MBA - MBA at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
3019 Business Instructional Facility, 515 E Gregory Dr, Champaign, IL 61820, United States
MBA - MBA at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign

Review №1

I was selected for the Jan 17 cohort and I could not have been happier to be part of the program. The program structure and the inherent flexibility it allows for to pursue a quality MBA degree from a high-quality university while allowing you to continue working is an excellent value proposition. The pedagogy and the quality of the faculty continues to amaze me. Professors and lecturers are well accomplished in their subject matter and have done a great job to stitch together material thats challenging, thought provoking and one that covers fundamental to advanced topics very well. The administration and support staff are easy to work with. They have done a great job to include feedback and continue to improve the program. The cohorts are comprised of some of smartest, and high-performance individuals not only from the U.S., but from across the world, who bring in their unique experiences and perspectives to the program to make it a melting pot of bright minds. It is my pleasure, and an honor, to be in this company and Im glad to be part of the program and the UIUC family.

Review №2

The Illinois iMBA is a great program. I am finishing my first year and will obtain a MBA from a great US school at a reasonable cost while living in Vietnam. In the process, I met passionate and smart students who helped me grow.The iMBA is perfectly suited to today’s globalized world. I work on multidisciplinary projects all over the world with colleagues located in different countries. The many iMBA team-based projects help me develop leadership skills relevant to our digital age. The program does not focus only on the US, there are case studies including firms all over the world. This program is truly a great preparation to an international career.

Review №3

This is truly a first-class program and I am excited to see how much it will improve over the years as it is still in its infancy. In a short time as a student in the program, I have gained lifelong friends and connections from all walks of life and from all over the world. I have met them in-person and virtually through the use of technology, university sponsored and student organized meet ups. As I compare my experiences as both a student in the traditional classroom setting as an undergrad, this iMBA model is superior. Much like anything that you do, your experience is only as great as what you put into it and for this program, I can honestly say that it has exceeded my expectations of the return on my efforts and energy.

Review №4

I must admit that I was skeptical of the low prices and the quality of education, when I first came across the program. So, I took couple of courses as a non-degree student to get a feel of the environment. The result: I was completely hooked. This is a proper MBA program from a prestigious institution that provides a complete academic experience at an unbelievable price. The academic rigor is real and will test you as any full-time MBA program. In my case, this was a no brainier. I am getting quality education for nearly 1/6th of the price of a full-time MBA. The learning and the quality of course mates is top notch. I am extremely grateful and thankful to be a part of this program.

Review №5

The iMBA program at the University of Illinois sounded too good to be true (for the price) but I discussed the program with many people, both inside and out of the University and decided to apply. Im halfway through the program now and am very thankful that I made that life-changing decision.The program is challenging but very gratifying and fun to apply what Im learning immediately at my job. I dont call it an online program, I call it a high-engagement distance program because were given communication tools and groupings that help us all stay in contact and meet regularly through video chats and messaging chats for group assignments. We also have live classes and office hours each week through a video chat platform that lets all of us participate as if we were in-person.The program is modular so that you can choose different focus areas (strategic innovation, digital marketing, analytics, global business, etc) after you finish your core business classes (leadership, economics, strategy, corporate accounting, etc).Lastly, the program is constantly organizing meet-ups whether it be a trip to Apple headquarters in CA, trip to AT&T HQ in TX, or a 3 day event on campus. We have the opportunity to join global immersions each year. I was able to join the Brazil and Germany trips two years in a row and the experience was life changing. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

Review №6

This is a great program! The value is unbeatable and you still get the high quality education that the University of Illinois is known for. Im finding the professors are more engaging and accessible than when I was on campus for undergrad. With social media and several online communication tools, Ive been very engaged with my peers. Having an online program allows you to work within your schedule, meet and network with people all over the country (and some abroad) and still afford a higher education. Great job Illinois for being at the forefront of education with this program.

Review №7

This is the *best* learning experience! Listen to lectures--lectures are easy to follow and for more complicated concepts listen to them again and again until you are confident that you understand. Test your mastery through quizzes and test. Not like the old-school do poorly and sink, but in a refreshing -- if you want to do better, study some more and then retake -- fashion. Go to a live class (from the comfort of where ever you are) and interact with professors who are experts in their field and who genuinely care about teaching and engaging you as an individual. There is also an amazing group of administrators who will help you with logistics and provide guidance along the way. Then there is *us* the students! Join a class filled with different professionals from around the world. Make new friends and expand your network. If you love challenges, discussions, learning something today and applying it tomorrow--this program is for you!!! I heart the iMBA program.

Review №8

I spent a good year, pouring hundreds of hours into online MBA research. I spoke with 10 different schools and created spreadsheets outlining the pros and cons of each school. Illinois iMBA program was the only school that checked all of the boxes that I had: truly online format, highly ranked school (top 50 as a university as well as a business school), and affordable.I am now in my 6th week of classes and I couldnt be happier with my decision. The faculty and staff are approachable, helpful, and encouraging. My fellow students are supportive and intelligent and I have already been building a strong camaraderie with several. What I like most about the student experience is that the students are all successful professionals in their field and so there is not this cutthroat competitive spirit that plagues a lot of B-schools because everyone wants that really important consulting job offer. The students are engaged and invested in not only seeing themselves succeed, but each other ad well. I strongly recommend this program to any and everyone who desires to advance their professional career and their own betterment.

Review №9

The iMBA at the University of Illinois provides a flexible and affordable way to earn your MBA from a highly respected university. The classes are structured to apply to the real world and if you are working can be put into action in real time. Classmates are supportive and some of the smartest people on the planet. I cant recommend the program high enough.

Review №10

Its a very rewarding and highly interactive program. We have the most professional faculty, and the excellent classmates. All the group work, live sessions are exactly same as the on campus program. We also have offline corporate visits, events opportunities! the program is keep evolving and improving, you won regret! Apply for it today!

Review №11

My experience with the iMBA program through the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign has been tremendous. The program is tremendously rigorous but also nimble and flexible enough to allow busy execs freedom to build schedules and customize pathways in ways that fit into tight schedules. The faculty is absolutely top-notch and HIGHLY engaged in courses and ensuring students are challenged and also grasping (and able to apply) concepts and frameworks. Importantly, there is a strong sense of community among the students and the iMBA program faculty and staff, and excellent opportunities for sharing and networking around career opportunities, news, and industry trends.

Review №12

A great program choice among the business schools (globally) for working professionals/executives. As many of you who are reading this review I was looking for the ideal MBA: a great brand, low total cost, flexible course schedule, amazing professional network... the list goes on :-). I found the iMBA program from UIUC to be all this and much more, during the 2 months I have been part of this program I was surprised by the rigor of the program and the level of interaction with the professors and the students and my own group. The cohort is filled with very successful entrepreneurs and professionals from diverse fields and the opportunities to learn and network are endless. I strongly recommend this program for anyone who desires to advance their professional career.

Review №13

The only negative thing I can say is Why didnt they do it sooner?Consume standard content at your own pace, from anywhere on almost any device. Work with highly engaged team members on advanced assignments. Attend classes virtually and engage with professors and classmates. Finish with a great degree for an almost unbelievable price.If you are a mid career professional, especially if you are (like me) also chasing your kids and working, so that flexibility is key, this program is the one for you. Dont wait!

Review №14

The UIUC iMBA experience is re-defining how working professionals earn their MBA. Despite the program being delivered online, it sure doesn’t feel like it considering we get the same academic staff as the Full and Part-Time programs. This program gives me the flexibility I need to continue a higher degree of education, while balancing my professional career and family life.The iMBA program breaks down barriers by allowing students from across the globe to earn a quality education from a top ranked, internationally recognized brand. By far, the best bang for your buck for an MBA degree from a B1G school. Don’t delay, enroll today!

Review №15

The University of Illinois iMBA is an incredible program structured for todays on the go professionals. It provides students access to the same on campus MBA professors from anywhere in the world. The online format brings the classroom directly to you, allowing students to attend class regardless of location. This networking opportunities are endless, and the program delivers a first class experience one expects from a top rated business school.

Review №16

Fantastic program. I visited the campus and met with amazing faculty members and classmates from various cohorts.It ticked all the boxes on my list.✔ Reputable, high quality MBA program✔ Delivered online, as I have limited down time, but I want to get ahead and invest in myself✔ A program that gives ROI its true meaning

Review №17

IMBA, there is no substitute.The diverse global student body of professionals in all stages of their careers brings a unique perspective to this program. The networking is invaluable. The knowledge gained can be applied in the real world in real time. Excellent program, I have recommended it to many friends, family and colleagues.

Review №18

This program will change your thought about online MBA programs. This is high engaging, quality education and you will also have great networking. You will be part of a institute which is 150 years old. It has exceeded my expectation. It has quality students from around the globe. Great to be part of it..ILLINI..

Review №19

Its a great experience to do this course while still performing your day job. Flexibility of attending live classes from wherever you are in the world is a huge plus . I especially liked the rigor of the program. Professors put lot of effort in providing top class teaching. Group assignments are really top standard and make the whole team work hand in glove. Random breakout sessions during live sessions give opportunities to connect with fellow students and in solving the problems quickly. Coursera peer review assignments enhances subject matter learning by putting ourselves in reviewer role and looking from a different angle of the same problem.

Review №20

I watched a sunrise capture the peaks of the Himalayas in an orange-golden glow. Spotted falling stars and orbiting satellites in an almost 180 degree view of a clear starry sky while camping in the Thar Desert. Nothing gave me that much excitement, than learning my first business course from Urbana Champaign-iMBA. It was a gratifying experience so far and I feel everyday I am getting better with interactions with peers and professor...

Review №21

The iMBA program is extremely convenient for working professionals. Three courses in, I couldnt be more pleased with the entire program. The content is relevant, accessible, and challenging. I have also been impressed by the quality of students that I have interacted with online. Great people, an outstanding academic institution, a flexible schedule, all at an affordable price. Its been a great overall experience and I highly recommend it.

Review №22

The technology used for online collaboration in this course has exceeded my expectations. As an example, the weekly live sessions for each course: I am in an online lecture with 100 other students via webcam and PC audio but I can easily speak up and directly ask the professor a question. In fact participation is part of the grade. But technology adds something to these live sessions that you dont get in a real-world classroom (that I have seen anyway): a parallel chat room where students ask each other questions and share experiences from their work lives. This has supercharged the experience and made the online delivery method invaluable to me. It has also given me confidence to transfer online collaboration tools to my work life. In a world where we are working remotely with colleagues more and more, I view this as an increasingly essential skill.

Review №23

Awesome program, awesome people, and awesome education! I am closing in on finishing the program and I can honestly say this was one of the best things I have done. They do a fantastic job of creating a high-touch, highly interactive program, even done remotely. One of the downsides commonly mentioned with an internet-based program is that you wont get the networking that you get with an in-person program. I cannot disagree more with the iMBA; I have made friends all around the globe, and the students constantly make plans to get together and network, both through the program and outside of it. This has been one of the biggest surprises; there are even plans for international trips being run by the students, all enabled and encouraged by the program.

Review №24

High Intense - High Remunerating learning experience. Very high quality content materials and professors - its a full experience involving studying, live sessions, lots of interactions with peers and application of the studies to real - and often very recent - business case scenario. A transformational program that will empower you - so, are you ready for the challenge?

Review №25

In one word- inspirational. I have been an iMBA student since Aug-16, the university staff is amazing and are dedicated to work with the student since the time of enrollment and are always available to help when needed.The iMBA is defiantly helping me learn and look at things from different prospects as well. It does not feel that its an online program. I feel connected with my collage, colleges, professors and the group mates. UIUC is the best!!

Review №26

This unique format allows professionals to receive the same prestigious MBA experience as those in the classroom, including the same professors, yet continue with work & life anywhere in the world. The curriculum brings the challenges expected from a top school, yet manages to be within reason for learner success. I have thoroughly enjoyed and grown from the experience, and Im honored to be part of this program.

Review №27

So far, my experience with the iMBA program has been very positive. If you are unable to put your life on hold for two years for a traditional MBA program, then this route is for you! It is convenient, challenging, and rewarding, and the team at UofI want you to succeed and are a wonderful support system. Highly recommend to anyone looking to further their education, particularly those wishing to remain in the workforce, raise a family, and/or be mobile while doing do.

Review №28

Really great program and very affordable. The online experience is not only convenient but also helpful to become more tech savvy in communications and collaboration. The classes are relevant and helpful in my career goals.

Review №29

The iMBA program is an awesome MBA experience. I will say that I was a little apprehensive about the networking opportunities with an online MBA, but I have been incredibly surprised with all the opportunities to interact with your cohort and other students in the program. The coursework is rigorous and challenging, but it pushes you to think outside of the box. Im confident Im learning the skills I need to grow in my career.

Review №30

Excellent professors wirh deep subject-matter expertise and talent for explaining complex concepts are the number ine reason for five stars. This is a top-notch education. You will work harder than you knew you could and you will grow. The flexible schedule and avoiding travel logistics is helpful for busy schedules and for learning when you are most productive. I also enjoy the global reach and diversity of the students in the program. The very competitive cost is an added advantage. Im very pleased with my choice to join this iMBA program.

Review №31

Its been a great experience till now with the iMBA, I am in the second month. I had many reservations about how the course will work being online, and was expecting many communication problems, like what we do during conference calls and online meetings at work. Its been surprisingly smooth till now, and as rewarding an experience as going to a brick and mortar university. But with the added advantage of taking lectures during my morning and evening trips in subway. The group work has been great too as we communicate on zoom, the conferencing software we use during class. I am sure glad i enrolled with UIUC iMBA, with my busy schedule and frequent moves it would not have been possible otherwise.

Review №32

In the first month of starting the iMBA program, I took class from Minnesota, Seattle, Chicago, and South Carolina. The flexibility of the iMBA program allows my fellow students and me to continue our careers full speed, further advance our education, and still spend time with our friends/families. The curriculum is excellent and presented in a way that is very understandable. If you are considering an online MBA, the University of Illinois iMBA is highly recommended.

Review №33

Simply amazing program from a great university. I strongly recommend this program to the MBA aspirants who are looking for flexibility, convenience and cost effectiveness with absolutely no compromise on quality of the education. Lastly you will not miss the networking opportunity with fellow students and alumni.

Review №34

The iMBA is every bit as challenging and rewarding as I believe an MBA program should be. I had a baby 8 weeks into starting this program, and returned to work full time 2 months after that. There is enough flexibility to make it work around any schedule, with enough structure to keep you on track towards completing in 2-3 year. Personally, I chose the 3 year track to allow myself more time with my new family!Students are amazingly supportive of each other and it is truly and unique strength of the program to be able to connect with so many different locations and backgrounds. Professors vary in their comfort level with being on screen and interacting digitally, but this does not interrupt the flow of the courses thanks to the diligent work of the teaching assistants, course assistants, program, and Coursera staff.Im so proud to be an Illini and proud to be part of the iMBA program family.

Review №35

The iMBA program at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign has allowed me to pursue grad level education while working full time. The program offers everything I was looking for in an MBA program -- flexibility, affordability, and most of all credibility (top ranked school). The program is every bit as challenging as an on campus program. There are opportunities for networking with fellow students and weekly live sessions, which helps with connection in the online space. I would recommend the program to individuals who are self-motivated and looking for a reputable education for an affordable price.

Review №36

The University of Illinois Urbana Champaign iMBA program is, in my opinion, one of the best values in education. The program allows students from around the world the opportunity to remotely attend a top ranked school with a flexible schedule. The classes are engaging and challenging. The iMBA learning experience for me has been incredibly rewarding.

Review №37

The iMBA at UIUC is a very practical program and equally intense as any other MBA program from top league colleges in USA. I found the offering a good value for money and decided to invest the $22,000 to improve my career prospects in future. The best part is that it allows you to manage the work life balance without compromising on quality of education. I give the program a thumbs up.

Review №38

Amazing program. Practical, flexible, insightful & great value for money. Excellent quality of faculty and course content. Brand equity of school is great. Glad I decided to pursue this course.

Review №39

I am a pharmacist looking to increase my business skills. Just done with the first 2 classes in my cohort (accounting) and so far very impressed. Great flexibility, good engagement. Made the right decision

Review №40

The iMBA at the University of Illinois has exceeded my expectations. Despite being a cost-effective option for seasoned professionals that otherwise would be considering an Executive MBA, the Illinois program does not economize and cut corners. The program has all the features I had initially expected such as great flexibility in terms of when and where to learn that allows for learning at home, in the office, or on business trips on the other side of the globe. Surprisingly, it also offers things I had assumed Id be giving up by pursuing an online option such as building a strong professional network or receiving personalized attention. On the contrary, Illinois has alumni/ae everywhere and even before I started classes, I was invited to network and build relations with the folks right near my home in the Dallas-Fort Worth region. Furthermore, the professors in each of my iMBA classes know more about me and customize their teaching approaches far more than any on-campus experience I have had in the past. If youre looking at this online option because you want an easy, low-key, anonymous experience, keep looking because you wont find it here. The iMBA at Illinois is every bit as intense and transformative as any of the higher priced executive options out there.

Review №41

IMBA program is th Best deal for the buck. The program offers great flexibility so I can work on my career goals along with having ample time for my family and job. Moreover the faculty is well knowledgeable and everybody is ready to go an extra mile to help students.

Review №42

The program has far exceeded my expectations for both academic quality and networking. The students are truly a sampling of the best and the brightest from around the globe.

Review №43

This program has been excellent. I have already completed an online masters program at a different university, although it was good the iMBA program is head and shoulders above. It is dedicated to distance students who have demanding careers and who care about learning.

Review №44

I am TRULY enjoying my MBA experience. It is wonderful to be able to balance my job, personal life and school by attending a program that is actually flexible while at the same time allows for true connections with classmates.

Review №45

The exemplary event that truly proves that the iMBA is more than just an average online program. It bridges the relationships formed through online with a powerful in-person opportunity for students and faculty alike.

Review №46

Great program for an affordable price. The program balances flexibility and quality perfectly without compromising one for the other. Being able to attend the class lectures on demand is added a bonus!

Review №47

Highly recommend this program! Extremely happy with the learning experience. You really can have a personal connection with classmates and instructors!

Review №48

My iMBA experience has been great so far. I have learned a lot in my first two classes. It have great networking with other professionals in Chicago and other areas. I am looking forward to my next set of classes.

Review №49

In-depth lectures taught by experienced and well-credentialed faculty, along with high engagement assignments and group projects, make the iMBA a challenging and rewarding. Highly recommended!

Review №50

This is my first time at taking online classes and so far it has been a great experience. I have already recommended this program to several collegues in my field as the material is immediately applicable in the real world.

Review №51

Very unique program that brings a lot of new experiences! Was able to combine a high-quality MBA program together with a full-time job and learn a ton of new knowledge.

Review №52

IMBA hits the bulls eye with affordability, quality and brand name together for an unmatchable learning experience that is at par with any other top business school sans the hefty student loan :).

Review №53

IConverge was better than going to Disneyland! Ability to connect face-to-face, develop new friendships, meet administration and professors, network, learn and laugh. Looking forward to the next event!

Review №54

The University of Illinois iMBA is the best program for all busy professionals specifically for the working Moms like me. UIUC iMBA not only offers unique flexibility to achieve work life balance but is also world-class university with an international reputation for academic excellence. Iam able to do my office work, take care of kids and at the same time get the top-notch education and network with high profile talented peers in IMBA program. Incredibly brilliant professors and excellent curriculum has enabled me to be both an effective leader and an efficient decision maker.

Review №55

Excellent program with great access to staff, professors, and fellow students. I met professor Almeida at the iConverge event and chatted with him 1 on 1 for a long time about corporate finance and investments. Ive met great people through this program and have really enjoyed the online learning environment because it allows me to work and pursue an MBA at the same time. Lastly the ROI for this program is unbelievable, do the math for yourself and youll see its obvious UIUC is years ahead of anyone else.

Review №56

Great program! I have been looking for an online MBA program as a full time working professional, and this program offers flexibility, affordable price, numerous opportunities of deep discussion with faculty members and class mates globally.

Review №57

The University of Illinois iMBA program is a breakthrough for MBA programs. The program is highly engaging and leverages a flexible, yet rigorous curriculum with cohorts comprised of students with years of experience from around the country and world.

Review №58

Love the online format! It fits with my schedule and commitments far better than a traditional, classroom-based program.

Review №59

The most affordable, interesting, challenging and flexible MBA-Program out there! Already well organized despite the fact it is still in its infancy...

Review №60

The iMBA program by UIUC is a great MBA program. It is not just an online fact it is more inline with the current technology. It is also a very immersive program (weekly live sessions, group discussions, team assignments etc). Also the iConverge coordinated by the iMBA team was a great experience for us to meeting in person and make those connections which will stay forever (hopefully :).

Review №61

After deliberating for many years, I finally decided on the iMBA program at UIUC. Online MBAs always worried me, as I felt like human interaction is a significant part of the MBA experience. With the iMBA experience, you get the best of both worlds. I interact regularly with my professors and cohorts, while maintaining the flexibility of the online structure.Cost was another big factor for me, especially with a family to support. It was unimaginable to consider adding a 6 digit student loan, on top of our mortgage and monthly obligations, luckily that was not the case with the iMBA. At $22k, you receive the full MBA experience from a renowned University, with incredible faculty and alumni base.There are definitely still some small issues to be ironed out, as the program is less than a year old, but I believe have no doubt that I made the right decision in choosing the Fighting Illinis as my graduate school for business.

Review №62

The iMBA is an amazing program and even more amazing value. Im near completion and have gotten an education without giving up my career. Ive been able to apply my education directly to work. At the same time, though its an online program, Ive developed a network of fellow learners who are Sr. Managers, Directors, VPs, Entrepreneurs, SMB owners, etc. This is not an asynchronous online program. Yes, it uses University created MOOCs to deliver content, but that is only the beginning. The program consists of live video sessions, group assignments, case studies, live interviews and truly immersive experiences. You get all of this from one of the most prestigious universities in the world and at the cost of one semester at many comparable schools.

Review №63

Excellent cost effective and flexible high engagement MBA program for busy working bees to unleash passion to management

Review №64

Earning my MBA has been a desire for many years, but having gone through the global recession in 2008 and still paying back student loans from undergrad, I’ve had a difficult time finding a program I thought would justify the investment. Programs were either expensive or I was concerned with quality and/or networking opportunities. I’m also married with a family, so leaving work to pursue a degree fulltime was not realistic. The University of Illinois has done incredible work with the iMBA’s format to make all of these non-issues.The network you build is absolutely part of the value of a MBA degree, and this does look different in an online setting from an on-site program. However, the iMBA staff seems to focus on creating value in this aspect of the online format, and I’ve watched it grow dramatically over the year I’ve been enrolled. Group assignments are a requirement for every course, and because it’s a global program, you must adapt to the challenge of delivering assignments with a remote team across multiple time zones (this definitely has real-world implications). Facebook’s Workplace is used as a platform for more social interactions.Beyond digital, there are networking events and meetups held regularly across the country (and globe) for opportunities to meet other Illini in person. There are also events held on campus, which provide opportunity to become more connected to other MBA students and the University.All this to say, networking opportunities are abundant, and students can take advantage as much or as little as they want. I highly recommend taking advantage.Now halfway through the iMBA program, I feel incredibly fortunate to have started this journey. I don’t think a better value exists for those looking to earn a MBA from a school as respected as the University of Illinois.

Review №65

Convenient and affordable with weekly interactive live sessions! Great program!

Review №66

Comprehensive Content, Helpful Staff, and Great Instructors -- All at an incredible value.

Review №67

Great experience, great professor, great network, great education... That is what I call the 4Gs

Review №68

Interactive and updated courses. + specializations (Digital Marketing, Leadership) boost program

Review №69

Quality education, convenience, all at a low price

Review №70

Excellent experience!

Review №71

Its online.

33 Photos
4.9 Rating
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