The Art Institute of Atlanta
6600 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd, Atlanta, GA 30328, United States
The Art Institute of Atlanta

Review №1

My daughter attended Art Institute of Atlanta for Fashion Designer. She absolutely loved it at that school and made some great friends there that she really could connect with. She also had the chance to sell her fashion creations and made a decent amount of money on this site for designers who are looking to for help with bills,food,tuition ect.. So it does not mess with your studies. Hope I blessed someone today. My daughter now is working in Manhattan, New York fulfilling her dream thank you Art Institute of Atlanta for making my little girl happy and successful!

Review №2

Met some great mentors of the school today (visited during the school break)! The experience coming back blew me away, I was treated heavily with respect and a huge welcoming! I have been a graduate since ‘13 and I owe all my success to this school and all the teachers who have pushed me to be my best - thank you all! I appreciate all the truth and leadership for success! 🏆✨💯 Subscribe to my YouTube channel for financial freedom hacks! (Nathalie Lazo) ❤️👍🏼

Review №3

It was amazing!! The campus is very clean and the tour was great!! I loved it!!

Review №4

My son study Media Arts and Animation here. They has other fields to study ss fashion, culinary. Great President Mr. Newton. I admire this College. I you are one want to study that is your place. No matter whats whats your age.

Review №5

Hello I am a mither of a student that went there for four years and she Graduated Not understanding how her GPS was as liw it was for her to have worked so hard for this Bachelor degree in fashion .The Fashion director was no help at all ....And this school is to much money to have gotten very little out of it....still....My daughter have not received her Bachelor degreeYet🤷.Really it does sound good to talk to the new president.Im sorry but this school is just Awful.....

Review №6

I was go the college, these are good colleges and independent, without runs by govt this works better, l know expense costly some thing you need to consider this.

Review №7

We called them on the phone while waiting outside their building for a tour we had scheduled and they hung up the phone and didn’t do anything. They called us back and hung up again right after. Before the phone call we tried to enter the building but nobody was there and it was locked

Review №8

Dont go there unless you have talent or are willing to put your all into becoming talented. The school is not what makes you a great artist, you have to be a self starter and go outside of class to learn additionally in your field. The school will help shape you and there are good instructors, but yes it is a for profit school that will accept anyone for their money. Just dont go to any art school if you are going to suck in your field. Any artists thinking a degree will give the credentials is a fool, its all about making a good body of work for yourself whether the school helps you or not.

Review №9

Great experience. As a teacher, I love that the students get a real life experience from serving to food preparation and presentation. Kudos to the students and their instructor.

Review №10

Pretty with all the bells and whistles. Started application and I do not intend on attending, my selected admissions counselor was a bit too “pushy” and tried to get me to start when SHE wanted me to start. I repeatedly said the time frame I was aiming for and she just wasn’t listening at all and told my parent I was starting on the date she kept pushing for. Finally called around and cut ties with her and moved to someone a little more patient.In the end, I don’t believe we will be good fit, tuition is also a bit too much. I’m sure it will work for someone else, but not me.

Review №11

Me and my step grandfather went to this college yesterday to sort out financial aid. We did not want to accept loans, so the plan was to take a class or two at first. A financial aid officer pretty much said that itd be better to go to a community college due to the expenses or possibly dual enroll. Out of everyone weve met at that college, she was by far the most honest about the colleges situation and stated that the quality of the Art Institutes have indeed declined throughout the years (she has been there for 20 years). We could tell she wasnt lying.We found out that the enrollment counselor was listening to the entire conversation out side of the door, because when she came back into the room she was fuming, stating something like we cant keep going back and forth with this. She lied about the state of the Institutes, which we could both see since she was blinking her eyes rapidly as if to avoid eye contact. She was also dancing around our question instead of being direct about the college closings. The woman even had the nerve to rush us out without saying goodbye or wishing us a good day. This was EXTREMELY off-putting to us both, and creepy of the enrollment counselor to eavesdrop on this. The other enrollment counselor I had before this was was disorganized and also had no idea what she was talking about. I also didnt quite like how she was speaking to us. It felt like she was talking to a kindergarten class; not an adult student and parent.The enrollment counselors care more about their pockets than helping the students. I highly recommend NOT attending this college. Itll likely go out of business anyway. Please go to a community college or take a mentorship. Youll be seen as a joke if you attend here, and your credits might not transfer to other places if you choose to transfer. This may be way the transfer rate is as low as it is. It even has a low retention rate. Attendance has declined throughout the years for a very good reason.On a side note, the security doesnt seem to be the best. We all know drugs are on every campus, but when students are clearly smoking weed and possibly consuming alcohol (me and my step grandfather have smelled strong vomit and weed both times that weve been to the college where the students hang out), this is a possible sign that nothing is regulated here, and its a small campus; thats inexcusable. What would security do in more serious causes like weapon possession?Anyway here are the pros and cons Ive seen so far:Pros:-There are some professors from SCAD there.-If youre passionate at what you do, then you have the potential to be successful. If you procrastinate, then definitely dont go here because from what Ive heard theres not much room for absences and they can SEVERELY hurt your grades.-The college on an aesthetic level looks nice, with each floor matching the theme of the specific program.Cons:-Its VERY expensive; even if you attend a quarter with one class (its around $2,000+; this doesnt include books and the kit). You can get a quality education at a community college, which is MUCH cheaper!-Credits might not transfer.-Based on my experience, the enrollment counselors seem to be more interested in your money than your best interests.-A good portion of the staff there seems unprofessional, with some helpful people mixed in.-Security is questionable.-A lot of students mention having LOADS of debt and say that thecollege doesnt help them get jobs.-Degrees here are said to be worthless, and considering the Institutes are likely not going to be around much longer, it might not be a good idea to invest here.

Review №12

I have very mixed feelings about this place. A good number of the instructors were excellent, and took serious pride in their work. Some were utter trash. The attendance policy was, at the time I worked here, a class-action lawsuit waiting to happen; no idea if thats been adjusted since I left. The admissions criteria has also hopefully been adjusted; when I was there, it was sufficient to have a barely detectable pulse. Kids who had zero business being in a college environment were pulled in just to make the numbers.

Review №13

Very Rude Teacher (Farsley)- The Culinary Program1. Horrible Teacher (A teacher had the nerve to insult a few students- I told the Chairman and he did nothing about it even though he said he would).I know that the entire faculty are not all bad employees... but as humans the bad always stands out more than the good.Overall the College is great. Its expensive but youre also paying for the known name. Is like getting a name brand of an item. The kitchens are well equipped and give you a good feel for the industry; I just feel they should be at a faster speed once you pass the basics. The class doesnt really prepare you for real life kitchens. Its so fast in a real business and during the classes they give you 2-3 hours to do one dish when in reality that is not the amount of time youll have.

Review №14

THIS IS A RANT...Graduated with a Bachelors of Fine Arts in Game Art and Design. I used my GI Bill to pay for school. It was still an uphill battle the entire 4 years financially. They would lose or not do paperwork that needed to go to the VA which ended forcing me to pay out of pocket for my housing which is built into my GI Bill. There are a small percentage of professors that have any clue what they are talking about. On more than one occasion the students ended up teaching each other the class material because the Professor was, for instance, a 2D Animator teaching a 3D Materials and Lighting class and building shader networks. Absolutely clueless. Then the Decatur campus announced its closing and forced students, whose sole reason for attending that campus was based on location and programs offered, to attend the Dunwoody campus another 40 minutes away on the opposite side of Atlanta. The Decatur campus also has their students park in an adjacent parking garage in downtown Decatur that used to charge students $6 per day every day you had class. That has now changed to $15/day. So a student paying over $100,000 for 4 years of tuition must pay in addition to living expenses and housing, $15/day every day you have a class at the campus. Most quarters I had 4 days of class so if my math is right you can tack on another $12,000+ to that tuition just to attend class. Administrative faculty is clueless about the degree programs and show no interest in the students other than what their handlers tell them they must show. Overall, the worst college experience I could have expected. I graduated with the Academic Achievement Award (essentially Valedictorian for my program) and won Best in Show for Portfolio and still sadly my degree isnt worth the paper its printed on. Go to a state school and save all that money for your first house.Art Institute, I hope you get what you so justly deserve and shame on you.

Review №15

I went here about 4 years ago and it seems to not have change. I used to have to take pictures of my tuition because they would say that they lost the check that I gave them. The general education that you get is subpar to other places and they will not transfer very well to a different College if you decide to transfer. Be prepared for numerous amounts of creativity not being done. I had one teacher that told me a stop sign in front of a white wall was somehow what he wanted and if it wasnt the way that he had it he would fail us immediately. Numerous other teachers were like this as well they would not allow you to show your creativity and they force you to show theirs. Not a great place if you dont know what you want to do in life as a career but a great place to go back and rekindle some creativity if youre of an older age. And even then be prepared to not have too much creativity happen in your classes due to the professors forcing you to show their creativity not yours.

Review №16

Loved going here. The people were friendly and sweet. They were diverse and interesting. Everyone you saw smiled at you. Lovely school!

Review №17

Great school for creatives. Core classes are taught in a creative way and allow the inclusion of each field of study.

Review №18

Worst school ever you will be in so much debt by the time you graduate! Housing cost a fortune to stay in and you learn alot of irrelevant stuff. Its hard to get help with preparing to leave school and you only get help from faculty based on who you know and who your friends with.. Ive given so much money to this school I should be able to right it off on my taxes

Review №19

It cast over $100,000 to finish four years here with a degree. And thats before your pay room and board. You can get a better education at any state sponsored technical college or university in GA for under $25,000 and plus your credits would transfer. Unlike here where credits dont transfer and the teachers arent certified to teach college classes. Its a for-profit college and it preys on black and Hispanic students who trust that colleges are not supposed to rip you off. You will be in so much debt that youll be paying back student loans after your kids graduate from college if you ever go to school here. I checked them out because I wanted to study culinary arts. I didnt know that you could study culinary arts at any technical school in GA and graduate for around $6,000. These people wanted to charge me $54,000 for a two year degree so I said heck no. Its a scam and their recruiters are con-men. Why do I call them con-men? I didnt even go to school there and they sent me a bill for $10,000. When I called and confronted them about it, they said Our bad. Just throw that out. It was an accident. And then I read some reviews and students from campuses all across the country reported the same fraudulent charge of $10,000. Do a google search for reviews of this school and read what their graduates said about them. Finally, I read some reviews that said, Students who say bad stuff about this school were just slackers who didnt take their work seriously. Thats bull crap because everyone here has a 3.9 gpa. No matter is they cant read or never show up to class, they have a great GPA because the teachers have to pass them to keep them signing up for more classes and going deeper in debt. But dont take my word for it, read what the reviews all over the web.

Review №20

High tuition rates. Overpriced housing cost. Great courses, but the teacher:student ratio is too high. Be prepared for unexpected cost that are hidden.

Review №21

My son Loves this school, he Never misses a day.Enrollment staff is friendly and helpful and very welcoming😄

Review №22

Horrible school some classes were good but They left me 25thousand in debt only after a year and a half. Kept on being told I needed this loan and then this loan and this loan to stay in school. My psychology professor was just a stand in who read from the book. (Art institute of Washington d.c. ). Do not go to this school! They are money hungry thieves.

Review №23

No matter what college you go to you WILL be in financial debt. If your going to sacrifice your time and money on anything it should be on something you LOVE to do. The Art Institute is filled with wonderful teachers, most from S.C.A.D. WARNING: This school is a very fast pace environment but, so is the video, marketing, and culinary business! Ai also has an amazing networking/interning opportunities with Turner, Disney, Ect. Its not all about talent but mostly about perseverance! Are you up for the challenge?

Review №24

Outdated equipment. Passionless, untalented and uninspiring teachers who steal students work. 0 help with finding a job after graduation. Voted the worst art school in America by the Huffington post. This school is garbage and a waste of talent and time. Their are far better-cheaper art schools out their. Instead of going to this place you can just watch youtube.

Review №25

Has to be the worst college in the history of college. Like they are seriously here just to waste/take your money. And once youve finally left the school, they make it nearly impossible to get your transcripts. Ive been waiting since January to get my transcripts. Its almost May and they have yet to give them to me. DONT DO IT...NOT WORTH IT..TRUST ME

Review №26

I am currently a student there at the Arts Institute, however, I will be discontinuing my study in culinary arts today. Before I registered I read most of the comments posted by prior students and I disregarded and now regret that I did. I was lied too, every end of quarter I was supposed to get X sum of money, well havent seen a penny of it and when I visited financial office they dont know anything and my paperwork isnt all correct, this is the 3rd week of another quarter. Class get cancelled and no email, text, phone call. Im commuting way across the city 3 hours to get there on time on public transportation to be turned around, just horrible!They say, BE CREATIVE! How? And the only thing that you do is follow some base, some horrible recipes and assist others you really dont learn how to cook in fact you can save $48,000 bucks by learning at home, The instructors only wants you to do it their way and honestly it will feel like a waste of time & money. I go to the patio for a fresh breath of air and Im submitted to marijuana, where is the security I thought this place was drug free. Your supposed to learn and have fun while cooking, being apart of a organization reacting with others, I have not learned a thing and I get stressed and disconnected when I walk in the building. So please listen to all these comments and think about your decision before attending this institute.

Review №27

Terrible, terrible school. I only went for 1 year but apparently theyre trying to extort 4 years worth of tuition out of me. The teachers knew nearly as much as I did, at some points we would be coaching the teachers through various projects. They showed very little enthusiasm for us or teaching.

Review №28

Very helpful school, it seems like they really care about you and would love to still hang out even after your done with school. The only this it that its way too expensive

Review №29

I think the Art Institute staff is by far the most worst staff possible, and I mean VERY thoughtless when it comes to the needs of the students. In particular Dr. Hammond he is very unprofessional when it comes to email etiquette. If you reach out to him regarding a issue and he is uncertain of the answer he will get back to you days maybe weeks later or he just might not respond at all without a update on what is going on. They will not work with you if you fall behind in the school which all of us working independent people have issues with. Im currently on my way out and I honestly WOULD not recommend this school to a dog. Oh but trust and believe Im going to get mines :). NOTED!

Review №30

When I went to the govenment about them they lied. They are covering their fraudulent acts and my money wasnt going where it was suppose yo I had to learn everything on youtube and no hands on training the equipment used are old and out of date. I have to go to the government again and file a complaint. They lie and steal money and make constant mistakes on your financial aid.

Review №31

I hate to say it as well. This facility is screwing veterans over hardcore. Do Not Apply. The culinary department is overrun by roaches. Instructors arent teaching anything but demanding students to give good reviews after every quater. Please dont waste your time and resources go to a different school!Read the reviews are there any positives?They forge and manipulate paperworkFasfa &VA affairs will contact you asking about transcripts, tax returns etc..the school doesnt pass the information along to the proper channels. BE CAREFUL

Review №32

Scam School. Teachers are GARBAGE. Once its time to graduate the school starts making you pay crazy ($2000 a month) fees so that you cant graduate. If you cant do it they just tell you its not their problem. Dont waste your time with this useless trash.

Review №33


Review №34

You shant ever step foot in this building. You will be highly disappointed. The instructors are trash and ive had better highschool lunch. When you leave you will be sad. If you hear of this school on tv burn it. You will cry after eating this crud. If u are smart you will stay miles away from this disgraceful school... Im sad

Review №35

The school has just fired a majority of its full time class and made all gen Ed classes online. Dont waste your time here theyll be shutdown in a couple years

Review №36

Heres the deal. With an acceptance rate of 43% makes it a tough school to get in. Secondly, all the gripes Im reading about are probably from individuals who put very little or any effort, or went rouge and didnt care to follow the guidelines. Lastly, get real even going to any university, college, etc., costs money & if you dont have benefits (VA, etc.) its going to cost you money, and being private, a bit more. Your adults now. Do some research before you jump in. If it doesnt align with your expectations, do an about face and go elsewhere. As for those calling the instructors stupid, or dumb and not knowing the industry, what the heck does a first year student know?---not dang thing. Zilch. If your such an expert, wheres your degree, and lets see you teach the class, cuz supposedly you have this vast knowledge, successful career, etc. If you dont like AiA, go elsewhere and take the complaining with you.

Review №37

Never in my life, have I ever experienced anything like the Art Institute of Atlanta. If I could turn back the hands of time….I would never step foot in this school….worst experience in my life from the time I started until my graduation day….people save your money…there are better school out there. There is a lack of transparency or a miscommunication between the administration and the students. This pregnant lady who is currently the registrar, she is the worst….very very rude. This school is very overpriced. I just don’t have anything good to say about it. I learned the hard way about, so I am trying to help out others before they have to go through what I did. During my portfolio showing, there were suppose to be all of these connections that the school has to look at project for the 4 years that you go…and maybe someone would hire you on…well, that did not work….we were there for like 6 hours and only 3 or 4 of their connections showed up..what a waste of time

Review №38

This is the perfect college for me because I was born to creativity and modeling and it is all in Atlanta.

Review №39

The AiA is a scam pure and simple. This is not a rant its just facts, it is even being sued BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT for scamming its students. after (and if) you graduate they will not help you find a job no matter what your major is.the student housing is a jip. you $2500 A MONTH to live in a 2 bedroom apartment in the worst part of Atlanta with 3 other people. there have been break-ins, drive byes, murders, suicides, and murder/suicides all within 15 feet of the dorms. the teachers are bitter failures just using this job as a pit stop and often dont have a degree in what they are teaching. i.e. some of the high level animation teachers have no clue how to animate because they all have degrees in illustration. I have seen countless artists go to this school only to end up with AT LEAST 80k in dept on average (i owe 175k), and a job at a super market when they are 29. DO YOUR RESEARCH ON THIS PLACE TRUST ME PLEASE! I WISH SOMEONE COULD HAVE GIVEN ME THIS ADVICE WHEN I WAS 19. GOOD LUCK ARTISTS.

Review №40


Review №41

I attended AIA in the late 80s....Great staff, great teachers and wonderful Programs!

Review №42

I cant wait im such an artist this brain is going to go from dumb to smart once im older THANK YOU ALBERT EINSTEIN AMEN PRASE THE LORD

Review №43

Sooooooo WHO KEEPS GIVING THESE BUMS 5 STARS? WHY TF YOU LYING? WHY YOU ALWAYS LYING? MMMM OH MY GOSH, STOP F****ING LYING. But anyways Im updating my little review because once again this school just doesnt want to give up and its 2017.Let me tell you what they did this time....First off, I transferred schools after my last review in 2016, but Ive been in a constant battle with this school, why you ask? These bummy dummies dont want to give me back MYYYYYYY BENEFIT MONEY. $3,888 have been sitting in their hands ever since I withdrew from the school. The VA has sent them numerous debt letters since theyve been holding it. The school has been trying to do everything in their power to not give this money back and then the dummies tried to open up some type of bank account through the school, and sent me the money through checks, that also had $50 missing on it. So guess what ladies and gentlemen... I sent them hoes right back to them. Ohhhhhhhhhhh and Im not done yet because someone wants to commit identity theft and cashed the check and then called the credit bureau on me as if I was the one who cashed it. WELL HOW BOUT U CASH ME OUSSIDE, HOWBOW DAH! They seriously think that Im dumb, this is the most hilarious thing Ive ever seen in my entire life. Jim Carey has nothing on this school. I told the credit bureau that I didnt cash any checks, nor did I sign any checks. And that I sent it back to the school BOTH OF CHECKS. I told them I was planning to sue them for this new move that they had just pulled because they stole my money, used my money, signed everything in my name, and then put it all on me like I knew what was going on. Im in PA I never even stepped foot in a classroom on that campus except for the campus tour they took me on. I was always online. Seriously people, if youre going to take your kids here then youll die trying to pay off their debt, if youre a veteran of any branch dont cash anything they give you. Just give it back to them because youll only open up a debt for them and they will boost up the payments as if you owed them big money. VETERANS DO NOT OWE TUITION AND FEES MONEY, THE SCHOOL GIVES THAT BACK TO THE V.A. And I would know because the V.A. rep told me. Theyre dumb and trying to play people. Dumb and boujee, Majority of these 5 stars are actuality the staff members trying to make the school look good. And if theyre parents Ill give them until their next semester bill before they decide to get their kids out of there. This school is money hungry. Im telling you dont fall for it. And if you keep scrolling or look at my reviews, I have the old one from last year. You can take a look at that too. If they havent already erased it.

Review №44

RUN THE SCHOOL IS A SCAM .Dear people who want to attend the Art Institute of Atlanta DO NOT I repeat DO NOT attend this school it is a complete scam . 1.The Art institutes alone are in 11 billion dollars in debt 2. Its a for -profit school so its only about the money 3. The practices that they use are wrong to recruit people to join the school . They charge you ridiculous amounts of money . Teachers wouldnt even show up to their classrooms so they can go on vacations yes people vacations during the school periods and had another student teach the class RIDICULOUS, the majority of my teachers taught from flipping slide shows last time that were fill in the blank . Last time I checked I havent done those since I was in 8th grade ! Also how is the school going to charge so much money that the wifi only works when it wants to AND their is only one microwave in the whole campus . Oh and the recruiters are RUDE they are nice to you one moment and as soon as you are enrolled they wont even hold the door for you entering the school im not going to mention any names.. but when NEW people come to the school he acts all happy, and asks how i am doing . SAD . Also new people come to the school you even hear students yell at the new comers save your money do not come here ! Ive seen students warn parents as they walk in the doors with their child . I hope this information helps any more questions please contact me on this email .

Review №45

This school is great .... the only problem that I see is that some students think their still in high school and dont realize the seriousness of being there physically and mentally

Review №46

In reference to one of the reviews on here, I did obtain my bachelors degree at Ai and I do not have a problem with the instructors but the Art Institutes or any For Profit school is a bad choice and is a lot more expensive then most universities. I do not think it is hard to get into this school they target low income students and the Art Institutes have been sued several times. I was young and probably should have done more research before I went here. I am 80000 in debt and I dont understand what happened.I have a 4 year Bachelors in interior design. They told me they gave me too much money and had to give it back to the government. A lot of holes and back and forth. They are very helpful at recruiting but not so helpful once you are in. I am actually seeking legal help now. I continued going to the school because once your in the credits really do not transfer out well and I really wanted my degree but I was young and made a huge mistake and I am afraid I will never be out of debt from attending this school.I loved my teachers and the program however! I was a little disappointed by some of the other students attending the school though, if you have ever been to Ai in dunwoody you know what I mean. lol Does not seem like a private school, seems very very public.

Review №47

Went to school at The Art Institute Of Atlanta learn some very good skills in the Tv/Film Production area

Review №48

Its a fun hands on school they just are unorganized.

Review №49

This school is all about the money. Like most schools they tell you everything a prospective student wants to hear. I am a graphic and web major, I told my admissions advisor that I have a full-time job and can only come take evening class, and he said they offer evening and online classes for everything... Boy was that a lie. I ended up having to use my work vacation hours because I have classes in the middle of the day :(. Which is very inconvenient, on top of all that the instructors give asinine assignments, as to which you dont learn from. I spend most of my weekends stressed and looking on google and youtube for help and tutorials. MOST of the instructors are NOT qualified to teach and have no actual industry experience. Long story short, if your looking to work for a company that is going to require you to have a degree, go to SCAD. If you want to freelance, run your own business, or just make some extra cash, google certificate classes, youtube how tos, or buy books from amazon, and save yourself tens of thousands of dollars because you learn the same if you were to do it on your own.

Review №50

That school no good.. The people lie too your face..yall.. No good😑👎

Review №51

Avoid the Art Institute of Atlanta at ALL costs: It was bad and its ONLY getting WORSE!!! Why are you still paying the same price?Let me start off by saying that, I have 2 older brother and some friends who went to the Art Institute of Atlanta that I used to visit before I started going to the school. I went for the culinary program and so did a few friends from high school and one of my brothers and most of us have had some bad encounters at the school and after graduating. After comparing experiences with my brother and some older graduates, its clear the culinary program at the Art Institute of Atlanta is getting worse in terms of education and educators. Even Chef Jolis and Chef Mo, who both studied at the Art Institute of Atlanta years ago, constantly speak about how much easier and basic the curriculum has become since graduating from the school they now teach at. That should really tell you something when, the professors feel free about saying that basically youre paying for less of an education than you would have gotten a few years ago.At any rate, by now, its public knowledge that the Art Institutes, as a whole, suffered a massive lawsuit within the past few years over recruiting as many students as possible just to get as much money as possible, without preparing many their students for life in the real world. Hopefully, you know about this by now, but if not, IMMEDIATELY research the $11 BILLION class action lawsuit before attending this school. The tactics and behavior you will read about, I assure you, is sill pretty accurate and active. If you dont believe me and are still considering this school, call them up to find out about the school and wait a few weeks before you schedule an appointment with them- my phone NEVER rang so much before or after!!! They will do ANYTHING to get you in the door, make you any promise, and try their best to wear you down until you say to going to that school. They even put on an open house and with lots of free food and entertainment and make claims there are several events like this at the school when, in fact outside of the open house you, get little to nothing, except, the few times when culinary seniors are doing fundraisers and overcharging people for a little bit of food.Now, regarding the Art Institute of Atlanta Dunwoody Campus as a whole, how has it gotten worse? Well, the campus has shrunk for one. Student housing options, that used to range from several NICE locations, have pretty much been reduce to the trashy hollow shell of a former motel known as The Hub. Sure, there are a some housing options outside of The Hub but, they keep cutting those options every quarter, huddling everyone into overcrowded little dorms in The Hub. There are fights on campus and in The Hub ALL THE TIME and the security is just there to watch and enjoy themselves. The campus looks very plain, like any other random office building in the area. There are less classes available and less professors to teach them. As I mentioned before, the quality of the classes has significantly dropped and professors like Chef Jolis and Chef Mo wont hesitate to regularly announce this during their lectures and demos, with no prompting from anyone. Other professors like Chef Costa and Chef Bodrogi are nowhere to be found during most of the class and frequently ramble on about stories that have nothing to do with the program when they are in class, such as how Chef Bodrogi used to be a musician when he was younger. And, as far as, I can tell after getting a 97/100 on my ServSafe exam, several of the chefs like Chef Jolis, Chef Perleberg, Chef O. and Chef Hurst are VERY UNSANITARY in the kitchen. And then, of course there are

Review №52

If could give no stars I would. This was a terrible experience. The chefs cant even cook. My sandwich was colder than my water. Sad case

Review №53

Love my school!!! It is a private school, so dont get upset about pricing!! You get what you pay for!!!!

Review №54

This is not only the worst school in Georgia, but its the worst school in the United States of America. Go to a 2 year school, then a 4 year school. Trust me!!!

Review №55

I sadly go smart go anywhere else

Review №56

School does not care about you... Dont be like me and ignore these reviews..

Review №57

Hey it aint easy getting higher education

Review №58

Small campus and easy to navigate through.

Review №59

This school is slowly withering away. Id look somewhere else for an Art education.

Review №60

This school Is so sad. The chefs shall feel ashamed of themselves. I am warning you to go anywhere else but here. Worst institute ever created... #L

Review №61

Faculty is unorganized, housing sucks, and teaching methods arnt good

Review №62

Its pricey, but I believe my son is going to do well with the knowledge hes acquiring. Its all in what you put into it. Invest in yourself.

Review №63

This school is an abomination to the world. The chiefs who cook here should jump off of a building. #MASSIVE L

Review №64

Food was good!!

Review №65

Love my school!

Review №66

Very helpful and diligent.

Review №67

Two Words ..... Dont goI recommend ....ICDC

Review №68

Pricey......but the portfolio you get ispriceless

Review №69

Those people lie this school no good

Review №70

Dont come here

Review №71

Fraudulent!!! .. Do not attend any Art Institute school!!!

Review №72

Only thing bad bout this school is the housing, and financial aid office.

Review №73

Beautiful and historical.

Review №74

1 Word : Trash!

Review №75

Horrible place...

Review №76


Review №77

Hotel motels

Review №78

This school is booty

Review №79

Love it!

86 Photos
3.1 Rating
  • Address:6600 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd, Atlanta, GA 30328, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 800-275-4242
Schools near me:
kumon rowlett
driving schools in pearland
  • Art school
  • University
  • Culinary school
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  • Monday:7AM–11PM
  • Tuesday:7AM–11PM
  • Wednesday:7AM–11PM
  • Thursday:7AM–11PM
  • Friday:7AM–11PM
  • Saturday:7AM–11PM
  • Sunday:7AM–11PM
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