East Cary Middle School
1111 SE Maynard Rd, Cary, NC 27511, United States
East Cary Middle School

Review №1

I love the school, I love the teachers! They make me want to learn and make me want to go there even when I am sick. I love how they teach. My teachers named Ms.L, Mr.D, Ms.U, Ms.D, Ms.H, Ms.H and a teacher who doesnt go there anymore named Ms.C, they felt like best friends. they also have an officer there and is friends with my mom. That school changed my life. I feel like i never want to leave ever again. my Best Friend Carly also posted too. :)

Review №2

Good middle school to stay at with lots of very nice teacher who help you to grow in experience and learning. Sometimes the school can seem a bit rough. Other than that they have an excellent Staff and they have a captivating STEM program.

Review №3

The staff is okay but sometimes they can be really strict... Are school is all on the teachers cause if they have a bad day then she/he will start being bad at teaching but if she/he has a good day then everythings fine. The gym teachers in my opinion are the best and they teach more life lessons then any other teacher

Review №4

I understand that some people dont like the school for this reason or another, but I like it a lot. The thing about devices is, sometimes or in some classes they dont need devices and that is made known to the students. The outdoor campus is nice meaning that the whole school doesnt have to be quiet if one student is taking a standardized test. One of the few things I dont like is that the teachers can put crazy punishments for the smallest things like doing a couple goofy things during a cardio assessment.

Review №5

I would rate it 0 stars because the admin is clueless, they give out ISS I like candy on Halloween, and they wouldn’t even let one of our classmates come to our promotion ceremony. They act like they love it here when we all know they don’t. They allowed for threats, fights, and bullet cases to brought into the school. At least the students weren’t so bad. I’m glad to escape the prison known as East Cary Middle School. Also, Cole Evans Hood is correct, they confiscated the bottles of honey he brought to the school. Leave now before it’s too late!!

Review №6

The best school ever very eco friendly and there are amazing teachers especially the science teachers. Everything is amazing you should enroll, some kids dont like learning but this school makes it fun to learn and it is especially great if you want to go into the sciences as your career.

Review №7

We are evaluating schools and are very interested in the East Cary Middle School, the program, community reviews, clubs look really interesting. However the end of year scores are not compatible with overall great reviews when compared with other schools in the area like Davis Drive, Mills Park, Lufkin Road etc. Can anyone who has experienced this school please provide insights on why this must be so.

Review №8

Nope. Didnt like the people. Didnt like the staff. I was happy to go back to Salem Middle School. It was fine at first, but then just no. No.

Review №9

I have been at East Cary for 2 years and the person that says there is gang involvement has no clue what they are taking about. You will not find a better middle school in the area, that has everything that ECMS offers. The STEM program, the one on one tablets, the awesome staff, the administration that knows how to work together and they make a great team. My son has truly loved everything about East Cary. I am looking forward to when my other children can go there as well. The students at East Cary are pretty great as well. As a parent that has been involved in the school I can tell you that we are luck to have East Cary Middle School as an option for our kids. Why else would we have over 100 students that transferred from other neighboring schools to come to East Cary!

Review №10

Im a 7th grader, Im in track 1, and I REALLY love ECMS because this school is a great school to go to. The people in my track are nice, including the other tracks but the most thing I really like is the teachers teaching us new educational stuff and doing other activities in school because it gives us new experiences. Teachers, principals, gym teachers, and other teachers are giving us education not just having fun but students are here for education and happiness to the school. So this school will grant us a new life and education.

Review №11

This Place is Nothing like in the brochure. they use dial up and smoke pot everywhere. Not to Mention there football team do steroids all the time. Shut this Place Down

Review №12

I go to this school, so I can call it horrible. The administration is awful, as are most teachers. Each grade level has like one good teacher. My school gives my class a long term sub for my ELA, and theres a reason my grade sucks in that class. Also, the school says they have Bring Your Own Device, but if they even see your device face down turned off they take it away. Also the principal stole a car, so yea that should tell you all you need to know...

Review №13

I am a 7th grader at ECMS and I LOVE it. all the teachers are dedicated to giving us exceptional education. For example my Language arts teacher sent all our parents links to educational games to study for our LA benchmark coming up. they also have great clubs that our teachers have set up, like coding club or drama club.

Review №14

Im a seventh grader at East Cary Middle, and I think it is a great school to spend your 6th through 8th grade at. First of all, the open campus means that when transitioning between classes you can get exercise in, and it is fairly easy to remember where everything is. Second, its a STEM school, which means kids get taught in science, technology, engineering, and math, all great subjects to know about when it comes to high school and colleges. Lastly, the teachers and staff at East Cary are nice and always willing to help.

Review №15

Its An Okay School, I attended all 3 years of this school, The teachers are Very Nice! But here are the disappointing things about this school, And what i am about to say, I speak for Most kids .1) They Create many stem electives where we literally Do not Engage in Any activities, and it only comes by once a month. I was in digital media as a stem elective 7th grade year, We had only sat in the library and none of the teachers had said anything who supposedly were supposed to teach us of Digital media. Now you have that image in your head, Imagine only doing that once a month. No gain. The teachers they choose to teach you these subjects have no experience from it.2) Crazy Dress Code: Everyone knows about the Weird dress code that some teachers either follow strictly or some will follow blatantly. Very misogynistic of East Cary with the girls Dress code, Almost feels like some teachers target some girls specifically because of how their body type and Clothes go together, When at the same time A boy Can go to school Wearing Boxers and a teacher wouldnt Care less. At least 1-3 girls per grade get dress-coded A Day over Outrageous reasons, Get disrupted from learning only to be sent to the office to call their Busy Working Parents.3) Bullying At East Cary:The staff trying to get them to stop, Isnt Working. It happens behind closed doors, Social Media. And it isnt often what the Media Portrays A bully to be. A bully At our school can be the most well liked student by a teacher and friends.

Review №16

Terrible school and does not support kids when they want to use preferred pronouns and name. teachers are just downright rude. this school finds a way in EVERYTHING to put a kid done. many people have went in and came out depressed. do not put your kid in this school, trust me.

Review №17

I am in 8 grade and the best moments of my life were here and this school is amazing cause it accepts everyone no one is isolated from anyone else. this school is great and the teachers are the best go ecms and good luck. carly

Review №18

Cool teachers but I wouldn’t bring honey to lunch if I were you.

Review №19

Went there a few years back and really enjoyed it. In general the teachers were great and I enjoyed the fact that the buildings were separated.

Review №20

Dont go here they wont care except mrs. reyolds and mrs. hackman

Review №21

This is the real Hannah i didnt write any of those comments someone tried to blame it on me by changing there name to mine but if Im being honest about this school i do think this school is a pretty good school and everyone is nice so i like it.

Review №22

If you value your honey, hand sanitizers, lotion, dignity, and/or sanity, I wouldn’t recommend going here.

Review №23

This school was decent. The people here are pretty great, I would say 95% were nice to me. My disappointment toward this school stems mainly from the fact that my fellow classmate, Cole Hood had multiple bottles of honey confinscated from him. He simply intended on drinking the honey. I don’t see why he had to have it taken. Cole no longer has his honey with him and may not be able to get it back. What a waste! Also, lotion and hand sanitizer has been confinscated multiple times, whether it was being used for good or bad. My advice toward the administration at this school is to focus on more, um, prevalent issues at this school. For example, the kid on my bus who once did not even wear a shirt.Well that’s it. Thanks fam.

Review №24

I am kid from 7 th track 4, mr smith is cool

Review №25

The administrators are total idiots and teachers usually punish the entire class instead of dealing with the disruptive kids. AIG (Academically and Intellectually Gifted) Programs for ELA (English language arts) class doesnt do anything. Some of the teachers dont teach you and just hand out paperwork. I personally think its the administration because supposedly the problems arose when Dr. Chisnell left. (I wasnt there before) The school also advertises itself as a stem school but we only do stem electives every 3-6 weeks and the only engineering course is girls only. Its not the worst school and has many good teachers but it could be seriously better.

Review №26

Someone treated to kill me and they didnt do anything to that person. Also the teachers pick favorites, so if your not their favorite then you dont have the equal chance at learning. People constantly bully people calling people gay or lesbian if they are different and the counselor Ms.Muller hasnt done a thing like she said she would. Also people sexually harassing people.

Review №27

This school seemed really nice at first but then I started to notice the complete mess that this school really was becoming. It all started with the previous principal Dr. Chisnall leaving for Jordan High School. After this multiple teachers began leaving and many long-term subs were brought in to teach the classes. In some such cases they hired the subs as teachers one of which being my 8th grade math teacher whos class was so poorly taught I had to get outside tutoring which costed my parents a fair bit. My younger sibling is still in school there and is struggling to learn in the environment provided, and has constantly complained about the teachers and even had a long term sub in one of his classes as well. Overall this school did a TERRIBLE JOB preparing me for what came my Freshman year in high-school.

Review №28

Stay away if you enjoy life. Everyone is depressed and stressed and isfeeling blue. There is so much bias between the teachers, and its always for the bad kids. This one kid harassed a freind and I and the teachers kept putting us in groups together. I loved my friend group here, they were pretty litty, but the teachers here are horrible. I have witnessed teachers that instead of letting the kid who wants to read and knows the answer to the question talk, they pick on the socially anxious kids and make them read out loud. The best teachers here are Mrs. Hackman and Coach Bizzel. Im warning everyone now that they should stay the heck away. The only thing I learned from this school was how to sneak gum and my phone during class, and how to avoid administration and getting called on. Never go to this school ever

Review №29

Im currently attending east cary and I love it! The only thing is that the teachers can get a bit strict... Otherwise, Great School!

Review №30

The the principal is a crazy wierdo; she stole a car from an airport and smiled in her mugshot. But in all seriousness, this school is like a rotten onion. Peel off one stinking layer and theres an even smellier one beneath.

Review №31

I am currently a 6th grader at East Cary Middle. This school has been so far the best school I have been to. I thoroughly enjoy the electives and activities that go on on a daily basis. The core teachers are very involved with whats going on and the practice on topics set up by them is truly indulging. They have a great variety of after school clubs such as Coding Club, Math Counts, Robotics Club and FBLA. Some of the clubs help children prepare for the future. The Principal, Dr.Kerry Chisnall great person and is involved. He is very kind too! This has been a very good experience!

Review №32

White kid threatened to shoot up school and didn’t even get expelled. Mexican kid brought bullets and got expelled. Everyone here is crazy and talks about killing other people, they’re all psychopaths. Kid brought 7g of weed and got expelled. Principal got arrested for finessing a car from an airport. Nudes get leaked very often. Several kids here underage drink and vapes in bathrooms. White kids use the “n” word too often. Fights don’t happen but someone will say they’ll square up on you and then scream if you walk in their general direction. All tracks are trash. Coach Vidalis is extremely sexist, racist, and just annoying beyond anything. Teachers claim that if they see your phone they’ll take it but they never do. Basically, if you want depression, anxiety, and fake friends, EAST CARY IS FOR YOU!!Btw this school is big gay

Review №33

The campus at ECMS is very unique with plenty of outdoor open space that the kids really like. Have not run across any gangs...yet, and doubt that will happen. Perhaps Nick is allowed a little too much freedom with his computer. The staff and environment at ECMS are excellent and if your student is interested in learning they will have every opportunity to do so. As with most of the schools in NC there has to be a strong commitment from the student and the family. We do not have the luxury here of being able to just send kids off to school and trust that they will receive a world class education, but with a combined effort from all interested parties your children can flourish at ECMS.

Review №34

Honestly ecms needs to get a good 7-1 science/social studies teacher instead of having four LT subs.

Review №35

Grade 6 started off ok but got worse as the year progressed, the principal got arrested for car theft and in 7 grade the teachers gave me hallway restriction for no flippin reason dont go here!!!!!! the teachers are messed up here except for gym and cpu.

Review №36

I am so glad I graduated and never have to go back. The place was okay and quickly got worse and worse as the years passed. All of the good teachers have left (give them a round of applause) and the new principal was HORRIBLE. This lady does nothing but sit in her office, call home on Sundays in her high pitched voice, come up with random rules for things like carpool and the hallway that no one follows and doesnt connect with the teachers, parents or students. In addition for two years in a row, one of our core teachers left the school and everyone got stuck with an endless cycle of substitute teachers and then they hire some teacher who cant teach. Me and many of my female classmates had ridiculous encounters with the dress code, which is completely unfair and slightly sexist from my experiences (ex: not dress coding males for wearing shirts with offensive content, but making females call home for wearing gym shorts). Dont be fooled by the test scores, I guessed on all of my math EOC and made patterns on the scantron yet somehow got a 5, showing that the tests cant accurately reflect the problems at this school. Most of the positive reviews are from years ago and are made by younger students who are prioritized and tricked into thinking this is a good school. I believed them too.Things in other reviews that I can confirm:A carbon monoxide leak, the Spanish teacher not teaching you anything, a kid hit got a concussion and the teacher did nothing about it, the dress code is horrible, bullying is a big issue and you can clearly see that the English classes are lacking because some of these people (most likely including myself) cannot spell or use proper grammar.

Review №37

Teechers are goodly i lerned aloot

Review №38

I went to East Cary in 6th grade and loved it! Nice people and GREAT teachers.

Review №39

I love the school I am a 8th grader there and so far I love the courses the teachers and even all the people at ECMS GO IMPS

Review №40

As a 8th grader looking back, transitioning schools was hard from 5th to 6th. But this school made me feel comfortable. With many amazing teachers, great campus,the best security, and a great principal (Dr. K Chisnall and Mrs. Davis). The teachers provide the best ways to learn and educate our future generation. Not ONLY that! But East Cary has opened many doors for me and my future and I will never forget this school for the Rest of my future. There are so many electives and the best of best features. And as a troublemaker I know that the school will make you a better person! The coaches are the best!!! They are so friendly and boost your confidence.

Review №41

It gets pretty lit up in this dank shrimp. Sometimes it cant get stasty. Other times the teachers can get edgy. But Im bout to rek these noobs at this school, so it doesnt matter m8. Ill rate this school 9/11

Review №42

Mi Ticher tuld me to drink blech and i did so now i get bettr ELA scors in essays tasty

Review №43

Dont go here its smelly and dirty. The bathrooms have pee over the floors and there are wet paper towels all over the walls. But seriously though janitor should splash bleach all over the walls, speaking of bleach students are CANCER kids they sing all these cringy songs all the time and talk about the weirdest things like there butts and perverted stuff the only good thing there is this one kid named Gabetrap he has a youtube so check him out. Teachers here are usually cool but Health teacher are super strict after we talked LIKE BANSHEES we have to do long book work the entire time. My reaction SMH. Oh yeah and if you are in track 4 boo hoo for you. TO be safe just realize that track 4 is below all other tracks. Anyone going to 500 building it will reek the whole time you are there. The students arent really the problem *cough* *cough* They are *cough* *cough* but the administration really needs to work on the quality of the school.

Review №44

The classes are sometimes fun but it really depends on the day.

Review №45

East cary is quite a fun place . i love it there! thanks for a great year everyone! i love all the teachers and everyones really nice! (dont listen to the negitive comments because their not all true east cary rocks! +Dftryh YT btw EAST CARY ROCKSSSS BOO WEST CARY !

Review №46

I wanna go to wcms 🙃🙄 hopefully only one week left in this schoolI will be a 8th grader at wcms for the 2017-2018 year praying to god

Review №47

Its absolutely awesome my teachers are so nice especially mr.mattson and ms.monroe

Review №48

Worst middle school in the whole county. On the news 2 out of the 3 years I went there. Stupidest school ever

Review №49

This is a pretty good school with nice people and staff, you should enroll

Review №50

Great school overall has some issuses with power schools but minner and can be fixed overall all of the clubs are very helpfull it has been great learning about linux and hardware in coding and very fun thinking up solutions to enegenering problems in robotocs club

Review №51

East Cary is a great school with a friendly environment and more than friendly staff. That Nick probably goes to west cary or davis drive, doesnt know what he is talking about, internet troll.-an 6th grader going to east cary

Review №52

A wonderful School to grow up in lol jk its bad

Review №53

This is the best school I have ever went to better than R.C.M.S.

Review №54

I lvoe this school omgggedit: loveedit: love****

Review №55

A good school. The only thing it need to fix is enforcing the dress code and their way of catching bullies

Review №56

A trash school give you is or oss like a candy so lol

Review №57

Horrible school so many gangs and fights dont waste your time and if u can try and go to davis drive or west cary

Review №58

Im a 7th grader in ecms!

Review №59

I love east cary it is the best school ever and love you Ms.Ellis

Review №60

School is nice and lovely and this school is awesome!!!!!;:) XD gtg

Review №61

They have a 3D printer3D.printer.nuff said

Review №62

I love ECMS. It is full of surprises.

Review №63

Pretty good : Mr. Jones class is fun

Review №64


Review №65

I am in 7th grade at ECMS. it is a school ever

Review №66

So far so good.

Review №67

There is a carbon monoxide leak and a triple knockout at the same time. Months after a horse-play caused brain injury. If you dont care about your childs safety then send them to this school. I would put 0 stars if I could.

Review №68

Rlly good basketball players

Review №69

This school is lit! 😂 👌 👍 ❤️️ 💯 🔥

Review №70

I hate this school, why did my mom even enroll me here.

Review №71

This hotel doesnt even do room service; and no waffle iron?-- am I a peasant now???

Review №72

Cole hood is completely correct

Review №73

There are no Babes or Bees at east Cary

Review №74

Awesome school and staff.

Review №75

Coooool school

Review №76

Great school Great principle Love it

Review №77

Would not reccomend

Review №78


Review №79

Happy birthday

Review №80

It is the best

Review №81

Great school

Review №82

I mean, its alright?

Review №83

Infested with students and teachers

Review №84

Its ok

Review №85


Review №86

N o

5 Photos
2.9 Rating
  • Address:1111 SE Maynard Rd, Cary, NC 27511, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 919-466-4377
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