DigitalCrafts Atlanta Coding Bootcamp
3423 Piedmont Rd NE #420, Atlanta, GA 30305, United States
DigitalCrafts Atlanta Coding Bootcamp

Review №1

DigitalCrafts was an overall great experience for me. I had Joe as my instructor and he did a great job at breaking down these complex topics into easy to understand bits. Just be warned the pace is very fast and you can easily get bogged down with the material if you dont put time outside of class. For people trying to decide if DigitalCrafts immersive program is a good fit for them, ask yourself these questions: Can you commit all your energy to strictly coding for 4 months straight? Are you willing to put in time outside of class to learn even more beyond the scope of the course? If the answer is no to either of these questions then consider enrolling part-time. Going through the program successfully and being one of the strongest students in my cohort, Id like to leave some imparting wisdom to people considering this course. Do the pre-work and ask a lot of questions!! Youre paying too much money to not be giving this 200% of your effort. Understand that these are complex topics and you will not learn this material overnight. My recommendation if youre serious about this would be to look up the curriculum prior to enrolling and take a few months to get a feel for some (not all) of the technologies being used. This will put you miles ahead of other students and will give you a solid foundation for setting up your coding environment, the fundamentals of programming, and realistic expectations coming into the program. All in all DigitalCrafts has a great reputation for good reason, the tools to succeed are there you just need to be willing to put in the work.

Review №2

I attended the 16 week full time bootcamp with DigitalCrafts. I had a great experience and was very happy with my instructor Joe. He was very knowledgeable and provided great practical advice throughout the program. There were some subjects in the curriculum we didn’t seem to spend enough time on due to the fast pace, so in order to really learn the material that’s covered you have to be prepared to dedicate a lot of time outside of class to understand it. Not everyone was as dedicated to learning the material in general, so the wide range of student levels resulted in poor group project dynamics at times. They have a team dedicated to student success which I was happy about as they post jobs, set up career fairs, and have a career prep week, but in my opinion the career week should be replaced by more backend topics as career week. Overall, I’m glad I chose DigitalCrafts!

Review №3

I was extremely happy with my experience at DigitalCrafts. They give you tons or resources you need to succeed, but you need to make sure you work hard and attend all classes. Dont be afraid to ask questions!

Review №4

My overall experience at Digital Crafts was exceptional. You never really know what to expect going into an immersive program that claims to have you job ready with a technical skills that you arent all that familiar with.What would my advice be to someone looking to go into the program? Study as much as possible beforehand and apply yourself as much as possible when you finally do. You will meet some amazing people as classmates and hopefully have the same experience with the teachers and assistance as well.

Review №5

My experience was great! The curriculum is based on in-demand technologies that I feel are going to help me find a job soon. This is a bootcamp, so there will be times where you may feel like youre taking in too much information, but for the most part, I would say thats completely normal and I didnt feel like that most of the time.

Review №6

Coming from a non technical background and looking for a career change, I could not be more satisfied with my decision to put my software development education in the hands of DigitalCrafts. Aside from learning a ton of different programming languages within 16 weeks, the network that is built within the same 4 months makes it well worth it. From career services to the best instructor I have ever had, the DigitalCrafts experience is unmatched.

Review №7

I had a great experience at Digital Crafts. I self-taught for a while and learned a lot but had no direction as to how to apply and connect the different things I was learning. At DC I learned how all these different languages and frameworks work together and got a really well-rounded understanding of software development. My instructor, Veronica, was really great and SO knowledgeable. I made some really great friendships with my classmates and got very comfortable working in teams on projects and pair programming - a very valuable skill when looking for jobs down the road. Highly recommend!

Review №8

I just graduated from the online flex full stack bootcamp. Was pretty good. Im definitely a better developer now than when I started (I already work in the field), and they provide a lot of support for job search. Would recommend.

Review №9

As a non-trad student at the age of 42, it was a helluva ride for me. I made it mainly due to the amazing teachers they have at Digital Crafts. I cannot praise them enough! The curriculum was thorough and I loved the after hours help for when I had out of class questions.

Review №10

This has to be the best bootcamp out there! The teachers and career services staff were some of the nicest and most helpful people ive met. I feel more than prepared to enter the job market with confidence after attending DC!

Review №11

Overall a very pleasant experience with DigitalCrafts. I attended the online flex program so my cohort was both Atlanta and Houston which brought a great mix of individuals from all walks of life. Having ZERO prior experience with JavaScript (or lets be real - I had no idea what visual studio code was), I can now claim that I have a great FOUNDATION to begin my career transition. Its important to note - you will get the foundation of JavaScript, React, Node, and other relevant material taught in class, but its up to each individual to really dive into the documentation and to learn on their own time in order to build up on that knowledge.

Review №12

I was an online Full Stack Immersive student at DigitalCrafts recently and I only have good things to say. I previously received my IT degree before DC and was amazed at how much more I learned at DC through my instructor as opposed to my teachers at college. The instructor makes sure you know the topics before you progress on to something different. It is also a hands on course so every day you are building toward your future. The staff is tier one. They have professional development involved as well so it is not just a learning program. You build portfolios, resumes, and upgrade all your other social medias to show off your developer skills. I am a veteran also, so to any other veterans, dont waste your time looking for other bootcamps. This one is amazing and helpful with the process. Thanks DC!

Review №13

Full curriculum that touches all aspects of the coding experience! Youll learn various languages like Python and Javascript while touching on frameworks like React, Node, and much more. Theyll teach you to build real world application that you actually deploy! The staff is great and theyre always one message away. They have people who can help you with building a resume, finding a job, further help outside of class time, and much more through Slack, a communication platform. The environment is engaging and you never feel left out, regardless of your skill level. All instructors and DIRs (developer in residence) are happy to help with any problems you face.The community you have doesnt go away after you graduate. Youll be moved to an alumni channel where there are always people there to help and designated recruiters finding positions for you. The amount of help you get goes far beyond graduation and that was the best aspect of DigitalCrafts for me.

Review №14

Im current wrapping up my fall cohort with DigitalCrafts and I have nothing but rave reviews. Ive pretty much spent everyday of the last 5 months coding one thing or another and Ive gained so much real world experience from it. It was also cool that there were so many vets in my program, I dont if if thats common but it was my experience. The instructors were great and had a ton real world experience. We werent just building todo apps, we built real applications that are used everyday, one of the guys in my cohort build a gamer social media type app. Currently going through the job search as of the last couple days and Ive already started going through the interview process with a company. Overall Ive had a great experience w/ 0 regrets.

Review №15

Highly Recommend!Highly Recommend!Highly Recommend!If you are reading this review, I think you are ready to become a software engineer.get ready for the hard work, long hour days nights and weekends - in return, a new career - software engineer.time invested in the program is definitely worth it!ask a lot of questions, dont be afraid of asking questions, your classmates are probably and most likely stuck on the same thing you just asked.practice, practice, and more practice.start networking early, find the teammates early, and do a lot of pair programming.Good luck with your journey!

Review №16

I don’t know exactly where to start, so I’ll start here...I wanted to make a change in career and in life. Being a military veteran I’m used to staying busy, but with a purpose. Intro to finding DigitalCrafts and making the decision to jump headfirst into the rest of my life. I honestly can’t say enough wonderful things about the school, from the owners, the Director of Operations, Director of curriculum, Student Success Team, Instructors, to my fellow students and now fellow alumni. It truly is one big family that has nothing short of your best interest at heart and in mind from beginning until you tell them that you don’t want them around anymore (but why would you want to go and do a silly thing like that?!).My advice for ANYONE out there that’s nervously contemplating making a change in their lives for the better starting with DigitalCrafts...DO IT!!! Yes, you’ll have frustrating days, you’ll have days with epiphanies, you’ll have days where you feel defeated. STICK WITH IT! The feeling of family and accomplishment is more than enough to get you started in a flourishing career and a life that shows you that you CAN and WILL do better once you put your mind to it.

Review №17

I just finished up the online flex program last week, and I have no regrets. The teachers were strongly committed to student success, and the curriculum was carefully crafted to be up-to-date with what is in demand.

Review №18

I had a great experience with my digitalcrafts immersive boot camp. My instructor was knowledgeable and engaging, our teaching assistants were kind and helpful, and the class structure was well-planned and executed. I went from zero programming knowledge 16 weeks ago to feeling very comfortable creating full stack applications today. We learned the most common languages that I am seeing during my job search as well as GitHub and trello. The Carter services personnel are quick to respond and thorough in their presentations and evaluation of my resume and portfolio. It has been a wonderful experience!

Review №19

DigitalCrafts is an excellent bootcamp. And when they say bootcamp, they mean it. It is 16 weeks of non-stop learning that will take you from newbie to junior software developer. I started this course with little to no experience in the world of coding and am now capable of making a career out of what I have learned. On top of presenting the concepts necessary to begin to understand the nature of full-stack development, they provide tons of resources to help you find a job including an entire week dedicated to resume and portfolio preparation and lectures on what to expect from technical interviews when looking for your first position.I wish I couldve attended the class when we could actually be in the classroom with instructors but of course the pandemic kept us on zoom. Overall I recommend DC if you are prepared to dedicate all of your time and brain power to coding for the duration of the course and dont mind being on zoom for 7 hours a day, 5 days a week.

Review №20

I attended the online bootcamp and was very impressed with the curriculum. Looking back at how I started my developer journey (little to no knowledge) and comparing that to where I stand now after graduating, it is a night and day difference. They aim to teach you the latest and greatest technologies and languages- and they succeed. As a student you will need to put in the time and effort to get the most out of this bootcamp. There is always extra help available for any problem you’re stuck on and their career services department really helps with your marketability. I would highly recommend this bootcamp to anyone looking to becoming a full stack developer.

Review №21

Just finished the full time program learning full stack development. Was an amazing experience and I highly recommend it if youre thinking of a career change,

Review №22

I have a background in construction and building, but had no experience in software. After attending DigitalCrafts online bootcamp I came out confident in the job market and with a tool belt filled with the latest cutting edge technologies and languages! My instructors really cared about my success in the course and were always willing to stay after hours to make sure I wasnt lost. Dont get me wrong, bootcamps are really hard, especially for someone with no background in software, but its not impossible. DigitalCrafts is there to help you navigate through your new way of thinking in the tech world and will do everything in their power to ensure you are well prepared for the job search after.

Review №23

Great bootcamp covering a tech stack that is valued at a majority of companies. I learned so much and I feel prepared for my career change. Highly recommend!!

Review №24

I highly recommend DigitalCrafts to anyone pursuing a career path into Software Development!

Review №25

Overall, I had a positive experience with DigitalCrafts. The main thing I try remember when reflecting on my experience is how I literally knew nothing getting started compared to now where I feel confident in my skills to build something and figure out how to work through challenges. Sometimes I wish the curriculum was more focused, but i was part of the early cohort during Covid that went online. So, I think there was a bit of a transition there for how the instructors normally taught.

Review №26

I completed the part time flex bootcamp. It was all virtual. I started in August and ended in March.I really enjoyed my experience. I learned a ton and really felt like the teachers and other staff care about me and want to do everything they can to help me get a software developer job.I tried learning to code many times, but lacked the discipline and plan to learn on my own. DigitalCrafts provided the support and plan that I needed. If you can learn on your own, thats the cheapest option.But if you are like me and need/want the support of fellow learners, teachers and a plan to learn then I 100% recommend DigitalCrafts!

Review №27

Would I recommend DC? To be honest, I would. I met a lot of people from all over the world who shared the same passion as mine, and that is exciting! Everything that occurred during my bootcamp was unfortunate but DC did everything that they could to handle it in the best way possible and thats all you could really ask for. I made meaningful connections with other developers, the instructors and DIRs. We are a community that Im proud to be a part of. I will say that if you are considering DC, please be prepared, do the pre-work that they sent out or take an introductory Udemy course. Also there is a lot of free resources (YouTube) that you could watch that will help you get acquainted with some of the concepts that DC will cover. Look over the syllabus and start exposing yourself to these concepts. This will only help further your mastery. If you are serious about a career change or this passion: what you put it is what you get out of it, and you cannot expect DC to do the work for you, it is ALL YOU. With that being said, I do believe that DC can help jump start your career in the right direction.

Review №28

I had no prior coding experience except the coursework provided (by DigitalCrafts) prior to starting the class. The course is by nature fast-paced. You learn a lot in 4 months but by the end I felt I had a pretty good grasp of software development and had a great base for further growth as junior level developer. So much of this is just learning how to structure certain things and how to think about a problem and go about solving it. Once you have that ability you can easily pick up additional skills and techniques on your own. Having someone there to be able to easily point out, correct, and explain mistakes you make in the process early on is a big help vs trying to pick it up on something like an online course where youre by yourself. Class was 3 hours in the morning with a 1 hour lunch followed by 3 hours in the evening with nightly homework the first few months that tapered off as we got into project building later in the course.I was full-time online due to the covid pandemic and classes were taught via Zoom. Students had the option to go into private rooms on Zoom after a lesson to get clarification on the topic previously covered if needed.ProsCovered a wide range of topics that are relevant to what is in demand in the industry today with a curriculum that is regularly updated. Instructors very helpful and time was provided outside of class to review what we learned with one of the other instructors.ConsCourse is fast-paced but thats the nature of the learning model and any bootcamp style coding course. We spent a few weeks covering Python at the start but after that we primarily used JavaScript for the remainder of the course. I felt like Python could have better used (or more often) along with Javascript.

Review №29

The statement culture eats strategy for breakfast means that no matter how good your strategy is, it will not work without a good culture. DigitalCrafts has both strategy and culture. The curriculum is valuable: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node, Express, AWS. By the time youre done, youll be manipulating the DOM, (or the Virtual DOM if you work in React), wiring up backends to create interactive data-based websites, and deploying your work on the internet. You will get the content you so desperately need.But with DC youll get a lot more. The people at DC make the difference. They know you. The instructors and teacher assistants are extremely supportive. Our instructor was dedicated to helping each student get to the next level, and I saw DigitalCrafts make hard decisions that demonstrated their commitment to student success.

Review №30

I wanted to make the most of the lockdown and took a suggestion from my brother to get into coding. After some self teaching I stumbled onto DigitalCrafts. To be honest I never thought it would be so informative and impactful. The teachers were always available and strived to make sure we continued to grow. After recently graduating I feel doors are opening left and right. I went from barely being able to read Javascript to building a full react website in a day. I highly suggest this course. I truly feel I learned two years worth of info in a little over 6 months. Dont be afraid to challenge yourself, the end goal really made this all worth it.

Review №31

The right place to get started in the tech industry. Great people and great company.

Review №32

Highly satisfied graduate here. I went from essentially knowing nothing to producing my own React/Redux project with API calls in 13 weeks. Slap JavaScript, Python, PostgreSQL, CSS, HTML in there as well to round things out. When I found myself struggling they went out of their way getting me extra help, outside of regular class hours, to get me through. Looking forward to my new career. Thank you!

Review №33

FULL-TIME Immersive OnlineDigitalcrafts is the way to go. Before coming to digital crafts like lots of others I tried to go the self taught route. The problem was that there was so much to learn and so many different people teaching. They problem way that I was stuck watching people talk about different skills and I could copy them but I could never understand anything, it never just clicked. Then I found Digitalcrafts and it all changed. With the help of my amazing instructor Lachlan and my dirs I was able to start grasping concepts, they say you have to code in order to understand and that’s exactly what we did and it didn’t feel like a tutorial the whole time as soon as we learned something we implemented it. This is what allowed my to go from a little code to actually understanding how web apps work and understanding what my role would be at a company. I looked at a lot of bootcamps and I know that DC isn’t the cheapest but it’s worth every penny. Unfortunately because of this years events we had to go remote, but DC pulled it off and there was no fall off in terms of education Quality, so if that’s your concern don’t be concern DC has lots of great instructor and great admin staff all ready to help at the drop of a dime. And you will have everything you need for a job by the time you are done. Enjoy your course!!!

Review №34

DigitalCrafts has a great fullstack training program. I was in the July 2020 immersive course which was also remote. I enjoyed being able to safely learn and have access to all the resources that I needed. DigitalCrafts has excellent career services support and a curriculum that supports modern fullstack web development.

Review №35

Their instructors and career assistance truly get you ready to find a job and be confident in the skills you have learned.

Review №36

DigitialCrafts provided a well-planned curriculum that allows us to develop confidence in building applications with JavaScript. The instructor was awesome and my fellow students were incredibly supportive.

Review №37

So you want to do a Boot Camp?The might be a little misleading, cause I have very positive praise for DigitalCrafts and the Boot Camp style of learning. So lets dive in.Lets start with me. I am a career medical professional with 16 years of practice. I had tinkered around with coding, mostly just HTML and CSS, but decided it was time to expand this knowledge and take on the challenge of doing Full-Stack Development. After all, it couldnt be as difficult as my medical training, right? WRONG! Learning this stuff was more difficult. Mostly because YOU CANT JUST MEMORIZE IT! There is just too much. And it changes all the time. In fact, right in the middle of us learning React, Facebook issued an update that forced our instructor to jump to teaching us React Hooks 3 days early!However, I did change how I would study and learn and was able to grasp the concepts needed. And remember, it is a Boot Camp, so be fully prepared to learn at warp speed!Now for DigitalCrafts. I researched the other programs available and I choose DC 1) because they had a campus in Houston, where I am, and 2) because their curriculum seemed to be broader and covered more languages and frameworks that I had heard were more relevant in the workforce.I am glad I choose DC and when I choose to do it. Our Cohort was totally online due to COVID-19. And yes, we were on Zoom for 6+ hours every day and had to have our cameras on. While this might not sound too appealing, I have to say that I wouldnt want it any other way. I feel that this made us better problem solvers because if anyone was having an issue, they could share their screen and we all could debug as a class.Our instructor was very skilled at full-stack development. He was very funny and kept the fast-paced learning light, which made it easier to grasp. The admin staff, career services, and DiRs were also top-notch. They were all very helpful and really cared about our education and our success.Yes, this was drinking water from a fire hose. But I feel that DigitalCrafts was the best choice for me. I gained new skills and also many new friends. I feel I was prepared for the workforce and can integrate into any area of development, including, Frontend, Backend, or Full-stack. And if I can do it coming from a medical background, anyone can do it!

Review №38

I could not be happier with my decision to make a huge career change and invest my time and money in Digital Crafts. Making the leap was a huge decision, one I did a ton of research on. I looked into all the bootcamps in the Atlanta area and chose Digital Crafts for their overwhelmingly positive reviews.After my 16 week immersive cohort I not only made some amazing connections and friends, gathered a great foundation in Software Engineering but I also wound up with a full time position at local company as a Jr Engineer.If youre reading reviews then youre probably in similar shoes to myself, youre ready to make a change, and quite possibly you have been for a while. Im here to tell you that you can do it, you can switch careers, you can start down a new path, you really can do it. It wont be easy, be prepared for long nights and endless studying, but if a change is what you want you have to fight for it. Set yourself up for success and you will achieve it!

Review №39

Worth the time and money. If youre thinking about switching careers to software development, I couldnt recommend this place higher. They are constantly improving their program based upon alumni, employers in the area, and current students to give you the skills to code well and get employed.

Review №40

I did a lot of research on different schools and coding bootcamps, Im glad I settled with digitalcrafts. They are fully committed to assisting you along the journey of becoming a full stack developer and they do this in 16 weeks of coursework. The instructor is world-class the developers in residence wer wonderful and all the staff outside of the classroom were beyond helpful. the amount of networking I have been able to do because of this school in such a short amount of time is unbelievable. I truly believe if you are around a campus you should definitely apply to go to the school, even if you arent they offer it digitally. When I signed up it was for in-person Monday through Friday 9 to 5 however we all know the events going on in the world so that changed. With that said I am utterly amazed at their ability to structure a digital course out of what has always been in person with little to no notice at all. They pulled it off and Im sure they had no planning for this I head of Time. Any school that can still deliver on their commitments after being thrown a blocker like that is a school worth going to.

Review №41

Really solid program, feel very confident about the knowledge that I gained from the cohort

Review №42

Great bootcamp with caring instructors and staff

Review №43

Begin your Dev journey with a first rate bootcamp!Digital Crafts was recommended to me by an acquaintance who happens to be an executive at an IT staffing company. I had been looking to make a career change and get into the web development/IT for several years but didnt really know how to start the learning process. I come from a technical theater as well as a learning & development background and knew that having a classroom environment would be critical to my success. After looking at a few other options, I applied to DC. Their admissions process includes an interview (I dont know if anyone actually ever fails the interview since it felt more like an information session) with one of their staff. I met with Jake Hadden, one of the co-founders, so that was kind of cool. The second piece of the admissions process is a coding challenge. Now Im going to be completely honest and say that this felt more like a challenge to find the best place to copy/paste the answers to the problems, but once in the class, I discovered that learning how to Google and find answers to your challenges is a big part of becoming a Developer. So I guess they are helping you down that road early, but it still felt weird. Once accepted, you select your cohort date from the available classes and are given prework to complete. Let me just sat, complete as much of the prework as you possibly can! Now, they do go over everything that the prework covers, but because the class moves so quickly, having a base knowledge prior to class really helps to keep you from getting too overwhelmed too quickly. But dont worry, youll feel overwhelmed anyway!I choose to start in March which ended up being when COVID-19 forced everyone to stay at home so my desired classroom would now be a virtual environment. As it turns out, my class ended up being the first to go completely virtual. Let me just say that although I was initially hesitant, the staff did an amazing job of pivoting to using video classes! Of course, we were the guinea pigs, but they, particularly our instructors and DIRs (more on that in a moment) did a fabulous job of providing a great experience in an everchanging environment. Utilizing Zoom with breakout rooms used for personal assistance outside of the main classroom,  there would be a lecture and demonstration that students would be able to personally follow along to. Then deeper exercises would be given for us to work on individually. If you hit a wall, the instructor or a DIR (Developer in Residence, basically teaching assistants who are previous students) will work with you individually to help you solve your issue.  Our instructor was Lachlan and he was/is amazingly skilled at his craft and if he doesnt know an answer, can find it pretty quickly and shows you his process for that as a learning experience. Thats as it turns out what the whole class is about; its not so much about learning a particular language, its about learning to think like a Developer and teach yourself how to solve your problem. As the class went on, they were very receptive to feedback regarding how the class was going and things that would help. They even implemented some of our suggestions with the cohort that started while ours was getting toward its end.The curriculum is intense and extremely fast-paced. Just know that you will feel like you are running away from a tsunami the entire class. You arent alone. Give yourself some time after class to work on projects and utilize the resources of the DIRs and your instructor as much as possible. They want you to succeed and know you feel like you are barely treading water! Part of the curriculum is personal career prep with resume writing and portfolio site creation help. In fact, you cant graduate until they see you have a workable set of resources to begin your job hunt.They are holding all of their classes online now, and the experience is great. If you want a great school with a wonderful support staff, Digital Crafts is a great place to start your journey.

Review №44

Awesome Instructors! Good classroom support and great alumni culture.

Review №45

Prior to attending Digital Crafts, I had very little programming experience. You get what you put into it but for me it was worth every penny. I attended the Bootcamp from March until July 2020. 16 weeks is not a long time and I find that a bootcamp is best for structure, networking, building projects that will ultimately help you in landing a job.This program is not for thoroughly understanding algorithms, data structures or OOP concepts. It’s more hands-on getting you to build code rather than learning Computer Science concepts.Honestly, the material I learn at DC was not unique, I was told many times by different people that I could learn everything I learned at the cohort at home, which ironically due to the COVID-19 pandemic I did but through remote learning at Digital Crafts.The difference between self-learning online and attending Digital Crafts was structure, accountability and my fellow builders in the cohort. Assignments and projects have due dates, you must work in teams for projects and there is a sense of camaraderie. All these things kept me on track and responsible, an element that is missing from self-learning (depending on the person).Boot camps take a lot of commitment. If you’re thinking Digital Crafts does everything, they don’t. They give you tools to be successful; they offer you all the help you could want and more. Class starts at 9am but class does not end at 4pm. You must commit to reading, practicing and watch videos. Take other tutorials to find a way to understand what you have learned. Otherwise, you’re cheating yourself.Class is fast paced; you get 1-2 days on a topic and then you move on to the next. To be successful I would suggest using google and stack overflow, these will be invaluable as you go along in the cohort.The Instructor (Azam) was very personable and full of knowledge but he was also a real person. He let us know as developers you wont know everything; its almost impossible to. You will experience Imposter Syndrome, and eventually youll get over it. Its normal.Even today Im still googling, still asking questions on Stack overflow and Im researching new technologies.Digital Crafts will teach you how to code, how to interact with other developers and most importantly network. Something learning online for free can’t provide to you.

Review №46

The experience I had at DigitalCrafts would be hard to top anywhere. There is an exceptional energy within the classroom, and the culture is dedicated to learning as much as possible, as quickly as possible. There were several guest speakers who offered advice for the job hunt. The instructor was extremely passionate and seemingly tireless in his effort to ensure that every student was up to speed with every technology covered. The wide variety of technologies covered was the selling point for me, as it allowed me to really have an opportunity to figure out what I liked and gave me a more marketable skill set.DigitalCrafts has changed my life, and set me on an exciting and rewarding career path. I cant say enough to really express the benefit this course has given me.

Review №47

I heard about NuCamp from a colleague at work whod signed up for the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript course and was super excited about it - just before I signed up for a similar bootcamp whose price point was near the $10k mark. When I visited the NuCamp site to see what was being offered, at first I thought it was a too good to be true situation, as the lower pricing was mildly unnerving and I didnt trust it at first. However, after more research, consulting with my colleague, and finding out that I could go to classes after work, rather than quitting work to attend, I went ahead and signed up - I dont regret it at all! Though challenging, the coursework is engaging, the resources provided are super useful, and I love the sense of community that is fostered with the weekly workshops! Ill be back next month for the Full Stack Bootcamp. :)

Review №48

I wanted to learn a foundation to transfer careers. I enjoyed the course. I liked that it was mostly online, but had some interaction with an instructor.

Review №49

I recently graduated from Digital Crafts and it has been one of the best educational experiences I have ever had. The instructors are highly qualified, and took the time to work with students if they were falling behind or ahead of the class. The curriculum is designed to teach you the most marketable technology skill set.I definitely wouldnt have been able to gain the confidence and knowledge to become a web developer in such a short amount of time without Digital Crafts.

Review №50

Before this course I had never written a line of code in my life. I quit my job to try and become a developer in only 16 weeks. Most people would consider me crazy and at times throughout the course, I’d think they might be right. Learning a new discipline is never easy, but DigitalCrafts gave me the confidence to tackle anything new, coding or otherwise. If a former marketer and designer can learn to code then anyone can and I truly believe my journey wouldn’t have been possible without the curriculum and people at DigitalCrafts. They recognize that you’re making a big career shift and the main focus of the course is to prepare you for a job as a developer. If you have the chance, take this course. You will not regret the decision.

Review №51

I highly recommend attending the DigitalCrafts fulls stack immersive bootcamp for anyone, thinking about doing a career change or to just simply get the full understanding of software development. Our instructor, Chris was amazing, understanding, patient, fun and really knew how to explain everything from scratch while keeping everyone focused and entertained!

Review №52

Our team at Polar Notion just hired our first DigitalCrafts graduate. Thrilled with the baseline skills she brought to the table. Even though our primary tech stack was outside of that they taught in school, she confidently dove in and have proven to be a meaningful contributor to the team.I dont want to discredit the tenacity and discipline of this individual (which is incredible), but it also speaks to the engineering spirit they seem to nurture at DigitalCrafts.

Review №53

I can honestly say that this was one of the better decisions of my life.At first I was really reluctant and scared that I would not be able to succeed in this program but the instructor I had, Sean, was honestly great. Being his first time as an instructor we were both learning together and I was honestly amazed how fast he could learn things that he didnt know and teach those things to us right away. If you have any questions I can honestly say that he most likely has the answer (or knows how to google for the answer). If you ever find yourself falling behind he also takes extra time to make sure you are where you should be. I have learned a lot in these past 16 weeks and I do not regret applying for this program.

Review №54

Attending digitalcrafts was the best decision I could have made. The flex program allows people like me who work full time still get the value of a coding bootcamp, without having to quit their job to do it. Their instructors are top notch, all of the staff is available to help with any need, and I could not have had a better experience.

Review №55

DigitalCrafts is the top-rated bootcamp in Atlanta for a reason. After my very positive experience there, I would not hesitate to recommend their Full Stack Flex Program for anyone looking for a way to level up their software engineering knowledge and skills.

Review №56

Nucamp gave me my first look into the world of coding, and did I pretty great job at walking me through the basics/technicalities of things I knew NOTHING about. They make learning comfortable for beginners and those who may have some experience. Whether youre trying to find whats for you, or hone what you already know, Nucamp is the place for you.

Review №57

Would highly recommend. DC was such a great experience, from learning how to code, how to learn, networking, projects etc. Should be your only choice if youre looking for a bootcamp in Atlanta!

Review №58

I cant speak more highly about DigitalCrafts! Their staff are highly qualified and only seeks to give their best in everything they do! Thank you DC for preparing me as I embark on the next chapter!

Review №59

Nucamp is fantastic for those looking for a flexible and highly affordable bootcamp. This allowed me to continue working full time while pursuing a career in software development.

Review №60

The facilities and curriculum they offer are great. Plus the staff is knowledgeable and friendly.

Review №61

I had been trying to learn how to code for a few years before deciding to enroll at DigitalCrafts and I’m so glad that I did. It’s one of the best decisions that I’ve ever made! I learned so many invaluable skills and lessons during my time at the bootcamp that I missed out on while learning to code on my own. The curriculum was challenging and the group work fostered an environment for collaborative learning and growth. Throughout the course, we did a lot of pair programming and were required to build projects in small teams. It was a great opportunity to work in teams, resolve conflicts and to learn to use git version control effectively.You really only get out what you put. Expect to put in some serious time outside of class studying and coding. After all the blood, sweat, tears, and coffee…you will come out of the bootcamp with the knowledge and support to land your first coding job. You’ll also come away with some pretty great friends too!My only regret is not taking the bootcamp earlier. I would definitely recommend DigitalCrafts to any friends looking to transition into a career in coding.

Review №62

I chose Nucamp because it was way more affordable than other coding bootcamps. I was a little worried about it because I thought I would not have as much support. But, I was so wrong about that. My Nucamp instructor was amazing. He went above and beyond in making sure I understood the material. He communicated in a timely manner and would let me know if he was busy when I could expect a response. He thought me how to think and didnt just give me the answers. He was encouraging and helped steer me to resources so I could learn where to go when I had a question. The lecture videos were also great. They were bite-sized which helped me take in little bits of information at a time. They built upon each other in a way that was easy to follow. I did feel like some of the assignments were given without the full information needed to complete them but I think that was purposefully so that we would learn where to go to find the rest of the answers. The lectures gave enough of a foundation to complete each assignment generally but they would throw in a challenge question and that would require a bit of research. As someone who had zero knowledge of coding going into this class, I feel way more confident in my coding ablities!

Review №63

By far one of the best decisions I ever made was to attend DigitalCrafts. I was looking for a way to improve upon my coding skills with the hopes of growing as a software developer. The lessons taught with DigitalCrafts far exceeded my initial expectations. Not only do I feel more confident within my abilities, I’m even more sure now than ever that this is the right career choice for me.The instructors were incredibly knowledgeable, patient and always available for sake of course work clarifications. I attended the full stack evening flex-immersive to which gave me the ability to maintain my full-time daily obligations and study in between classes. The curriculum offered was quite thorough and proved to be exactly what’s needed in the face of current industry-based standards. Throughout the program, I looked forward to joining an incredible group of enthusiastic and helpful classmates that simply added extra benefits to the experience.What’s even more impressive is that the entire staff at DigitalCrafts always went above and beyond to be of assistance with any additional areas of concern.

Review №64

Going to DigitalCrafts was the best decision of my life that I have made professionally. This 16 week full-stack bootcamp taught me all the necessary skills to grow my skills and gain employment as a software engineer (three weeks before graduation!). I owe it all to their amazing instructors and staff! They have an amazing curriculum and instructors that are unmatched. If you have the passion and drive to go all in and change your life, DigitalCrafts is the perfect place to make this happen! Thank you!

Review №65

As someone who was in the middle of getting a CS degree, I decided to take the leap and join DigitalCrafts to jump-start my development career. At first, I was a bit wary of taking the leap and putting my degree progression on hold, however after finishing the program I can happily say it was a move I do not regret at all. The amount you learn in the 16 weeks is almost incompressible, but the way everything is arranged makes the flow of learning very smooth. Everyone there is ready and willing to help and Chris, our instructor, was great. Made the material fun and gave us enough freedom to learn the way we wanted to. Very few things in life can change your life for the positive in just 4 months, If me, 4-months ago, saw me, now, I wouldnt believe the things I know to do. If anyone is even interested, I would say schedule a walk around the campus with DigitalCrafts and see for your self. It is an experience I am more than happy have taken. Also, the Atlanta Tech Village is a great area to have school, the environment feels great and you really get a vibe for the start-up industry.

Review №66

I just completed the program and it exceeded my expectations in every way possible. The instruction is extraordinary, the class size is perfect, the curriculum is rigorous and challenging (but doable as long as a student is committed), the career support is extremely helpful, and the administration truly cares about the ongoing progress and success of every student. Id recommend digital crafts to any prospective student as long as they are ready for a challenge and are willing to put the work and time in necessary to be successful in such a immersive program.

Review №67

After leaving my finance job to transition into tech I was nervous about which coding school to attend. I have to honestly say in hindsight choosing DigitalCrafts was by far and large the best decision of the bunch. My instructor Chris was one of the best teachers I have ever had across any discipline. He is incredibly smart, thoughtful, and helpful.The sixteen week program was also a huge benefit. Given that I was starting from only a self-study programming background, with no formal education, the extra time spent working with Chris and my fellow classmates was crucial. I can honestly say I learned a ton during my time here. I was also fortunate to receive a job offer to be a Software Engineer in week 14 of the 16 week program., to cap off an overall excellent experience.

Review №68

My time at DigitalCrafts was amazing! They took something that should have been impossible to learn in 16 weeks, and put it within my grasp.

Review №69

I have my first job offer mid cohort. The curriculum we have covered thus far, the people I have met and the personal attention of the DigitalCrafts staff have directly contributed to my success. For me, it was a wise investment and I have no regrets.

Review №70

One of the reasons why I chose Nucamp was because of the price, its very affordable, and because they offered online par-time classes.Nucamp helped me a lot to understand the basics of html, css and javascript.The professor on the videos was very knowledgeable and explained the material in a very understandable way. Also our workshop instructor was very talented and very optimistic by motivating us and explaining us if we were struggling to understand certain material.I highly recommend Nucamp to anyone working full-time jobs and because of the affordable price.

Review №71

If you are looking for a bootcamp for web development you can not go wrong with DigitalCrafts. The instructor is great and there is an excellent balance of instruction and lab time. I am six weeks into the program and genuinely surprised at the things I am able to create, none of which I could have imagined just a few short weeks ago.

Review №72

What a great experience I had at DigitalCrafts. I had wanted to become a developer for a long time and saw the bootcamp as a path to make that happen. It worked. Im now employed as a software developer and landed a job that started immediately after graduation. The course was very complete and you will work very, very hard for 16 weeks. The instructor(Toby) was fantastic. The support from the folks at DC was awesome also. That was something that I didnt realize would be so important until I got there. You cant go wrong with DC.

Review №73

The best experience I believe I could have had. I learned a ton, and I am in a better position career wise than I ever could have imagined. Even before graduating I received two offers higher than I have ever made. The instructors are great and so are the owners.

Review №74

If you are deciding which coding bootcamp is right for you, I know what you’re going through. I did my homework and finally decided on DigitalCrafts and it was the best decision I could have made.u2028Every day, for 16 weeks, I coded, learned, and explored each layer of the stack, gaining confidence along the way that allowed me to enter the job market for this new career, certain that I belonged.The instructors and staff at DigitalCrafts were a strong wind at my back- whether you realize it or not, you will passively drift closer to a career in web development. However, if you prepare yourself- you can sail into this exciting career comfortably!

Review №75

I first looked at code schools, AKA boot camps, six years, but they had not evolved to the point where they are today. After six years in tech/IT, I was accepted into DC the day before the November 2018 cohort started, but did not have enough time to get my financials in order, so I made the decision to start in February 2019. During the long four-month wait I was accepted into 2 other ATL-based code schools that were starting between November and December of 2018, but I never enrolled because each felt more like a factory assembly line turning out software engineers than an actual school.I am more than happy with my DigitalCrafts experience, they do everything in their power to help you succeed. There were times I felt overwhelmed with the material we were covering, but once I took a step back, I realized I had the resources I needed to make it.By far, the most critical resource DC offers is the DIRs(Developers-in-Residence) that saved me countless times throughout the program. Clare, April, Stan, Lauren, and Greg were my cohorts DIRs, and I owe them a huge thanks a million times over. The DIRs were essential in helping me understand TDD and debugging, the two coding processes I struggled with the most. The one-on-one tutoring/coaching sessions with the DIRs, that often lasted several hours at a time, is the reason I succeeded at DC.

Review №76

I cannot say enough great things about DigitalCrafts. The entire program was great and I am so glad I decided to attend the immersive full stack program they offer. It is definitely not something that should be taken lightly. It was a four month grind day in and day out. Even the weekends and holidays I was typically doing something coding related. But if you are up for the challenge you can go from a complete novice like myself to being ready and able to take a job as a software developer by the end. For my capstone I was able to make a fully functioning 2D RPG rouge-like videogame using React-Redux. This is something that before taking this course I would have never even dreamed of doing.The instructors are also best in class. They are willing to work with you to ensure you understand the material. As long as you are willing to put in the effort they will are willing to help you get to where you need to be. I can honestly say without my instructor Chris, this would have been a very different experience. Not only was he extremely knowledgeable and always able to help me with any issue, he made everything exciting and fun. His enthusiasm to help and teach this spread throughout the entire class and made learning that much better. I really could not have asked for a better instructor.If you are currently trying to decide if this bootcamp is for you I just have this to say. If you are willing to work hard and really devote yourself to learning programming then yes, this is a no brainer, I myself would do it again in a heart-beat and never once have I doubted my choice. But it is alot of work, if you arent sure you want to fully commit yourself this may not be the program for you as it is easy to fall behind. You really will get out what you put in. But if you put in the work, you will come out a prepared junior developer ready for your first job, it wasnt unheard of for someone to get hired before the camp even ended.

Review №77

I finished a Full Stack Immersive Program in May 2018 in Atlanta.It was an awesome experience. The stuff was very helpful and supportive. Of course, it was challenging, but the instructors were always there for me. If youre committed and ready to put some extra work after class, youll find this bootcamp an amazing learning opportunity. Highly recommend!I would genuinely like to thank everyone in DigitalCrafts, but especially Jonathan Martin for answering all of my WHY?!

Review №78

I attended their Full-Stack Immersive program that ran from Sept 2018 to Jan 2019 and loved it - the staff, curriculum, career services, and location are all amazing and worth the price of admission. Im now employed as a front-end software developer thanks to what I learned at DigitalCrafts. Look me up on LinkedIn if you have questions about DC or feel free to check out my GitHub (gfore) to see some of things I built while there.

Review №79

Earlier this year I decided to quit my job and attend the Full Stack Immersive Program at DigitalCrafts. I had no prior coding experience, so I was definitely nervous about understanding the material and keeping up with the pace.The four months were definitely a roller coaster ride. There were days that I would quickly grasp concepts and then there were days where I struggled to put code on the screen. And as easy as it was to second guess my decision on those days that I struggled, I saw my struggles as a sign that I was learning and challenging myself. I wouldnt be gaining anything if everything was easy. Learning fundamentals is stressed throughout the course instead of introducing the easier shortcuts right away. The curriculum is robust, so you get exposure to different areas of full stack development. The projects are awesome because they allow you to go through sprint-like scenarios that you may encounter in a job setting. The projects also allow you to own the project from beginning to end. You are coming up with the project idea, then you design and develop your project, and then you are able to deploy it for the world to see! The project weeks were easily the most exciting parts of this course!I truly enjoyed my time at DigitalCrafts. There is a reason why they are rated so highly. The staff was always supportive and there to help in any way they could. Our instructor, Jonathan, was so passionate about helping our class not only learn to code, but to code well. He emphasized the better and more conventional ways to do things and he encouraged us to avoid improper use of code. Jonathan had over a decade of experience but he was able to break down concepts and clearly explain them so that those of us with no coding background could understand. I feel well-prepared for my career change and I could not be happier with my experience! I definitely recommend this program to anyone looking to make the leap into web development!

Review №80

The technical instruction and overall experience at DigitalCrafts exceeded all expectations I had of a coding bootcamp and has changed my life in ways I never thought it could. I really cant say enough good things or write a review that will do it justice.Technologies covered: React, Redux, Express, Node.js, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Python, JavaScript, AWS, jQuery, Bootstrap, Materialize, RESTful API, Linux, GitHub, HTML, CSS, Apache Server, Ubuntu, and more.  The approach of DigitalCrafts, and most any coding bootcamp will be to teach you technologies that give you a strong programming foundation which allows you to easily learn additional technologies in the future or on your own. The DigitalCrafts curriculum hits the “full stack” and you will be well equipped to pick up other programming languages as your career progresses. If you learn and master the above curriculum, you will be well equipped to pick up whatever new technologies you’d like.Class size / available assistance: There is an instructor and two “DIRs” who are former students being paid to help you out in one on one situations. Between the three of them they were able to cover most everything the class could need at any given time. I got all the one-on-one support I could possibly use. I don’t know that even if I had my own personal tutor that I could have utilized them to learn more efficiently. Bottom line, any time I needed help, someone was there to help me.Instructor quality: If you go on the DigitalCrafts careers page and look at the salaries they offer to their instructors, you’ll know that they only hire the best and are willing to pay top dollar for top talent. My particular instructor founded the course curriculum and is a 5-star Udemy instructor. The instructor for the other cohort is a former manager at a well respected technology consulting firm in Atlanta. Their instructors are interviewed by the CEO directly and students are given opportunities to renew them multiple times throughout the course.Tech community experience: Quite simply, I don’t know how a bootcamp could produce a better community experience than DigitalCrafts. The class is taught in Atlanta Tech Village, a startup hub designed specifically for tech based companies located in the heart of Buckhead. I can’t imagine a better networking and tech culture environment exists in Atlanta.Job search: Most non-technical employees of DigitalCrafts are current or former recruiters whose current job is to get you employed. There is a thorough process to get you ready to enter the job market as a new developer. They offer you support and guidance in all your “career assets” including but not limited to: resumes, LinkeIn, GitHub, online portfolio, mock interviews, technical challenges, networking, cover letters, meetups, etc. As a student, you will have access to their employer network and job board and industry knowledge on where to look for opportunities and how to get hired.Cost / Financing: The cost of the bootcamp is competitive with others in the market. There are multiple financing options available through a third party. You are able to enroll in the class with no money down and can even borrow some spending money. The monthly payment requirements are kept to a minimum until you graduate. There are multiple different options which you can customize to your own needs. If you find a bootcamp in Atlanta that is less expensive, and are thinking of selecting it just for that reason, I highly recommend you make sure you consider the financial return of receiving a high quality education and experience. A couple hundred or thousand dollars difference on a bootcamp is completely irrelevant when you think about the big picture of your career and long term success. Pick the bootcamp that is right for you based on other factors and make your finances work the best you can.Attending DigitalCrafts was one of the best experiences of my life and one of the smartest decisions I’ve made for my career and overall happiness. If you’d like to talk further, please get in touch with me directly.

Review №81

As my bootcamp is winding down after an intensive 16 weeks Im beginning to realize how much I am going to miss DigitalCrafts. It has been one of the most fun and beneficial experiences of my life. Never have I been forced to learn so much in such a short period of time. Our instructor has been incredible. I am constantly amazed at his ability to teach us complicated subjects as well as help us troubleshoot our own projects. He is hands down one of the most patient people I have ever met. He was always willing to take as much time as needed to help you figure out a problem.DigitalCrafts dedicates time to help you make a portfolio and get it polished to send to employers. Their job placement assistance has been very helpful and Im extremely grateful for the help theyve given. It is currently a week before graduation and 5 of my classmates have received offers already.

Review №82

I concur with all the other positive reviews here. If you are thinking about attending a web-development bootcamp and have the means, do not hesitate to apply to DigitalCrafts. Instead of echoing my fellow graduates, Ill leave some advice to current and prospective students:Work hard. If you just go to class and go through the motions you wont get anything out of the program. When you go home for the evening dont just turn on the TV. Get your computer out and code. Youll be given homework which will typically be to expand on whatever you did in class that day. Push yourself to get better by doing so. You wont regret it and youll most likely enjoy it. Youll certainly get more out of it than watching reality TV. You WILL get frustrated. The good news is your instructor, developer-in-residence, and fellow students are there to help and encourage you so dont give up. If I can do it so can you.Bottom line: If I could, would I choose DigitalCrafts again? Yes, without a doubt!

Review №83

I completed DigitalCrafts Full Stack Web Development program in Atlanta. The entire experience was rigorous but very rewarding. The instructor we had was extremely passionate, dedicated, and knowledgeable. The curriculum moved rather quickly, which was expected. Although 4 months is not nearly enough time to cover everything, I felt like I had graduated with the tools necessary to pick up an unfamiliar technology or language quickly. I would highly recommend DigitalCrafts to anyone looking at bootcamps in the Atlanta area.

Review №84

Staff is incredible, the founders are very active with every element of the class, and the location is incredible. I checked out every bootcamp in Atlanta before attending and this was definitely the right choice.

Review №85

About five months ago, I made the craziest decision of my life: to quit my full-time job, move states, and join DigitalCrafts, with no background in technology. Now that Im finished and looking back, I can confidently say it was the best decision Ive ever made. Everyone at DigitalCrafts, from the students, staff, and instructors created the best, most optimized environment for learning. DigitalCrafts gave me access to tons of resources, from resume and portfolio guidance, mock interviews, and 480 hours of instruction, but by far the best thing they ever gave me was the empowerment to learn and try new things, things I was always too scared to try. The projects and knowledge Ive learned through this bootcamp will undoubtedly allow me to bring value to any future workplace, and the relationships Ive built with my fellow students will last a lifetime. I cant recommend DigitalCrafts enough, and if youre on the fence: Just do it. Take the leap. DigitalCrafts will do everything in their power to ensure your success.

Review №86

I researched bootcamps for a several years before choosing DigitalCrafts, and with its CIRR report (see below for more detail), comparatively high amount of instruction hours, raving reviews, and offer of in-demand programming languages taught in their curriculum, I chose DigitalCrafts.The curriculum is comprehensive and most current for fullstack development.The instructor I had was wonderfully meticulous, and taught us best practice in coding protocol. He redirected those of us who drifted off-road of the best practice coding, with grace and patience. His methodology of teaching was to cause a lot of active learning, a proponent of existing in a constant level of struggle to facilitate learning. What this meant is the program wasn’t easy, but my curiosity couldn’t have been more piqued by what I was being exposed to. He provided enough background information to let independent coding commence, but not enough to avoid subsisting in that level of struggle that the instructor favored.This course brings with it a kinship to the classmates you struggled along side of during the 4 month long course, which for me wasn’t recognizable until the last few days together.Speaking of the other classmates, I’ve witnessed classmates earn jobs before the graduation of our cohort, securing salaries that the report on Council on Integrity in Results Reporting lures you into the program with. The promise of a job isn’t a lie, but it is a result of networking and job applications. On their slack channel, DigitalCrafts (DC) publishes almost on a daily basis job prospects that you either apply directly to, or submit your resume to DC’s career counselor for consideration.This experience has felt like it has been life-altering, but that’s also dependent on my commitment to continue with a forward momentum into this industry - by studying, active networking, and consistency in submitting job applications.I have no regrets, and encourage you to do an on-line web development course to assess your true interest. If your interest persists after the on-line course, sign up for DigitalCrafts’ bootcamp.

Review №87

I could not string together words in an efficient enough way to accurately describe how amazing my experience was at DigitalCrafts. Every step of the cohort was an amazing experience. Each member of the staff genuinely cared about the success of each and every student. Zakia and Liz work especially hard to make sure students are content and successful throughout the cohort.My instructor was Johnathan and I cannot speak high enough about his skills as a teacher. He is a true genius and brings a great energy and heightened level of charisma to all of his lectures. He placed importance on learning the basics and foundations of programming - we would often learn stuff the hard way first before moving on to material that better solves the problem at hand. This way we knew exactly what was going on behind the scenes when we were using certain functions in our programming.Johnathan and our DIRs Rachel and Ben were all amazing - they were always eager to help someone through an issue, but they would never provide the answer. They would make efforts to guide the student towards to solution so the student could truly have that, AHA! moment when they understand the problem and the solution.I attended college for 4 years and I can honestly say that I learned more in this immersive cohort than I did when I was at college, that is because I was learning entirely new languages and problem solving skills that were mostly foreign to me.I had already had a foundation in CSS, JavaScript and HTML - but anything related to the backend, databases or React was entirely foreign to me. I walked away from the program able to make a fully functional app that I believe in, am passionate about and could garner investment from the right crowd.If you are considering a bootcamp in the Atlanta or Houston area - I would tell you not to look any farther than DigitalCrafts. They are very good at what they do.

Review №88

I gained a lot out of DigitalCrafts. The curriculum is fast-paced and even the material that I thought I had already learned was presented in a new light. I learned to think critically about not just how to program, but how to program well - what design patterns were elegant and what patterns should be avoided due to inefficiency or likelihood to cause bugs. The curriculum was geared towards developing a strong foundation of skills and then challenging students to figure out the more advanced tooling in teams.The team projects were both difficult and enlightening. Working in groups, we learned both how to use tools to manage project collaboration, something you just dont learn on your own, and explored techniques and technologies that were not directly taught in class. In a field where new technologies are being developed all the time, developers must adapt and be ready to learn and implement them to stay relevant in the field.We built full-stack applications with multiple features, having to set up database tables, backend routes, and front-end dynamic interfaces for each feature. This incremental development across the stack reinforced the skills learned in class. In addition, we built what we wanted to build, so we repeated implementations of technologies on intrinsically motivating projects, while learning new things required for each additional feature. I cannot think of a better way to learn.The instructor was personable, dynamic, and interesting. The class environment was supportive and positive. The staff was full of friendly, helpful people.I highly recommend this program.

Review №89

I just graduated from DigitalCrafts Full-Stack Immersive in-person class. Its 16 weeks of hard work. I very carefully looked at every way I could find to learn the material they offer, and finally settled on this class. It was sooo worth it.I really didnt expect such a wonderful, professional school in the heart of Buckhead, with current knowledge of the industry and lots of contacts in the local community. They had outside companies come in and tell us about what it was like in the current job market and a field trip to a local company to see what it was like. They have software developers come in and do practice interviews and give us feedback. They give feedback on our resumes. Its incredible how much they do.The founders, Max and Jake, and the staff, Liz and Zakia, and the instructors, Rob and Jonathan and Chris, were absolutely amazing. They are running a quality school, listening to the students, and every one of them work very hard every day to make it a great experience. The instructors were knowledgeable, patient, and experienced. The staff was really helpful, and the founders frequently stopped by the class to ask personally how we were doing, and listened when I told them.The students in the class formed a great, supportive group and would help each other (and me) when it was needed. The building the school is in is the Atlanta Tech Village, which is dedicated to tech startups, and the atmosphere is truly wonderful. Everyone in the building is friendly and supportive. Ive never been anywhere like it.I really appreciated the fast-paced curriculum. The daily deadlines pushed me to work really hard to keep up and learn the huge amount of data needed to do a boot camp this fast. I cant believe we went through all those topics. I really wanted to learn the skills to become a full-stack web developer quickly, and this turned out to be the best way to do it. I cant recommend them enough.

Review №90

I just graduated from DigitalCrafts about a week ago. While I have taken classes on and off, I have no college degree, and have worked in the restaurant industry for around five years. I wanted to do something more with my life and after some free online classes, programming seemed like a great direction. I was tired of taking college classes that didnt interest me just for required credits, so after doing some research, a bootcamp looked like a great alternative.Looking at the website and during the application process, I came in thinking I would be learning a lot of python, since I had taught myself some and found it interesting. During an interview with the team, they mentioned python is just used to introduce some core programming concepts. We spent two weeks in python, then moved to javascript the remainder of the bootcamp. This is a web development course, so make sure that is what you are interested in.I also took the comptuer science elective course, which I think was very important knowledge to know in general, but not super applicable to writing code in javascript. After graduation, you could be getting a job writing in languages other than javascript so having the computer science knowledge will be a good start.DigitalCrafts was a great experience all around. My instructor, Chris Aquino, is not only extremely knowledgable about the material, but is a wonderful teacher, which can be more important at times. The student services and operations teams were always there to make sure I was productive and comfortable, and constantly giving me opportunities to connect more with the coding community and potential employers. I feel extremely confident about finding a job that I can create a career out of.

Review №91

Very good! enjoy the course!

Review №92

I am currently a student in DigitalCrafts, a 16-week immersive course + ios. I have just finished Week 7, and so far I am enjoying the entire experience. So far the immersive program has been challenging but rewarding. New topics are presented every couple of days, and while they may initially seem overwhelming, the material is presented and explained in such a way that I am able to grasp the concepts quickly and move forward. Rob, our instructor, also gives us projects that incorporate prior topics, and this really helps to build my confidence in the skills that I am learning. Rob is an excellent instructor who is very generous with his time and goes out of his way to make sure that everyone understands the concepts that are being covered. The pace is fast, and it definitely takes a lot of effort and hard work to become comfortable with all of the new skills we are learning. But everyone working at DigitalCrafts has been willing to help and I genuinely believe they want every student to be successful. Im almost halfway through the course and Im quite happy to be a student at DigitalCrafts.

Review №93

I honestly had no idea how much DigitalCrafts would help me grow, not just professionally, but as a human. If you are serious about learning, then DigitalCrafts is where you need to be.

Review №94

I would strongly recommend DigitalCrafts as a coding bootcamp in Atlanta! In sixteenish weeks, I learned so much more about web and app development than I thought I would, or would’ve been able to learn alone. If you want to become a software developer, this is a great program— it’s still a short amount of time for the breadth of concepts and technologies you cover, but I feel like by the end, I have a sense of how much I don’t know, and a strong foundation to help me figure out exactly what I need to keep learning.

Review №95

I cant rave enough about my experience at DigitalCrafts! Chris is one of the absolute best instructors Ive ever had. His explanations are not only super thorough, but also very entertaining. He never hesitates exploring new topics if students are curious. He is also the most patient and non-judgmental person Ive met. Even if you have the most basic question or issue in your code, he is more than happy to walk you through it and is never patronizing. Chris is also very encouraging if youre interested in branching off and learning technologies for your projects outside the React, Node, Express, PostgreSQL stack they teach during the program. He is extremely knowledgeable about a wide variety of technologies and is always eager to help you research any in the rare case he is unfamiliar with it.The admin team is super personable, supportive, and on top of everything. They get to know, and care about each of their students personally and are always happy to connect you with employers and potential opportunities. They provide resume and portfolio reviews, invite guest speakers to recruit for their companies, organize field trips, and set you up with real client-facing work with local nonprofits for group projects.If the program offers any elective courses (after the main 9-5 sessions), I recommend taking those as well. I took the computer science fundamentals class with Tamby and it was very beneficial not only for interview prep, but also increasing my sense of confidence in my CS skills.I am so grateful to have learned all that I did during the past 4 months, and to have made lifelong friends. If you get the opportunity to study at DigitalCrafts, I highly recommend doing it. Its a lot of hard work but it will change your life for the better.

Review №96

I completed the immersive 16 week course at DigitalCrafts Atlanta location. I came in knowing light HTML and CSS and what a crazy journey its been.The staff was always friendly and helpful, both before starting and during the 16 weeks (even when I asked 1000x questions). The teacher was incredibly knowledgeable, patient, and able to keep the class laughing. I loved the small class size. I felt I could truly have a moment of either the TAs or teachers time and go through concepts I was having troubles with.Overall, DigitalCrafts was a great experience. Its not easy, but the teachers, staff, and my classmates made it a wonderful 16 weeks.

Review №97

As testimonials go, Id like to share how I came to this juncture and the helpful hints I learned along the way. Before I commited to DigitalCrafts, I researched dozens of coding bootcamps. My reccomendation is for you to do the same. Pick up the phone and call them. Thats was the beginning of my relationship with DigitalCrafts. From there, I met to discuss my goals and reservations. DigitalCrafts answered candidly and supportively. I was actually interested in attending a earlier cohort but reached a mutual understanding that the cohort I ended up joining was the best financial decision for me.Another huge decision was the location. The Atlanta Tech Village is the fourth largest tech hub in the country and constantly connecting students with the heart of tech culture and opportunities in Atlanta. Its a creative space for entrepreneurs and business to come together to create amazing things. Rooftop lounges, nap rooms, a gym, free coffee and beer certainly dont hurt either!If youre like me, thats not why youre paying for the in-person experience though. You benefit from lecture, one on one explanations and working on teams to achieve ambitious goals. Hands down, this has been my favorite part of my DigitalCrafts experience. You will come to appreciate the vast amounts of knowledge you have to learn from your instructor and may be surprised to discover what you can learn from your peers as well.Knowing the team as well as I do, this speaks to their core values and philosophy. Its Mom-and-Pop style bootcamp experience. The key to doing well in this or any bootcamp is understanding that you get out of the experience what you put into it. DigitalCrafts cant magically turn you into a software engineer but they can give you every necessary tool and instruction needed to become one.If you decide youre interested and get accepted, I cant emphasize enough how imperative the preliminary course-work is. Do not make the mistake of blowing these assignments off. They are necessary preparation and a good indicator of what you can expect in the first weeks of the course. When youre in the thick of it, remember, its a marathon, not a sprint. If youre up for the challenge, DigitalCrafts may be for you!

Review №98

As a recent graduate of the 16 week DigitalCrafts program, I have to say it was the best decision I’ve ever made! From the amazing people I met there to the intricate and versatile curriculum they offer, I feel confident walking into the web development industry as a competent coder. Every DigitalCrafts team member genuinely cares about your success as a coder and strives to help you be the best version of yourself. They offer endless career support and maintain solid relationships with great companies across the Greater Atlanta area including companies like Home Depot, Chik-Fil-A, and the countless start ups in the Atlanta Tech Village community. For anyone looking to get into the web development industry, I highly recommend DigitalCrafts!

Review №99

DigitalCrafts does a great job of taking career changers from all walks of life and teaching them the skills needed to become Full-Stack Web Developers in a short amount of time. The team understands the value of engaging and highly qualified instructors to teach the class, and the curriculum continues to be current in the ever changing world of web development. DigitalCrafts is invested in the future of each student, and this shows in heir willingness to work with each student individually on his/her portfolio, resume, and online presence. I truly believe that DigitalCrafts is the best coding bootcamp in Atlanta and would absolutely recommend DigitalCrafts to anyone looking to get into Full-Stack Web Development. Without a doubt, I would attend DigitalCrafts again.

Review №100

I grew up in China and came to the U.S. for my masters degree in Sports Management at Florida State University. After working for both college and professional sports’ teams as well as Parks and Recreation departments, I knew that I wanted to work in a more creative and challenging environment where I could also have a positive impact on the community. Web development is a perfect way to combine these attributes while cultivating an invaluable skill.I started off teaching myself coding through online tutorials and later joined my first coding bootcamp where I realized that I love programming and wanted to pursue my passion. Shortly after, I started the full-time immersive coding bootcamp at DigitalCrafts and graduated from the program in August 2017.It has been such a great experience for me. Not only that I was able to get a job right after my program ended, but also that the tremendous amount of support I received from the staffs during and after my program. My instrucor is Rob who has 15+ years of experience as a web developer. He helped me to build a solid fundation of web programming and also pushed me to go above and beyond. I was able to build an Alexa app for my final project which I never imaged thats something I could do before the program. They also helped me during my interview process, giving me advice on how to negotiate with employers, helping me to make the right career decision. I could not have done this without their support.If anyone who is considering to go to a bootcamp, I would highly recommend you to check out DigitalCrafts! #DCforLife

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4.9 Rating
  • Address:3423 Piedmont Rd NE #420, Atlanta, GA 30305, United States
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  • Phone:+1 833-327-2387
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  • Adult education school
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  • Technical school
  • Training school
Working hours
  • Monday:9AM–5PM
  • Tuesday:9AM–5PM
  • Wednesday:9AM–5PM
  • Thursday:9AM–5PM
  • Friday:9AM–5PM
  • Saturday:Closed
  • Sunday:Closed
Service options
  • Online classes:Yes
  • Onsite services:Yes
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