about $3k for the year, online bill states that I owe $8k. Still affordable, but not anywhere close to the offices estimates that we thoroughly went over in May. Pretty upset when I realized that the person I had originally spoken to had forgotten to tack on an out of state 250r tuition estimate. She probably would have chosen Xavier University or Ohio State University instead for the amount that I ended up paying to attend AP for an out of state student. The people at AP seem very pleasant, but this was a huge financial oversight that could have weighted my decision to send my daughter to AP. Financial estimate mistakes like these cannot be made by administrators. Bad start, but I hope my daughters enrollment and studies there will be a positive experience. Hope I dont regret this choice aside from the financial snafu.

Review №32

Beautiful college campus

Review №33

Ive attended AP for 2 years and its been an incredibly rewarding time. Unfortunately, they do not offer Mechanical or Electrical Engineering degrees so Ive transferred to a Nashville university.

Review №34

Work there and the manager

Review №35

Great school and staff!

Review №36

Enjoyed football game

Review №37

Great morn at APSU!

Review №38

I want to go there when im 17

Review №39

Prices keep going up but not much improvements other than some new buildings. Should be paying for an education, not real-estate.

Review №40

Love it

Review №41

Great professors, administration is somewhat untrustworthy

Review №42

I Ben there and I Ben there and I love it there

Review №43

Lovely place

Review №44

Love the campus

Review №45


Review №46


Review №47


Review №48

Its a clean place

Review №49

Its very good

Review №50


100 Photos
3.5 Rating
  • Address:601 College St, Clarksville, TN 37044, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 931-221-7011
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